The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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It obviously hasn't killed discussion, as peope still post, quite frequently in most threads on this forum. If anything, it simly deters the people who will only give few word answers, which ultimately is what kills discussion. It's impossible to promote a proper debate, or discussion, with a few people simply saying "nhs rules" or "abortion is murder" repeatedly. So, I understand your point, but really it is better the way it is.

As for not wanting to discourage others posting, on the contrary, it would have simply stimulated more discussion as people would have either said why they agreed with you, or why they disagreed. Therefore you would reply and they would etc. Promoting healthy discussion.
But I did not post "your system sucks" or "America's is better." I posted a factual, clear addition to the subject.

It added to the conversation and helped move it forward. As for my debating style, I have been using this at countless forums for over five years now (sad really) and three of those years were at this very place. I have never seen anything that forces 150 words or so, unless it was a debate tourney.

Yes, you are still going and still have a few people discussing, but it has had to discourage a few. Again, it was not a two or three word response, so obviously my post was not discouraging debate. Actually, you will see that the thread in question has been dead ever since. Probably because the false conclusion of joe joe's post. People either do not feel there is more room to debate (which I open up room) or they are discouraged to speak more of their mind.

I am anti-spam, but what constitutes as spam. Additionally, you have no clear guidence on what is and what is not spam. For being a member of WZ for so long, you would think I could post a normal response without getting warned the first time like I was some n00b to posting.
I'm going to do something that I've actually only done once, and that's reverse this Infraction. It was borderline spam at worst and looking at the post again it did add something to the topic, while Advo didn't add his own opinion to it, it was a valid point.
I have two complaints:

Spamming infractions: give me a break! People get spamming infractions because their posts were too short?! Perhaps some people are just concise! I'd rather read ONE well thought out sentence than a paragraph of idiotic, redundant, incoherent ranting.

"Did You Know?": I think maybe it's time to update the database that provides these fascinating tidbits of information. For example, I was amazed to learn today that Ric Flair's kids watch WWE and only flip over to WCW to see their dad!
I have two complaints:

Spamming infractions: give me a break! People get spamming infractions because their posts were too short?! Perhaps some people are just concise! I'd rather read ONE well thought out sentence than a paragraph of idiotic, redundant, incoherent ranting.

It's been addressed before. There's a fine line between spam and non-spam if your post is very short. If we feel it contributes and adds to the discussion, we'll leave it alone. But if it adds so little it's irrelevant, which is more likely with a small post, an infraction is given.

"Did You Know?": I think maybe it's time to update the database that provides these fascinating tidbits of information. For example, I was amazed to learn today that Ric Flair's kids watch WWE and only flip over to WCW to see their dad!

The forum staff don't have control over the news site.
The forum staff don't have control over the news site.

Well maybe you could pass it along to someone who CAN do something.

You know what else is annoying on the news site? Duplicate news stories. How many times does the same news report have to be posted by different people? And why is it that they have the same exact wording, verbatim? Isn't that called plagiarism? How do TWO different contributors come up with the EXACT same wording for a story on "Big News on Ric Flair!"??? Would it be that difficult for the contributors to actually read the news board and see if the story they are about to submit has already been submitted, word for word, exactly the same as what they are about to submit?
You do realize the mod staff can't do anything about the main site right?

Yeah, what part of "maybe you can pass it along to someone who CAN do something" was not clear? It acknowledges that the board mods can't do anything on the main site AND asks them if they could pass the info along to someone who CAN do something about the main site.
Yeah, what part of "maybe you can pass it along to someone who CAN do something" was not clear? It acknowledges that the board mods can't do anything on the main site AND asks them if they could pass the info along to someone who CAN do something about the main site.

Well, it might be kinda hard for them to pass onto someone who works on the main site when they don't have anything to do with those people, also people have been bitching about the same shit about the main site for as long as I've been a member and nothing has changed, so you complaining about the main site is pretty much pointless
Yeah, what part of "maybe you can pass it along to someone who CAN do something" was not clear? It acknowledges that the board mods can't do anything on the main site AND asks them if they could pass the info along to someone who CAN do something about the main site.

Also if you'd bothered to read the Suggestions FAQ (you know the one with "Read before Posting" next to it) this issue is explained in it. There is also a point of contact FOR the Main Site if you have any complaints.

Reading doesn't seem to be your strong point, because if you'd of read the first post you would know this thread is for Infraction Questions/Complaints only. While you did have an Infraction complaint you have continued to bitch about the main site, so here have another Infraction.
Does handing out infractions make you feel like more of a man? Seriously, you guys are so lame. You wonder why people complain about these forums so much. You get a little authority and you have to act like Cartman and Bobby Brady when they were hall monitors in their respective tv shows. Oh no, I'll bet I get another infraction! Watch how much I care. I'll just put on a sock next time I feel like posting.

And reading doesn't seem to be YOUR strong point, since I was not continuing to bitch about the main board, I was simply responding to someone's comments about my post. Is that not allowed now too?
Yeah, what part of "maybe you can pass it along to someone who CAN do something" was not clear? It acknowledges that the board mods can't do anything on the main site AND asks them if they could pass the info along to someone who CAN do something about the main site.

