Ultimate Wrestling Fantasy: Mock Draft

Sly, the only rules are that you need to pick a roster of 20 men (no one from our existing rosters please) and put on a series of PPVs. In each round, you post your show with results and the person with the least votes drops off. I thought writing a show would take a lot of time, but it really doesn't. Any more questions?

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
He needs 2 tag teams, don't forget. And my 20 guys just became free, including Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and the (former? last? all-time?) LWF Champion Rob Van Dam.
He needs 2 tag teams, don't forget. And my 20 guys just became free, including Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and the (former? last? all-time?) LWF Champion Rob Van Dam.
No offense or anything, but your roster pretty much sucked, in my opinion. Obviously, it would depend on how matched you card, but I don't have much hope for it.

The only ones I'd be interested in would be Terry Funk and possibly RVD, simply for brownie points (and yes, I realize the double meaning of that statement). I'm sure you had a vision, but not really one I'd share.

I've decided to sit this one out, although I might post some cards, just to show people you CAN have an entertaining show with these guys.
BREAKING NEWS: A.C.W. World Championship Match - New Contender?!

Ladies & Gentlemen, after A.C.W.'s shocking first p.p.v. "Deadly Games," Ric Flair threw down a challenge to Chris Benoit for his spot in the Championship Finals, against Triple H. Chris Benoit accepted.

Later that same night, Ric Flair defeated Chris Benoit, as America's Most Wanted interfered yet again, but this time accidentally?! cost Benoit his match, as James Storm seemed like he would smash his beer bottle over Ric Flair's head, only for Flair to duck & have Benoit get the unwelcomed refreshment.

Also, on acw.com Triple H. gave his congrats to the Nature Boy, then issued a challenge for the match to be a best 2 outta 3 - stages of hell match. Ric Flair has accepted & the Stipulations for their match will be announced within the week.

As of right now:
A.C.W. World Heavyweight Championship Finals: Best 2 outta 3 Stages of Hell: Triple H. v. Ric Flair

An interesting final note: A letter was sent to the offices of A.C.W. announcing that a major faction would be returning. No names, or word on what faction was announced, but many speculate that it could have something to do with Triple H.???

(Where are we suppose to post our next card - as well as storyline information?!)
A.C.W. presents: "The Quest"

Grudge Match: Scott Steiner v. Big Show
Match Ending: Show walks around the ring, currently holding Steiner like a baby, only to slam him down to the mat. Show points to the turnbuckle, as he begins to climb up, sitting on the top rope. Show dives off, only for Steiner to barely move out of the way, as Show falls to the mat.

Steiner gets to his feet, as he begins kicking Show, only for Show to shove Steiner back & get back to his feet. Steiner & Show exchange punches in the ring, but Show begins to win the slug-fest, only to back Steiner against the ropes. Show goes to whip Steiner, but Steiner reverses it into a belly-to-belly, as the fans go wild. Steiner goes for a cover, 1......................... 2........................ Show kicks out with authority, as he sends Steiner flying up & off. Show begins to get to his feet, as Steiner quickly meets him, delivering a flurry of punches to Show's head, as Show attempts to shove him away, Steiner only comes back, continuing, as he then whips Show into the turnbuckles. Steiner rushes in, only for Show to lift his foot, catching Steiner directly across the face. Show steps across Steiner's chest, as he goes up & over, causing Steiner to rive in pain. Show then grabs Steiner by the throat & jerks him up off the mat, as he signals for the "Show-Stopper!"
Steiner grabs the ropes as Show begins to lift him, as the official tries to get Show to break the grip on Steiner's throat. Show turns his attention to the official, as he shoves him back, only to turn back to Steiner, who delivers a vicious low kick to the groin! Show drops to one knee, as Steiner kicks Show in the face, only to cause Show to slump backwards. Show begins to get to his feet, as Steiner rushes with an attempted clothesline. Show side steps Steiner, as he runs into the official, knocking him out!

Show attempts giving Steiner a boot to his face again, but Steiner blocks it, only to drop down & low blow Show once again, causing Show to crumble. Steiner slides out of the ring, quickly grabbing a steel chair, only to bring it back into the ring & swing violently at Show's head, causing him to completely fall to the mat. Steiner doesn't stop there, as he tosses the chair out of the ring, only to demand the ring announcer give him a camera cable. Steiner wraps the cable around Show's neck, as he locks in the Steiner-Recliner!!!

