The **ALL NEW** Complaint Thread - Infraction Complaints Only

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I've looked through your infracted posts, and to be honest I don't see how you can be upset by either of them. One of them was a 1 line post. The other was way off topic.

It was two lines and more than five sentences. Way off topic in the other thread? I think there was some confusion on the "Athlete of the Week" thread. I thought it meant as in current Athlete so I mentioned Kobe because he is the best player in the NBA on a team with the best record in the WEST (that's a fact) that's not being way off the topic just a minor misunderstanding. An honest misunderstanding if you ask anybody whose the Athlete of the Week they are not likely to talk about a guy who played in the NFL or NBA ten years ago. It's no big deal at least one person thinks the decision should be reversed. Also give me a specific length as to how long a post should be before it's considered spam. Unless I've looked in the wrong place (I looked in the rules) it doesn't mention it at all.
one or two sentence posts with little or vague details to them are going to be considered spam

if your going to give a short post, then make sure it is a descriptive and insightful post that gives reasons that back up your opinions
What parts were vague? I thought this was a straightforward post especially by anyone who knows Hollywood's reputation for making God knows how many pointless remakes especially from Japan. But again back to my original question what length is not considered spam? 7 sentences, 10?
Length does not define Spam. Quality of the posts do. The First one is more of a off topic one but spam is the only one that actually covers it. But where abouts was the second one given?
Length does not define Spam. Quality of the posts do. The First one is more of a off topic one but spam is the only one that actually covers it. But where abouts was the second one given?

Movie/TV discussion on AKIRA. Well quality is something that's open to interpretation. I thought this was a quality post:

"There's always that small chance it'll be good but saying it'll be like Blade Runner meets City of God is quite a big boast. I'll see it just to laugh at it if it's horrendously bad. If it's good then it's good.

Of course Hollywood has no respect for leaving masterpieces in piece so saw this coming. There have been a few Live-Action flicks that are good based on the anime but many out there as well that are simply terrible (see Fist of the North Star)."

I don't get how this is not a quality post unless someone will deny that Hollywood isn't in the business of ripping of original movies, manga Anime or video games. I also mentioned that there have a few good Live Action flicks and a lot of bad ones how is that vague or not quality is beyond me.

The other was for Athlete of the Week but that was more of a misunderstanding than anything else perhaps issuing a warning would be better because I ain't no spammer that's why I ask for a length. People will have varying opinions as to what is a quality post or not and now you're saying the length doesn't matter. Not trying to be a ahole as stated in the rules just want people to know that. I read the rules and for spam it is pretty vague into what is spam.
not all points require four paragraphs to explain

you didn't even attempt to explain your post, you need to give at least one reason as to why you feel the way you do when your making a statement, don't just put a vague comment with no reasoning behind it.
not all points require four paragraphs to explain

joe Will Make A Great Champion As Long As They Book Him Against A Larger Array Of Talent And Not Just A Long Feud With Angle

That's not 4 paragraphs now is it? Add more, give a little detail.
I don't really understand why some of the mods have such quick triggers for trying to suspend people and give out infractions. None of my posts were vulgar, and considering some of the posts that have been going on in disco infernos forum it's kind of a joke any of mine would receive warning points.

I understand people need to keep order to a degree. But responding with a one or two sentence post is not spamming, and any 'flaming' I have done is extremely mild in comparison to what happens in Discos forum. This is not a disneyland website. This is a wrestling website so I don't understand why things have to be so tight.
you posted some bullshit in someone else's question thread, then insulted them when that person asked you to leave

hence the infraction
I have a post for these people who like to suspend people for no reason. They can suck my balls and fuck there mothers, whoever came up with these rules are the dumbest people I have ever heard of. I hope they ban me for good this time, I am curious if they have the guts to ban me this time.
Phew. Mumm-Ra wasn't afraid, despite all other staff backing down from the challenge of banning some random noob. Doubt we'll see him much after he goes into the witness protection.
I have a post for these people who like to suspend people for no reason. They can suck my balls and fuck there mothers, whoever came up with these rules are the dumbest people I have ever heard of. I hope they ban me for good this time, I am curious if they have the guts to ban me this time.