Yep, your post DOES ask people on the forums site to pass your message along. That part of your post took one sentence. Then...

You know what else is annoying on the news site? Duplicate news stories. How many times does the same news report have to be posted by different people? And why is it that they have the same exact wording, verbatim? Isn't that called plagiarism? How do TWO different contributors come up with the EXACT same wording for a story on "Big News on Ric Flair!"??? Would it be that difficult for the contributors to actually read the news board and see if the story they are about to submit has already been submitted, word for word, exactly the same as what they are about to submit?

You do exactly what Jonny says you did. You go into (count them) SEVEN more sentences, complaining about the main site, after TWO people told you we have nothing to do with it.

So please don't make your question out to be innocuous. Two people responded to your issue and you ignored them, choosing to instead continue complaining. That's why you got the response you got.

And reading doesn't seem to be YOUR strong point, since I was not continuing to bitch about the main board, I was simply responding to someone's comments about my post. Is that not allowed now too?

To recap:

Well maybe you could pass it along to someone who CAN do something.

This was you responding to comments.

You know what else is annoying on the news site? Duplicate news stories. How many times does the same news report have to be posted by different people? And why is it that they have the same exact wording, verbatim? Isn't that called plagiarism? How do TWO different contributors come up with the EXACT same wording for a story on "Big News on Ric Flair!"??? Would it be that difficult for the contributors to actually read the news board and see if the story they are about to submit has already been submitted, word for word, exactly the same as what they are about to submit?

This was you continuing to complain about the main site.​

Are we on the same page yet?

Why you gotta be such an ASS dude. YES giving infractions makes me feel good, and like a real man. Its all I fucking HAVE ok!!!
Why would WE get in touch with the main site, when YOU have the problem?

I assumed you guys would cooperate and work together to make the site as a whole better. Guess I assumed too much. The mods on this board take themselves way to seriously.
No we don't. However it is repeatedly mentioned we have nothing to do with the main site. There's even a contact email address for you to voice your own concerns.
My complaint is it is not easy enough to find certain threads on here. I'm not as savvy when it comes to the computer as everyone else on here but I have taken courses on how to design websites that are user/visitor friendly/ easily navigational and I don't find this forum to be.
[QUOTE="THE FIERCE ONE" MIKE W;464446]My complaint is it is not easy enough to find certain threads on here. I'm not as savvy when it comes to the computer as everyone else on here but I have taken courses on how to design websites that are user/visitor friendly/ easily navigational and I don't find this forum to be.[/QUOTE]

Well that's a bit harsh. I'll reverse that infraction. Then again complaining because you can't find your way round a forum is stupid. How exactly are we supposed to help with that? Go to another forum, one with all the different skins, come back and I'm sure you'll have a different opinion. This board couldn't be easier to navigate.
"You need to explain your posts, asking a question without giving your opinion classifies as spam."

HBK-Aholic: "I've never seen a snake, unless it's been in a petshop or something similar, where they're suppossed to be."
Me: "You get wild British Grass snakes, why are Snakes supposed to be locked in a cage?"

How am i meant to give opinions on a question im asking , if i dont know something how am i meant to give opinions on it? If asking a question is spamming then this forum needs to check up on its spamming rules.

If the questions related to the thread then how is it spam?

That is the most absurd spamming infraction ive ever had and ive had so many niggling infractions its almost unreal.
Keiran, why do you even visit this thread, you are NEVER right. Anyhow. See, I just asked a question, and if it were relevant, I could give reasons and an opinion as to why I felt the question needed to be asked.

You need to give an opinion or something to help forward the discussion, or have some sort of meat. You cant just ask a question. Ask the question, and tell WHY you are asking the question, or something of the sort. If you cant manage to do this without spammin, then dont make the the post. The spam rules are SO simple. Seriously. And I dont appreciate you using the "N" word either, very politically incorrect.
For a start, that wasn't my entire post. Secondly, you took it out of context, as I wasn't meaning that they should all be kept there.

You got the infraction, because you didn't explain how you felt about it. How hard would it have been to say "I completely disagree, snakes are animals and completely deserve to be around outside, not to be kept in cages. I don't understand how you can think this way"? Etc.
Sorry i dont ever use racial slurs youll just have to trust me on that one, that wasnt the "N" word i wasnt meaning like the racist word, niggling just means stupid or small or insignificant. Ive heard teachersn and everyone say it before sorry if youve never heard it before that is not my fault.

I have no idea where snakes are kept or treated so i asked why are snakes meant to be kept in a cage.

I didnt know, so how was i meant to give a lengthy answer to something i dont know.

Why are Snakes supposed to be locked in a cage? how am i meant to expand or give an opinion on that SIMPLE i was asking HOW becasue i didnt KNOW!

Your thinking something different, i didnt know i asked why. Its not like i thought they shouldnt be in cages or what not, i was SERIOUSLY asking why should they be in cages. I dont even remember if i got an answer either.

This is stupid i asked a question and got banned for 2 weeks and you are asking and calling me as if i did something wrong?

If i asked in a thread dedicated to cars how a gear system worked would you ban me then because its the exact same situation as this.
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