Show is gasping for air, as he slowly begins to pass out. The official comes to & notices the camera cable around Show's neck, as he calls for the bell! The official has awarded the match to The Big Show, as a result of a DQ, but Steiner refuses to let go. Suddenly, Sid Vicious comes out from the back, as he climbs up onto the ring apron, Steiner lets go & slides out of the ring. Sid stands over a limp Big Show, as more officials rush to aid him. Steiner points at Sid, as the official announcement is made that Show has won via DQ.

#1. Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels v. Batista
Match Ending: H.B.K. nips up, as he's received his second wind. He begins to the get crowd into it again, as he trades punches with Batista. Batista whips H.B.K. to the ropes, only for H.B.K. to leap on the return with a flying forearm! H.B.K. nips up yet again, as Batista gets to his feet, only to be body-slammed back down. H.B.K. climbs the turnbuckles only to leap off, delivering a top rope elbow to Batista. Instead of going for the cover, H.B.K. gets to his feet & signals for some Sweet Chin Music.

H.B.K. loads up in the corner, as Batista slowly gets up. As H.B.K. goes to deliver the kick, Batista blocks it, lifting H.B.K. into & delivering a spine-qwivering spinebuster! Batista gets up, as he looks to have regained his second wind, shaking the top ropes, signaling for a Batista Bomb. Batista loads H.B.K. up in the powerbomb position, as H.B.K. tries desperately to clutch his leg. Batista delivers some stiff elbows to H.B.K.'s back, then lifts him up, only for H.B.K. to begin punching Batista in the face, as Batista stumbles backwards, he bumps the official out of the ring, causing the official to twist his ankle on impact.

Batista slams H.B.K. down in the Batista-Bomb, but the official is out of the ring, clutching his ankle. Batista yells for him to get in & count, but its no good. Suddenly, TRIPLE H?! leaps over the far side barricade with a sledge-hammer & slides in behind Batista. Batista turns to a vicious hammer shot to the ribs, as Batista crumbles to the ground, Triple H. sets him up & delivers a Pedigree!!! H.B.K. crawls over to make the cover, as Triple H. gets out of the ring, grabs & tosses the official back in the ring.. 1..................................... 2.............................................. 3!!!! Triple H. gets back in the ring to help H.B.K. to his feet, as the fans erupt for the reunion of D-X!!! Triple H. gives H.B.K. a D-X shirt, only to exit the ring with H.B.K. smiling & nodding.

Grudge Match: Sid Vicious v. Vader (If Sid wins, he'll face Mr. McMahon at the next p.p.v.)
Match Ending: Sid is over-coming all odds, as the Impact Players rush the ring, attempting to get his attention, only for Sid to take both of them out. Vader rushes in behind Sid, but Sid side-steps him, sending him into the turnbuckle, chest first. Vader stumbles out, into the grip of Sid, who delivers a massive Chokeslam to the Big man. Sid covers Vader, as the official begins to count.. 1.............................................. 2............................ The official is suddenly yanked out of the ring, as Mr. McMahon appears over him, yelling that he won't allow that to happen. Sid gets up, as he points down at McMahon, only to get attacked from behind by the Impact Players.

Both Lance Storm & Justin Credible whip Sid to the far side ropes, & attempt a double-team clothesline, only for Sid to bounce back & duck underneath, only to turn & grab both men by the throat, delivering a double man Chokeslam!!!! Vader gets to his feet, as he double hand claps Sid from behind. Vader positions Sid up for a powerbomb, only for Sid to power him up & over, as Sid then kicks Vader in the gut, & deliver another Chokeslam, but instead of going for the cover, he signals for a powerbomb of his own.

Sid pulls Vader up, as he positions him for a Powerbomb, only for McMahon to get up on the apron & attempt to gain Sid's attention. Sid turns suddenly to deliver a surprise punch to McMahon, knocking him off the apron, only to turn back into a low blow by Vader. Vader drags a prone Sid to the corner, as he begins climbing the turnbuckles, only to stop, as McMahon points from the ground to go to the very top. Vader gets set up to deliver a top rope moonsault, only for Sid to regain himself & get up to deliver a Powerbomb on Vader from off the top rope!!! Sid covers, as the official outside gets up & shoves McMahon away, quickly getting in & making the count.. 1.................................. 2..................................... 3!!! Sid Vicious has won the right to face Mr. McMahon at the next A.C.W. P.P.V.?!?!?!?

