Day 9
Immunity Challenge Round and Round
Megatron: Come on in guys!
Both tribes make their way to the challenge area, ready for their next immunity challenge.
Megatron: For today's challenge, your entire tribe will be linked together by a common rope as you make your way around an oval course in the water. On my go, your tribe will run around the oval, attempting to catch the other tribe. The oval's distance is 600 meters, which means Mean Green will start at the 0 meter mark, and bWo will start at the 300 meter mark. Your tribe must move 20 meters at a time by posting the following (you cannot post back to back unless you are the only one left from your tribe in the challenge):
[Tribe] moves 20 metres around the oval.
[Tribe] is currently located at [X] metres.
Here is the catch. Each person on your tribe is carrying a 20 pound backpack as you navigate this course. For every 20 pounds the person on your tribe who posted before you has, you will have to wait 2 minutes before posting. For every person on your tribe who is carrying a backpack, it is an additional 3 minutes.
Example: 4 people on your tribe currently have at least 1 or more backpacks. Automatically you are going to have to wait 12 minutes following the person before you. The person before you is carrying 3 backpacks (60 pounds), meaning that is another 6 minutes, bringing the total to 18 minutes for when you can post after that person.
Due to the above aspect of the challenge, if you feel that you are someone who many not be able to be as active or helpful for your tribe and can't carry your load (in a sense), or if you feel you have developed a winning strategy (wink wink nudge nudge) you can choose to give your backpack(s) to another tribe member by posting the following:
[Name] gives [X] backpack(s) to [Name].
[Your name] now has [X] backpack(s).
[Their name] now has [X] backpack(s).
If you have no backpacks, you will be out of the challenge and will take a seat on the bench, which may ultimately help your tribe.
The first tribe to catch the other tribe (by making it to the spot on the oval that they are at) will win Immunity.
Since bWo won reward, their advantage in the challenge is that they will only have to wait an additional 2 minutes instead of 3 for people wearing a backpack. Now good luck!