The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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Just wondering why was my book this closed?Its was clear it was active.I saw a thread in here about saving book this so I was gonna post there but That Was also closed.So whats going on?

PM one of the mods for questions like this, as we keep on saying this thread is for complaints regarding Infractions.
Just wondering why was my book this closed?Its was clear it was active.I saw a thread in here about saving book this so I was gonna post there but That Was also closed.So whats going on?

It was closed because I said you had a week to put your thread in there. So it's your fault. I see you're banned so I wont open it. Also why am I replying if you're banned? :confused:
(I suggested almost the same thing and my son said I was an idiot no-one would believe Batista would retire Flair. I think Flair might go that angle too they have a lot of respect for one another and it would bring a fitting end to Flair's career and a bit boost to a tired Batista.)

I posted this on the Batista Heel Turn thread and got an infraction for spamming. It was a response to a previous quote and I think I gave a good reason and scenario as to why Batista should do a heel-turn. I could understand if I just said I agree and left it at that but I didn't. Some thought went into this post and I included the previous post in my reply. Can someone tell me why this is considered spamming?
That wasn't Spam, the Infraction has been reversed and the Mod that gave it to you will be contacted about giving out future Infractions.
Ok so I'm just curious as it seems I got this infraction for simply replying to the posts of others. I didn't agree with what someone said so I quoted them and gave my reasons for why I disagreed. I'm just asking exactly what did I get this infraction for?

Dear cutrer,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.

Flaming Another User

Hey no need to reply to someone to get your point across when they are in the wrong the mods will take it care it as they were getting flammy.
Ok so I'm just curious as it seems I got this infraction for simply replying to the posts of others. I didn't agree with what someone said so I quoted them and gave my reasons for why I disagreed. I'm just asking exactly what did I get this infraction for?

Dear cutrer,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.

Flaming Another User

Hey no need to reply to someone to get your point across when they are in the wrong the mods will take it care it as they were getting flammy.

your post had nothing to do with the topic and was basically trolling, which is against the rules. The Mod that gave you the infraction explained everything to you in the bold part of the infraction

besides, it was a warning, don't worry about it
Well first off I wasn't worrying about being warned but I just couldn't understand why I was given a warning.

I don't see how anything I posted had nothing to do with the topic being discussed. The topic was TNA Cheap Shots and that's what I talked about in my posts.

Also with the way the below statement was worded I had trouble understanding what was being said. I replied to different posts in that thread because I had a different opinion than someone else so I was giving my reasons as to why I felt differently. I don't see how anything I said was trolling at all.

Hey no need to reply to someone to get your point across when they are in the wrong the mods will take it care it as they were getting flammy.
This post

First off I'm not cutting, copying, or pasting anyone's posts to knock their opinion. I'm using the quote feature which is what a sensible person uses so everyone will know exactly who they are responding to.

Secondly I'm not knocking anyone's opinions. I happen to have a different opinion which I am expressing. 95% of every post on a wrestling message board is someone responding to someone elses opinion that they don't agree with. Sorry if you can't deal with someone having a different opinion.

So because I have 6 total posts means that my opinion somehow means nothing? What difference does it make how many posts one has?

I'm not fired up about anything, I just happened to have a different opinion than someone else and obviously you have problems with that and that's your fault and not mine. It's clearly obvious by your ranting in the latter part of your post that you are the one with the problems which again is your fault and not mine. Then again this is like only my 7th post so I guess that means anything I say doesn't mean a thing just because I havent been here long enough.

Sorry you have such problems with different opinions, maybe one day you'll grow to understand that I'm not disagreeing with your opinion to be a jerk but just because I feel differently.

Later my friend

trolling, it had nothing to do with the topic, all you were doing was arguing with another poster about some some petty bullshit related to quality of opinion. It was a pointless post that you received an infraction for. I already explained this to you once, I'm not going to explain it to you again
This post

trolling, it had nothing to do with the topic, all you were doing was arguing with another poster about some some petty bullshit related to quality of opinion. It was a pointless post that you received an infraction for. I already explained this to you once, I'm not going to explain it to you again

Well when the mod sent me the warning they also sent a link to the thread so I'd know why I was warned. When I went back to the thread to see what I may have done that got me warned I didn't see the post you just cited as it seems that it was deleted from the thread. Since that post was deleted and all my other posts left in that thread were clearly on topic then you can understand my confusion.

There's also no reason to talk to me like I'm an idiot for asking what I asked since there was a perfectly good reason why I questioned it.

