Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

Fuck. I do Sudoku daily. If only I could have been on long enough to post in four minute intervals.
damnit to fucking hell. If I was home I would have fucked everyone up on the sudoku.

Congrats Haiku J.O'Material.
Besides, ladies love a man good with his digits


Whoever gets this joke gets to be my friend.
Fuck, I can't be assed to do a writeup. Haiku with an impressive challenge win, wins Immunity!

Same tribal rules apply and such. Votes are due by 8 PM EST tomorrow.
DAY 18


We are brought to the first tribal council since the merge, with all 10 members knowing the importance of this first vote post-merge.

Megatron: Welcome all to your first tribal council as a merged tribe. I'm sure there are some nervous castaways right now, and you all should be.

Aside from Mr. J. O'Material, who has immunity, nobody seems to be smiling or all that comfortable.

Megatron: With Mr. J. O'Material's impressive win in the immunity, he is safe from tonight's vote. Everyone else is eligible. Time to vote.

“He's an alright guy, but I think that he immediately assumes he's safe, do he needs to realise there's more people than himself in this.”

“I felt like I wanted to vote for someone on the original bWo team. I narrowed it down to two and flipped a coin. Sorry man, it wasn't your day.”

“He's a major threat in the game and knows a more than the common player. I can't let someone know more than me in this game.”

“He's the biggest threat at this point.”

“He's the fat that needs to be trimmed.”

“Sorry, you just aren't on much, and I want people that can play.”

“He's likely the weakest player in the game right now so I'm putting him out of his misery.”

“He can't be trusted and neither can his alliance.”

“Nothing personal but I think he can be a threat later on so better to vote him out now.”

“We need numbers and the post merge vote is always a big one. Sorry man.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second... and Thrash steps up!

Thrash: Megatron, I'm gonna play it tonight.

Thrash walks over with the hidden immunity idol, handing it over to Megatron.

Megatron: This is the hidden immunity idol. Any votes cast against Thrash will not count. I'll read the votes...

The Crock
The Crock
Jon Jones' Jobber
That's 2 votes for Crock, 2 for habs, 1 for JJJ. It takes 6 to be eliminated.
I Harm Walrus
I Harm Walrus
That's 2 votes for Crock, 2 for habs, 1 for JJJ, and 2 for IHW. It now takes 5 to be eliminated.
I Harm Walrus
The Crock
That's 3 votes for Crock, 2 for habs, 1 for JJJ, and 3 for IHW. If Crock or IHW receive another vote they are eliminated, and if habs receives another vote we will have a 3 way tie.

Megatron: Seventh person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...

I Harm Walrus

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

IHW grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: I Harm Walrus, your tribe has spoken.

IHW is a bit shocked by the vote, not expecting to be knocked out right away post merge.

Megatron: Seeing as we had 4 people get votes and 3 of them get multiple votes, it's clear that there's no real majority within either alliance. These next challenges are hugely important if you wanna stay safe in this game. Good luck, and head back to camp.

9 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Day 19 – Reward Challenge

Megatron: Make your way in guys!

The 9 castaways still left in this game make their trek into the challenge area, excited about today's reward opportunity.

Megatron: No time to waste, let's get right to it...

Everyone gets 20 coconuts. What you need to do is PM me with who you want to give coconuts to, and how many you want to give them. You can give all 8 people some, you can load it on to one person, or you can give it to as many people as you want, your choice. Just make sure you use all 20, otherwise any leftovers will be given to you. After I get everyone's PM I will tally the results and the person with the LEAST amount of coconuts wins. If there is a tie the person with the lower average (amount of coconuts/amount of people giving to them) will win. Reward is an advantage at the next immunity. Know what you're playing for? Alright, let's get it on!
Day 19 – Reward Challenge Results!

Megatron: Alright everyone, it's time to tally up your coconuts.

The Crock – 5+5+1+6 = 17
Jglass – 5+5+1+7 = 18
Jon Jones' Jobber – 5+10 = 15
Stormtrooper – 10+1+5 = 16
Drew Bledsoe –1+ = 1
Thrash – 19+7+20+5+10 = 61
Mr. J. O'Material – 5+1 = 6
hatehabsforever – 1+10+7+10 = 28
Shotaro – 5+5+1+7 = 18

Megatron: As a result of only getting 1 coconut, Drew Bledsoe wins reward! Drew, take this scroll of paper. You are to not open it until the immunity challenge. Congratulations. Now you guys can take the rest of the night off and head back to camp.
Day 21 – Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Let's go guys!

All 9 members left make their way into the challenge area.

Megatron: I know you guys are ready to get down to business, so here's today's immunity challenge:

You each have been given 2 grenades and 2 shields. Once you've used them, they are gone, and you cannot use both grenades/both shields/a grenade and a shield at once.

This challenge is divided into rounds. Each round, it is your responsibility to PM me what you are doing:

~Throw a Grenade: If you throw a grenade, you must state who you are throwing at. It's very likely that you will kill them, and ultimately, they will be eliminated from the challenge.

~Use a Shield: If you use a shield, anybody who chooses to throw a grenade at you will die instead of you due to this awesome protection. If you use a shield and nobody throws a grenade at you, you die.

~Do nothing: If you do nothing, you are vulnerable to any grenades thrown at you, and ultimately, you could be eliminated from the challenge.

