The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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I have no idea where snakes are kept or treated so i asked why are snakes meant to be kept in a cage.

I didnt know, so how was i meant to give a lengthy answer to something i dont know.

Why are Snakes supposed to be locked in a cage? how am i meant to expand or give an opinion on that SIMPLE i was asking HOW becasue i didnt KNOW!

Your thinking something different, i didnt know i asked why. Its not like i thought they shouldnt be in cages or what not, i was SERIOUSLY asking why should they be in cages. I dont even remember if i got an answer either.

This is stupid i asked a question and got banned for 2 weeks and you are asking and calling me as if i did something wrong?

If i asked in a thread dedicated to cars how a gear system worked would you ban me then because its the exact same situation as this.

I gave you the infraction, I know why, the rules perfectly back me up on doing so, I suggest reading them and getting over it. I've explained it to you, in the PM I sent, and in this thread. NorCal has done the same in this thread.

You should have given your opinion on animals being locked up in a cage. And yes, you did get a reply.
Well, were that simply the situation, you shouldve given something explaining your opinion on wether they should be locked up or not. "Why are snakes locked in cages?? Surely its not becuase of....." and so on.
so you wanted me to give reason as to why they might be locked in a cage when i clearly stated i had no idea why they might be and wanted to know why
We want you to tell us whether you think they should be kept in cages or not as well as asking me. Do you think they should be? Did you agree with the rest of what I was saying? If you answered these simple questions you wouldn't have gotten an infraction.
they might need to be kept in cages for some reason if they are pets, i dunno thats why i asked because i dont know why they are meant to be kept in cages?

why do i have to have an opinion on everything jesus christ can a guy not know something and get some one to tell him

how are you meant to form a educated opinion on something if you dont know anything about it?

how an i meant to know unless i ask?

i dont even care any more about the snake all i want to know why i cant ask a question and get a simple answer

EDIT: I dont know if they should be kept in a cage or not thats why i was asking my god please understand im putting as simple and straight forward as i can
This isnt fucking Ricki Lake dude. You have been answered numerous times by both I and Becca. Keep it up, and you will be infracted.

You cant just ask a question. That is the rule. if you cant offer an educated opinion on the situation then DONT FUCKING MAKE THE POST. Its fairly well ironed out in the rules, exactly what I just said. DO not respond to this.
they might need to be kept in cages for some reason if they are pets, i dunno thats why i asked because i dont know why they are meant to be kept in cages?

why do i have to have an opinion on everything jesus christ can a guy not know something and get some one to tell him

how are you meant to form a educated opinion on something if you dont know anything about it?

how an i meant to know unless i ask?

i dont even care any more about the snake all i want to know why i cant ask a question and get a simple answer

EDIT: I dont know if they should be kept in a cage or not thats why i was asking my god please understand im putting as simple and straight forward as i can

If you don;t have an opinion don't post. It's as simple as that. The whole point of Chit Chat is us wanting your opinion on certain matters. The rules have recently been updated. Read them. Now you've had 2 mods explain this to you. Can you just leave it and move on?
Forget it right if you even reverse the infraction i was still banned you cant change that.

I thought SINCE the question was related to the topic i should ask.

It shouldnt be that if you dont know you cant ask.
I dont know about snakes habitat's or care there for i cannot participate?

Since i do not know about amature wrestling i shouldnt be a wrestling fan?

I hate the spamming rule its deadly harsh.

FORGET about it clearly im the only person that thinks the rules are harsh.

I though spamming was double posting instead of editing or going to much off topic, bots or posting other websites, citing argument, swearing and name calling, creating meaningless posts, one word posts.

No but wrestlezones version of spamming is made up because its mods and admins can do whatever they like and will just tell people you dont like it go away
14 infractions, I even deleted some. I'm, posting this because I know you'll come back. You are by far the worst poster in the history of WrestleZone. And there have been some stinkers. The only reason you got released from the prison is because I planned to put Wes in there. You didn't even earn your way out. Once you came out you decided to voice some odd, homophobic views. That in itself would have got you banned if it wasn't so evident you were bought up by wolves. If you return I expect a post something along the lines of: Hey he didn't do anything why don't you unban him. But in Kieran, which I think could possibly be the the language that has evolved from Klingon.
I'm back.

I received a flaming infraction for this post...
Me said:
How about "Blowjob Becca"? It's an alliteration, has a nice ring to it, and certainly describes how you got your mod spot...

It was in a thread created by Becca, in which she told everyone my opinion didn't matter before I even posted in the thread. This is significant.

Now, here's the problem I have.

There are rules, they just got deleted when the Bar Room exploded a while back... and no-one (me) has had a chance to put them back up. As for Baiting and Flaming your guilty of both in here and have not got an Infraction... so assume it's okay. The rule on Flaming was and is that it's okay in moderation if you go around starting blatantly malicious hate threads you'll get an Infraction.

He goes on to say in another post in the same thread.

Basically yeah Moderation is the key. If you go over the top chances are someone will just drop you a PM and ask you to tone it down rather than throwing an Infraction straight your way. It really depends case to case to be honest, if someone is throwing racial slurs around they will be banned on site just as they would in any other forum.

I'm not going to go out and say this or that isn't allowed because most people in here have the sense not to go over the top. I let the bait slide because it was me and I can take as good as I give and your comment at the time didn't bother me... but yeah I would say baiting is allowed but then if someone takes the bait so to speak and goes back at you they would probably be allowed to slide for it. And just a footnote my comments about you posting in the Bar Room were completely 100% in jest... I actually found you pretty funny while you were in here, and most if not all of my posts in this place are completely in jest most people get that... but you'll usually know if I'm being serious because it'll involved a wall of text like this.

