The NEW WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

Rainbow Yaz has sent me an offensive homosexual photo.
I want it removed from my User CP.
This type of thing is childish and needs attention.
Can someone remove that ****PREJUDICED REMARK REMOVED**** rep Yaz sent me. The fact that he has that saved to his phone is a little weird and makes me question his man hood. Nothing personal to the rest of the staff I like y'all but can it be removed.
Can someone remove that ****PREJUDICED REMARK REMOVED**** rep Yaz sent me. The fact that he has that saved to his phone is a little weird and makes me question his man hood. Nothing personal to the rest of the staff I like y'all but can it be removed.

I removed the image, but please do not use prejudiced remarks.
Can someone remove these reps that Yaz and Lee are sending me and can someone make a rule of no homosexual (not using the term in a bad way) reps.
Can someone remove these reps that Yaz and Lee are sending me and can someone make a rule of no homosexual (not using the term in a bad way) reps.

The images should be gone now. As for your question about the rule you suggested, you would need to ask an admin.
Can you remove this homosexual rep Frank N Stein sent. Its really immature to keep sending them and if it doesn't stop I will be suing WrestleZone Forums for harassment.

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