Sully, get in here!

I think the way I talk about people on here and the way I actually feel is exaggerated at some point through the translation. The way I act...isn't a way of pushing people away. The way I feel about people is often true, but it doesn't effect what I actually do or how I communicate with others.

And in that case, those many people are actually few, but they make such an impact on the way I think my brain makes a bigger deal of them then they really are.

I know the way I said the thing about Coco needing me, but I think I wrote that the wrong way. I don't exactly write them off, a matter a fact the people I'm sitting with at lunch so far this year, aren't exactly my group of people. One of them is a band kid, which I actually like. The other two are band kids, and I don't mind either of them. And then there's about 4 freshman, although the table is crowded and we've told them to move, they do not move.

Although I'm not mean to freshman. I didn't get shit last year when I was a freshman, and neither did anyone of the other kids in my grade. I for one am not going to be one of those dicks going around, but some other kids obviously will. I hate people in groups though, and there is really only one group I hate. The kids who don't care about anything, do drugs, and fuck around is class. The kids that sit there and tell the teacher that they aren't doing anything no matter what the teacher says.

Other than that I'm a lot more lenient then I seem to say I am. As for Coco being nice to me...isn't that what he was supposed to do when he trolls people the way he does? Isn't that his gameplan? Be nice and act like your their friend, and then get them to say stupid shit to the rest of the forum in the process...which is probably what I'm doing right now.

As for the rep, it's not really the number or the amount. It's the though of it. If I make some non spam post that I worked really hard on, proving why I think John Cena should be WWE champion, and then some ass red reps me saying "cena sux" that's what gets me. I could care less that some numbers are taken away, it's just the way they used it.

I honestly don't red rep often. I know it's used to tell someone you disagree with their post, but I don't use it often. I use it when someone either red repped me, or when someone did something, really...really offensive. It really depends on the situation, like Coco using my father in this thread. I wouldn't red rep that, although I think that was very low, and very desperate, I wouldn't red rep it.

To Coco's post though. I just want to know why...OK I'm don't like me and you think I'm an idiot. You don't like my views on things, and you think I'm just some teenage brat. OK, but I'm a teenage brat with a keyboard, and it's going to happen to matter what. Something I've tried to say before though, arguing with me, or beating me in some huge multi quote flame war...doesn't really make you look that good.

That'd be like me beating the shit out of a 6 year old. I'm older and I'm stronger, obviously I can what would that prove?
I think the way I talk about people on here and the way I actually feel is exaggerated at some point through the translation. The way I act...isn't a way of pushing people away. The way I feel about people is often true, but it doesn't effect what I actually do or how I communicate with others.
So you're a disingenuous cunt to boot? Great. Is there any reason why ANYBODY should like you?

And in that case, those many people are actually few, but they make such an impact on the way I think my brain makes a bigger deal of them then they really are.
Hold up there, sonny. Not all of us can keep up with your crazy psychology talk. Wanna dumb that down for us lowly bad people?

I know the way I said the thing about Coco needing me, but I think I wrote that the wrong way. I don't exactly write them off, a matter a fact the people I'm sitting with at lunch so far this year, aren't exactly my group of people. One of them is a band kid, which I actually like. The other two are band kids, and I don't mind either of them. And then there's about 4 freshman, although the table is crowded and we've told them to move, they do not move.
Awesome. Fucking freshmen have more juice than you. Are you embarrassed or is their lack of reverence a sign that they're bad people?

Although I'm not mean to freshman. I didn't get shit last year when I was a freshman, and neither did anyone of the other kids in my grade. I for one am not going to be one of those dicks going around, but some other kids obviously will. I hate people in groups though, and there is really only one group I hate. The kids who don't care about anything, do drugs, and fuck around is class. The kids that sit there and tell the teacher that they aren't doing anything no matter what the teacher says.
Oh, no. Teenagers are pushing boundaries! The end is nigh!

Get a fucking grip. If those are the bad kids making you worry about the future, you should probably seek out that shrink. Or a noose. Whichever is more readily available.

Other than that I'm a lot more lenient then I seem to say I am. As for Coco being nice to me...isn't that what he was supposed to do when he trolls people the way he does? Isn't that his gameplan? Be nice and act like your their friend, and then get them to say stupid shit to the rest of the forum in the process...which is probably what I'm doing right now.
Either that or I wanted to be a friend to someone who clearly DESPERATELY needs one.