A.C.W. Tag Team Championships: Tag Team Tormoil: Impact Players v. Kenny Dykstra/John Morrison v. America's Most Wanted v. Dudley Boyz (Dykstra/Morrison enter last)
Match Highlights: America's Most Wanted started with the Dudley Boyz, as both teams hit signature moves. The end saw the Dudleyz attempt a 3-D, on Storm, only for Harris to come the side, spearing Bubba Ray, as Storm punched D-Von with brass knuckles to pick up the pin-fall & advance to face the Impact Players. The finish of this part came with Lance Storm attempting a superkick on Chris Harris, only for Harris to catch his attempt & spin him around to James Storm, who kicks Lance & delivers the "Eye of the Storm!" Harris picks up the pin, as Storm stops Credible from making the save.

Match Ending: A.M.W. v. Morrison/Dykstra is the final match-up. A.M.W. starts to wear down, as Dykstra connects with a top rope leg drop on Harris, only for Morrison to jump in & rush over, knocking Storm off the apron. Morrison tells Dykstra to lift Harris in a version of the "Snap-Shot?!" As Morrison begins to walk over & connect the move on a prone Harris, Chris Benoit rushes out from the back, as he leaps up on the apron, gaining not just the attention of the official, but also John Morrison.

Morrison walks over to Benoit, arguing with him, as Dykstra lowers Harris to the mat. Dykstra begins to turn to help Morrison, only to be met with a beer bottle to the head, via James Storm. Storm connects with a clothesline to the back of Morrison's head, sending him outside the ring, as Benoit jumps down holding his hands up. Harris crawls over & covers Dykstra, as the official turns & counts. 1............................................. 2...................................................... 3!!!! America's Most Wanted ran the gauntlet & became the first A.C.W. Tag Team Champions, with the help of Chris Benoit?!

Winners & Tag Team Champions: America's Most Wanted

A.C.W. International Championship: Authentic Elimination: Chris Benoit v. Dustin Rhodes v. Kane v. Lex Luger

Match Rules: Authentic Elimination is this: 2 men start, after 5 minutes, another enters from the back, after another 5 minutes, another enters.. once all 4 are wrestling, it turns into a fight to eliminate their opponents. When a wrestler is pinned or submits, he spends 2 minutes in the elimination box. The wrestler who made the pin/submission, is legal to climb the ladder & take down the Championship. (yes, its basically a ladder match, with KOTM/EC rules)

Match Highlights: Chris Benoit started with Dustin Rhodes, both men utilized the ladder as a weapon, as Benoit delivered a diving head-butt to Rhodes.. Luger was the next to enter, as he quickly began working over Benoit & Rhodes, who were both weakened by the ladder. Luger stayed dominate until Kane entered, as the final man. Kane hits a chokeslam on Benoit, off the top of the ladder, to get the pin & legal ability to climb the ladder to take down the Championship. Luger & Kane fight, as Benoit is stuck in the elimination box. Later on.. Rhodes pins Kane after a Bulldog from off the top of a pair of ladders. Kane is in the box, as Benoit is out. Luger misses a clothesline on Rhodes, as Benoit catches him as he's entering the ring & makes him tap to the Crossface. Luger & Kane are stuck in the box.

Match Ending: Benoit & Rhodes are the two men legally able to climb, as Kane is still in the elimination box & Luger has yet to pick up a legal pin or submission to gain the ability. Benoit attempts a Crossface, but Rhodes counters & hits a Bulldog on Benoit, which causes him to fall face first onto the Ladder. Rhodes covers Benoit, as the ref. counts to two before James Storm & Chris Harris rush down & grab both the official & Dustin Rhodes' attention. Storm comes in behind Rhodes & violently hits him over his head, with one of their newly won Tag Team Championships, as Kane has 30 seconds to go. Luger still has 50 seconds. Harris drags Benoit across Rhodes, as the official counts 3. Benoit it the only man left in the ring, as Kane now has 24 seconds. Harris & Storm pick up a half-way knocked out Chris Benoit & carry him up the ladder, as he takes down the International Championship, to become the first InternationalChampion in A.C.W.!!!

Winner & International Champion: Chris Benoit

A.C.W. World Heavyweight Championship Finals: 3 Stages of Hell: Triple H. v. Ric Flair: 1. Stip: Submission Match, 2. Stip: Steel Cage/Weapons Match, 3. Stip: (If needed) Ladder Mach

Match Highlights: First fall went to Ric Flair, who locked Triple H. in the figure four after severely working over Triple H's knees. Second fall went to Triple H. who bloodied Ric Flair inside the Steel Cage & delivered a massive Pedigree, setting up the 3rd & final fall.. a Ladder Match to determine the first ever A.C.W. World Heavyweight Champion.

