UWF: Mock Draft IV

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Submission Match

Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper

The match begins with Piper getting the upper hand after he did an eye poke when the refs backed was turned. Piper the first half of the match working on the mid section, and the head. Hart was kept under control for the first several minutes of the match, until Piper went for the pile-driver and it was reversed.

Hart then took advantage while Piper was lying on the ground, he was Working on both knee's and legs, with multiple leg locks, Hart then locked in the figure 4, but Piper was able to get to the ropes, the ref counted to 3 before Hart relinquished the hold.

The ref pushes Hart out of the way because Piper was holding on to the ropes, Piper was able to get to his feet before Hart had any more offense.. Piper is now on two feet standing tall, but is feeling the pain because of the working on the leg, Hart begins to run at Piper but Piper moves out the way and and Hart falls to the mat. Piper is now attempts to work on the body while Hart is on the ground, Piper attempts a fist to the head, but Hart moves out of the way.

They are both attempting to get to their feet, Hart gets to his first, he attempts a punch to the head, but Piper counters, Piper then attempts a punch to the head, Hart ducks, and does a back suplex, he then begins to work on the legs while Piper is on the ground, after countless kicks to the legs, and knees, Hart goes in for the sharpshooter, before Piper is able to reach the ropes he is forced to tap out.

Winner Brett " Hitman" Hart

SPW Heavyweight Title Match

Vince McMahon vs Bobby Lashley

The match begins with look down in the middle of the ring, as Lashley reaches out his hand, Vince clocks em across the forehead. Lashley is fast to his feet, and attacks Mr McMahon with a devastating clothesline, as McMahon is on the ground, Lashley picks him up puts him over his head for what looks to be a Running Powerslam, but McMahon wiggles off the shoulder before the move is finished, McMahon then clubs lashley in the back of the head with a forearm, Lashley falls to the ground, McMahon sets him up onto his buttocks, and locks in a rest hold, McMahon is pullings, but it isn't over powering Lashley, Lashley then begins to sit up while McMahon is still in the lock, they are now both standing, with McMahon still in the rest hold, Lashley finally escapes with a kick to the knee.

After the kick to the knee, Lashley then comes out on the offense with a powerslam, and several stops to the stomach, Lashley lifts up McMahon and faces him forward, they begin to grapple with Lashley overpowering Vince, Vince then digs deep and kicks below the belt,Lashley lets go of the grapple and McMahon begins to go on the offense with several punches, but Lashley attacks back with punches of his own, he then whips Vince off the ropes, but Vince reverses it with a clothesline, he does a knee to the head, then lifts up Lashley, and attempts a stunner, but Lashley counters it, Lashley then attempts to go to the dominator.. He lands the dominator close to the ropes, goes for the cover but before the 3 count Vince gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Arn Anderson then begins to make his way to the rings,

Lashley is in position to go for the spear, McMahon begins to get to his feet, iti s a struggle, as lashley runs towards Vince, Vince ducks, and rolls out of the ring.

Lashley, then goes after McMahon outside the ring, he picks up McMahon and rolls him into the ring, Lashley goes for the cover, but Double A jumps on the ring apron, and distracts the ref, McMahon seizes the opportunity, and kicks Lashley in the nuts, the ref turns around before he sees anything, and McMahon goes for the cover, 1-2-3.

Winner and still SPW heavyweight Champion, Vince McMahon

Vince with a grin on his face stares at Anderson, while Anderson makes his way to the back

First Round Match

Macho Man vs Steamboat

this match begins with Savage on the offensive, he lands several punches to the head of Steamboat, eventually knocking him to the ground, while Steamboat is on the ground, Savage does a couple knees to the head, eventually dazing Steamboat, finally after the second set of knees to the hit, Savage lifts him, up. face forward, Savage then sets up for what looks to be a body slam, but Steamboat uses his weight and Savage then isn't capable of lifting Steamboat up.

after the miss opportunity with the Body slam Steamboat takes advantage, hitting arm drag after arm drag, finally keeping Savage to the ground, Steamboat then begins working on the lower body with kicks, and knees to the guts, Steamboat then begins to climb the turnbuckle, waiting for Savage to get to his feet, after staggering, Savage is finally on his feet, Steamboat attempts a diving cross body, but Savage somehow moves out the way letting Steamboat fall to the ground

Savage then begins to lift him up, sets him up for the piledriver, he hits it, Steamboat is on the ground, Savage begins to kick the chest once again trying to keep him down, finally after several elbow drops and kicks to the chest Steamboat is finally down, Savage climbs the turnbuckle, jumps off, hits the flying Elbow drop, before the refs hand hits for the 3 Steamboat kicks out

Savage isn't happy, he runs to the ref and begins to argue, Steamboat with all the power he has left runs over attempts backslide pin but only gets a two count, Savage is in shock....

finally, Savage gets to his feet, and lifts up Steamboat, landing slap after slap to the chest, Steamboat falls to the ground, Savage makes his way to the top rope, jumps off, hits the elbow drop, 1,2,3.

Winner Via Pinfall Macho Man Randy Savage

First Round Match

John Cena vs Jake Roberts

the match begins with Cena getting the upper hand, he knocks Roberts to the ground with a running shoulder block, Cena then begins to jump atop ROberts, landing coountless times with a fist to the head, 8 fists to the head to be exact, Cena relinquishes at 8, after the 8 punches Cena makes his way to his feet, after he makes his way to his feet, he moves ROberts up, setting up for several sleeper holds, Roberts doesn't tap....

Finally after the third sleeper hold, Roberts makes his way to his feet, countering a punch from Cena, Roberts then took advantage from Cena's only mistake, ROberts then begins to go on the offense, landing several moves, and one was a modified sleeper hold, making Cena dazed, ROberts then begins to go for the DDT, but Cena punches roberts to the gut, relinquishing the DDT

Cena now begins to go on the offense, with several punches and blows to the chest, but that isn't enough, ROberts pulls back setting for a fist to the head, but Cena ducks, while Roberts is turned around Cena then attempts the spinning powerbomb, it is successful, Cena then goes for the cover, but only getting a one count, Cena makes his way back to his feet, he begins to kick ROberts once again, Cena then goes in for STFU, but before Roberts submits, he is able to grab the Ropes, Cena, looks a little worried that he was not able to make Roberts submit after locking in the STFU.

But Roberts is still dazed, and Cena well isn't Cena then begins to make his way back to his feet, but in a last desperate move, Roberts grabs the ankles tripping Cena, Cena makes a hard fall, Roberts pulls himself up with the help of the Ropes makes his way over to Cena, Roberts then goes for a pin, Roberts being cocky goes for a pin with his back on Cena's chest, and only grabbing one leg, Cena then is able to reach under Roberts rolling him over for a quick 3 count.

Winner via pinfall John Cena

First Round Match

Andre vs Abyss ....

the match begins with Andre on the offensive, it was this way throughout, the Monster Abyss's power was not capable of matching up with the Giant. Andre begins to work the head with several standing elbow drops, eventually knocking Abyss to the ground

This is where it started to go down hill for Abyss because he was never able to make his way to his feet again, Andre then begins to do several elbow drops to the mid-section, after the several Elbow drops, the Giant is standing over Abyss', the Giant falls, with the force from his rear, Abyss is now lying their without moving, Andre goes for the cover, but out of instinct, Abyss kicks out, Andre not really taking into matter, gets back to his feet, then throwing his huge body onto Abyss, but Abyss rolls out of the way before Andre hits the body splash....

Abyss then attempts to makes his way his feet, along with Andre, Abyss makes it first but his attack is having a hard time against the Giant.. In a desperate move Abyss begins to run at the Giant, but the Giant grabs him falling down for what looked to be a Samoan drop, the impact was so hard, Andre goes for the cover and gets the three count...

Winner via pinfall Andre the Giant.

Light Heavyweight Title

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Jushin Liger

this match begins at a high fast pace, with both superstars flinging from every spot on the ropes, but then the match goes to a halt with both stars staying grounded, Rey finally begins to kick Liger, but Liger jumps in the form of a drop kick, and knocks Mysterio to the ground.

Liger then took advantage trying to make quick work of the Cruiserweight, Liger attempts to go to the top turnbuckle, but before he attempts the move, Rey springs to his feet, jumps up the turnbuckle and lands a hurricanrana, both superstars are down, but they both get to their feet at about the same time.

