Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

if it's who's been in the most finals then it's a tie between Germany and Brazil. Italy have won it four times and Brazil five.
I can't be assed to do a writeup right now. I'm hungry.

bWo, I'll see you at tribal. Send me your PMs with your vote. Same rules apply. Deadline is 8 PM tommorrow. See you then.
DAY 15


All 6 members of the bWo make their way into the tribal council area, a few with anxious looks on their faces this evening.

Megatron: Welcome back, bWo. I know your guys' challenge was rough today, but that's the luck of challenges sometimes.

A few of the players that were MIA – Jglass, Smizzy, Crock – are showing some guilt.

Megatron: After being annihilated so easily, it may be good to cut some of the dead weight. It's time to vote...

“It would be selfish of me to cast a vote against any of my teammates because they've all put forth a better effort than I have the past couple of rounds. Not to mention I have very little time to spend on the game. Go Blue Team!”

“I didn't want to do this but things didn't go our way in the challenge. It's forced me to write your name down. You're a very nice guy and worked so hard in the early stages of the game but with the merge coming I need my strongest connections to be around. If you take anything from this experience just remember that you always bet on black.”

“He's a great teammate, but he said he was going to cast a self-vote, so I'm just voting along those lines.”

“Because he told us to.”

“I've heard he's planning to vote for himself anyway so that's my reason.”

“He appears to be very tall, and I want to be the tallest player in Survivor.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If you have the hidden immunity idol and wish to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Megatron waits a second, but nobody steps up with the idol.

Megatron: I'll read the votes... First vote...

Jake Smizzy
Jake Smizzy
Jake Smizzy
That's 3 votes for Jake Smizzy. It takes 4 to be eliminated.

Megatron: Sixth voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums...

Jake Smizzy

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Jake Smizzy grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Jake Smizzy, your tribe has spoken.

Smizzy isn't happy to leave, but he is completely understanding. He gives a wave and a good luck thumbs up before walking out.

Megatron: An interesting elimination tonight, but you five still are quite unanimous. I don't expect many more votes to be this lopsided, but we shall see. Have a good night and head back to camp.

10 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Day 16 – Reward Challenge​

Megatron: Come on in guys!

Mean Green makes their way to the challenge area, full of confidence after their dominating performance in the previous challenge.

Megatron: Mean Green, it's time to meet the new bWo, who voted out Jake Smizzy at the last tribal council.

And out comes bWo, coming out with their game faces.

Megatron: Are you guys ready for today's reward?

Audible claps and cheers are heard from both tribes.

Megatron: Well before we do that... DROP YOUR BUFFS!

Some castaways cover their mouths, fearing what the announcement will be...


There it is! While initially hesitant, members from both tribes soon walk over to each other and exchange some handshakes and hugs before gathering together on one mat.

Megatron: That's right. This game just took another turn. It's a fight for yourself game from here on out. No more Mean Green or bWo. The only person you have to worry about in these challenges are you yourself. Judging from some of the looks on your faces, you're happy that this is finally here. So now are you ready for todays reward?

A few nods before Megatron delivers the challenge...

Megatron: Well today's challenge is simple, really. You have 24 hours to play a game I've spent many of hours in High School playing – the helicopter game! You can play it one time, or you can play it 200 times. What you must do, though, is submit your best score to me via PM. I would prefer you to send a screenshot at all costs. Highest score (which I will reveal with screenshots) will be given reward. Here's the website I want you to use: Everyone got it?

Some claps and hoots are heard, with Megatron about ready to dismiss them...

Megatron: What's reward? Oh nothing... just this!

Megatron pulls out a scroll of paper from his pocket, and most can guess what it is.

Megatron: Indeed, this is a clue to the hidden immunity idol. This can keep you safe from one tribal council. I don't think any more needs to be said. Now, get playing that game!
Fucking awesome, that's what.

I'm gonna sleep, will start playing in about 18 hours. You guys get a head start

Good luck!

EDIT: Mega, keep an eye on google images & people screenshots to you, it's easy to rip one from there.
Click on the link to find out. Very simple concept I know. As long as you include your "best" score (which is on the bottom right hand corner) you can play as many times as you want.
Yeah, this game is as annoying as hell. If I submit a score now but do better in the next 24 hours will my second score count? After tomorrow morning I might not get on my PC again before the deadline but if I do and do better I want to be sure that it counts...

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