Match Ending: Both men have lost massive amounts of blood, as Flair is a mess & Triple H. isn't far behind him. Flair chops Triple H. in the corner, as Triple H. begins to no-sell the chops, as adrenaline kicks in. Flair begs off & drops to his knees, asking for Triple H. to hold off. As H.H.H. looks out at the crowd, Flair quickly jabs him in the eyes, then delivers a low blow for good measure.

Flair sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring, as he begins to climb. Triple H. grabs Flair's foot, as he tries pulling him down, but only succeed's in pulling Flair's tights down, as the fans boo, with some slight cheers? Flair kicks Triple H. back into the ropes, only for H.H.H. to rebound into the ladder, causing Flair to come down across the ropes, giving him a version of the stun-gun.
As both men lay on the mat, America's Most Wanted & Chris Benoit all rush out from the back, as they slide into the ring & begin stomping on Triple H.?!?!?! Benoit lifts him & delivers a set of triple german suplexes, as Harris & Storm then set him up & deliver the "Death Sentence!"

Suddenly, the fans erupt as H.B.K. with a steel chair rushes out from the back, sliding into the ring. Benoit goes to meet him, but quickly gets a low blow for his efforts. As H.B.K. sends Benoit up & over the ropes, Harris & Storm begin to double team H.B.K., only to whip him to the far side ropes, but H.B.K. rebounds quickly, catching both men with a flying double clothesline!! H.H.H. gets to his feet, as H.B.K. & H.H.H. stare each other down, only to both begin to smile!!! H.H.H. kicks Harris, & sets him up for a Pedigree, as he delivers it, H.B.K. Superkicks Storm!!!

Ric Flair meanwhile is beginning to climb up the backside of the ladder, toward the Championship, as H.B.K. & H.H.H. stand side-by-side in the middle of the ring. Triple H. raises his arms to begin the crotch chopping, but suddeny out of nowhere, H.B.K. SUPER-KICKS Triple H.!??!??!? H.B.K. rips off the D-X shirt, only to spit on it & toss it down, saying "Now we're even."?!?! Meanwhile, Ric Flair has captured the Championship from the top of the ladder, as the officials signal for the bell..

Winner & New World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair
Quick Results:

1. Big Show d. Scott Steiner via DQ
2. H.B.K. d. Batista
3. Sid Vicious d. Vader
4. America's Most Wanted wins A.C.W. Tag Team Championships in Turmoil Match
5. Chris Benoit wins A.C.W. International Championship in Authentic Elimination Match
6. Ric Flair wins A.C.W. World Heavyweight Championship in 3 Stages of Hell

News & Notes:
1. Ric Flair reforms the Four Horsemen, with Chris Benoit & A.M.W.!!
2. H.B.K. turned on H.H.H.?!
3. Sid gets chance to face Mr. McMahon one-on-one!
4. Four Horsemen hold ALL the gold.
That was, IMO, the best show of this entire thing so far. A new Four Horsemen, with Flair, Benoit and AMW? Damn, I wish I hadn't traded them away now! Good luck BigWill, I think you can take this thing.
IWF Breaking Point

IWF tag team title #1 contender match
Londrick vs Rey Mysterio & Ultimo Dragon

IWF US championship #1contender match

MVP vs Great Khali vs Marcus corvon vs Paul Burchill

IWF tag team championship
Los Guerreros vs Cryme tyme

IWF championship tournament match#1
Hulk Hogan vs john cena

IWF championship tournament match #2
JBL vs Lashley

IWF US championship match
Mr. Kennedy vs Finlay

IWF championship match
Chris Jericho vs Goldberg
Company: Legends Never Die
General Manager (and Announcer): Gorilla Monsoon

1. Andre the Giant
2. Arn Anderson
3. Barry Windham
4. Brian Pillman
5. Bruiser Brody
6. Bruno Sammartino
7. Great Muta
8. Harley Race
9. Jerry Lawler
10. Jushin Liger
11. Kerry Von Erich
12. Magnum T.A.
13. Michael Hayes
14. Ricky Morton
15. Ricky Steamboat
16. Robert Gibson
17. Stan Hansen
18. Ted DiBiase
19. Terry Gordy
20. Tully Blanchard

Keep in mind, this is not an actual entrant. This is just me trying to prove to the doubters that older wrestlers who were left off in favor of guys like Great Khali, Nigel McGuiness, Taz, Gangrel, Justin Credible etc. CAN be put together in an entertaining way.