The challenge will have as many rounds as it takes until we are left with 1 person. Please submit the move you are making for Round 1. If you fail to submit a choice, one will be made for you randomly. Drew Bledsoe, since you won an advantage at reward, you are able to re-enter the challenge if you are eliminated. Thus, you'll have two opportunities to die. Everyone else only has 1. Good luck.
Day 21 – Immunity Round 1 results

Megatron: Let's see what everyone decided to do for round 1:

Mr. J. O'Material: Do nothing
JGlass: Use a Shield
Stormtrooper: Throw a grenade at Shotaro
hatehabsforever: Use a shield
Shotaro: Do nothing
Drew Bledsoe: Throw a grenade at habs
Jon Jones' Jobber: Throw a grenade at Mr. J. O'Material
The Crock: Use a shield
Thrash: Use a shield

Haiku and Shotaro are eliminated for getting hit with a grenade, JGlass, Crock, and Thrash are eliminated after nobody throws a grenade at them and using a shield, Drew Bledsoe uses his first elimination after habs blocks his grenade.

Drew Bledsoe
Jon Jones Jobber

All left for round two. You four PM me with your moves ASAP.
Day 21 – Immunity Round 2 Results

Megatron: Here are everyone's moves for round 2.

Stormtrooper: Throw a grenade at habs
hatehabsforever: Do nothing.
Drew Bledsoe: Use a shield
Jon Jones' Jobber: Use a shield

habs is eliminated due to being hit with a grenade. Drew Bledsoe and Jon Jones Jobber are eliminated after nobody throws a grenade at them and using a shield. As a result...


Stormtrooper raises his hands up in celebration and comes over to get his necklace.

Megatron: Stormtrooper, I believe this is for you.

Stormtrooper puts the necklace around his neck and breaths a huge sigh of relief, knowing he's now halfway home to winning the game.

Megatron: Congratulations to you, Stormy. You are safe tonight. Everybody is up for game at tribal. Head on back to camp and think about your vote. I'll see you tonight.

OOC: Same Tribal Council rules apply. Will be due by 6 PM EST tomorrow.
DAY 21


The nine remaining members in the game make their way to the tribal council area, with Stormtrooper leading the way.

Megatron: Welcome back everyone. Seeing as you're all veterans of this process now, I shouldn't have much explaining to do.

Stormtrooper, the winner of today's immunity challenge, rests comfortably while a few others have concerned looks on their faces.

Megatron: Due to Stormtrooper winning today's immunity, he is safe from the vote today. Everybody else is game. It's time to vote.

“No personal reason, but he's just ballast that needs to be dropped.”

“Tried to take you out at Tribal Council last time, and nearly pulled it off. I figured it's just as well to try again. Nothing personal pal, just part of the game.”

“I was able to convince you that I was flipping on my tribe at the merge. It was never going to happen. I know that you then attempted to flip on me after promising to stick together. You made the mistake on making to many alliances and allowing them to talk. Everyone figured out that you were playing both sides of the fence so it's time for you to go. Thanks for playing though, I got a laugh or two out of pretending to flip.”

“That's just the way the alliance wants to vote, but he's just a wildcard right now. I can't tell which side he's on, especially considering how quickly he switched allegiances. Nothing personal.”

“He's actually proven to be quite a strong competitor and I think it's time we stopped picking off the stragglers.”

“I feel he is my biggest remaining threat in this game.”

“He's too unpredictable.”

“He's the biggest threat in this game that no one takes seriously. He wants to win more than anyone else so I MUST CRUSH HIS DREAMS AND EAT HIS SOUL!”

“I need to get out one of the strongest players now.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. I'll read the votes...

The Crock
That's 1 vote each for Crock, habs, and Thrash. It takes 5 to be eliminated.
The Crock
That's 2 votes for Crock, 2 for Thrash, 1 for habs. It takes 5 to be eliminated.
The Crock
That's 3 votes for Crock, 3 for Thrash, 1 for habs. It takes 5 to be eliminated.
That's 3 votes for Crock, 4 for Thrash, 1 for habs. If Thrash receives another vote he is eliminated, and if Crock receives another vote we will have tiebreaker.

Megatron: Eighth person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums and the first member of the Jury...


Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Thrash grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Thrash, your tribe has spoken.

Thrash, who burned up his idol in the last tribal, looks more than just disappointed at the vote.

Megatron: Judging from the confessionals, nobody really trusted Thrash. You need to be able to trust to get much farther, and it shall be interesting to see who will stay loyal to whom. Pack your bags and head on back to camp. Goodnight.

8 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Day 22 – Survivor Auction

Megatron: Welcome guys. Let's get right down to it. Today is the day of the survivor auction. Here's how it will work:

I will either leave an item covered or uncovered. Everyone begins with $200. You must bid in $20 increments (20-40-60, etc.) or your bid will not count. You do not just have to increase the bid by $20 each time, though. You may bid $200 right away to insure you get the item. You may go from 20 to 80 dollars in a bid. Essentially, you have 10 $20 bills with you. The bidding will continue until either the $200 threshold is reached or 5 minutes have passed since the most recent bid. The auction will also end without warning and you may end up with all the money still in your pocket. Simple enough? Alright then.

The first item up for bidding is an advantage at the next immunity challenge.
And with that, habs gets the first item up for sale. Your advantage will be revealed at the next challenge.

The next item will remain hidden.

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