The Ultimate Fantasy Mock Draft V.

The time when you would wade in again. 9:28 is the winner.

Just kidding dude, I think someone will probably drop out. I even have a theory as to who it'll be.
Gentlemen, the screenshots have loaded.

The Draw For Position

First, the names were added in alphabetical order.


Then, the draw began. Tension heightened


Until finally, it stopped, and the order was revealed.


I came out first. I would have preferred last, would have gotten 2 picks when I rolled around, but fuck it, I suppose first is good. OK guys, so here we go. Your first pick is your brand name, your general manager and your first wrestler. When we get down to the bottom, I'll explain to those who don't know how this goes from there.
You can download software from Limewire. I almost got a working version of Photoshop from there. Almost being the key word.

This has got off to a good start. Is Wabbit in or out?
Out. Try reading Sam. I stated the 6 guys that were in.

Draft Table on the first page updated with the order. My opener coming soon.
The time when you would wade in again. 9:28 is the winner.

Just kidding dude, I think someone will probably drop out. I even have a theory as to who it'll be.
It's 4:30 in the afternoon kid.

Where the hell are you getting 9:28 from?

How convenient that Colamania got the first pick, and in a good pick to take tag teams. How many times did you run the shuffle there Cola?

You can download software from Limewire. I almost got a working version of Photoshop from there. Almost being the key word.

This has got off to a good start. Is Wabbit in or out?
Just get them off Torrents. Much easier.
It's back once again. And this time, it's going old school.

The Lightning Wrestling Federation has made it's return. Only this time, a new man stands at the helm. That man is standing in the ring, in a spotlight of black. The ring is lit, but there's darkness around this one man. He pulls his head up slowly, and speaks four words.

"Let there be light"

The blackness disappears, and there, stood central in the LWF ring, is arguably the greatest evil genius in wrestling history, Paul Heyman. The crowd cheer, and Heyman speaks again, just as calmly and precisely as before.

"But in the light, let there be darkness"

The arena goes black. And then resonates with a chilling sound. The sound of a gong. The funeral music starts up, and suddenly, the ramp is lined with druids holding flaming torches, creating a flaming archway all the way down to ringside. And there, walking between them, like a soldier marching to war, those cold eys locked on the ring, is the Demon of Detah Valley, wrestling's greatest phenom, The Undertaker. As UT passes each set of druids, their torches go out unexplainably, until, when Taker' reaches ringside, the arena is once again black. For a second there is silence. Then lighning crashes down from the ceiling, many bolts creating a circle aorund ringside. More druids have appeared, circling the ring, and their torches are lit by the mysterious electricity, lighting the ring - which Undertaker now stands in the centre of, Heyman stood in a corner, as UT has his moment. Taker picks a mic from the ring floor, raises it to his lips, and speaks those chilling words.

"Undertaker has come to dominate the LWF. All those who pass before me shall Rest In Peace"

The torches go black. The lights come back up after a few seconds, and Heyman is alone. No druids, no Undertaker. The Deadman has spoken. The LWF... lives.

How convenient that Colamania got the first pick, and in a good pick to take tag teams. How many times did you run the shuffle there Cola?

I knew it. I just knew you would resort to this crap. In fact, when I saw my name come up first, I was tempted to run the shuffle again, just to avoid you doing this. But you know what, believe what you want to believe, because that was the one and only time I ran the software.
Undertaker's got star power, character, in-ring skills. He'll got you votes by just being there, maybe more so than anyone else. Nice pick. Heyman as his boss though? Too soon to judge, as the entire rosters hasn't been formed. I must admit, The Undertaker would have been my first pick as well. Also, when has The Undertaker spoken in the third person? And the LWF name is back. I expect twelve more comments once I post this...
Undertaker's got star power, character, in-ring skills. He'll got you votes by just being there, maybe more so than anyone else. Nice pick. Heyman as his boss though? Too soon to judge, as the entire rosters hasn't been formed. I must admit, The Undertaker would have been my first pick as well. Also, when has The Undertaker spoken in the third person? And the LWF name is back. I expect twelve more comments once I post this...

I just thought, UT is the best possible pick. The man is wrestling for me. The in-ring skills, the athleticism, the charisma, the gimmick, he's the total package. I gave UT the third person thing because I just thought it sounded cool.

Oh, and one more thing. You have to admit, that was how to write an opener. If you were in the arena, you would be marking out all over the place. jpfizzle, top that.
By the time I post this, Jizzer Rizzer will have surely posted his first pick. I am in shock - I never thought you'd pick that particular superstar and top Cola like that with such an introduction as that particular one you wrote. Incredible.

By the time I post this, Jizzer Rizzer will have surely posted his first pick. I am in shock - I never thought you'd pick that particular superstar and top Cola like that with such an introduction as that particular one you wrote. Incredible.


Fizzle's offline by now. And he ain't gonna top that. In fact, I don't even think I'm gonna top that. My first show will be worse than that.

You've peaked too soon Cola. Way too soon.
Fizzle's offline by now. And he ain't gonna top that. In fact, I don't even think I'm gonna top that. My first show will be worse than that.

You've peaked too soon Cola. Way too soon.

To be fair, some of what you describe in there is physically impossible.

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