Mysterio then begins to go on the offensive, with several kicks to the legs... Mysterio eventually runs at my Liger hitting his move in to a bulldog. While liger is on the ground Rey begins to climb the turnbuckle, and he attempts a leg drop but liger out of instinct rolls out of the way.

Liger then took advantage of the little mans mistake, and Liger started going on the offensive, with several head scissors take down... FInally Liger lifts his up and sets him up for what looks to be a powerbomb, but Rey counters into a hurricanrana modified into a pin, Rey gets a two count but Liger kicks out.

There is a lot of back and forth action, but as soon as Liger runs at Rey, Rey sweeps his feet, with Liger falling in between the second turnbuckle setting up for a running feint kick followed by a spring board leg drop, and the 1-2-3

Winner and the new Light Heavyweight Champion, Rey Mysterio

Crowning of the Tag team Champs

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard(Brainbusters) vs Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy ( Faboulous Freebirds)

the match begins with Gordy and Anderson in the ring. The match begins with several missed opportunities, therefore no single team gets the advantage, but finally Gordy attmepts to start on the offense, with several punches but Anderson is quick to encounter with punches of his own, eventually knocking Gordy down, Anderson the begins working on the legs with several leg locks, eventually setting up the figure four, but Gordy counters it, supplying the pressure on Anderson, Blanchard jumps in, and saves his partner before he taps out, causing Gordy to stop the hold, Gordy then goes to tag in Michael Hayes.

Blanchard makes his way back to his corner, the fresher man Hayes then begins to attack Anderson, Hayes runs at Anderson knocking him down with a clothesline, Hayes then picks him up, but Anderson springs forward and tags in Blanchard.

The fresher man Blanchard begins to attack Hayes causing Hayes to fall to the ground. Blanchard now begins to work on the legs of Hayes, eventually setting up the figure four, but Hayes doesn't submit.

Blanchard lets go of the hold, makes his way to his feet, along with Hayes, they are both standing upright, Blanchard, attempts a kick, but Hayes grabs the leg, causing Blanchard to fall... Hayes then makes his way to Gordy and tags him in...

Gordy makes his way into the ring, like a bet out of hell, and attacks Blanchard..Blanchard is looking rather weak, and attempts to tag in Anderson, but it is denied. Gordy is taking advantage of the tired Blanchard, hitting a DDT, Hayes runs in knocks Anderson off the apron, while Gordy covers Blanchard for the 1-2-3

Winner, and new tag team champs... the Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes & Gordy)

Fatal 4 way elimination match
Mohammed Hassan vs SGT Slaughter vs Rick Rude vs Barry Windham
The match begins with Hassan attacking Slaughter, and Windham attacking Rude.

Hassan is taking advantage of the speed difference in the match up with Slaughter, hitting SLaughter with countless punches and eye rakes. While Rude is having his way with Windham.

Finally SLaughter is able to counter an attack and he is now on the offensive, Slaughter begins to work the body of Hassan, with several slaps to the chest. SLaughter whips Hassan off the ropes on the way back Hassan ducks the clothesline, and then coming off of the ropes hits one of his own, but not knocking Slaughter to the ground.

Rude is still having his way with Windham. Rude goes for a piledriver, but it is countered by the big man, Windham now begins to attack Rude

Hassan is trying everything to knock SLaughter to the ground but nothing is working... SLaughter then begins to use his size advantage doing power move after power move.. Hassan falls to the ground but quickly makes his way to his feet, Slaughter thinking he is down turns away and heads towards Rude and Windham but Hassan gets to his feet walks behind Slaughter taps him on the shoulder, Slaughter turns around and walks right into an STO... Finally, SLaughter is on the ground.. Hassan then attempts to lock in the Camel Clutch, he does and Slaughter is forced to tap out.

SLaughter is now eliminated and Hassan makes his way to Rude and Windham attacking Windham from behind knocking Barry to the ground.. Rude pushes Hassan away and then Rude begins to pick up Windham off the ground, hits the Rude awakening, and covers Windham 1-2-3.

Hassan begins to walk behind Rude while Rude is still on the ground, Rude gets to his feet, turns around, and walks into the STO... Hassan covers for the 3 count and the win.

Winner Mohammed Hassan
Nicely written - couldn't believe Arn Anderson screwed Lashley. I'll be expecting all shows to be trickling in now, by the way. Mine will probably be up later today.
PWA Presents All Out Assault

The crowd here in Toronto at the Skydome eagerly awaits the show to begin as they have seen the card and are hotly anticipating this sure to be exciting show.

Opening Contest
Winner Receives an Unknown Opportunity
John Morrison vs. Ultimo Dragon

Both come to the ring, Dragon appears to be on the good side of the crowd, while Morrison is generating some heat. Both men get to the ring and the ref does his pre-match routine before having the match began.

The two come to the center and shake hands, the early stages of the match see these two engage in some quick holds and arm drags, followed by a series of roll-ups, getting the crowd into the match. Morrison gets the upper hadn at the three minute mark after a solid kick to the knee followed by a chop block, he begins to work over this part of Dragon's body, using the ring and especially the posts to his advantage.

At the six minute mark, Dragon countered a suplex into a victory roll but only got two, Dragon was sent to the outside, Morrison tried a big corkscrew plancha, but he missed, Dragon then connected with a beautiful Asai Moonsault and the two began to brawl on the outside. The match was brought back into the ring soon and saw both men try and get in their high flying offenses, Dragon began to take control after a huge Dragonrana. Morrison kicked out of a textbook La Majistral cradle at the twelve minute mark.

The finish saw Morrison on the offensive after a split-legged corkscrew moonsault. He then had Dragon hooked for the rolling neckbreaker, but as he rolled Dragon broke the grip and spun out, he turned Morrison and lifted him into a Running Ligerbomb and picked up the victory.

Winner: Ultimo Dragon by pinfall in 13:37.

We go backstage and Jerry "the King" Lawler stands in front of the camera, he tells Race that tonight he will show that he is the best wrestler to don the nickname "King".

Match 2
"King" Harley Race vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler

The two come out and both get solid ovations from the crowd, who seems to be hot after the thrilling opening match. The two "Kings" circle the ring and the match begins.

The technical marvel that this match was expected to be was kicked off right away with the men using headlocks and armbars and many classic holds to try and wear down their opponent. After some stalling and brief rest holds, these two turned the technical slow down contest into a brawl, they traded strikes and each would land several small body slams or suplexes in the frey.

The crowd starts to get behind Race as Lawler starts trying to cheat here and there, the referee is continually warning him to not pull hair, to release holds after a five count and to not use closed fists. At the twelve minute mark, Race catches Lawler coming off the ropes with a knee to the head. Race nails a couple of body slams and then heads to the top rope, he leaps off with a fist drop, but Lawler got a boot up to block it. Lawler goes back on the offensive and continues to work the back of Race over, Race fires back with a series of powerslams, body slams and a big superplex.

In the end, both end up with Race going for another suplex from the top, Lawler knocks him back leaps with a fist drop, but Race rolls out of the way, and hits Lawler with a piledriver, he gets the three count.

Winner: Harley Race by pinfall in 16:21.

Cameras go backstage and there stands The Road Warriors, they say that here tonight they will be crowned the first champions in the PWA when they beat some impostors and "rich" guys. They promise a win here tonight for all their great and loyal fans.

Match 3:
PWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Triple Threat Elimination Match
The Road Warriors vs. Demolition vs. Money Inc.

The three teams come out, Money Inc came out first and IRS had a briefcase full of cash ready to offer to the other teams. Both teams decline by laying into Money Inc early, they sent them to the outside and Demolition and the Road Warriors stand off here in the early stages of the match. The crowd seems hot as these two teams have already called each other out several times before this first major show and the four erupt into a brawl in the center of the ring. The are just totally slugging it out, Demolition sends the Warriors to the outside and are trying to get the crowd going.

The ref finally restores some order and gets two guys to start the match, Hawk and Smash begin the match as Money Inc has avoided starting off the match. This one is a solid brawl, different from the last slowdown old-school technical contest and sees little involvement from Money Inc. Finally, they are forced in around the nine minute mark and all six start to trade moves in the middle of the ring, Animal and Smash become the legal men and as Ax brawls with Money Inc on the outside the Road Warriors connect with the Doomsday Device and pin Smash, eliminating Demolition.

