UWF: Mock Draft IV

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Alright, I'm going to stretch the deadline to Wednesday and I'm kind of busy myself but that as far as it goes. I'm super cereal.


Tables Match
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Hernandez w/Homicide

LAX decided that, after their loss to the Briscoe Brothers in a brutal encounter at Cutting Edge, they need to make an example of someone. A big example. Who better than one Bam Bam Bigelow? They beat him down and left him humiliated, although they apparently underestimated the big man, as he reacted similarly. GM Paul Heyman, although knowing Bigelow could probably take both men, made a match between the two big men involved. The only stipulation being someone would have to crash through a table by the end of it.

The match started off quickly with Hernandez delivering a few cheap shots before the bell, only to be repeatedly tossed on his ass and having to retreat from the ring to get away from an angry Bigelow. The latter, however, gave chase and - after tossing Homicide into the crowd like a rag doll - chased down Hernandez and battered him all over the ring for several minutes, ending in the LAX member being left cut open. Bigelow wasn’t expecting the lethal combination of Homicide, a steel chair and a fork though. The referee, there for no other purpose than to judge if someone’s been put through a table, could do nothing about it. The two battered Bigelow to the apron, and set up a table behind him. Amazingly, Homicide attempted to hook in the Gringo Killah, only to have it reversed, unsurprisingly, sending him through the table behind him. Hernandez then charged at Bigelow, apparently hoping to spear him through the remains of the same table. He made the fatal mistake of underestimating Bigelow, however, and ended up going through the table courtesy of a hip toss.

Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow


Four-Way Dance
Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Yoshitsune vs. Mistico

The self-proclaimed “World’s Hottest Tag Team”, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin bragged and bragged about their talent, their value to the business, asking Heyman for some “worthy opponents for a change.” Heyman delivered said opponents in the form of high, high flying international stars Yoshitsune and Mistico, who nearly stole the show in the opening contest at Cutting Edge. The catch? The Guns would not only be fighting these two, but each other as well. Elimination rules would be in play and, as such, loyalties will almost inevitably have to be tested.

Inevitably, Sabin and Shelley teamed up against the other two, but Mistico and Yoshitsune were no idiots, teaming up as an efficient team to battle back and send the Guns out of the ring. The temporary partnership proved to be very, very temporary, however, as the two soon turned on each other. Sabin and Shelley pulled up chairs to pompously enjoy the show while sitting out of it, until Yoshitsune shot a springshot shooting star splash in their direction, that is. The American got back into the mix, quickly eliminating Mistico with a long double team sequence, Yoshitsune’s generosity apparently not stretching enough to save him. It was the Japanese man’s problem soon enough, as the somewhat former tag partners went for him next, but he dodged around the ring effortlessly dodging the two, eventually bouncing out the corner and super kicking both one after another. He eventually ran out of energy, however, and when he did the Guns quickly capitalised, a Sabin super kick followed by some Shellshock lead to the second elimination. The two American citizens were left in the ring, and went to shake hands before the match continued. It seemed both hand the same idea, as they hit each other with cheap shots simultaneously, before going back and forth almost non-endingly. Many false finishes and daring moves later, the crowd were electric, but the wrestlers were spent. Out of nowhere, Shelley got the roll-up, putting his legs on the ropes - although the referee seemed not to notice as he counted to three.

Shelley shot out of the ring as Sabin popped up and complained to the referee in outrage.

Winner: Alex Shelley


Submission Match
Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner

Special Referee: MVP

Heyman put this one together as a special treat for the fans - Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner, before the obvious steroid abuse took its toll. He declared he had two surprises in store that would make things interesting, however. Number one was the stipulation, that the only way to win was to force your opponent to submit. The second being the other stipulation, Montel Vontavious Porter, a man that’s bound to want to make a name for himself. No matter what, it was sure to be an encounter of epic proportions.

The match started off slow, neither man knowing what to expect from each other… or the special referee, who looked as if he couldn’t care less, relaxing on the ropes. Finally, the two locked up and tussled for a short period of time, each wrestler reversing to come out of top for a time. Angle finally retreated out the ring for a breather, at which point it appeared the ref was more interested in getting a reaction from the crowd than calling the match, getting in Steiner’s face when he tried to follow Angle out of the ring, and Angle’s face when he tried to get in the ring. Eventually, a European Uppercut from Angle and a surprise suplex from Steiner saw to him, letting the wrestling continue while MVP lay battered in the corner. The referee only came back in effect toward the end of the match. Steiner had put Angle in the Steiner Recliner and it looked as if Angle was ready to tap, but MVP sent the new official soaring out the ring, and forcefully broke the hold. This allowed Angle to lock in the Ankle Lock, and eventually the grapevine, before MVP did much the same, hitting Angle with a steel chair and informing the referee to end the match. The winner? One Montel Vontavious Porter, apparently. One thing’s for sure, there’ll be hell to pay.

