SEWF - 2/25/11: Be Nice To Sully!

Crock walks to the ring from the announce table.

Crock: Ladies and gentleman, thank you for sitting through this HORRID show. But, before the main event, I'd like to bring out the guest of honor for the night. Let him have his say. Come on out Sully!


Crock applauds as Sully walks to the ring. Sully takes the mic.

Sully: First of all, I'd like to thank all of my fans. I know that I'm the real reason you're all here. Second of all, --


Bill Lesnar runs down the ramp into the ring, and catches Sully before he can escape. He lays him out with a huge Jackhammer and waits in the corner of the ring. As Sully gets to his feet, barely, Lesnar nails him out with a Spear and crowd is ecstatic. Macca walks to the ring with a mic in his hand, he pats Lesnar on the back and looks down at Sully.

Macca: Me and you, Sully. Next SEWF!
Does this organisation have a lightweight title Crock? Or is it a WWE-esque promotion where everyone must be big and intimidating?
Macca is getting his ass kicked next week, I can't wait. 13 months in the making.

Although with Crock as the producer...I don't think I'm gonna do so great.

The camera pans around the rings as the lights go out in the arena. A steady stream of SEWF Superstars make their way to the rings.

Crock: Here it is, people. The 30-Man, 3-Ring Battle Royal will begin shortly.

One of the refs runs over and whispers something into Crock's ear.

Crock: From what I understand, there seems to be a man missing from ring three. His spot will stay vacant, as we'll have to continue on. Some of the men in the Battle Royal have already had matches tonight, but they have all earned their spots somehow. Here is a list of the 29 entrants:

1. CH
2. Barbosa
3. TPP
4. Indy
5. Stormtrooper
6. Mintberry Crunch
7. FalKon
8. Jose
9. Rattlesnake
10. Nate

11. Buffalo Dave
12. Dave
13. Numbers
14. JGlass
15. Serious Jones
16. Stinger (His marriage is on the line.)
17. Muffin Top Merkley
18. Theo
19. SNS
20. Mozz

21. Shocky
22. Lee
23. Sparky
24. LR79
25. Sign Guy
26. Noah
27. Sound Of Madness
28. Keyboard Warrior
29. JGKY

Ring One
Ring Two
Ring Three

Crock: Now remember guys, Stinger's marriage is on the line here. If he is one of the first 5 men eliminated, he will have to sign his wife's divorce papers.


The bell rings and the main event of the evening is under way! As the mayhem starts, body fly in every direction. All the competitors in ring two rush Stinger and throw him over the top rope. As tears stream down Stinger's face, SSC comes to ringside and teabags him. Stinger's wife throws a pen at him as well as the divorce papers. After Stinger reluctantly signs the papers, his wife jumps into SSC's hands as he carries her backstage. Before he disappears backstage, he turns and points to Dave, which is enough to distract him as he is rolled up by Serious Jones, the NEW SEWF Hardcore Champion! "Serious Business" Jones rolls out of the ring and runs into the crowd with his new title. Buffalo Dave attempts to attack Dave, but an infuriated Dave picks him up over his head and throws him right over the top rope. Buffalo Dave jumps to his feet, teabags Stinger who is still at ringside, and begins to chase Serious Jones. Next, "Quick and Easy" Mozz tries to clothesline Dave over the rope but he backdrops him over the ropes.

Crock: What the hell is going on?

Now, in ring one, Stormtrooper sneaks up on CH from behind and tries to hit his finisher, the "3-Point Stance," on him but CH counters and knocks Stormtrooper down. CH is turning a slight shade of green as he is increasingly getting angrier as Rattlesnake and TPP are both trying to punch him off. Suddenly, CH let's out a primal scream as he "Hulks Up." He begins smashing everything in sight as he throws Stormtrooper, TPP, and Rattlesnake over the top rope. He yells again, and his yell gives out such a concussive force that it eliminates people in the other rings. Sign Guy and Noah both fly over the ropes. Noah's mother runs to ringside and begins spanking Noah. The presence of a scantily clad LR79 infuriated her to levels never seen before. As TPP, Stormtrooper, Rattlesnake, and Sign Guy start walking up the ramp, TPP is suddenly gunned down by an unknown assailant.

Crock: It can't be Doug! ...But, but, it can only be ONE other person. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE.

The match continues on, as the gunman seems to have disappeared for the moment. In ring three, LR79 flashes and sends JGKY, Keyboard Warrior, and Sound Of Madness over the top rope. In ring one again, Mintberry Crunch, FalK, and Indy are brawling. Indy and Mintberry work together to eliminate FalK, but are both eliminated by manic Barbosa. As he eliminates them he goes into the corner of the ring, now in his catatonic state. Nate and Jose brawl on the other side of the ring, but decide to relax as they realize the other rings still have a lot more work to do. They call for some tacos and beer from the vendors at ringside.

Crock: Smart guys.

In ring two, Theo and the beard are working together as he goes after Muffin Top Merkley. Merk begs for him to calm down and play some LBP 2 with him, but the beard knocks him over the rope. JGlass and SNS meet in the middle of the ring and proceed to fight all over the ring. Just then, Serious Jones comes running back down to the ring with Buffalo Dave and SSC in pursuit, and knocks them both over the top rope. They all continue to chase Serious Jones around the arena, but they all stop and take their turn teabagging Stinger. Dave, Theo, and Numbers all approach each other, but they also decide to relax and they start a sudoku puzzle.

Crock: All the pressure's on ring three.

Now in ring three, Sparky and Shocky are exchanging right hands, and LR79 tries to distract them by flashing, but Becca runs in from the backstage area and tackles her over the top rope, yelling something about KB. The remaining 10 competitors in the rings are ushered into the middle ring and the other two are moved away.

Crock: Getting near the end here!

Suddenly more bullets riddle the ring as bodies fly everywhere. Then Blue Cardinal emerges to a huge standing ovation. He runs to the ring and quickly eliminates the nearest man, Nate, who is still enjoying his taco. Then he gets toe to toe with a bloodied Jose and sends him over the top. Theo runs at him but he takes a razor to the beard and sends him over too. CH and Barbosa double team Shocky and Sparky on the other side of the ring, but they're all eliminated by Lee. Dave runs at Lee from behind and puts him over the top rope, too. That leaves just Dave and Blue in the ring. They begin to brawl, but Blue pulls out his gun and points it at Dave's head. Dave backs away and backs right over the top rope. Blue celebrates his "victory," but Serious Jones slides back into the ring. Serious Jones was never eliminated, so he runs at Blue trying to eliminate him, but Blue turns and shoots him countless times. Blue sends him over the top rope, thus actually winning the battle royal. At ring side, a huge brawl ensues over the Hardcore Title, but at the end of the skirmish as every man is down, SNS slides over and covers Serious Jones for the belt. NEW Hardcore Champion!

Crock: Not only did my tag team partner just become the Number One Contender for the SEWF World Heavyweight Chamionship, but he will go on to face me at the next SEWF show for the vacant World Title.


Ty Burna steps out into the ring, the crowd goes wild.

Ty: You've all been avoiding me. You all know I deserve that belt. This two-bit organization needs me! It won't be a World Title match without me!

Crock and Blue look at each other, then all three men get nose to nose as the show fades to black.
Well at least I wasn't the first person eliminated. There's always the next battle royal to look forward to.

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