The match now took a strange turn, Money Inc who was laying the shadows during the first fall comes out with an onslaught, isolating Animal from his partner and using heel tactics to weaken Animal. DiBiase and Rotundo just using textbook tag team wrestling and taking every advantage they could find. At the sixteen minute mark, Animal nailed a huge clothesline to Rotundo coming out of the corner and makes his way to the hot tag to Hawk, he cleans house on Money Inc and they appear to have DiBiase set for the Doomsday Device, but Rotundo runs in with a chop block to Hawk, he then knocks Animal down and crotches him on the top rope, DiBiase locks in the Million Dollar Dream, and after about fifteen seconds, Hawk taps.


DiBiase and Rotundo celebrate the win and the Road Warriors look pissed, the crowd is giving the Road Warriors a big ovation in the ring, but then Demolition comes running out from the back and jumps the Road Warriors, they lay them out and then bloody them with several viscious chair shots, Demolition leaves to boos from the crowd.

Backstage, Samoa Joe says that tonight he wil lshow everyone what he is capable of and prove that he can beat this so called "greatest SuperHeavyweight" of all time, he will make Vader pass out in the Kokina Clutch.

Match 4:
Samoa Joe vs. Vader

Both men come out to the ring and have a big staredown in the center of the ring, the bell rings and they start to trade some holds and then Vader knocks Joe down three times in a row with shoulder blocks, Joe looks frustrated and he tries one of his own, but Vader doesn't budge. This match starts showing just how powerful and dangerous Vader really is, everything Joe tries, Vader blocks it or comes back with the same thing but with more force.

Joe refuses to stay down here though and shows great resiliency when he keeps on getting back up. The turning point of the match saw Joe standing near the ropes, Vader charged, but Joe sent him out to the outside, Joe then hit a corkscrew plancha to the outside and tried to get an advantage, he starts trying to wear down the body of Vader by locking in a grounded bearhug, a body scissors and versions of a bow and arrow lock. Joe tries to avoid a slugfest as that would definitely favor Vader, at the eleven minute mark, Vader gets some shots in and the two start brawling, with Vader getting the upper hand, the referee keeps warning him to keep Joe out of the corner and to open the fists up, but Vader keep intimidating him and ignoring him.

At the fifteen minute mark, Joe is really feeling the effects of the Vader onslaught as he is now limping after several stiff shots to the leg. At the sixteen minute mark, Vader missed with a big moonsault. They locked up and Joe tackled Vader to the outside, they start brawling out there and end up in the crowd, after about a minute, the ref throws the match out due to a double countout.

Result: No Contest due to Double Countout at 16:48.

Cameras follow these two as they start to brawl around the arena, officials are following them around and trying to break the two apart, they eventually start using weapons and the brawl ends after Vader threw Samoa Joe through the window of the security booth!! Officials get him to leave and EMTs check on Joe, after about 45 seconds, he gets to his feet, his face is bloodied and he looks furious!!

Cameras cut to the back where Mankind says that later tonight he will achieve greatness again and Mrs. Foley's baby boy will become the PWA World Champion!! BANG BANG!!

Match 5:
PWA Junior Heavyweight Championship
Best 2 of 3 Falls Match
Dean Malenko vs. Christopher Daniels

These two get the least response from the crowd yet and don't seem to care as they both want to be the Junior Heavyweight champion. This one starts and as anticipated these two put on a total clinic on wrestling in the first four minutes, reversals, armdrags, suplexes, the works, Malenko starts to take control as we all know that he doesn't get frustrated.

Around the six minute mark, Malenko executed a sick back suplex that saw Daniels fall awkwardly on his neck, Malenko sees this weakness then goes on to exploit it, he works over the neck and upper back of Daniels, at the nine minute mark, Malenko locks in a Dragon sleeper that is really putting tons of pressure on the neck of Daniels, he has no choice to tap and concede the first fall for his own personal safety.

After the thirty second rest period, Daniels still looks badly hurt, he is playing cat and mouse with Malenko, trying to get him from the air, he knocks Malenko around and tries the Angel's Wings at the twelve minute mark, but it gets reversed, Malenko with a big kick staggers Daniels to the ropes, he flips Malenko over, but he lands on the apron. Daniels hits some forearms and then suplexes Malenko into the ring, he goes to the top for the BME, but Malenko moves, Daniels landed on his feet, as Malenko goes for a chop block, Daniels jumps over him, Malenko does an awkward roll and Daniels catches his legs over his body in a unique pin to get the three count and tie the matchup at 1-1.

Malenko looks pissed, but he settles himself down during the rest period, the third fall gets the crowd into it (behind Daniels) as Daniels continues to try the cat and mouse game, but Malenko now gets in a few more counters, he got near falls off a roll through on a cross body and a big dropkick to the gut on a moonsault attempt.

At the twenty minute mark, Daniels hit the Angel's Wings, but Malenko got the shoulder up just barely in time. Daniels is pissed and takes Malenko into the corner and perches him up top, Daniels goes for a top rope hurricarana, but Malenko blocks it with a sit-out powerbomb!! Daniels kicks out though!! The final finish sees Daniels miss another attempt at the BME but get his legs swept out and the Texas Cloverleaf applied, he cannot get to the ropes, he cannot reverse it and after a minute + long struggle he taps!


He celebrates the victory and the crowd applauds the tremendoes effort these two put out in the match.

Cameras go to the back with Chris Jericho and Owen Hart, they say that this pairing is a dream come ture for them, and that they are a force to be reckoned with. Unlike their opponents who people would rather see fight each other than team together.

Match 6:
Special Tag Team Attraction
Chris Jericho and Owen Hart vs. Chris Benoit and "Dynamite Kid" Tom Billington

This one is hot from the start as all of these guys are potential contenders for the PWA Championship. They all look mighty impressive here, especially in the beginning, Benoit and Jericho start the match out with nice chain wrestling counter for counter holds. Then Billington and Owen come in and do some flying, but stand off wrestling. Next its Owen and Benoit, and this is when Benoit starts to take advantage, he and Billington start to use textbook tag team wrestling working over the shoulder of Owen Hart.

The crowd is hotly into this contest and really getting into it when Owen shows signs of a comeback, but Benoit and Billington put the kibosh on all of them. After some stretching of the rules, Jericho comes in to try and get the ref to stop it. Finally at the nine minute mark, Owen gets the hot tag to Jericho after a springboard DDT to Billington. Jericho cleans house on Benoit and Billington, he gives each of them a powerbomb and then connects with a Double Lionsault, but Benoit kicks out. Owen comes in and he and Jericho lock Billington and Benoit in a Walls of Jericho and a Sharpshooter. They both get to the ropes at the thirteen minute mark.

After a free for all, the ref restores order as Jericho and Owen now start to pick apart and isolate Benoit. they are focusing on the legs, especially the right knee of Benoit. They use the same tactics Benoit and Billington used earlier and also get away with some bending of the rules. At the seventeen minute mark, Benoit catches Owen with two Germans and makes a hot tag to Billington, from here the match totally breaks down and sees a sequence of finishing moves, after a huge German over the top to the outside from Benoit to Jericho, Billington hits Owen with a Tombstone in the center of the ring, he and Benoit then go to opposite turnbuckles and connect with simultaneous Diving Headbutts to Owen and get the victory.

Winners: Chris Benoit and Tom Billington in 19:57.

After the match, Jericho goes back to the ring to help Owen, but sees Benoit celebrating the win on the middle rope as Billington exits, Jericho runs up and nails a sick reverse superplex to Benoit. Jericho stands over him and then gives him a face wash with his boot. Billington turns and sees this and comes to Benoit's aide, Jericho quickly exits. Owen eventually rolls out and questions Jericho's motives and they leave, Billington helps Benoit to the back.

We go to the back where the Rock cuts a promo ripping into Toronto, Foley and the roster saying that the Rock is the only star here and will carry the show to places they all never even dreamed.