I don't know how voting works, but if you have even an ounce of desire to vote for me, don't. I am not in this competition.
Company: Legends Never Die
Show: The Path to Stardom

Match #1
Ricky Steamboat vs. Brian Pillman

Match Notes: A match between two highly skilled wrestlers. Both are skilled technical wrestlers as well as noted high flyers. While the Vegas oddmakers have Steamboat as the slight favorite, Pillman has spent a lifetime proving naysayers wrong.

Steamboat’s Keys to Success:

1. Keep Pillman grounded. While Steamboat is no novice to aerial wrestling, Pillman loves to take chances off the top rope. When he is able to connect on his high risk maneuvers, Flyin’ Brian is very difficult to defeat.

2. Take calculated risks. Steamboat is the more experienced of the two wrestlers, and should rely on that experience to understand proper times to go for the victory.

Pillman’s Keys to Success:

1. Use natural athleticism. Pillman is a former collegiate standout football player, with amazing athleticism. He needs to use this advantage if he wants to take down Steamboat.
2. Do not play to the crowd. Pillman has a tendency to try too hard to keep the crowd on his side, and many times, this causes him to take chances which misfire. In a match with a great wrestler like Steamboat, one mistake is all it will take.

Match #2
Kerry Von Erich vs. Ted DiBiase

Match Notes: One of the great heels of all time vs. one of the great good guys of all time. DiBiase is a conniving, spoiled, arrogant jerk. Kerry Von Erich is a true man of the people, good looking, strong, and stands up for the right thing. After DiBiase cut an interview talking about how he can buy anyone out for the right price, Von Erich came out, and challenged him to a match, telling the world he will not sell out.

DiBiase’s Keys to Success:

1. Take the crowd out early. Kerry thrives on support from the fans, and removing their presence early will take a big bite out of Kerry’s support.

2. Keep the match at a pace that is comfortable. Do not attempt to wrestle Von Erich’s match. Make Von Erich wrestle your match.

Von Erich’s Keys to Success:

1. Don’t let DiBiase play mind games. Keep focused on the task at hand.

2. Use the fans to your advantage. Feed off their energy and support when you are feeling down and out. This is like a homecourt advantage for Von Erich, so make good use of it.

Match #3
World Tag Team Championship
3 Way Tag Team Free-For-All
Fabulous Freebirds vs. Rock N’ Roll Express vs. 4 Horseman (Anderson/Windham)

Match Notes: There are no “legal men” in this match. All 6 men will be competing at one time, and the first man to get a pinfall or submission over an opponent will declare his team victorious. This is three of the greatest groups of the NWA in the 1980s, going at it. Representing the Freebirds will be Terry Gordy and Michaels Hayes. Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson are the Rock N’ Roll Express, and representing the 4 Horsemen will be “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson and Barry Windham.

All Teams’ Keys to Success:

1. Be aware of everything that is going on. In a wild match like this, with no rules and 4 other men gunning for you, it is important to know who is fighting who and who is pinning who. It is imperative to never be to far from your other opponents, lest they get a win without your team even being involved in the decision. Awareness is critical.

2. Leave it all out in the arena. This match is for the prestigious Tag Team Championship belts. Anything left in the tank after this match is useless.

Match #4
Grudge Match
Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard

Match Notes: In 1985, Tully Blanchard of The 4 Horsemen and Magnum T.A. engaged in a bloody and brutal feud, which culminated in a barbaric steel cage “I Quit” Match at Starrcade, in a match that is remembered and talked about to this day. If you haven’t seen this match, you must check it out. This match ended the feud and finally settled the score between the two men…

…or so we thought. Tully, after years of being unable to live with himself, challenged Magnum to one last match. Magnum, being the stand-up kind of guy he is, accepted the match, proving himself once again to all those fans who have supported him through the years. This match, will finally decide, once and for all, who is the better man.

Both Men’s Keys to Success:

1. Don’t let bloodlust overcome you. Do not allow your hatred for your opponent take you out of your game plan and what you want to do. Stick to your strategy going in.

2. Play to your strengths. In a match between two guys who know each other so well, trying to capitalize on opponent’s weakness will not work. You must focus on your own strengths, and be confident yours are greater than your opponents.

