The Official Sully Appreciation Thread

Jesus Christ, does everyone on that road use the same recycling bin? Is this actually your road or did you give me an address to a middle school. If so, which house is yours? I hope it's the one with the red and blue fire hydrant.

You're lucky that you live so close to a middle school though...I'm not allowed to anymore.

I can only begin to guess as to why. And that alone disgusts and horrifies me.
Read it and weep Dudley do yourself a favor and stop making yourself look fucking stupid... your mom n a turkeybaster did that for you already!

I can see Sully being an amazing story-teller in life. I mean seriously, that story about all of his best friends moving away and him being a bit of a loner, it made my heart all fuzzy. Yeah, so Sully is the man. When everyone here insults him in one line, he retaliates with four paragraphs that own them. Yeah, so Poster of the year, fo' sho'
I wanted to take a creative writing course in school, but not only am I not allowed to take it until next year when I'm a Junior, but they also cut the class due to budget cuts. Really pisses me off, they keep courses that are useless in developing actually careers, but yet they cut a class like that.

Most of the people who took it just took it to get credits though, which also pisses me off. I hope it's back by the time I'm a senior, I might try to find a pre college course for it outside of school if that's the case.
Allegiance = pledged

I need to spread more so I can green rep him for his posts in this thread alone
Lol, when I told my grandma I was thinking about taking forensic, she thought it was the CSI stuff.
After re-reading this thread, I swear the only thing ZeroXV can come up with is a fucking facepalm. Congratulations you know how to use google.
After re-reading this thread, I swear the only thing ZeroXV can come up with is a fucking facepalm. Congratulations you know how to use google.

It was the best picture to demonstrate how embarrassed I am that we have similar goals in mind. I honestly feel ashamed of the fact that I enjoy writing now that I know you plan to do the same.

Also, really? Misspelling my name? What are you, FTS?

Wow, this post reeks of internet tough guy.

I'm just going to sit back here and shake my head in amazement that you thought I gave him my real address.
It was the best picture to demonstrate how embarrassed I am that we have similar goals in mind. I honestly feel ashamed of the fact that I enjoy writing now that I know you plan to do the same.

I don't understand why anyone would feel that way? Hitler had a dream to rule the world, should The Brain be ashamed that his goals are similar to that of Adolf, or should he go back to yelling at Pinky?

Also, really? Misspelling my name? What are you, FTS?

Oh god, I really do apologize that I mixed up the letters X and V. God please do forgive me.

I'm just going to sit back here and shake my head in amazement that you thought I gave him my real address.

So you sold out a middle school, just to save your own ass. You make me sick.
So you sold out a middle school, just to save your own ass. You make me sick.

Hey, you were the one threatening to hunt me down. And you actually looked the address up. I think that says more about you than it does about me.

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