The SD! LD on 2/11 Is Having Some Trouble In Paradise!

I love Booker giving the "Working out 5 nights a week" line right back to Cole.

Cole has amazingly gone from a neutral play by play man to a pretty damn good heel color guy. Too bad he's doing play by play.
And Starchild, I'm actually a Phillies fan haha. I just have a beard and the thing gets mad love on the forums.

Haha I gotcha. I just have a fondness for Brian Wilson's former school.

I'm a Braves fan myself, but I am very intrigued by the Philly's ridiculous pitching staff this season. That's gonna be unstoppable barring injury
Listen to that pop for Show. Such a badass. CHOKESLAM TO BARRETT!!!!!!!

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!!! :wtf: No way...a good guy defeats a bad person?? This kind of crap is this? This would not happen if I ran things! It would be bad people getting their way all the time.. This is sheer nonsense good people??!! That's not how I would get LOL Screw ratings...hehe. I'd make my system more effed up than WCW...
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2836551 said:
Some of the stuff Jackson has done scares the hell out of me.

Have you seen the picture of the back of Big Zeke's head?? :wtf: THAT scares me... it doesn't look human...
Haha I gotcha. I just have a fondness for Brian Wilson's former school.

I'm a Braves fan myself, but I am very intrigued by the Philly's ridiculous pitching staff this season. That's gonna be unstoppable barring injury

Yeah I'm extremely excited for this season. I am interested in the battle for the 5 spot, though that is likely to go to Blanton since no one wants him. I was pulling for my boy, Vance Worley. Maybe next year haha. Hopefully the offense gives our staff some fucking runs.
I honestly wonder how much crap Cole's kids get int heir daily lives because of the role their father plays. I see that one guy who says "It's still real to me dammit!" and imagine him following Michael Cole around, just to see what would happen...
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!!! :wtf: No way...a good guy defeats a bad person?? This kind of crap is this? This would not happen if I ran things! It would be bad people getting their way all the time.. This is sheer nonsense good people??!! That's not how I would get LOL Screw ratings...hehe. I'd make my system more effed up than WCW...

You'd be on PPV and make it so guys like Barrett would fuck you to get to the top and you know it. ;)
You'd be on PPV and make it so guys like Barrett would fuck you to get to the top and you know it. ;)

Personally..I'd be more about the sleazy dealings and making sure my ass is covered and the stars are happy and certain ones get their gold, and Vickie would look like a girl scout compared to some of the things I know how to do, trust me. ;) Believe me, I appreciate the stigma attached with being a redhead. Its fun letting people fear me when I get angry. :p
Personally..I'd be more about the sleazy dealings and making sure my ass is covered and the stars are happy and certain ones get their gold, and Vickie would look like a girl scout compared to some of the things I know how to do, trust me. ;) Believe me, I appreciate the stigma attached with being a redhead. Its fun letting people fear me when I get angry. :p

Lulz, your ass would be covered alright. I mean...your company would be top notch! :theyareontome:
So with Booker doing SD announcing now, is Striker just going to do the Superstars commentating?? It leaves me to wonder how this affects who does the PPV calling as well... and with Lawler possibly retiring, if rumor could be true... it seems like there are too many variables right now for anything to happen.

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