Again I wasn't trying to complain or be an asshole I just did not see what got me warned which was why I asked. Maybe in the future when someone is warned then send the post that got them warned when you pm them so they'll know exactly what they did. If they get warned and go back to the thread to see what they did wrong and the post is deleted then it doesn't give them much to go on in knowing what the problem was so they can avoid doing things like that in the future.
I am the mod that gave you the warning. As Ech has already told you your post had nothing to do with the topic and was basically trolling, which is against the rules. You did not need to respond to this post as it had nothing to with post as all you did was get back at him. Look you got a warning and not an infraction.

No need to reply to this message as me and another mod has already explained why you got the warning you did.
I am the mod that gave you the warning. As Ech has already told you your post had nothing to do with the topic and was basically trolling, which is against the rules. You did not need to respond to this post as it had nothing to with post as all you did was get back at him. Look you got a warning and not an infraction.

No need to reply to this message as me and another mod has already explained why you got the warning you did.

And I clearly told you why I didn't understand which was because I didn't see the post that I made in that particular thread that got me a warning. If the post in that thread was deleted the how am I supposed to know what I did wrong?

Regardless I notice that when I now go to that thread that my post has been put back up so obviously you understood what I meant and I guess had to cover your own ass. The funny thing is that then after you put it back up you respond like it was never deleted so you continue to talk to me like I'm an idiot and that I did something wrong by asking about my warning. If you'd have just admitted you were wrong in deleting the post instead of putting it back up to cover your own ass I'd have been fine and said nothing else.

Whatever that's fine, this isn't the kind of place I want to be anyway when a mod can't even admit that he's wrong and then treats you like shit just on top of it.
And I clearly told you why I didn't understand which was because I didn't see the post that I made in that particular thread that got me a warning. If the post in that thread was deleted the how am I supposed to know what I did wrong?

Regardless I notice that when I now go to that thread that my post has been put back up so obviously you understood what I meant and I guess had to cover your own ass. The funny thing is that then after you put it back up you respond like it was never deleted so you continue to talk to me like I'm an idiot and that I did something wrong by asking about my warning. If you'd have just admitted you were wrong in deleting the post instead of putting it back up to cover your own ass I'd have been fine and said nothing else.

Whatever that's fine, this isn't the kind of place I want to be anyway when a mod can't even admit that he's wrong and then treats you like shit just on top of it.

You know whats funny is I told you not to respond to this and another mod has told you why you received the infraction. yet you seem to think by bringing up the same excuse over and over you will win this, but all your doing is making your point redundant. So again drop it or your banned you have been given a reason why and yet you feel the need to argue your point.
Its probably been ask before, but the spam thing, can it tone down abit. I mean every post about everything can be a paragraph. Sometimes a sentence is all that is needed. Some of post here have one good sentence and the rest of the post is full of BS so you don't get the spam infraction.
The most I can tell you about that is you were banned for spamming. Total Package, who gave the infraction, may be able to elaborate more. The spamming thing seems to make sense anyway - I don't see the need to go into further detail.
I think Total Package would beg to differ. I'm not one to judge, as I do not have access to the post in question.
The shit you people give "infractions" for is beyond ridiculous. As long as your post in a topic concerns the topic at hand, I cannot fathom how it would be considered spam. I am asking that my account be closed, or at least for someone to tell me how I can go about closing this account myself. This looked to be a good wrestling forum, but I will not take part in a community that can't deal with differing opinions. I have e-mailed the head person who runs Wrestlezone conerning this, but after two days I have received no response. Someone please just close this forum account.
I get sick just looking at Christy Hemme, and I change the channel whenever her and that idiotic tag team she's with are on Impact.

Good intelligent post there.

I lied.

As has been said God knows how many times, there is no point in short, one lined posts that add anything to the discussion at all. All these posts do is clog up the boards for people who want to actually have a sensible in-depth discussion about wrestling. It's not hard to write a about four lines on a topic, it's not exactly an essay we're asking you to write is it?

You can't close your account by the way.
I think the rules should be toned down as the forum is great, but have almost post a essay everytime you want to post in the normal threads. Hell you need a topic sentence, and introduction, body and a conlcusion,. Can you guys just losen up a bit, hell even Suddam Hussien wasn't this harsh. This america, if we want to post a one sentence remark to a topic, we should be able to without or civil rights being violated as that is what this board is doing at times.
we don't ask for you to write an essay every time you post, we just ask that you back up your thoughts when you post, its not that hard and it doesn't take long
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