I've got no qualms Teddy Harting you... but the prison would be funnier.
the board rules really need to be posted on the top of the main board. you are always penalizing people for rules they can never find. thats not right. please have these on the main page of the boards.
the board rules really need to be posted on the top of the main board. you are always penalizing people for rules they can never find. thats not right. please have these on the main page of the boards.

The Board Rules are not only in a Sticky Thread in this Forum, but in an announcement at the top of EVERY single Forum on this Board. They are the easiest things to find on this Board, so dont give me that crap about not being able to find the rules.
The Board Rules are not only in a Sticky Thread in this Forum, but in an announcement at the top of EVERY single Forum on this Board. They are the easiest things to find on this Board, so dont give me that crap about not being able to find the rules.

i am just saying personally i just scroll through the posts really quickly rarely paying attention to the ones on top. if you guys hate all the people who break the rules make it the very first thing they see.

and no reason to give me that type of reaction slimer just making a simple comment not saying something personally about you.
Yeah I was wondering how i got a spam infraction if i was in the live and spam zone and i put a one sentence comment on something that i thought was supposed to be a funny thing, in which the creator explained the topic, but only put one sentence in his comment about it.
Yeah I was wondering how i got a spam infraction if i was in the live and spam zone and i put a one sentence comment on something that i thought was supposed to be a funny thing, in which the creator explained the topic, but only put one sentence in his comment about it.



your not one of 20 people who are allowed to post on here. everyone else isnt so we get in trouble for nothing cause the moderators are far too strict...


your not one of 20 people who are allowed to post on here. everyone else isnt so we get in trouble for nothing cause the moderators are far too strict...

Hmmm... if that were the case I'm sure I'd have far more infractions then I do... 1 when I first joined and that's been it... I'm not gunna play mod and tell you guys what's right and what's not. I'm just sayin from the same level your on... You really do not get infractions unless there is a good reason that is typed somewhere in the rules.
Hmmm... if that were the case I'm sure I'd have far more infractions then I do... 1 when I first joined and that's been it... I'm not gunna play mod and tell you guys what's right and what's not. I'm just sayin from the same level your on... You really do not get infractions unless there is a good reason that is typed somewhere in the rules.

in my personal opinion rules are important for boards but i have never been in such a strict environment. and to be honest its mostly all guys on here, i am pretty sure we can handle what is said. if they are really trying to make the board great dont penalize someone who is just starting off cause then they will get turned off immediately. the people who enforce these rules are breaking them and that is bullshit. its time for them to cool of and just what happens happens. most of the time great things come from useless topics that just lead to fun discussions.
Abide by the rules and there are no problems. Instead of bitching about our rules-which we won't change- find a forum where you can say and do whatever you want.

This isn't a discuss the rules thread. This is simply a complaint thread. You've made yours, now no need to post in this thread utill you recieve your next infraction. Ok honey.
i am just saying personally i just scroll through the posts really quickly rarely paying attention to the ones on top. if you guys hate all the people who break the rules make it the very first thing they see.

and no reason to give me that type of reaction slimer just making a simple comment not saying something personally about you.

Oh your totally prison material. Keep it up... please.

If you dont take the time to find and read the rules you really are an idiot. The first thing I do when registering at a new Forum is read the rules, it's just what you do. We make them incredibly easy to find, so it is not our fault if people like you can't be bothered to read the rules and then whine about us when you get an infraction for breaking the rules.

Here's and idea... don't like the rules, leave... they are not going to be changed not for you and not for anyone else.
Want to make a complaint!

Got two infractions for what I feel are fairly reasonable posts.

One was me correcting a mistake by a previous poster, the other was a genunine opinion poll about the types of wrestling there is in the big wide world
fine. fucking ban me then pricks. use your all-mighty powers of the message board an do it you fucking nazis. seriously get the fuck over yourself and let people talk we are all adults. you dumb c unts(see i followed you guys on that one). id rather not be a board run by a bunch of fucks who feel that if you dont write a paragraph on why kahli sucks you get penalized. this is a wrestling message board not a tea party. so go on and fucking ban me there are PLENTY of wrestling forums out there where the highlight isnt that fucking buff bagwell and disco inferno are part of it. GOODBYE FUCKERS!
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