
Ok, it wasn't lucky, and it won't be lucky when we get our revenge.

I didn't know they had American Football in Scotland, Superhans.
Penguin anal raping fucktard. :lmao:

Not as good as pickle fucking ass monkey, but still funny as hell. Lulz at Sully as well.
Megatron isn't the brightest either, haha.

Good for Pittsburgh though, may be tough games, but we get the bragging rights. We take out Baltimore Saturday, then we get to get revenge on either the Jets, or the Patriots. Either way, one of the teams that got a lucky game on us, will get their just desserts.

Stormtrooper seems to know more then he does.

You calling me not bright is like the pot calling the kettle black.

Although you're probably too far up Big Ben's ass to understand that.
I'm not sure why I say "We" Mintberry. Us Pittsburghers just do that. I don't know if other fans do that, but we Steeler fans do I know, all of us do.

Still confused about the penguin thing. All I think it is, was a pathetic excuse for trying to make an insult.

I never really understood the whole pot and the kettle analogy Megatron, so either you explain, or think of something else. On second thought, both options would be a waste of my time and brain cells, so please just keep your thumb in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

Too far up Big Ben's ass....really? Because I support my favorite team's Quarterback? That is all you could think of? And you wonder why I question your intelligence.
You really don't get the Penguin thing?, didn't think it would be that hard to figure out

also both Stormtrooper & Megatron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sully, especially when it comes to football
That's all simply an opinion. Everything about football is an opinion, unless you're talking about skill, which you'd know nothing about over the internet.

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