The NEW Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Have a look through the avatars, there's a lot of new ones added recently. I'm pretty sure there is a JBL one.
Click user CP and the main box, you will have the colour, name of thread, then the poster and then lastly their comment (if any)
All I've got access to is color, thread, date, and comment. Is there an option I can check to view the user, or is it just a user sending rep anonymously?
You should have

Colour, thread, date, poster, comment. That's what I have on my table and have always had, you can't give rep anonomously.
I guess I'm not making myself clear enough.
In my User CP, on the Last Reputation Received table, there is a column for color, a column for thread, a column for date, and a column for comment.

There isn't a column for posted by. It's just date followed by comment.

I guess I can live without knowing who repped me...
Do mods get infractions too?

And what happens if mods disagree on an infraction? How is it decided? Majority rule?
Do mods get infractions too?

And what happens if mods disagree on an infraction? How is it decided? Majority rule?
Mods are regular members on the board, just like posters. However, infractions for members of the Staff are handled by the group higher on the hierarchy of the Staff. And, like all Warnings/Infractions that are given out, discipline that is done to a Staff member is kept between the one being infracted and the one who is infracted.
Do mods get infractions too?

And what happens if mods disagree on an infraction? How is it decided? Majority rule?

Just to answer the second part of your question, if there is a disagreement between infractions, it will usually take place between the Section Mod and another Mod, whether it be another Section Mod or a G-Mod. If the two Mods can not come to an agreement, then an Admin makes the call.

Admins are the only ones that can reverse infractions given, however G-Mods CAN over-turn any bannings that may be given by a Section Mod.
By the way, not to change the subject, but how do you guys post pics on this thing? Been trying for months and nothing comes out.

Moved here, do not infract - KB
You need to get the URL of it and then click on the post a picture button (third from the right, looks like a picture of a mountain). Paste the URL in there and it should come up.
Hey I wanna know do we get a infraction for posting on a old thead? Say if I were to go in WWE I went to the last page and post on a thread there? Would it be a infraction for me?
At the bottom, click add a poll when you make a thread. If that thread is already created, and you want to add a poll to your thread, click Thread Tools at the top right, and click add poll to thread.
Whats happened to the spoiler tags? The code or what ever you call it was
but that is no longer working. Is this merely a glitch or something or has the spoiler code been changed? I just want to know as its really messed up my Book This lay out. Is there an explanation for this elsewhere that I haven't spotted? Is this the right spot to post a question like this? If it goes back to normal before anyone answers the question just ignore this.

(Link is to show the failed spoiler tags in a big mass)
If you go on advanced you will notice the SP button
that is for spoilers

You don't need the = sign now.
this is a gfx question since it is re done can i open a new topic in the main graphic area, to show my work in different post in hte topic as long as it is not spam.
this is a gfx question since it is re done can i open a new topic in the main graphic area, to show my work in different post in hte topic as long as it is not spam.
You may start a thread, yes, but only if you include a post which is not spam. If you spam then you will be Infracted.
Hi, I'm having some trouble uploading a sig that Theo made for me. I saw the "signature permissions" at the bottom of my screen and the one that stuck out most to me was "Can Upload Images for Signature --- No." Does that mean I can't use the sig Theo made for me? If that's not what it means, any help in putting up the sig would be much appreciated.
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