The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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just a quick question.
for some reason my post count was reset, and i have no idea why.
any help would be appreciated

My guess is an admin deleted all your spammy posts

Also, this thread is to complain about Infractions Only
This is more of a question than it is a complaint, but I have like 10 or 11 posts and I still can't post new threads. What could be the reason for this?
It takes a while for the system

Also, this thread is to complain about Infractions Only
I am just curious as to why this post was considered advertising? I am new here and thought that I understood, but if some one could please give me a better understanding I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Advertising
Read the rules

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

I think God finally answered Vince's challenge from a few years back. Who knew God would work as a heel.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums
I am just curious as to why this post was considered advertising? I am new here and thought that I understood, but if some one could please give me a better understanding I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

It was for spamming, just forgot to change it to spamming
Mighty NorCal,

I received an infraction for the following post:
It's gonna be great to see Jeff on SD! I wish they would have kept Jeff & Matt together though, whether that be on SD! or even ECW - that really would have been cool.

On a side not, Finlay & Hornswoggle are not anywhere near a credible tag team. It's so annoying.

I'm not extremely upset with this Infraction or anything like that - I love the system of Infractions and warnings, and I'm glad I didn't just get booted. I've also never seen a forum where you must give a reason for each post - I actually like it. It promotes meaningful and intelligent conversations.

Even though I thought my post had sufficient info, I can understand why you thought it didn't, and that's fine. I just wish I could have either replied to the PM (because I do have 10 posts), or at least gone to edit my post. I went back looking for it to add information and it was gone.

I would have said that I enjoy the tag team division (which needs some help right now). Matt and Jeff obviously work well together, and on top of that, they're very popular. When you put them together, it's exciting to watch (particularly in ECW if they could be a bit 'extreme').

In my mind it was fine originally - I didn't do it intentionally. Again though I understand and agree with the rules.
So that's the only problem I have. I think it's crappy how I couldn't go back and respond or clarify.

PS, sorry if this has been mentioned somewhere in the previous 38 pages. I didn't read 'em.

EDIT: Alrighty, got it. Like a mod said on an earlier page, this is a learning experience, and the Infraction system is a good one, showing me what's expected. Thanks. I like your sig, btw ;)
he gave you a warning, not an infraction

just add more detail to your posts, explain your opinions and you should be fine
Mighty NorCal,

I received an infraction for the following post:
It's gonna be great to see Jeff on SD! I wish they would have kept Jeff & Matt together though, whether that be on SD! or even ECW - that really would have been cool.

On a side not, Finlay & Hornswoggle are not anywhere near a credible tag team. It's so annoying.

I'm not extremely upset with this Infraction or anything like that - I love the system of Infractions and warnings, and I'm glad I didn't just get booted. I've also never seen a forum where you must give a reason for each post - I actually like it. It promotes meaningful and intelligent conversations.

Even though I thought my post had sufficient info, I can understand why you thought it didn't, and that's fine. I just wish I could have either replied to the PM (because I do have 10 posts), or at least gone to edit my post. I went back looking for it to add information and it was gone.

I would have said that I enjoy the tag team division (which needs some help right now). Matt and Jeff obviously work well together, and on top of that, they're very popular. When you put them together, it's exciting to watch (particularly in ECW if they could be a bit 'extreme').

In my mind it was fine originally - I didn't do it intentionally. Again though I understand and agree with the rules.
So that's the only problem I have. I think it's crappy how I couldn't go back and respond or clarify.

PS, sorry if this has been mentioned somewhere in the previous 38 pages. I didn't read 'em.

EDIT: Alrighty, got it. Like a mod said on an earlier page, this is a learning experience, and the Infraction system is a good one, showing me what's expected. Thanks. I like your sig, btw ;)

This post deserves to be commended. It's rare in this thread that someone takes the time to think about the warning or infraction they receive, digest the advice given, do some research, and strive to improve their posting. Trust me, EVERYONE gets a infraction at some time in their posting career. Some react immaturely and never enjoy this forum as it is meant to be enjoyed. Others, like his poster, look at the REASONS we are strict and clarifies his post. This was so refreshing to read. Any one of you should feel free to reach out to one of us if you have questons. Green rep for Roody Poo just for acting like an adult.
I think this will be my last post of this forum.... Considering the concept of "spamming" is considerably wrong...

As quoted by

a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail."

Spamming does not mean going into great lengths to answer a question or responding to a thread.

The way you have it set up, you are basically giving warnings and infractions to those who don't go into great detail to responding to a topic. How you consider that spam makes me question the authority of this forum.

I am a member of an elite Carolina Panthers forum and we classify spam as those who choose to post endless threads on the same topic discussed over and over again. We should have a right to respond to a thread so as long as one does not re-post an identical thread.

I am sorry if it seems like I am being a complete jerk about but I just don't agree with that one warning/infraction. I am trying to say this in a civilized manner, without the cussing and name calling so if I crossed the line, that is what I was not intending to do but state my voice and opinion.

Thank You
Well, this isnt forums. Its wrestlezone forums. The rules on spamming are pretty clearly defined in the rules thread on this forum. If you cant follow those rules, or deal with "our" definition of spam, then dont post here, simple as that. No one is shackling people down in front of computers that have the ability to only go to Wrestlezone forums.

You DONT have to go into "great" detail in a response. Simply state how you feel, and give reasons on why you feel that way. Really not hard. If you cant state an opinion, and give reasons to support that opinion, then is it even REALLY worth being part of aa discussion??? No.
I don't get how my posts were considered spam, by your rules, that is... They were not greatly detailed, no but it was an opinion. I don't think giving a short simple opinion should be considered punishment... Its called "freedom of speech"
You didnt give a reason for your thoughts and opinions. You need to. Spam. Infraction. End of.