Now, the point here is not to throw Jonny under the bus. He was kind enough to try and clarify for me the rules regarding flaming and baiting in the Bar Room, and his comments there are what I have gone by. However, using his comments, I don't understand how my one comment, after the initial comment made in the thread before I even posted, is in violation of what Jonny said is allowed in the Bar Room.

I didn't go around starting hate threads, my comment was in jest, it wasn't over the top or racist, I was never asked to stop, and I was baited to begin with. So, my question is, since I was using an admin's definition of what is allowed in the Bar Room, and my comment is in compliance to what he said, may I have the infraction removed, based upon what is noted above?
I've been explaining this to you for the last 5 hours, literally. I've given you the reason you got the infraction, I've given you an admin giving me the go ahead, and I've even given you the rules you broke, if the only one. Here it is again.

18. Don't sass the mod or admin team. They wont put up with it.

Bottom of the line is, it's an infraction. It'll expire, you've even said to me it means nothing to you.

And the poll comment directed at you, was in fact a reply to another comment you made in which you made a thread and insulted me to make a completely opposite point.
I've been explaining this to you for the last 5 hours, literally. I've given you the reason you got the infraction, I've given you an admin giving me the go ahead, and I've even given you the rules you broke, if the only one. Here it is again.

Bottom of the line is, it's an infraction. It'll expire, you've even said to me it means nothing to you.

And the poll comment directed at you, was in fact a reply to another comment you made in which you made a thread and insulted me to make a completely opposite point.
Please read Jonny's post, where he explains what is and is not allowed in the Bar Room. My comment was infracted as a flame, and under the explanation Jonny gave, it should not have been given, especially since you baited me in the thread to start.

I knew that I had read that somewhere, and I finally found it. This was the guidelines for which I have posted in the Bar Room since it was posted. Under those guidelines, as explained by an Administrator, my comment should not be given an infraction.
You need to explain your posts. What are the reasons for feeling the way you do? The mods of the forums need to think you are contributing to a discussion, and for that to happen we need you to give reasons for your opinions, not simply one sentence answers.
I received an Infraction the other day from Will for spamming that i don't quite agree with. discussed it a little with Will, but i would like another opinion on it as i really don't see how it could be seen as spam.

I started a thread on Jericho's charachter before the heel turn, talking about how i liked the intresting ness of his current situation but perfered that he be a heel, and gave the reasons why.

now the post i got an infraction for came after the heel turn, and i decided to add to the thread mentioning that he was turned heel:

"Well with tonights episode, it definetly looks like there turning him Heel. quite the impressive Heel turn i think, i really loved the Head threw the tv, was quite the nice touch. "

now since this is a thread about how his charachter is kind of inbetween a heel and a face, mentioning how he turned heel would seem like a logical thing to add. plus i explained why i liked hopw the heel turn was done.

now in the infraction Will tells me that i should add why i think turning jericho heel is a good idea. but the thing about this is i stated why i wanted him heel in my orignal start of the thread. stating it again would seem completley pointless in my mind, and i really don't see why i would have to add it again =S

I just need another point of view on this as i really don't understand how its spam =S
As Will explained to you, you do need to explain why you feel the way you do. Maybe add to why you enjoyed him putting Shawn through the TV?

That post in itself, didn't add to the discussion as there was little there people could argue with, however if you'd have added reasoning to the opinion it wouldn't have been spam.

Although, with you saying you had already explained it in your first post, the logical thing would have been to simply edit it into that post, therefore your reasons would already be there.

TheOneBigWill was right to give the infraction in this case.
I just need another point of view on this as i really don't understand how its spam =S

Becca's right, but I do want to mention that this is a learning process as much as anything for you, and you are going about it the right way. I got tagged for spamming my first few weeks, and like you, I didn't fly off the handle about it, but rather used the experience to learn from and improve. One spamming infraction isn't going to hurt you much - trust me. Of course, since you do have more than 10 posts, feel free to drop any of us a PM if you have further questions.
So this is the complaint thread. I got two infractions for spamming, albeit they were specified as bumping old threads. I was perusing the chitchat section of this forum. While reading the threads contained in this section, I realized that I wasn't that interested by the current discussions. To alleviate this issue I decided to look back at past threads and see if any were interesting enough to revive. I made two posts on two threads that I found intriguing. These posts, in my opinion, were thought out and reasonable. I realize that there was a mention of this issue in the rules, and that Jake has since made a thread addressing this issue. I was wondering if the infractions were valid. From what I could tell, there was no precedent to follow in this case. While one of the threads appears to have been closed, the other has generated a degree of discussion. All of this makes me wonder as to why they were considered spam

PS: I wouldn't have complained if had not been that these infractions resulted in a week ban for me. I did not mean any disrespect in the above post.
It's common sense not to go around bumping up old topics. It's OLD, there is no point. All aspects were addressed in the thread I made.
OK. . everytime I have left a post. . I have recieved an infraction. . hell. . u'll probably give me one now for "not adding enough". . . . w/e the hell that means. . . and I find it funny that some of my past posts that were declared "illegal" were ones that specifically disagreed with you people. . If i am jumping to harsh conclusions, please feel free to correct me and for Godsake dont gimme another infraction for this post. . alright
Well, the only way you'll receive a spam infraction in here is if you go off-topic. Let me just take a look at the posts you've received infractions for.

Well, firstly, you've posted five times officially, and only received three infractions. Two of those have expired. Now, when you say that you were disagreeing with "us" do you mean you were disagreeing with... members? The world's not against you, you know. We don't receive PMs going "Guys, this guy's disagreeing! Free though alert!" You're not the first person to hatch such a conspiracy theory. From what I've seen, the infraction stands.
just a quick question.
for some reason my post count was reset, and i have no idea why.
any help would be appreciated
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