As for the rep, it's not really the number or the amount. It's the though of it. If I make some non spam post that I worked really hard on, proving why I think John Cena should be WWE champion, and then some ass red reps me saying "cena sux" that's what gets me. I could care less that some numbers are taken away, it's just the way they used it.
I'm gonna use it to bleed you out through a lengthy incision into your taint. How's that thought work for you?

And now let's all wait patiently for a "non troll" to validate everything I just said.
I'm sure your accomplishments in this thread will definitely earn you a moderator position. I hear KB and Sly love a moderator who can pound a 15 year old.

Since when did the bad guy stuff come into play? Not sure...where that term started being used in this whole thing.
I'm sure your accomplishments in this thread will definitely earn you a moderator position. I hear KB and Sly love a moderator who can pound a 15 year old.
Well I wouldn't want to step on D-Man's toes or anything.

Since when did the bad guy stuff come into play? Not sure...where that term started being used in this whole thing.
When you started seeing the world in black and white and bitching about how you can't relate to anyone your own age because they're all so juvenile, as though complaining about how juvenile people are somehow makes you less juvenile.
I know I exaggerated in when I said I didn't like certain people, BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY I HATED EVERYBODY? I don't get where this comes out as, I SPECIFICALLY fucking said, there is only a small group of people I feel this way about.

I don't see the world in black and white, and I don't see everyone in the world as a bad person. Fucking Christ, twist my words a little more will you.
I know I exaggerated in when I said I didn't like certain people, BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY I HATED EVERYBODY? I don't get where this comes out as, I SPECIFICALLY fucking said, there is only a small group of people I feel this way about.

I don't see the world in black and white, and I don't see everyone in the world as a bad person. Fucking Christ, twist my words a little more will you.
Sorry. Maybe you should exaggerate a little less next time you feel like bitching at length about how it's everyone else's fault you're such an outcast.
You say so whenever you post about school. If it's not the stoner kids it's the girls. If it's not the girls, it's the people who don't hang out with you for lunch.

Also, when did "sitting together for lunch" become such a big fucking deal? I wandered between different groups because seeing the same folks all the time bored me.
DirtyJosé;3389062 said:
Also, when did "sitting together for lunch" become such a big fucking deal? I wandered between different groups because seeing the same folks all the time bored me.

Psh, I hung with my friends during lunch. Once I found out who I had lunch with of course.
DirtyJosé;3389067 said: well-adjusted young teen!

I was shy in high school until my senior year. Then I knew everyone. Though I still hung out with my friends. I like being well-adjusted. It suits me.
You do bitch about people alot Sully, like a lot, and I've been nice to you since you got out of Prison I think, mainly because of your self depreciating humour about your faults.

You'd have fucking hated me if you went to school with me though, ironic really, as I probably would've been nice to you then as well.

And erm. . . well, yeah, dont judge a book and all that.

-EDIT- Must find a better phrase than "been nice", sounds all ******ty -EDIT-
I think I exaggerated over how much I judge people. In reality though, you're all talking to me over the internet. You don't know how I act, how many friends I have, if I'm an outcast, or if I'm liked, how well I do, if I'm stupid, or I get good grades.

Football is really where my friends are though, I have friends in that area, quite honestly a lot of friends. With me not playing this year, I just felt I would lose connection with them, which is what I was trying to say awhile back. Obviously that was misinterpreted as me having no friends.

People can do what they want though, they can smoke weed, and they can wear whatever they want. Just as long as they don't drag me into everything, I'm cool. Coco though, why did you want me in here so badly. I found it very...shocking that you were desperate enough to mention my Dad. I know I said it and it's up for everyone to use as ammo, but it's still...sort of like kicking a guy in the nuts.
For a guy who wants to be a writer, you don't do a great job getting your point across. Yet another reason you should lay off the exaggeration.
For a guy who takes drama, you sure do a good job at making drama.

And you said guy. I'm a kid. A 15 year old kid who wants to be a writer, I haven't gone to college yet, and the schools barely focus anything in on what I want to do. Yeah the have English class, but that only gives me a sample. I want to focus everything into writing, creative writing.

The closest class they had to what I need, is a creative writing course. A course that is only open to Juniors and Seniors (Who take it not to be able to become a good writer, but to get the easy credits), and is only half the year.
Do you really need someone to tell you take some goddamn initiative and work outside the system to improve yourself? No excuses.
C,mon Coco. I'm really sorry...I don't think I can make it through the school year without your advise!
I'm going to be a dreamer and interpret that as a suicide note that didn't get its point across very well because you're a terrible writer.
For someone that is known about making stupid topics involving suicide notes, you should make another thread about it.
Please, please, PLEASE stop saying you want to be a writer, Sully. You're embarrassing me.

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