Match #5
Great Muta vs. Jushin Liger

Match Notes: This is a match that makes wrestling fans all over the world ejaculate in their pants. Women too. No hype should be necessary for this match.

Match #6
No Holds Barred
Stan Hansen vs. Bruiser Brody

Match Notes: Two of the most respect gaijin in Japanese history, and two of the greatest brawlers in professional wrestling. Both are numerous times main-event champions, as well as both being major draws. Fans flock to see these two wrestle independently. Now, they will come to watch them square off.

Match #7
Jerry Lawler vs. Harley Race

Match Notes: Harley Race is an 8 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Jerry Lawler has been World Champion over 30 times, in various promotions. Both men have named themselves as a “King” at some point in their careers. It is time to see who the best man really is.

Match #8
World Championship Match
Bruno Sammartino vs. Andre the Giant

Match Notes: Tonight, we have a match-up of two of the most beloved wrestling superstars ever. Bruno Sammartino, a man who held the World title for a combined length of over 11 years. Andre the Giant, a man who was never pinned, never submitted for over 20 years. Two of the biggest draws in wrestling history. Two of the biggest names in the wrestling business. Before Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, there was Andre the Giant, filling stadiums and drawing masses to his matches. And, before Andre, there was Bruno, selling out Madison Square Garden over 70 times. This is a match between two of the greatest professional wrestlers ever, in what can only be labeled as a “Dream Match”.

Oh yeah, the World Championship title is on the line too.
One would Be Hulk Hogan, and the other would be Cena.

Even then I am surprised you left off Giant Baba and Mitsuharu Misawa.
One would Be Hulk Hogan, and the other would be Cena.
Both are already taken.

The whole point of this was that I criticized some people's list because they had such ridiculous picks when a host of greats were left off. Someone asked me to name them and I did, and then was told that they weren't sure that could be turned into an interesting card.

So, I took the guys that weren't picked and that I came up with, after all others had picked, to create that roster.

If I have the chance, I definitely would have taken Hogan. But, unless I could have gotten my hands on others, I would not have taken Cena, as he just would not have fit.

Even then I am surprised you left off Giant Baba and Mitsuharu Misawa
I really know very very little about them. I've seen a couple of Misawa matches, but nothing really to write about. Additionally, I doubt that most people here have even heard of those two do it really would not have worked.

At least with guys like Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham I can say they were 4 Horsemen, and with Bruno I can say he was an 11 year champion, and so on. Those two guys, while certainly all-time greats, I don't think have the recognition factor with the board members here as easily as the others do.

If that makes sense.
first of all let me just say, theonebigwills show was fuccccccckin awesome. he got my vote easily and i havent even seen the other shows yet. ill have my next show up shortly.
Slyfox I have to say that was a good card with teh legends even if most people wouldnt vote for it just becasue they dont know who they are. But on one point I have to disagree. To put Taz down there with the shot guys is ridiculous. He was one of the best WRESTLERS in ECW period and is ten times the wrestler Cena is. Not trying to start a fight mind you just suprised to see him there. (i also admit that I have seen tons of stuff of some of the old guys and quite frankly think some of them suck too as they were not much more than brwalers)
Slyfox I have to say that was a good card with teh legends even if most people wouldnt vote for it just becasue they dont know who they are.
If anyone would like to understand why I think they are so good, then just ask me. I can direct some people to matches to show off how amazing some of these guys were. And, I'd start you with the Tully vs. Magnum "I Quit" match in a cage.

Not speaking to you, just the general public.

But, I do want to point out, that I do'nt want anyone to vote for me, which is why I probably won't release my results until tomorrow.

But on one point I have to disagree. To put Taz down there with the shot guys is ridiculous. He was one of the best WRESTLERS in ECW period and is ten times the wrestler Cena is.
Taz was classic case of "big fish, small pond".

I'll just put it like this. If Taz was so good, how come the WWF or the WCW never stole him until late 99, early 2000? Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, Sabu, Juventud Guerrera, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Raven, Stevie Richards etc.....all of these guys were signed by the major companies during the height of the Monday Night Wars.

If Taz was so good, how come nobody ever signed him?

(i also admit that I have seen tons of stuff of some of the old guys and quite frankly think some of them suck too as they were not much more than brwalers)
Like who?
Enjoy. Or not, if you're Slyfox.