Winner: Erm, Montel Vontavious Porter


IPW World Heavyweight Championship No. 1 Contender Match
Sadistic Madness Rules
Raven vs. CM Punk

Punk unfairly lost in a Steel Cage match against long time rival Triple H last month, after being the first man to hit the floor from the cage only to lose the match due to The Game’s trickery. Rightfully so, Punk complained to Heyman, claiming he was the real number one contender. Heyman calmly explained how what was done was done, although Punk would be given another chance… against the debuting hardcore legend Raven nonetheless! To make things even more interesting, Heyman borrowed a TNA gimmick - your opponent must bleed to qualify for a pin or submission. There will be sweat, tears and, oh yes, blood.

The weapon-lined arena definitely favoured Raven, and you could tell it from the expression on Punk’s face and body language, but he wasn’t about to quit and roll over. If Raven was going to go over him, he was going to earn it. The crowd gave a mixed reaction - the smarks chanted for Punk and the, uh, other smarks chanted for Raven. Punk took control of the match early on, his brutal encounters with Triple H having apparently toughened him up. However, it wasn’t long before Raven took advantage of the hardcore environment and - several staples and thumb tacks later - Punk was on the back foot, being the first man to bleed. Raven dominated for a long time afterwards, battering Punk with every available weapons and going for pinfall after pinfall, but he kept kicking out. Punk just got hold of a kendo stick and left Raven bleeding, before battering him for what seemed an eternity with it. A cheese grater and a steel chair later, Punk was preparing for the finish, pouring thumb tacks onto the floor and hitting the GTS, knocking Raven backfirst into them. Still, he would not give in, until a Pepsi Plunge into the exact same part knocked him near-unconscious that is. A legend was born and a number one contender was named.

Winner: CM Punk


IPW Television Championship Match
No Time Limit

Taz vs. Low Ki

This match was sure to be as close to pure athleticism as it comes. The first championship of the night would be decided between two of the most unique wrestlers to set foot in the squared circle, and even Heyman wasn’t going to be making it “more interesting” with gimmicks, stating simply that he would let the best man win.

Low Ki was the first to take the upper hand, attacking early on and refusing to let up, attacking mostly with unbelievably stiff kicks and strikes. After he came to his sense, which was a while, Taz managed to take control back, trapping Ki’s limbs in various holds to wear him down before chucking him about the ring like a rag doll, only this rag doll fought back with throws of its own. Taz seemed bewildered, but managed to gain control again after battered his opponent around the head with vicious forearms and choking him on the ropes, much to the referee’s disapproval. Finally, Low Ki got back into it by dropkicking Taz into the corner and cart wheeling into a high kick from the opposite corner, only to have it reversed and sent to the outside. Taz threw Low Ki around a bit into the barriers, only to be reversed when it came to tossing him into the steel steps. Low Ki took control again, and set Taz up for the Warrior’s Way after a vicious set of kicks. He dove off of the turnbuckle, but Taz moved just enough for Ki to land on the canvas, and for the Tazmission to be locked in from behind. The warrior fought wildly, perhaps more wildly than anybody had ever fought the Tazmission, but it was all in vain, leaving nothing but an unconscious Low Ki and a victorious Taz.

Winner and new IPW Television Champion: Taz


IPW Tag Team Championship Match

America’s Most Wanted vs. The Briscoe Brothers

The two teams beat the Motor City Machine Guns and the Latin American eXchance respectively in the semi-finals of the miniature tournament, and now it was time for two of the most highly touted young teams in professional wrestling to collide for what Paul Heyman claimed were soon to be the “premier tag titles in the world.” The match would perhaps make or break that claim, as much as it would the wrestlers heading into it.

The match started off slowly, the two teams feeling each other out. However, it soon escalated and it was clear that neither pairing was willing to leave without the belts until an incredible fight had taken place at the very least. Harris and Storm, being the larger of the four, took control first, keeping the Briscoes at close quarters to stop them utilizing their true skills, but were compromised when the Briscoes managed to separate themselves and began hitting them with move after move - Jay and Harris seemingly completely taken out after a high spot that ended up putting both of the two through a table. It appeared that Storm was the one who could operate most efficiently without his partner as he soon began battering Mark, badly, leaving him with a big gash on his forehead. The return of Jay tipped the tables, but the reintroduction of Chris Harris tipped them back to an even setting. After a bout of exchanging signature tag team moves, Harris took Mark down the ramp and the two battled back in forth hitting move after move onto the cold steel, until the wildcat took them both off it with a spear that is. Jay and the cowboy were left in the ring. It seemed Jay would lose the brothers the match after a super kick, but a Jay Driller said otherwise.

