Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*


We are nearing the end of the challenge, with Crock working on the puzzle for the bWo.

The Crock: I got it... Mega... I got it!

Megatron comes over to see if Crock has the puzzle correct...

Megatron: Crock thinks he's got it... AND HE DOES! BWO WINS IMMUNITY!

bWo goes nuts on evening up the series on Mean Green. Some of Mean Green's members look quite pissed by the effort, or lack therof, of their tribemates. Megatron gets ready to give bWo their immunity.

Megatron: I know you guys can't wait to get your hands on this. Come get your immunity.

The puzzle solver Crock comes over and gets it for his team, who all have shit eating grins on their faces.

Megatron: Congratulations, you guys. You do not have to attend tribal council tonight. Take the rest of your night off and enjoy.

Some bWo members walk out with a little swag and confidence, while Mean Green still seems a bit agitated over how the challenge resulted.

Megatron: Mean Green, I have nothing for ya. I'll see you all at tribal council where one of you will be voted off. See you then.

The tribe packs their bags and gets moving on back to camp.


~You will have 24 hours to cast your vote for tribal council from the time that this is posted.
~Failure to send in a vote will result in a “self vote” aka vote for yourself.
~Failure to provide a rationale for your vote will result in a self vote. It doesn't have to be a 300 word essay, but at least a sentence in why you are voting for so and so.
~If there is a tie, there will be a revote. Only the people that are tied will be voted for. If it remains tied, the tied people will be immune and everyone else will be thrown in a random generator for a game of chance.
~You don't want to run into that scenario. So I'd advise you have your shit straight.

Results will be posted 6-7 PM EST tomorrow.


All 8 members of the Mean Green make their way into the tribal council area, disappointed that they couldn't go two for two in challenges and instead will have the game evened up.

Megatron: Welcome, Mean Green. Grab a torch and light it on fire. Fire represents life in this game. No fire means you're out of the game.

They oblige and light their torches on fire before sitting down.

Megatron: I know because of some unfortunate circumstances you guys lost today's challenge, but that's the game sometimes. Someone has to be eliminated, so let's get on with the voting...

“He's barely been active or involved with the team and it's really let us all down. There just isn't any place for laziness here.”

“Never on, doesn't play, might as well.”

“[Contestant] Tiger took zero part in the challenge. All others put forth some effort, or were chosen to sit out.”

“Nothing personal but you haven't been overly active in the game so far, and you totally missed today's challenge. You weren't my first choice, but some vote splitting was necessary to ensure one of the two least active members of Team Mean Greene goes home tonight. Sorry bud.”

“He has not been involved at all in the first 2 challenges. While it's understandable to miss this challenge as it was not very long, he's posted once in the team thread, not at all in the gamethread and only to sign up in the main thread.”

“I'm going to vote for [Contestant] due to him not being on enough.”



Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second, but nobody steps up with the idol.

Megatron: I'll read the votes... First vote...

Tiger Chaos Theory
Tiger Chaos Theory
Tiger Chaos Theory
That's 3 votes for Tiger Chaos Theory. It takes 5 to be eliminated.
Uncle Phatso
That's 3 votes for Tiger Chaos Theory. 1 for Uncle Phatso.
Tiger Chaos Theory

Megatron: Second person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...

Tiger Chaos Theory

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Tiger Chaos Theory grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Tiger Chaos Theory, your tribe has spoken.

Tiger Chaos Theory's torch is snuffed. He doesn't have anything to say to his team, which isn't surprising seeing how disconnected they were for his six days.

Megatron: Just like with bWo, it's clear that, above all else, activity is important in the game. You loaf around and don't make votes or participate in challenges, don't expect your game to last very long. You guys are free to go, and have a good night.

14 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?

Reward Challenge – Square Coverage

bWo makes their way to the challenge area first, with some new found swagger after the last challenge win.

Megatron: bWo now it's time to take your first look at the new Mean Green, who voted out Tiger Chaos Theory last night.

Mean Green comes with their head in the game, still feeling cheated over the last challenge.

Megatron: Alright, time to get down to today's reward. In today's challenge, we will be using the following picture:

One person makes a mark to begin the game, then the picks will alternate between tribes. It doesn't matter which tribe goes first. 1 person from each tribe will add a line from one dot to the other on this grid (Use a colored line which matches the color of your tribe). This can easily be done in Paint, which can then be uploaded (e.g. tinypic) and posted in the thread. Also, the line must go above, below, left, or right (NO DIAGONALS!).

The idea is to have your line be the last line that creates a square (when you do this, mark the square as yours). We will continue until all squares are filled, or until 1 tribe has a majority of the squares. If you complete a square, you can continue going until you do not complete one.

The reward is an advantage at the next immunity challenge. Now that you know what you're playing for, let's get it on!
Mean Green try to get it situated who you want doing it. We will use Haiku's post here since it was posted first.

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