Main Event:
PWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Featuring Special Outside Official/Enforcer: GM Stephanie McMahon
The Rock vs. Mankind

This one is absolutely electric, The Rock is drawing mega heat and the crowd is about 98% behind Mankind here. This one starts out in a brawl, both just trying to get in as many shots as they can. Mankind starts to take advantage, but the Rock rolls out to the outside and shakes it off. The Rock is playing scared and keeps leaving the ring, much to the shagrin of the crowd. Finally, Mankind follows him out there and the brawl ensues out there, they go face first into the announce table, the ring post and the Rock takes advantage after whipping Foley knee first into the ring steps. Rock starts to work over the leg of Foley in the ring with some rest holds. Foley fights back, but Rock continually takes out the leg, Foley finally hits a huge DDT and gets back into it.

The crowd is totally eating this one up and these two are playing their roles perfectly, the brawl goes to the outside again after a Cactus Clothesline. At the fourteen minute mark, they re-enter the ring with Mankind taking advantage. Atfer a near fall after the Double Arm DDT, Mankind goes into the tights and pulls out Mr. Socko, he goes to apply the Claw, but Rock ducks through and connects with a Rock Bottom!! He then gets going and delivers the most electrifying move in sports entertainment today, People's Elbow! NO- Mankind rolled out of the way, Rock rolls up to his feet, into the Mandible Claw. Foley takes him down, Rock is down, 1-2-3!!! This one's over, the bell rings. NO!!!! Stephanie McMahon jumps on the apron and orders the match to be restarted as the Rock's foot was underneath the bottom rope, nullifying the win. The crowd boos heavily at this ruling by Steph, but she was right.

The brawl continues and the Rock is lucky that Steph was out there, Mankind attempts another Double Arm DDT near the ropes at the twenty one minute mark, but the Rock spins out of it into the Rock Bottom! 1-2-3!!! The ref goes and gets the title, but Stephanie McMahon is on the apron, she points to the bottom rope and Mankind's foot was on the bottom rope during the pin, so this match will continue!! The crowd erupts and now Foley was bailed out by Steph.

The Rock is furious, he grabs Steph by the hair and is about to punch her, but Mankind comes charging in, Rock moves and he knocks Steph down to the floor by accident. Mankind looks upset, the ref goes over to check on Steph, Mankind backs up right into a LOW BLOW from the Rock, he then grabs him with a Rock Bottom in the center of the ring! The ref turns and sees the cover, 1-2-3!!! The Rock has done it!!


The Rock high tails it out of there with the belt as the crowd is booing the hell out of him, he gets out of there as fast as he can, Mankind, after a bit rolls to the outside to check on Stephanie. The show ends with the Rock standing at the top of the stage holding the PWA Championship over his head.​
^^^^^^^^^^ I hope to have this out Monday afternoon. Sorry but I most likely won't be able to finish tomorrow.
Hey guys.

You may have noticed that I havn't logged in for a week. I don't want to go into why, but this last week has basically been a complete shithole. Therefore... I havn't been able to write a show. However, I'm throwing myself on the mercy of the court. Can I have a 24 hour extension? I'll be able to write a good show as I'm on half term, and it'll only take me until tomorrow evening at the latest. If not, I'll understand a DQ, and may the best Derf win.
Hey guys.

You may have noticed that I havn't logged in for a week. I don't want to go into why, but this last week has basically been a complete shithole. Therefore... I havn't been able to write a show. However, I'm throwing myself on the mercy of the court. Can I have a 24 hour extension? I'll be able to write a good show as I'm on half term, and it'll only take me until tomorrow evening at the latest. If not, I'll understand a DQ, and may the best Derf win.

Wow... I didn't wanna say it, but I was thinking of dropping out... I had alot going on, and never finished my card, and progestenated way to much, and almost didn't get it done... I almost dropped out, untill I saw that last line of Cola's... I'm not winning, but I'm not dropping out either! I'm going to write my card right now!
Alright, 24 hours extension it is. Otherwise, you'll receive no points. As for me, I'm writing the last couple of matches right now.
I'm also writing my card right now, but I'm clueless on actually writing pure wrestling. So my Finlay/Noble match is gonna be tough... I already got everything else though of, including what will be considered a great sink or swim storyline.


International Showcase
Mistico vs. Yoshitsune

During the tests of his roster, Heyman noticed two talents in particular who he would like to acquire and bring to mainstream American wrestling - as he had done previously. To warm up the crowd at his four hour extravangza so much they might actually light on fire, he brought in the incredible high flyers Mistico and Yoshitsune. They would wow the world, and show people what IPW was really about.


The match started off slowly, and the crowd didn‘t appreciate it. The two were reluctant to tange up or deploy anything from their wide arsenal of supposedly exciting moves. If the crowd were to be exposed to something new and foreign, they wanted it to be exciting and, pun intended, cutting edge. They began to boo… and that‘s when it kicked off. The action suddenly became blisteringly fast, with the action moving back and forth and the only let ups being when either contestant ended up being thrown from the ring. Despite Mistico‘s atheltic prowess, it seemed that Yoshitsune was that much more impressive. The crowd noticed, and decided who they were backing. That‘s when the match turned in the Japanese man‘s favour and he began showing off, bouncing from once side of the ring to the other, dodging attacks and feigning moves. It got to Mistico and he lost his thoughts, being downed easily thanks to a series of innovative manoeuvres. Yoshitsune flew off the ropes in a Shooting Star Senton and finished off the match, much to the crowd‘s delight.

Winner by pinfall: Yoshitsune.


IPW Television Championship Tournament Match
Low Ki vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

One of the most agile and infamous big men in history would take on one of the most agile and versatile little men in wrestling history, in what Paul Heyman was sure would prove a brutal and crowd-pleasing affair; perhaps even an instant classic. Would he be right?


This match had a small warming up period, with Low Ki coming out as the more confident competitor earlier on, testing Bigelow by staying away from big man and delivering long range kicks. But Ki soon got too cocky, and Bigelow moves quickly to capitalize on it, putting on a fantastic show of not only strength, but speed. Low Ki had severe difficulty separating himself from a complete ass-kicking at the hands of Bigelow, an irish whip reversal and a jumping high kick allowing for the potential of a comeback seem more real. It was then that the smaller man began moving through his repertoire of signature moves, clearly being desperate for the kill. Bigelow was put onto his knees and Ki went to perform a roundhouse kick to the head, but the big man caught it and moved up to his feet, before delivering a powerful enzuiguiri and hitting the Bigelowsault soon after. But Low Ki wouldn’t be put away and kicked out. Bigelow raised him up only to have his legs swept from under him and a surprised Ghetto Stomp finish it.

Winner by pinfall: Low Ki.


IPW Tag Team Championship Tournament Match (Tornado Rules)
The Motor City Machine Guns vs. America's Most Wanted

Two tag teams that will go down in history sent messages to each other as they demolished the rest of the world's tag teams, showing off their contrasting abilities. Now they'd meet two on two, men to men, and prove who were the better team, and who should get the title shot.


Despite the crowd being pleased to see Chris Harris and James Storm reunited, the Machine Guns were the unquestionable fan favourites and acted accordingly, taking the fight right to their opponents. They laid them out on the outside initially, hitting them with numerous high-flying manoeuvres from inside the ring before bringing them inside the ring for a series of near falls. AMW, however, weren’t to be messed with. Storm was the first to pull the odd dirty trick to gain the advantage, and Harris quickly followed. The two put an outnumbered Alex Shelley flying into the crowd and through a table before returning to pick apart Sabin, although he could not be put away even after a Death Sentence. Shelley eventually made his triumphant return by breaking up a pin attempt and, with the help of a battered Sabin, sent Harris tumbling to the outside. Storm, outnumbered and outgunned, could do little to defend himself from a long assault of double team moves and a Cradleshock, followed by an unsuccessful pin. The return of Harris abruptly turned the tides as this time Sabin was sent tumbling to the outside after a hidden shot with handcuffs and an Eye of the Storm. Shelley fought back but was ultimately the victim of a super kick and a Catatonic.

Winners by pinfall: America’s Most Wanted.


IPW World Heavyweight Championship No. 1 Contender Match (Steel Cage)
Triple H vs. CM Punk

The Game was infuriated that he wasn't included in the championship match, and demanded that Heyman amend his error in judgment. The GM merely informed him that if he wanted a title shot, he'd have to prove himself... against the man with two victories over him already in Eric Bischoff's SEI promotion, CM Punk.