Winners and new IPW Tag Team Champions: The Briscoe Brothers


IPW World Heavyweight Championship Match
No Disqualification

Brock Lesnar © vs. Triple H

Triple H beat Punk to earn a shot at the title and created one of the big matches that never was. He bragged how Lesnar was afraid of him, how the first title change was going to happen much sooner than expected now that he was in the fold, but the champion proved to be an active one, battering the Game into a bloody mess. Triple H reciprocated, of course, and now the war goes onto Pay-Par-View. It seems the first real challenger to Brock Lesnar’s title reign will in fact be his first ever challenger.

The Cerebral Assassin hadn’t even finished his entrance and Lesnar had knocked him from the apron onto the barrier, tossing him about outside the ring before dragging him in. It seemed that The Game was out of his depth with his beast, that Lesnar would destroy him, bit he had a few of his own tricks up his sleeve, including a low blow and a flying knee. Triple H took apart the champion in the corner before sending him to the outside and attempting to put his face against the steel steps with a pedigree, only to be reversed and slammed onto hard concrete. Lesnar tossed him into a ring post and busted him right open. Lesnar then slid him into the ring and put him in submission after submission, leaving Triple H’s legs nearly crippled as a result. Amazingly, he managed to fight back and even went as far as delivering a surprise Pedigree on the heavyweight champion, only to have Brock kick out. He then unhooked a turnbuckle and cut Lesnar open like he had been, only much, much worse, before locking in a Figure Four Leglock, although he didn’t count on Lesnar reversing it and subsequently broke the hold. Lesnar went for a suplex, but The Game went for a gutshot and Pedigree, before Lesnar lifting him into a fearsome F-5 and getting the cover.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Looks like Sam is the only one to post a show..what to do? what to do? Dunno if I'll get one up til this weekend, sorry Sam.
This thing is pretty cool, but i dont understand why you guys couldn't get the shows posted on time. I mean its not that hard to put a show together and one reason that it might die down again is because it takes so long between shows, just some thoughts, sweet idea though.
This thing is pretty cool, but i dont understand why you guys couldn't get the shows posted on time. I mean its not that hard to put a show together and one reason that it might die down again is because it takes so long between shows, just some thoughts, sweet idea though.

Because they have lives outside the forum like going to work or school
None of you posted your shows. If anyone wants to take this over, feel welcome. I'm gone. Number IV failed almost as bad as the first.
It's a shame, everybody claims they will go through it all the way, do one week while putting all there chips on the table, get bored, cant think of ideas, and then decide not to do it anymore. I think this shows that just because you have a lot of posts, doesn't make you reliable. Who knows if there will be a V, sounds unlikely.
It's a shame, everybody claims they will go through it all the way, do one week while putting all there chips on the table, get bored, cant think of ideas, and then decide not to do it anymore. I think this shows that just because you have a lot of posts, doesn't make you reliable. Who knows if there will be a V, sounds unlikely.

you just don't understand. We have stuff to do outside of this forum, I am constantly on the run, back and forth to places. I am a reliable person, i usually post my show last because i wanna see what i have to compete with. I actually have my show on my CPU, but i didnt post it because no one else did.

I felt bad because i said i would be on time and everything.
I understand and it would be hard, i am a college student so its not like i dont know about having a whole shit load of stuff going on at once, i just thought that if you say your going to be reliable you should be, I mean not posting your show is almost worse than getting banned. At least when you banned you have an excuse. I'm not trying to insult anybody I understand it is tough, it just sucks, because could have been a good idea and could have grown into something big.
Shut up. No-one cares what you think. You have no idea what could have happened to people. You say you have an excuse if you are banned, I have a good fucking excuse but it's not something I want to broadcast to people I don't know, i.e. you, motherfucker. Don't say shit like that when you have none of the facts.
I wasn't trying insult anybody man, like i said. I just thought that it sucked that it didn't work, i'm not saying its anyone's fault, I know people can have personal issues, dont take offense man, I just wanted to see were people were going to go with it. Sorry if I offened you as I was saying it was anybodies fault, i guess I did a poor job wording my opinion.
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