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What happens when your wrongly banned by a mod? I was wrongly accused with no proof towards me. I received 3 infractions and a week ban. I'm looking for the main top guy over the forums to file a complaint with. Is there someone that "polices the police?"
What happens when your wrongly banned by a mod? I was wrongly accused with no proof towards me. I received 3 infractions and a week ban. I'm looking for the main top guy over the forums to file a complaint with. Is there someone that "polices the police?"

You posted spoilers, which results in an automatic three day ban. You were not wrongly infracted. You posted about Del Rio beating Kalisto just a couple of hours after the results were leaked. Here is the exact rule.

K. Posting Spoilers: Do not post spoilers. A “spoiler” is any information that will happen in the future that is not already common knowledge. For example, revealing the results of a taped episode of WWE Smackdown before the show airs would be considered a “spoiler”. The posting of Spoilers will automatically result in a three point Infraction, and depending upon the severity of the offense, you may be given anywhere from a three point Infraction all the way up to a permanent ban. For the sake of clarity, and because of the locations of the primary wrestling promotions discussed on this board, the WrestleZone Forums will go by the American schedule of television programming. If it has not aired on television in America, it is considered a spoiler.

KB, who infracted you, is one of the two admins. If you really feel like you were wronged, and you weren't, then KB or Sly are the two guys to talk to.
I have talked to them or one atleadst. And I was wrongly infracted. I didn't even know del Rio had taken the title. The post looks like it was made by a 3 year old. This is B.S. as noons can show me where exactly I made that post. There is a corruption going on here and all I'm looking for is proof to be shown? I know what they said I did but I didn't .
I know what the exact rule is and I didn't break it.
I have talked to them or one atleadst. And I was wrongly infracted. I didn't even know del Rio had taken the title. The post looks like it was made by a 3 year old. This is B.S. as noons can show me where exactly I made that post. There is a corruption going on here and all I'm looking for is proof to be shown? I know what they said I did but I didn't .
I know what the exact rule is and I didn't break it.

The thread was deleted, as are all threads and posts that include spoilers.

Iim a diehard WWF fan but recently they've done some pretty stupid stuff. Making everybody join a team, and I'll rip out my eyeballs if I have to dee wooooooow ric flair again.

But the crowd wentvinsane!! When Kalisto won the us belt. Then boneheaded it a gave it back ADR. Um why? What was the point?? Del Rio did nothing with whaycbelt. Its s major slap in Kalisto!!!

That is your exact post. It was posted on 01-12-2016, 10:30 PM. Smackdown didn't air until the 14th. You broke the rule. There is no conspiracy or any corruption going on. You did the crime, you served your time, I suggest that you let it go.
I have talked to them or one atleadst. And I was wrongly infracted. I didn't even know del Rio had taken the title. The post looks like it was made by a 3 year old. This is B.S. as noons can show me where exactly I made that post. There is a corruption going on here and all I'm looking for is proof to be shown? I know what they said I did but I didn't .
I know what the exact rule is and I didn't break it.
As I already PM'd you, here is the proof of your violation. As I noted in the PM, you even label the thread with the word "Spoilers":


This matter is now closed. Do not post in this Ask a Question thread again about this particular subject. You may still ask any questions to the PM I sent you.
L. Overly Sexual Images: The WrestleZone Forums no longer allows obviously sexual images and videos. While nudity and pornography have always been prohibited, we are now asking all members refrain from posting, either in threads or in signature banners, images which can be considered sexual in nature. This includes images or video content containing lewd or provocative poses, or close-ups of breasts, butts, or crotches. While enforcement on what is considered overly sexual must be subjective to Staff discretion, we are not, at this time, intending to Warn or Infract for inappropriate content. However, if we feel over time our members are not adhering to our guideline regarding inappropriate material, we may re-visit the idea of Discipline.
Are we kissing that Stacy avatar goodbye?

Also, what are the key updates today that should be drawing my eye?
Hey staff. I was wondering inside of The Writing Gallery could there be a section in there dedicated only to WCWF vs. FOW (similar to how WWE has an NXT and PPV section.) The reason why I ask is because of the number of threads I currently have and that I have coming up for it. With the predictions,show results,"dirtsheet news",roster,grade. And the same thing with my friends FOW. We both plan to improve our shows and want to make them an essential part of WrestleZone Forums. Can you please grant me this request?
Hey staff. I was wondering inside of The Writing Gallery could there be a section in there dedicated only to WCWF vs. FOW (similar to how WWE has an NXT and PPV section.) The reason why I ask is because of the number of threads I currently have and that I have coming up for it. With the predictions,show results,"dirtsheet news",roster,grade. And the same thing with my friends FOW. We both plan to improve our shows and want to make them an essential part of WrestleZone Forums. Can you please grant me this request?
No. It sounds like you're wanting an e-fed type setup, but WZ already has an e-fed.
Oh not at all lol. I can't compete with WZCW. I just want a section in the Writing Gallery so my threads didn't take up the majority of the Gallery by it's self

All you'd really need from the sounds of it is two threads. One for writing your matches/shows in and then a second for all your announcements, stats, and other stuff. Then there wouldn't be so many topics that all deal with your WCWF.
It appears Photobucket is having problems. I can't even reach the Photobucket website.

EDIT: Apparently they are doing "maintenance".
For some reason a person repped me with a Giant picture of one Pierce Brosnan.

Now I'm as big a brosnan fan as the next person but the picture itself messes up my phone every time I go to my UserCP (which is fairly often). I was hoping the picture could be removed so my CP goes back to normal.
For some reason a person repped me with a Giant picture of one Pierce Brosnan.

Now I'm as big a brosnan fan as the next person but the picture itself messes up my phone every time I go to my UserCP (which is fairly often). I was hoping the picture could be removed so my CP goes back to normal.

Should be gone now.
Is it possible for the staff to add giant pictures of Pierce Brosnan to my user CP? Thanks.

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