The feeling out period of this match was non-existent. After several previous encounters, Punk and the Game knew each other well and so got straight into action - Triple H unexpectedly picking up a large amount of crowd supports; the likes of which matched Punk‘s. Neither would have mercy for the other, considering the wars they had already been through and so, in a steel cage environment, the brutality was non-stop and the blood flowed in copious amounts. Victory by pinfall was in effect, but nothing could keep either competitor down - not a GTS, not a Pedigree, not a Pepsi Plunge, not even a shot from a hidden sledgehammer. After a vicious collision in the middle of the ring - the result of Punk and Triple H going for running leg strikes at the same time - the two rose to their feet and begin crawling up the same side of the cage with all they had, fighting all the way. The two got to the outside after a prolonged battle at the top and a referee moved in to judge whose feet would hit the ground first. He didn‘t count on a surprise kick from the Cerebral Assassin, however. Punk hit the ground first, HHH moments after, but the latter threw the former at the cage, and Punk clung on my instinct. The referee recovered long enough to look up to see Triple H on the ground, and the bell was rung as a result.

Winner by escape: Triple H.


IPW Tag Team Championship Tournament Match (No DQ)
The Latin American Xchange vs. The Briscoe Brothers

Paul Heyman, genius as he is, split his four tag teams into a miniature tournament. In the second tournament match scheduled to take place, the Briscoes would take on Homicide and Hernandez in a match that the sadistic general manager made no holds barred to bring out its full potential. Is it time for the Latin Americans to man up and make the Briscoes yet another example in their revolution?


The two teams collided with a force in a fast-paced and bloody match. It seemed that LAX had the early edge due to their mix of both speed and strength, but the Briscoes managed to counter it with superior teamwork.. Neither team showed care for either their own or their opponents wellbeing, tossing themselves and each other around like rag dolls. LAX, however, took the advantage with the first introduction of weapons - a cheese grater in particular doing irreparable damage. A missed dive took Hernandez out of the running momentarily though, and the two brothers took advantage, tossing Homicide about the ring as if their was no tomorrow, and putting him through the same table three times. Hernandez came back with a fury, throwing Jay from the ring to the entrance ramp with a devastating Border Toss. Hernandez and Homicide grew more confident and showboated with Jay out of the ring, much to the crowd‘s displeasure. Homicide retrieved a bottle of tequila and spat it into the eyes and cuts of Mark but, noticing Jay beginning to hobble back to the ring, sacrificed himself with a Tope con hilo to make the match a one on one encounter. Hernandez became momentarily distracted by this and turned into a tequila bottle being smashed over his face, followed by a spingboard shooting star press to spell their demise.

Winners by pinfall: The Briscoe Brothers.


IPW Television Championship Tournament Match
Taz vs. MVP

Again, Heyman recognized the talent in both competitors, particularly the tough as nails Taz. However, this match wasn't even set up until MVP began claiming that he could beat anyone in the business, even someone who had acquired legendary status. Naturally, Taz accepted by way of choking Porter out, although the latter continued to claim that his dedication and athleticism is greater than the human suplex machine's. Only time will tell.


MVP‘s cautious approach cost him early on, as what he had, Taz lacked - mercy. Blows to the back and side of the head almost cost him the match as Taz looked to lock in several holds. It was only the ropes and a quick escape from the ring that saved MVP, as he was able to collect his thoughts. Taz grabbed his hair to try and pull him back in but received a low blow from the outside, where the match tipped on Porter‘s favour. After hitting several impact moves in quick succession, he began delivering hard kick after hard kick to Taz‘s head, leaving the human suplex machine dazed. Porter began showboating to a disapproving crowd, but it cost him as Taz locked in a surprise Tazmission! The crowd went crazy,a nd it was only MVP‘s panicked thoughts, his superior height and fit-like movements that allowed him to send both of them tumbling to the outside, thus breaking the hold. MVP was the first to rise but was swiftly knocked into the crowd soon afterwards. He ran at Taz in an attempt to catch him off guard but was merely suplexed back into the ring area as result. Taz pushed him back into the ring and moved in for the kill, tossing Porter about with his signature suplexes. He went to lock in his Tazmission only to have it reverse into a Playmaker, only to reverse it back into a Tazmission. Overconfident as he was, MVP had the courage to refrain from tapping out… and so was quickly the subject of unconsciousness.

Winner by knock-out: Taz.


Main Event
IPW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

Heyman, as well as the entire wrestling world, knew the talent that these two possessed, and also that they couldn't wait to get at each others throats. The match to crown the best in the promotion would be traditional in every sense, with the exception that Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar would not be allowed to meet again while under contract. This meant that whoever lost the match would have to wait for a second champion if they were to challenge for the title again. Not that either needed an added incentive to win.


The stage had been set and the crowd now knew what to expect: a match up with the focus on athleticism rather than story-telling, particularly from two highly accomplished amateur wrestlers of championship standard in the main event. The crowd were more excited than they had been all evening and popped incredibly loudly for Angle as well as the returning Lesnar. The two got to grips with each other slowly, the crowd somehow making the slow pace seem blisteringly fast. Lesnar got the advantage early on due to his superior size and youth, but Angle was by now means out. The two reversed for long periods and hit consistently impressive moves. Eventually, Lesnar decided to try his luck and put it all on the line but using quick attacks as well as showing off his strength by throwing Angle about the ring. Although dazed, the Olympian managed to reverse an overhead belly-to-belly with three of his own, before seven German suplexes. However, even this was not enough to put a next big thing away. Angle pulled him to his feet only to be hit by a powerful F-5. Angle seemed out of it but managed to get his shoulder up. Out of desperation, Lesnar climbed to the top rope to relive his WrestleMania 19 shooting star press, hopefully with a better outcome this time. Disastrously, Angle moved out the way but Lesnar landed on his feet. He wasn‘t on them for long though, as Angle shot behind him for a devastating Angle slam. Lesnar wouldn‘t be pinned yet again though, so Angle pulled down the straps and tried to make him submit with an ankle lock. Lesnar screamed and clawed to get away, but couldn‘t… until he rolled under himself, sending Angle into the a turnbuckle. As he stumbled backwards, Lesnar went to hoist him up for another F-5, but Angle popped out of it and, astonishingly, performed on of his own. Still, Lesnar‘s shoulders would not stay down. Angle went up to the top rope for the 450 Splash but tragically missed, clutching his chest moments before being victim to an Angle Slam from Lesnar. The big man climbed to the top and delivered a 450 splash of his own, but that wasn‘t going to be enough. He locked in the Ankle Lock, dragging Angle to the centre of the ring and locking in the grapevine. A barely conscious Angle instinctly rived about in pain but it was hopeless. He gave into the inevitable, hitting the mat and symbolically handing Lesnar the title.

Winner by submission: Brock Lesnar.

After the match, Angle got to his feet and went over to a celebrating Lesnar. The two looked each other in eye and Angle offered him his hand. Lesnar merely turned away coldly, only turning back at the top of the ramp to present his trophy to the world.


I'm writing mine as we speak. Unfortunatly, I'm a little slow. I'm still on my first match. I'll try as hard as I can to have it up today, if not tomorrow is a promise.
My card is complete. I'm just working on a little somthing extra to add to it. But the actual card is done, so if my additional plan falls through, I can post my card withen the hour. Don't worry, I'm still in.

Good Evening, and welcome to the debut show of Derf's Wrestling Invitational! Tonight, in two seperate battles, we get to see some of the best men from all four companies out there in a brawl to determine whos the better of them all.

Tag Team Championship Match
Paul London & Brian Kendrick VS Elijah Burke & Shelton Benjamin

London and Burke start off in a slow wrestling match, but it quickly turns into a high flying brawl between these four great athletes. The fans are cheering for Londen and Kendrick, but you can still here a pop from them everytime Burke and Benjamin hit an offencive manuver. Just as it looks like Benjamin has the Kendrick grounded in what appeares to be an ankle lock, London comes diving off the turnbuckle with a missile dropkick, then turns around and hits Burke with an Enzuguri Kick as Kendrick roles Benjamin up for the three count to a huge ovation.

Winners: Paul London & Brian Kendrick

After the match, London and Kendrick pose with their newly won titles while Burke and Benjamin walk to the back, beaten and bruised.

