The Official Sully Appreciation Thread

Hey, you were the one threatening to hunt me down. And you actually looked the address up. I think that says more about you than it does about me.

Hey, everyone already knows what I do. It's you who sold out a bunch of 12 year olds to a possible serial killing rapist.
Hey, everyone already knows what I do. It's you who sold out a bunch of 12 year olds to a possible serial killing rapist.

Sorry, am I holding a gun to your head and telling you to go there? Nope, that's all you.
Because I used to go there. Duh.

That's probably the most logical outcome for the little nutcase.

Here you said I'm going to turn out to be a serial killer. You think I'm going to be a serial killer, give me an address to a middle school that you went to. What if I actually am some 40 year old posing as a 15 year old, that is literally a serial killer, and you just gave him an address that will lead him to a middle school that you used to go to.

You just risked the life of those teachers, who dedicated their time making sure you have a good education and a good life. All those innocent Canadian children, do you have any little brothers or sisters? If you do, you better tell them not to go into any suspicious looking vans outside their school.

You can use the whole "I wouldn't be the one who would make you do it" excuse, but that middle school is a locked door, and you're the person who gave away the keys. But keep telling yourself it wasn't you're fault, post a few facepalms whole you're at it, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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You done playing Mr. Morality now?

No, seriously, I'd like to know. I thought I'd find it funny, but I really don't.
You done playing Mr. Morality now?

No, seriously, I'd like to know. I thought I'd find it funny, but I really don't.

Is anyone else having trouble understanding what Zero is trying to say in three quarters of his posts?

You thought you'd find what funny? Giving away a Middle School's address over the internet? Even if it wasn't me who was looking to go to a middle school, there's other sick people out there that use that stuff to their advantage. Luckily this is The Bar Room, meaning you need an account if you want to see that stuff, but that doesn't mean there's not users on here that would find that.

You don't give out personal information over the internet, plain and simple. Don't they teach you that stuff in Canada? They had fucking posters everywhere in my middle school telling us that.
That picture is fucking perfect. I swear, you are one of the most underrated posters here. Remind me to give you some green rep in a few hours.

This one works too.

Good Lord, this is incredible. Sully's actually trying to educate me.

Please, continue. I enjoy seeing you act like you're better than me.
I had a dream, It was somewhat odd. It was almost like I was watching a TV show, because I saw a description for the dream...on something like a TV guide saying "Dave get's shot". Now obviously after seeing that, my dream was going to be based around me being shot, but I wish the people who wrote the description made it a little more clear. In the dream I was walking down the street, but the camera kept panning over to a group of kids. You know how in CSI or any other movie, when somebody is going do something, it keeps showing them at times? Well the group of kids, I knew one of them. He's an OK kid, but he's obviously falling into the wrong crowd.

Now before you get into the "Maybe you're mind is worried about him" stuff, it's not. Wherever he goes in life is his decision, and I'm not even too close with the guy either, saying he's falling into the wrong crowd is a general observation that I've had over the last year, I do that with everybody, I'm an odd dude. I should mention though, that I was just looking at the kids facebook last night and think that he's falling into the wrong position, so that probably explains it. Anyways, I was walking down a street, it was night and the street lights were on. It was more like...not really a neighbor hood street, but more like a small town street, and I was heading to a corner store like place. Now keep in mind this place I was in is most likely a fictional setting.

Well as I was walking, it kept panning over, showing the faces of the group of kids. The kids were all dressed like their usual punk selves, baggy jeans, hoods up, of course the kid I knew was dressed like his usual self, beanie hats and skinny jeans, with his moccasins. Now keep in mind I knew while this dream was going on, that I was going to get shot. As I walk into the corner store, it seems decently crowded, but I walk over to the glass cases looking for a drink to buy. I have had a craving in real life for Mountain Dew: Code Red. So in my dream, I wanted to buy a two liter bottle of Code Red. I went to put my hand on the bottle, but the kid I knew grabbed my hand. Thinking that he and his buddies were going to take me out back and shoot me, I fought with him.

We were struggling with each other, and the clerk behind the counter pulled out a side arm and shot the kid in the chest, and we fell down. He shot him again, but the bullet ricochet off the shelf and hit me in the knee, and I suppose I passed out from shock after that, waking up in real life. Now that I'm finished, I want to turn this into some sort of story. I always seem to get the best ideas from my dreams, so I want to make sure I have them written down somewhere. My plan is to have myself wake up after getting shot in the knee, but relive the whole situation.

I'd try to avoid getting shot by the clerk, but in the end I'll end up getting shot some other way. That's not how it will exactly end though, that's just around the climax. This is just pretty much ideas, I won't be writing this for a long time so it's not to big a deal, I'd like to write it sometime in college though, when I've developed better novelist skills. Any ideas on how it should go though? And if you want to interpret the dream, feel free. It was still a pretty weird dream.
Will you pass that legacy onto your daughter

Haha, no. If I have a son, I probably wouldn't even pass it on to him. I like the name Abigail though, and Savannah.

It'd really be up to my wife though, but I think I'd really pull for the name Abigail. There's a few other ones I like too, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

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