Match 1:

Edge vs. Jeff Jarrett

A solid opener, if nothing particularly special. Both had something to prove after both unceremoniously losing at last month’s PPV. Not a particularly long contest, but one that both gave their all in, and one that entertained the fans. As the match war on, it became apparent that Jarrett was in control, but had had The Stroke reversed on several separate occasions. In one such instance, Edge came out of nowhere looking for The Spear, but met only the referee’s stomach after Jarrett dodged out of the way. As Edge tries to bring the referee round, Jarrett retrieves his guitar from outside the ring. Edge sees him approaching and tries to quickly execute a Spear but ends up on the receiving end of a guitar strike. Now it’s Jarrett that’s trying to revive the referee, but to no avail, as the official is still drowsy from the spear and not able to coordinate properly yet. Christian Cage comes out of nowhere and hits an Unprettier on Jarrett onto a chair, before rolling Edge onto of his lifeless body. The referee slowly counts to three.

Edge wins via pinfall.

After the match, Cage helps Edge to the back, as the two raise each others arms.

Match 2:
I Quit

Abyss vs. Ken Shamrock

Plenty of blood, sweat and tears were spilled in this match. Both opponents are renowned for being nearly impossible to make submit, no matter the amount of glass, tacks, barbed wire and submission holds, of which there were plenty. Both are almost completely exhausted, but they still have it in them to carry on the battle. Both are on their feet. Shamrock is standing in front of a pile of thick barbed wire as Abyss charges at him. At the last second, he hits Abyss with a drop toe hold, dropping the monster directly into the sharpened mess. Abyss screams and tries to scramble out but Shamrock twists his leg into the Ankle Lock. It takes several minutes, but finally Abyss screams, “I… quit!!”

Shamrock wins via submission.

Match 3:
World Title Tournament
Match 1, Round 2

Mike Awesome vs. The Undertaker

These two giants collided in an epic, crowd-pleasing match-up. Awesome, who, for one of the first times ever, was considered to be the underdog, dominated in the early going. However, the ever resilient Undertaker came back, and with an impact. It all seemed as if it was over for Awesome, as the Undertaker stalked him for The Chokeslam, what was sure to be the finishing blow. In fact, he managed to deliver it, but Awesome refused to be beaten, kicking out of the ensuing pin. As The Undertaker raises Awesome to his feet, he receives a kick to the gut, followed by an Awesome Bomb to the outside, followed by a Suicide Dive. Both seem out of it as the referee begins to count to 10. Awesome begins to stir and gets to his feet first, but all of a sudden, The Undertaker sits up and strikes Awesome several times, before painstakingly delivering a Tombstone Piledriver onto the steel steps. Undertaker quickly slides into the ring as Awesome is counted out.

Undertaker wins via count out.

Match 4:
Pure Title No. 1 Contender

Taz vs. Homicide

A brutal match-up, mostly thanks to Taz, who was so enraged by his previous loss to Low Ki that he spared nothing. Homicide wasn’t one to lie down and take it though, and he fought as brutally as his opponent. Finally, it came down to the two battling in the center of the ring, each delivering belly-to-belly suplexing each other in turn. As Homicide stumbles towards Taz for a fourth time, he is unwittingly locked into the Tazmission. He stays on his feet as long as he can, but eventually drops onto the floor and out of consciousness.

Taz wins via knockout.

Match 5:
Ultimate X

AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries

Partners turned unwilling opponents in this match. They seemed reluctant to fight in the early stages but became less so as they came to the mutual realization of the proportions of this match. The match was originally ground-based, but then the top rope came into use when the two pulled off what could even be described as insane stunts. Even this was topped when the “X” above the ring came into play, both wrestlers experiencing vicious falls from grace, to say the least. After a cutter from the very centre of it, both struggle to get to their feet, Styles is the quickest and uses his agility to get to the top as quickly as possible. However, Aries is waiting for him and yanks him down, positioning him for a crucifix power bomb. He tosses Styles up in the air, but AJ grabs onto the ropes hanging above the ring, unhooking the prize and dropping down.

AJ Styles wins by removing the prize from the centre of the X.

Match 6:
World Title Tournament
Match 2, Round 2

Christian Cage vs. The Rock

Christian won this match-up by winning the TLC over his brother Edge at the previous PPV, and he seemed confident for it. Overconfident, perhaps, as The Rock took the fight right to him, almost taking him out of the equation totally. It took Cage a low-blow to get back into things, and he managed to keep control for quite a while from there on, even managing to put The Great One through an announce table. The Rock managed to come back though, and had Christian almost on breaking point. He lays the Instant Classic to the mat with a Rock Bottom and looks to deliver the People’s Elbow. However, Edge comes out of nowhere with a steel chair and swings it at the Great One. The Rock sees it coming though, and Rock Bottoms Edge on top of his own brother. He then delivers a double People’s Elbow and covers for the three count.

