Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

Day 17 – Reward Results

The castaways make their way back into the challenge area, 24 hours after having it announced.

Megatron: Alright guys, let's see your results:

hatehabsforever: no submission.


Jon Jones' Jobber
Drew Bledsoe
I Harm Walrus
No screenshot, but it was 646.
Mr. J.O'Material
The Crock

Final Standings:
Thrash 3842
Jon Jones Jobber 1832
Shotaro 1520
The Crock 1178
Drew Bledsoe 1103
Mr. J. O'Material 1073
Stormtrooper 1026
JGlass 834
I Harm Walrus 646
hatehabsforever 0

Megatron: After the results of the challenge... THRASH WINS REWARD!

Thrash jumps up and down with joy, with the others politely clapping for him.

Megatron: Trash, I believe this is yours.

Megatron hands him the hidden immunity idol clue, which he puts firmly in his pocket.

Megatron: Now are you all ready to do our first individual immunity against everyone?

The losers quickly shift their attention back to the game with some positive vibes and cheers.

Megatron: Well, this one is a doozy. There are two steps to this challenge. To begin, you will start out on the water, 25 meters away. You must swim to shore before you continue. To do so, you should follow this template:

[Name] swims 1 meter.
[Name] has swam [X/25] meters.

You may only post once every 4 minutes. So if you time it out right, it should take you under two hours.

Once you make it to shore, you will have a puzzle to solve. I will PM you the puzzle when you get to shore. If I'm not online when you get to shore, PM me and I'll get it to you ASAP. The puzzle should be much more difficult then the previous puzzle in this game, but I digress. When you are done with the puzzle, PM me and I will check to make sure it is right and you will be rewarded with immunity. Now get to your stations so we can begin the challenge!
Shotaro swims 1 meter.
Shotaro has swum [1/25] meters.

EDIT: sorry but I have to ask, why make it 4 minutes between posts? Is pretty damn arbitrary and this whole race for the puzzle thing is more about who's online first and for the longest amount of time anyway, I mean if Haiku is able to post every 4 minutes until what is at a minimum going to take me until 2:20am then he's going to win immunity. Each challenge like this annoys the crap out of me, because they take an unnecessarily long amount of time and frankly are about as fun an an acid enema.
I officially retire from this challenge, fuck staying up until 3 am posting every four minutes. Haiku you better win this challenge motherfucker.

Especially when. I went out an HOUR ago to pick up the last of us at midnight.

Good luck guys, I'd love to see the puzzle if I'm allowed.
I officially retire from this challenge, fuck staying up until 3 am posting every four minutes. Haiku you better win motherfucker.

Especially when. I went out an HOUR ago to pick up the last of us at midnight.

Good luck guys, I'd love to see the puzzle if I'm allowed.

It's very possible Tron will be off by the time we all finish. If that happens, you can always finish in he morn man
Following Shotaro's example. I have RPs to vote on, I don't want to be distracted by this when I have enough distractions already.

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