Continue to debate this, and our spam rule, and you will get another shiny infracton.

Free speech has no place here, Becuase this forum is run by people from England. Do not respond to this post, or you will get another.
A mod already gave you an expalnation on why it was spam, also there isnt "freedom of speech" here, it's a forum
Please don't reply, he already gave you an expalnation on why it's spam. Thank you
You can give me one if you like but I won't make a difference considering that I won't be returning to this forum.

Good Luck
I think this will be my last post of this forum.... Considering the concept of "spamming" is considerably wrong...

As quoted by

a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail."

Spamming does not mean going into great lengths to answer a question or responding to a thread.

The way you have it set up, you are basically giving warnings and infractions to those who don't go into great detail to responding to a topic. How you consider that spam makes me question the authority of this forum.

I am a member of an elite Carolina Panthers forum and we classify spam as those who choose to post endless threads on the same topic discussed over and over again. We should have a right to respond to a thread so as long as one does not re-post an identical thread.

I am sorry if it seems like I am being a complete jerk about but I just don't agree with that one warning/infraction. I am trying to say this in a civilized manner, without the cussing and name calling so if I crossed the line, that is what I was not intending to do but state my voice and opinion.

Thank You

No sweat man. You're not the first one to question the definition of "spam." But the fact is, we are looking for detail from posters. Not crazy detail, but a little substance. Here, we call that spam, and in the rules, the admin team explains that VERY clearly. That doesn't make it ok to say "well, I will disregard that because says it's ok." Doesn't work that way.

I am sorry you could not find a home on our forums. WrestleZone's forums are not for everybody, and that's neither a shortcoming on your part or ours.

On a side note, there is no "elite" Caroline Panthers forum. Nothing about the Carolina Panthers has been elite since 1996 besides their cheerleaders.

No, Thank YOU!
Well, I'd just like to clarify/apologize in regards to my warning...

Dear DaDigi,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.


add more to your posts.

Original Post:
Have you seen punk?
Have you tried the Pepsi machine?


Wall Street versus the Block


Props to the writers. They're doing some stuff we haven't seen in awhile, with some good punch lines.
Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

I'm a global moderator on another forum with a large userbase, and I know how hard it is to differentiate between spam and a post that isn't long enough. I see how you could consider my reply as "spam" but please do understand I had a few tabs open, and I was under the impression I was posted in the "Live Discussion" thread in the Spam Zone. I will try and make my posts a little longer, but if you check my history I've been around here for awhile now, I just tend not to post that much.

Well, I'd just like to clarify/apologize in regards to my warning...

I'm a global moderator on another forum with a large userbase, and I know how hard it is to differentiate between spam and a post that isn't long enough. I see how you could consider my reply as "spam" but please do understand I had a few tabs open, and I was under the impression I was posted in the "Live Discussion" thread in the Spam Zone. I will try and make my posts a little longer, but if you check my history I've been around here for awhile now, I just tend not to post that much.


Thanks for this feedback. We really do appreciate it.

With this forum, we don't have separate distinctions between a "spam" post and a "short" post. Any post not in the Spam forums that is either irrelevant, lacking detail, etc. is considered spam.

Obviously, mistakes happen, which is why the mod who infracted you issued a warning rather than an infraction. Either way, it's certainly not the end of the world - more of a heads up to keep an eye on which threads you are posting in. It's an easy mistake to make.

Thanks also for the respectful manner in which you brought this up. Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to PM me and ask. That's why we are here.

All the best,
Yea I just warned him, becuase the thread is easy to become confused on what exactly we expect. Keep stuff like that in the LD area, probably the thread designated to the show it was regarding. Thanks for the respectfull response bro. Happy posting.
Thanks for the fast response. I talk to moderators the way I'd expect to be spoken to on my own forums. But yeah, I'll try to be more careful with my posts.
Now that I've read the rules I will put more into my posts; even though sometimes less is more.
We have a spam zone for those times you feel less is more. Use it to stop yourself being infracted. We don't mind about the length of the post, as long as you give your opinion, and more importantly, a reason for why you feel that way.
I got an infraction for spamming for my post in the "Biggest Moments in WWF/WWE History" thread. I posted, sorry if this thread was done before, I didn't know, or something to that effect. Now when I posted it I knew it would be considered spam so I decided against it and thought I would just post it at the bottom of my original post so I avoid spam, but then I found out that I can't delete my post so I was stuck. And low and behold I got an infraction. I fully understand why I got it, I just wanted you guys to know that I didn't intend to spam and that I tried to fix it, but couldn't.

Thanks guys and keep up the great work.
I got an infraction for spamming for my post in the "Biggest Moments in WWF/WWE History" thread. I posted, sorry if this thread was done before, I didn't know, or something to that effect. Now when I posted it I knew it would be considered spam so I decided against it and thought I would just post it at the bottom of my original post so I avoid spam, but then I found out that I can't delete my post so I was stuck. And low and behold I got an infraction. I fully understand why I got it, I just wanted you guys to know that I didn't intend to spam and that I tried to fix it, but couldn't.

Thanks guys and keep up the great work.

Thanks for letting us know the issue. That happens from time to time. Obviously, our hands are tied because we need to exercise some consistency with the infractions.

The good news is, infractions expire after 3 months. If you pay as much attention to your future threads as you seem to be willing to, I am sure you will hardly notice that infraction is there and it will be gone in short order. It actually takes 3 infractions in 3 weeks to earn a one-week ban, so you should be just fine.
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