Main Event Match Determinator
Kane (WWE) VS Booker T (WCW) VS Sabu (ECW) VS Jay Lethal (TNA)

Before this match began, it was announced that it was under elimination rules. As all four men entered the arena, different sections of the crowd popped louder than others signifying there was some favoritism withen the crowd. After the first three men entered, Sabu made his entrence last, and ran to the ring with a steel chair in hand. But before he had his chance to use it, he was stopped in his tracks by Kane's enourmos left hand wrapped round his throat, followed by a devistating chokeslam and an immediate 3 count. Sabu is eliminated. Booker T and Jay Lethal look to each other while this is happening, and it seems they have formed an aliance of some sort. The two men both double team Kane, and for a while, Kane takes the punishment, but eventually begins to look weary. As a last resort, Kane grabs both men by the throats for a double chokeslam, only to get kick in the gut from both men, followed by a Sizzors Kick from the king foir a three count. Kane is eliminated. Booker T and Jay Lethal have a staredown, then out of respect, Booker extends his hand, and Lethal returns the shake before they continue the match. It's a nice back and forth match for a while, until Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin make their ways back down to the ring. Both men get into the ring, and all four of them have a staredown. Then, for no reason at all, The two attack Booker T, getting Jay Lethal disqualified in the prosess.

Winner: Booker T

The beating continues, as Jay Lethal simply stands there not knowing what to do. Finally, he's had enough, and gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair, and threatens Burke and Benjamin to leave. They start to yell at him, but what they're yelling is unclear. However, it must have been somthing horribly moving, as Jay Lethal then got into the ring, and swung the steel chair right into the forehead of Booker T. He looked down at him, then left, as Burke and Benjamin followed, both men with evil smirks on their faces.

Crusierweight Championship Match
Gregory Helms VS Tajiri

Each man came out to an above average ovation. As soon as Helms got into the ring, he was met with an imediate slew of kicks from Tajiri. The match went from ofencive to defencive, and back, for both men. Early on in the match, Gregory Helms got out of the ring and grabbed the championship belt, and was planning to pelt Tajiri over the head with it, but as he was climbing into the ring, he was hit with a Green Mist, and fell to the floor clawing at his eyes. As the match contiinued, more unique moves were aplied, including the spider submission move. But it was a missed Buzzsaw kick, followed by a roleup and the grabbing of the tights, that claimed the win and the title.

Winner: Gregory Helms

Helms possed with his newly won title for a few minutes before exiting for the back.

Backstage, Booker T was being interviewed. First, he announced that the attack on him from earlier by Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke was uncalled for, and that Jay Lethal attacking him afterwards was the worst mistake he ever made. He said he knew what was going on, and that he was going to put a stop to it.
He then went on to talk about the main event. He won his earlier match, and therefor, it was up to him what the main event would be. He said that although he was chosen as a WCW wrestler, he wasn't to sure if thats how he wanted this thing to work. He wasn't sure he wanted to see the main event as a WCW match. Instead, he wanted to see somthing from his latest home, TNA. So, the main event tonight, will be a King of the Mountain Match!

Hardcore Tag Team Match
The APA (JBL & Ron Simmons) VS Rhyno & Terry Funk

Each Team makes their way out together, Terry Funk comes out holding a steal chair. as soon as all four men are in the ring together, they come to immediate blows, and it's not long before the blood is pouring from all four of them. Chairs, Tables, Kendo Sticks, all used in this match. Near the end, Rhyno has Ron Simmons laying against a table set in the corner. Just as he begins to chargefor a spear, Bradshaw clotheslines the hell out of him from no wheres before securing the pinfall for his team.

Winners: The APA

After the match, Simmons and Bradshaw pose together in the ring together. But as they go to leave, Ron Simmons attacks his partner! He then yelles somthing to the back, and out comes Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke, and Jay Lethal, all weilding weapons of their own. hey get in the ring, and all four men beat the living crap out of Bradshaw! Simmons then gets out of the ring, grabs a mic, and delivers a speach.
"I am sick of you and everyone else running around with your racial comments, acting all tough cause your rich white men. Well me and my boys here are gonna put a stop to this. Because you are all whitnessing the rebirth. This, is the New Nation of Domination!"
He then smacks Bradshaw over the head with the mic before leaving with the others.

Best of Three Falls Match
Jamie Noble Vs Finlay

Jamie Noble comes out first to a mixed reaction of cheers and boos, followed by Finlay. The two have a staredown before locking up and brawling. At about the 5 minute mark, Jamie Noble has Finlay on the ropes, and goes to clothesline him over them, but Finlay moves out of the way, pulling the rope down and causing Noble to flip over them, crashing to the mat. As soon as he hits, a mini Shelighle reaches out from under the ring and smacks Noble on the head! Jamie Noble, now infuriated, crawls under the ring looking for whatever hit him before realizing he was gtting counted out. By the time he got back out from under the ring, he was just hearing the bell toll as Finlay was awarded the first fall.
Furious, he got back in the ring and had an all out brawl with Finlay, causing Finlay to trickle a little blood from his nose. After some more nice wrestling, Finley has Noble ready for the Celitc Cross, but Noble manages to rock himself enough to cause Finlay to fall backwards, and Noble keeps his arms held in a rool up manuver to capture the second pinfall.
Finlay breaks free and the two have another staredown, as they realize it's now a must win situation for both men. They lock up again, and begin some chain wrestling, which hadn't been seen much in this match yet. The end of the match saw Jamie Noble trap Finlay in a Finger Four Leglock. Finlay, writhing in pain, reaches to the ropes, but can't reach them. Suddenly, a shelighly poppes up between the ring apron, and Finlay grabs that, only for the ref to see it and take it. As the refs back is turned, Finaly tappes out, and Jamie Noble releases the hold and stands with his hands raised, thinking he won. Finlay, being as much of a veteran he is, quickly got up and rolled Noble into a schoolboy pin, but Noble reversed it into his own schoolboy for the quick pin and the win.

Winner: Jamie Noble

After the match, Teddy Long made his first appearence of the evening. He had a suitcase in his hand. He got into the ring as Jamie Noble continued to celebrate. Teddy Long handed Jamie Noble the breifcase. Jamie opened it, then quickly closed it, looking at Teddy with a grin. He then took the case and left. Teddy Long remained in the ring, mic in hand. He announced to the world that the first ever DWI Heavyweight Title Match is happening next!

Main Event
DWI Championship
King of the Mountain
The Undertaker VS Sting VS Rob Van Dam Vs AJ Styles

Each man makes his respective entrence to the ring, Undertakers dark and errie entrence being the last of the four. A referee is walking around the ring holding the new Title, waiting for someone to score a pinfall. As the bell tolles, AJ Styles immediatly goes after The Undertaker, and Sting and RVD go after each other. Soon enough the action spills to the outside, as Untertaker tosses Styles over the ropes with ease. Sting them tosses RVD at the ropes, only for RVD to jump clean over them and onto Styles. Aj and RVD then brawl outside the ring, as Undertaker and Sting have a staredown inside the ring, before they begin exchanging blows. As the audience is watching the action inside the ring, they get distracted by a bell ringing, as RVD just pinned Styles outside the ring. As Aj is escorted to the cage as a penalty for being pinned, Taker and Sting both look down at RVD, stunned that he got a pinfall, and is now eligable to climb the ladder. And he does just that, RVD grabs the ladder, and sets it up outside the ring. He gets the belt from the referee, poses for a while, then puts the belt on his waist. He climbs the ladder, and leaps into the ring, grabbing onto the poll! As he tries to take the belt off with one hand while holding on with the other, Taker and Sting grab his legs and simply yank him down. as soon as he hits the ground, Sting goes for the pinfall, but Untertaker lifts Sting of of him, and delivers a Chokeslam to Sting, then, using both hands, presses down on both Sting and RVD's chests and pins them both! Both of these men are being escorted to the cage, and Styles still has 30 seconds left on the clock! Undertaker realises that he has 30 seconds to grab the belt and hang it up, so he wastes no time getting out of the ring, tossing a new ladder into the ring, setting it up, and starting his climb. All three men in the cage are discussing whats going on as the buzzer rings to release AJ, and he springs into action by jumping onto the apron, them springboarding onto the Ladder set up by Taker! The two exchange blows before Undertaker grabs Styles by the throat and prepared for a chokeslam, but Styles kicks him inbetween the legs! Undertaker simply falls off the ladder, but not before grabbing the title from Undertaker. He then gets to the top of the ladder and hangs up the belt, raising his hands in victory. However, a referee is soon to remind Styles he's not eligable, since he never pinned anyone yet. As he unhooks the belt for the ref, Sting and Rob Van Dam are both let out of the cage. They get in the ring and start to brawl with the others. Throughout the carnage, Sting manages to lock on the Scorpion Deathlock on RVD under the ladder, causing him to submit, and to return to the cage. Sting then takes out both Undertaker and AJ Styles before climbing back up with the title, trying to secure his victory. Undertaker is quick to get to his feet and climb the ladder, and stopping Sting from securing the title. The two men fight each other and try to lock the title on the pole, and the two are fighting over the title when AJ Styles comes out of no wheres, springboardig off the turnbuckle and dropkicking both men off the ladder! All three men are down as RVD is released from his cage. He quickly gets into the ring, grabs the title, realizing everyone is down, and climbs the ladder. Standing at the top, he goes to attach the belt, but Sting gets up and climbs the ladder as well. The two fight, and soon enough Styles gets up gets outside the ring. He grabs a second ladder, much taller than the others, and sets it up inside the ring. The top of this ladder is on level with the bar. He climbs to the very top of it, and leaps off of it, clotheslining RVD in the prossess, but missing Sting. As RVD is falling, however, he drops the title back to the floor. Sting climbs down to grab the belt, and as he hits the ground, Undertaker sits up, and grabs his foot, stopping him from climbing again. The two have a staredown before exchanging blows, and finally Undertaker delivers a blow hard enough to knock Sting down. He then climbs the ladder, only for Sting to quickly follow, and another round of stikes above the ring. Finally, after it looks like both men have had enough, Undertaker smashes Stings face off the top oif the ladder, then climbs up an exrta step, and delivers a Powerbomb from the top of a ladder! He then takes the belt and hangs it above the ring, securing his win and the DWI Championship.

