The Tastycles Appreciation Thread


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
I think he may be my favorite poster. Definite top 5 all time.

Here, I will discuss my e-man crush on him and his posting style and insight. I will also pay hommage to him and call him my muse, because after reading three of his Royal Rumble reviews, I have gotten 7 new thread ideas.

If you criticize, lambaste, or otherwise tarnish the great name of Tastycles in this thread, prepare for admin red rep, which is a massive -50.
Where's my thread?

x2. I jest.

Anyways, Tasty does deserve an appreciation thread. He's awesome. I've never seen a bad post by him. They are always great and very insightful. Sometimes when I read his post I start rethinking my position on certain things because he bring something new to the table.
Anyways, Tasty does deserve an appreciation thread. He's awesome. I've never seen a bad post by him. They are always great and very insightful. Sometimes when I read his post I start rethinking my position on certain things because he bring something new to the table.

I think Tasty puts on a pro-WWE act sometimes just to be argumentative (though he won't ever admit it), but yes... excellent poster, and a very cool guy on top of that.
Since I've been posting in the NSS lately I've seen a lot of Tasty's post and I must say that he is awesome. The guy makes brilliant posts and he backs up the posts with some great knowledge and ideas. The guy is one of the best this site has to offer, and this thread is definitely deserving.
This thread is completely accurate, aside from Lariat's comments pertaining to it needing more Jane.

It's long since been public domain information that Tasty is my favourite poster on the forum.

I have a large amount of respect for Tasty, as he makes great, great posts that aren't overly long when they don't need to be and are
I came late to the Tasty love game but I a somewhat of an expert now. He really is one of the most entertaining and well thought of posters around.
Tasty already knows that he is my favorite poster on this forum... by a landslide. While I skim through most long posts, every time Tasty posts, I take the time to read and let it sink it. I learn a lot from him.

If getting laid was only about posting ability, Tasty would be Wilt Chamberlain.

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