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I want to start a thread showing how a wrestler can beat Brock Lesnar in the WWE. In this thread, I'd like to place 5 videos that show different guys, applying MMA holds, etc. Is this considered an advertisement?

Also, where should I post this thread?
With Timehop and 'On This Day' being popular in social media I thought it might be interesting to have something like that here. Is an 'On This Day' link in our user profile a possibility to see what posts we made on this day in past years? It might be interesting to see if thoughts and opinions have changed over the years and might even start some fun discussion for those that want to share their links. I don't know anything about the technical side so for all I know this is like asking if I can post from my toaster, but if this is possible it might be worth exploring.
Probably not. Something like that would probably have to be an add-on and I don't believe they want to install any more add-ons to the forum. Additionally, our forum software is somewhat old, so there may not even be a mod for that which would work with our forum software.
I've been working on a wrestling project for a while and would like to share it with the community, and am wondering who would be best for me to discuss this with?

I feel that a post about it fits nicely in the graphics forum, as it is in a sense a tool for that. Though because this rides the line of "advertising" I don't want to ruffle feathers. I was hoping I could discuss the project with a staff member.

Who would be best to contact about this? Thanks.

(By the way, I've been a regular reader of the site for well over a decade, and an occasional lurker of the forum on slow news days.)
Hi, does my current signature fall under advertising? I didn't face any disciplinary action, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't breaking any rule while trying to be funny.

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