Winner: The Undertaker

Undertaker stands on the top of the ladder posing for a while before taking his title and posing on the mat with it as DWI's debut show goes off the air.
My full show is now updated on Page 71, I will post comments on other shows tomorrow, looks like we are just waiting on Cola now.
Cola told me on MSN that he;'s got alot going on, he probably won't make this card, but he'll take a zero and post it later, he don't wanna drop out.
Hey, I never said I'd want to take a zero. i said that if I do get DQ'ed, I'm gonna post the card anyway, as it sets up my storylines. However, it will, I repeat WILL, be up this evening. That's a promise... No, it's a guaran-damn-tee!
Submission Match

Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper

The match begins with Piper getting the upper hand after he did an eye poke when the refs backed was turned. Piper the first half of the match working on the mid section, and the head. Hart was kept under control for the first several minutes of the match, until Piper went for the pile-driver and it was reversed.

Hart then took advantage while Piper was lying on the ground, he was Working on both knee's and legs, with multiple leg locks, Hart then locked in the figure 4, but Piper was able to get to the ropes, the ref counted to 3 before Hart relinquished the hold.

The ref pushes Hart out of the way because Piper was holding on to the ropes, Piper was able to get to his feet before Hart had any more offense.. Piper is now on two feet standing tall, but is feeling the pain because of the working on the leg, Hart begins to run at Piper but Piper moves out the way and and Hart falls to the mat. Piper is now attempts to work on the body while Hart is on the ground, Piper attempts a fist to the head, but Hart moves out of the way.

They are both attempting to get to their feet, Hart gets to his first, he attempts a punch to the head, but Piper counters, Piper then attempts a punch to the head, Hart ducks, and does a back suplex, he then begins to work on the legs while Piper is on the ground, after countless kicks to the legs, and knees, Hart goes in for the sharpshooter, before Piper is able to reach the ropes he is forced to tap out.

Winner Brett " Hitman" Hart

SPW Heavyweight Title Match

Vince McMahon vs Bobby Lashley

The match begins with look down in the middle of the ring, as Lashley reaches out his hand, Vince clocks em across the forehead. Lashley is fast to his feet, and attacks Mr McMahon with a devastating clothesline, as McMahon is on the ground, Lashley picks him up puts him over his head for what looks to be a Running Powerslam, but McMahon wiggles off the shoulder before the move is finished, McMahon then clubs lashley in the back of the head with a forearm, Lashley falls to the ground, McMahon sets him up onto his buttocks, and locks in a rest hold, McMahon is pullings, but it isn't over powering Lashley, Lashley then begins to sit up while McMahon is still in the lock, they are now both standing, with McMahon still in the rest hold, Lashley finally escapes with a kick to the knee.

After the kick to the knee, Lashley then comes out on the offense with a powerslam, and several stops to the stomach, Lashley lifts up McMahon and faces him forward, they begin to grapple with Lashley overpowering Vince, Vince then digs deep and kicks below the belt,Lashley lets go of the grapple and McMahon begins to go on the offense with several punches, but Lashley attacks back with punches of his own, he then whips Vince off the ropes, but Vince reverses it with a clothesline, he does a knee to the head, then lifts up Lashley, and attempts a stunner, but Lashley counters it, Lashley then attempts to go to the dominator.. He lands the dominator close to the ropes, goes for the cover but before the 3 count Vince gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Arn Anderson then begins to make his way to the rings,

Lashley is in position to go for the spear, McMahon begins to get to his feet, iti s a struggle, as lashley runs towards Vince, Vince ducks, and rolls out of the ring.

Lashley, then goes after McMahon outside the ring, he picks up McMahon and rolls him into the ring, Lashley goes for the cover, but Double A jumps on the ring apron, and distracts the ref, McMahon seizes the opportunity, and kicks Lashley in the nuts, the ref turns around before he sees anything, and McMahon goes for the cover, 1-2-3.

Winner and still SPW heavyweight Champion, Vince McMahon

Vince with a grin on his face stares at Anderson, while Anderson makes his way to the back

First Round Match

Macho Man vs Steamboat

this match begins with Savage on the offensive, he lands several punches to the head of Steamboat, eventually knocking him to the ground, while Steamboat is on the ground, Savage does a couple knees to the head, eventually dazing Steamboat, finally after the second set of knees to the hit, Savage lifts him, up. face forward, Savage then sets up for what looks to be a body slam, but Steamboat uses his weight and Savage then isn't capable of lifting Steamboat up.

after the miss opportunity with the Body slam Steamboat takes advantage, hitting arm drag after arm drag, finally keeping Savage to the ground, Steamboat then begins working on the lower body with kicks, and knees to the guts, Steamboat then begins to climb the turnbuckle, waiting for Savage to get to his feet, after staggering, Savage is finally on his feet, Steamboat attempts a diving cross body, but Savage somehow moves out the way letting Steamboat fall to the ground

Savage then begins to lift him up, sets him up for the piledriver, he hits it, Steamboat is on the ground, Savage begins to kick the chest once again trying to keep him down, finally after several elbow drops and kicks to the chest Steamboat is finally down, Savage climbs the turnbuckle, jumps off, hits the flying Elbow drop, before the refs hand hits for the 3 Steamboat kicks out

Savage isn't happy, he runs to the ref and begins to argue, Steamboat with all the power he has left runs over attempts backslide pin but only gets a two count, Savage is in shock....

finally, Savage gets to his feet, and lifts up Steamboat, landing slap after slap to the chest, Steamboat falls to the ground, Savage makes his way to the top rope, jumps off, hits the elbow drop, 1,2,3.

Winner Via Pinfall Macho Man Randy Savage

First Round Match

John Cena vs Jake Roberts

the match begins with Cena getting the upper hand, he knocks Roberts to the ground with a running shoulder block, Cena then begins to jump atop ROberts, landing coountless times with a fist to the head, 8 fists to the head to be exact, Cena relinquishes at 8, after the 8 punches Cena makes his way to his feet, after he makes his way to his feet, he moves ROberts up, setting up for several sleeper holds, Roberts doesn't tap....

Finally after the third sleeper hold, Roberts makes his way to his feet, countering a punch from Cena, Roberts then took advantage from Cena's only mistake, ROberts then begins to go on the offense, landing several moves, and one was a modified sleeper hold, making Cena dazed, ROberts then begins to go for the DDT, but Cena punches roberts to the gut, relinquishing the DDT

Cena now begins to go on the offense, with several punches and blows to the chest, but that isn't enough, ROberts pulls back setting for a fist to the head, but Cena ducks, while Roberts is turned around Cena then attempts the spinning powerbomb, it is successful, Cena then goes for the cover, but only getting a one count, Cena makes his way back to his feet, he begins to kick ROberts once again, Cena then goes in for STFU, but before Roberts submits, he is able to grab the Ropes, Cena, looks a little worried that he was not able to make Roberts submit after locking in the STFU.

