SEWF - 2/25/11: Be Nice To Sully!


As the theme music hits, an angry Will runs out to the ring. He is eagerly awaiting his opponent.

Crock: ...That's nice.


Crock: And here comes his opponent. His almighty... admin-ness. No, I have not been forced to say any of this.

KB trots to the ring, with the special guest ref Becca by his side.

Crock: Let's get this one underway shall we?

Becca motions for the bell and instantly Will springs forward and nails KB with a huge spear. KB rolls out of the ring, angry as ever. He pulls an iPhone out of his pocket and goes onto WZ. Seconds later, Will disappears and this appears on the tron:

Recycled match results FTW!
Crock: Folks... it's time! D-Man will face his mystery opponent!


Crock: Here comes D-Man!

D-Man comes to the ring, followed by a reluctant IC25 who is trying to explain to him that he has a match of his own to prepare for. D-Man steps into the ring and waits for his opponent.

The lights in the arena go black. Then suddenly, the music starts.


Crock: THIS IS STEVE! Maybe not...

Up in the rafters a single figure can be seen. He is pointing a baseball bat at D-Man, it's probably the bat he removed from Doc's anus. He descends down to the ring ready for a battle. Finally, once the lights come back on his identity is revealed...

Crock: It's dman1373! By god! Can it be?!

The match starts and Sting dman1373 swings his bat and strikes D-Man in the head, he instantly goes for the cover and he gets the win! Suddenly 3/3/11 appears on the tron, and he is awarded the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Crock: What now, Dixie?!

An angry D-Man storms out of the ring yelling at IC25, but IC25 shrugs it off.
My laptop's dead, and the charger has to be replaced (still waiting for it), so the rest of the matches will be posted off my phone. No entrance music. Sorry guys.
Good God!

Killed by the Crashin!!


As the theme hits, NorCal walks out with IC25 only a few steps behind him.

Crock: Here they come, 2 members of the famed Jersey Triad... The SEWF World Champion NorCal (I almost forgot he won it on the first show.) and IC25. Surprisingly, D-Man who was supposed to be their manager for this match is not here.


They walk to the ring, as Coco is carrying Milenko's burnt carcass to the ring along with them.


The match starts off and Coco and NorCal are in the ring. Coco runs at NorCal, goes for a clothesline, but he swings clean over NorCal's head, as NorCal is a good 2 feet shorter than Coco.

Crock: That might end up being a disadvantage for Coco folks.

NorCal jumps up as high as he can into the air and punches Coco in the face repeatedly. Coco staggers back a few steps, but then he jumps clean over NorCal and stomps on his head.


Crock: Interesting offense here by Coco.

Coco stomps on NorCal some more, and then suddenly a giant mushroom appears in the ring.


Coco wildly runs around the ring, yelling at no one in particular.

Coco: I'm a big boy, now! I'll stomp you all!

As he stumbles into the corner, GD tags himself in and runs at NorCal. As he does so, NorCal turns and catches him in a huge spinebuster. NorCal quickly tags in IC25, and IC stomps GD repeatedly.

Crock: No words can describe this....

GD rolls away and jumps to his feet. He hits a running shoulder block and follows it up with another one. He goes for a third, but is met with an IC shoulder block. Both men back away and do it again, both men hit the ground. As GD stands up, he slips on the infamous puddle of facepaint and tears and that allows IC to pound away at him. IC hits a nice body slam, and follows it up with a running leg drop. Coco wildly runs through the ring, but goes right over the top rope, thus distracting the ref. IC calls in NorCal for the team finisher. IC holds GD and NorCal comes off the ropes for a Hart Attack, but just as he does D-Man runs into the ring and lays him out with a chair. IC tries to get away, but he is met with a chair shot too. D-Man rolls NorCal out of the ring and lays GD's arm over IC. He taps the ref on the shoulder as the ref counts to 3. GD and Coco win the match and are the NEW SEWF Tag Team Champions.

Crock: Alrighty then.

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