The Rock wins via pinfall.

Match 7:
Pure Title Match

Nigel McGuinness vs. Low Ki (C)

These two very different yet similar strikers took chunks out of each other in a vicious contest. Although Low Ki’s superior speed and agility helped him out, Nigel’s brutality and ferociousness made it an even contest, he even managed to block and reverse several of Low Ki’s hard-hitting, unforeseeable kicks. Low Ki has now gained the upper hand and has positioned himself on the top rope. He leaps off, looking to deliver Warrior’s Way, but McGuinness rolls out of the way and twists him inside out with a Lariat. He goes for the pin but to no avail. He then puts Low Ki into the corner, looking for the Tower Of London, but Low Ki hit s a straight kick to the face, knocking Nigel to the floor. Ki gets on his feet, but is shoved off of them by Taz, who has come down to ringside. This leaves the Warrior vulnerable to the Tower of London, which is delivered with force. However, Low Ki kicks out. Nigel raises him to his feet and throws him to the ropes, but Taz has grabbed him, locking in the Tazmission. The referee calls for the bell.

Low Ki wins via DQ.

After the match, Taz refuses to break the hold. Until McGuinness punches him off, that is. An angry Taz runs into the ring and chokes out a distracted McGuinness, adding to his list of victims.

Match 8:
Tag Team Title Cage Match

The British Bulldogs (C) vs. Harlem Heat

These two battled brutally inside the structure, neither giving an inch. Willingly, at least. All four were busted open in the early going, but the Dynamite Kid was the one that cleared house after the Harlem pairing double teamed Davey Boy Smith, to dramatic effect. As Smith and Booker battle near the top of the cage, Smith clambers to the outside, but only drops off when Booker connects with a mid-air Scissors Kick, dropping into the ring himself and lying motionless. On the opposite side, the Dynamite Kid tosses Stevie to the outside with a German Suplex, but, instead of climbing out to victory, dives into the centre of the ring, connecting with Booker with a Diving Headbutt. The Kid lays motionless but is on top of Booker, leading the referee to count to three.

The British Bulldogs win via pinfall.

Match 9:
Main Event
World Title Tournament
Match 3, Round 2

Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson

These two were very respectful of each other throughout the match, behaving accordingly. They took it to the mat during most of the mat, but that took nothing off the pace as the two matched each other move-for-move. It came down to who was better, but neither could outmatch the other, even when both had been busted open on the very same ringpost. Danielson even refused to give in after a German Suplex from the apron through the remaining announce table. However, he is unable to get the upper hand, as he’s locked into the Ankle Lock, unable to get to the ropes. He manages to roll under himself and throw Angle into the ringpost. As the Olympian stumbles backwards, Danielson hits the Dragon Suplex, going for the pin, but he is unsuccessful. He then manages to lock in Cattle Mutilation, and leaves Angle in it for several excruciating minutes. All of a sudden, Angle manages to roll on top of Danielson, and just about gets a quick three.

Angle wins via pinfall.

The crowd applauds as the two shake hands before embracing, as the show goes off air.

As to who I was never impressed well you did annoucne their match as a brawl and that is both Stan Hansen and the Bruiser. I was never impressed with either that is just my opnion. I have seen them tag team and quite frankly there matches rank right up there with The Beverly brothers versus The WWF Bushwackers.
On the other hands major props for Dibaise as he was IMO the greatest to never hold a world title. Almost all the other matches i would love to have seen.

As far as Taz I can see your point but my point wasnt that he was a major player but he was a damn good wretler and the best ECW ever had. His drawback as far as going to another promotion was his size and quite frankly his lack of any sort of flair (which as we see from his time as a broadcastre he had plenty of). it is hard to take a badass series who is one step up from a midget. I was really defending the fact that you called him a crap wrestler in the category of guys like Kahli, Credible, and Gangrel. I wouldnt put him on the level or a Rock or HBK necessarily but definetly up there with guys like Jarret, Booker, Orton and Goldberg (who I always felt was more of a joke and loved the match that Regal got fired for where he made him look a total wet behind the ears greenhorn

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