But Roberts is still dazed, and Cena well isn't Cena then begins to make his way back to his feet, but in a last desperate move, Roberts grabs the ankles tripping Cena, Cena makes a hard fall, Roberts pulls himself up with the help of the Ropes makes his way over to Cena, Roberts then goes for a pin, Roberts being cocky goes for a pin with his back on Cena's chest, and only grabbing one leg, Cena then is able to reach under Roberts rolling him over for a quick 3 count.

Winner via pinfall John Cena

First Round Match

Andre vs Abyss ....

the match begins with Andre on the offensive, it was this way throughout, the Monster Abyss's power was not capable of matching up with the Giant. Andre begins to work the head with several standing elbow drops, eventually knocking Abyss to the ground

This is where it started to go down hill for Abyss because he was never able to make his way to his feet again, Andre then begins to do several elbow drops to the mid-section, after the several Elbow drops, the Giant is standing over Abyss', the Giant falls, with the force from his rear, Abyss is now lying their without moving, Andre goes for the cover, but out of instinct, Abyss kicks out, Andre not really taking into matter, gets back to his feet, then throwing his huge body onto Abyss, but Abyss rolls out of the way before Andre hits the body splash....

Abyss then attempts to makes his way his feet, along with Andre, Abyss makes it first but his attack is having a hard time against the Giant.. In a desperate move Abyss begins to run at the Giant, but the Giant grabs him falling down for what looked to be a Samoan drop, the impact was so hard, Andre goes for the cover and gets the three count...

Winner via pinfall Andre the Giant.

Light Heavyweight Title

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Jushin Liger

this match begins at a high fast pace, with both superstars flinging from every spot on the ropes, but then the match goes to a halt with both stars staying grounded, Rey finally begins to kick Liger, but Liger jumps in the form of a drop kick, and knocks Mysterio to the ground.

Liger then took advantage trying to make quick work of the Cruiserweight, Liger attempts to go to the top turnbuckle, but before he attempts the move, Rey springs to his feet, jumps up the turnbuckle and lands a hurricanrana, both superstars are down, but they both get to their feet at about the same time.

Mysterio then begins to go on the offensive, with several kicks to the legs... Mysterio eventually runs at my Liger hitting his move in to a bulldog. While liger is on the ground Rey begins to climb the turnbuckle, and he attempts a leg drop but liger out of instinct rolls out of the way.

Liger then took advantage of the little mans mistake, and Liger started going on the offensive, with several head scissors take down... FInally Liger lifts his up and sets him up for what looks to be a powerbomb, but Rey counters into a hurricanrana modified into a pin, Rey gets a two count but Liger kicks out.

There is a lot of back and forth action, but as soon as Liger runs at Rey, Rey sweeps his feet, with Liger falling in between the second turnbuckle setting up for a running feint kick followed by a spring board leg drop, and the 1-2-3

Winner and the new Light Heavyweight Champion, Rey Mysterio

Crowning of the Tag team Champs

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard(Brainbusters) vs Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy ( Faboulous Freebirds)

the match begins with Gordy and Anderson in the ring. The match begins with several missed opportunities, therefore no single team gets the advantage, but finally Gordy attmepts to start on the offense, with several punches but Anderson is quick to encounter with punches of his own, eventually knocking Gordy down, Anderson the begins working on the legs with several leg locks, eventually setting up the figure four, but Gordy counters it, supplying the pressure on Anderson, Blanchard jumps in, and saves his partner before he taps out, causing Gordy to stop the hold, Gordy then goes to tag in Michael Hayes.

Blanchard makes his way back to his corner, the fresher man Hayes then begins to attack Anderson, Hayes runs at Anderson knocking him down with a clothesline, Hayes then picks him up, but Anderson springs forward and tags in Blanchard.

The fresher man Blanchard begins to attack Hayes causing Hayes to fall to the ground. Blanchard now begins to work on the legs of Hayes, eventually setting up the figure four, but Hayes doesn't submit.

Blanchard lets go of the hold, makes his way to his feet, along with Hayes, they are both standing upright, Blanchard, attempts a kick, but Hayes grabs the leg, causing Blanchard to fall... Hayes then makes his way to Gordy and tags him in...

Gordy makes his way into the ring, like a bet out of hell, and attacks Blanchard..Blanchard is looking rather weak, and attempts to tag in Anderson, but it is denied. Gordy is taking advantage of the tired Blanchard, hitting a DDT, Hayes runs in knocks Anderson off the apron, while Gordy covers Blanchard for the 1-2-3

Winner, and new tag team champs... the Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes & Gordy)

Fatal 4 way elimination match
Mohammed Hassan vs SGT Slaughter vs Rick Rude vs Barry Windham
The match begins with Hassan attacking Slaughter, and Windham attacking Rude.

Hassan is taking advantage of the speed difference in the match up with Slaughter, hitting SLaughter with countless punches and eye rakes. While Rude is having his way with Windham.

Finally SLaughter is able to counter an attack and he is now on the offensive, Slaughter begins to work the body of Hassan, with several slaps to the chest. SLaughter whips Hassan off the ropes on the way back Hassan ducks the clothesline, and then coming off of the ropes hits one of his own, but not knocking Slaughter to the ground.

Rude is still having his way with Windham. Rude goes for a piledriver, but it is countered by the big man, Windham now begins to attack Rude

Hassan is trying everything to knock SLaughter to the ground but nothing is working... SLaughter then begins to use his size advantage doing power move after power move.. Hassan falls to the ground but quickly makes his way to his feet, Slaughter thinking he is down turns away and heads towards Rude and Windham but Hassan gets to his feet walks behind Slaughter taps him on the shoulder, Slaughter turns around and walks right into an STO... Finally, SLaughter is on the ground.. Hassan then attempts to lock in the Camel Clutch, he does and Slaughter is forced to tap out.

SLaughter is now eliminated and Hassan makes his way to Rude and Windham attacking Windham from behind knocking Barry to the ground.. Rude pushes Hassan away and then Rude begins to pick up Windham off the ground, hits the Rude awakening, and covers Windham 1-2-3.

Hassan begins to walk behind Rude while Rude is still on the ground, Rude gets to his feet, turns around, and walks into the STO... Hassan covers for the 3 count and the win.

Winner Mohammed Hassan

Overall, I thought this was a pretty solid show. The matches seemed to be pretty good and well thought out, my biggest problem was that it seemed fairly bland and didn't really setup any major feuds.

The first match was very good, Hart going over Piper made sense and this would have been and was a good match.

Vince vs. Lashley was interesting and the run in by Anderson was interesting, I am interested to see what you come up with to further that angle.

Macho Man vs. Steamboat another classic match that you brought back for this show, it seemed slow, but we all know it was a great match, good idea putting these two together.

Cena vs. Roberts seemed decent, and the roll up finish is a nice change of pace from the typical finish to a Cena match, good idea there.

Andre vs. Abyss..meh is all I can say I just don't like the matchup much at all, as Abyss just didn't seem to fit there.

Liger vs. Rey, great match, I really like how you changed the names of Rey's moves from the stupid ones WWE uses, made me chuckle, this was probably my favorite match on the card.

Brainbusters vs. Freebirds, seemed pretty good, I thought we would see a revenge run in by Lashley but I guess not, good to see the Freebirds go over, sometimes they don't get the credit they deserve.

The last match just seemed thrown together randomly and rushed, but I do like seeing Hassan go over.

Overall I would give this one about a 6.5/10, just because there really is nothing to lead us towards the next show. The wrestling was solid, just could have used a little more storyline wise.
Cola, I need that card. Just who the winners are even - it'll earn you maybe a few votes, which may be the best you can salvage at this point.
Hey, I'm writing it now. I'm already rushing the fucking thing, I'm not just posting the winners. A card I am writing and a card I will post, wether it gets points or not. But as I say, it WILL be up before long.

In fact, here's an agreement. It's currently 8:50 (of course, we're both UK). Can I get until 9:30? If it's not up by then, I get 0 points for this round. Do we have a deal?
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