Why I'm The Best Poster In The History Of WZ Forums. Period.

And, finally, the best, the VERY BEST thing about Jake is he is the most modest poster on this board. Without a doubt, this man thinks nothing of himself, and gives props to all the rest of us.

Come to think of it, Jake is the poster who speaks the least bullshit. Favourite comment ever is, "Ring psychology? Pffft." Why I love him a big uggly bunch.
It was my idea to create the prison.

Good call. Now people have a place to intentionally flame others without being afraid of breaking the rules.

I make all the good prison threads.

Or you could just edit them to make it look like you did.

I have made at least a quarter of all the threads on the whole forum.

Didn't think of that. How'd you do it?

I moderate when drunk.

I don't drink alcohol, but I have moderated depressed.

I don't give a shit what you think of me.

I don't give a shit about you. :p

I'm the only admin who's seen a naked woman.

"Admin" being the key word?

I give out more infractions than anybody.

I'm a lover, not an infraction giver.

I create all the decent threads.

Or, you know.. edit them to look like yours are the best.

I keep discussion going.


This forum would be dead without me.

See Above.

I roll?

I'm better looking that Jonny B.

Never seen either of you.. from the front ;)

The Shockaster sucks compared to The J-Man.

Who's shockaster?

I could pull your mum.

She's pretty heavy, you must be strong. :lmao:

I've probably slept with your sister.

I only have brothers.. that explains a lot though.

I make more money than you.

I'd sell myself, but you'd still make more anyways. So you win.

I've watched 5 series' of The X-Files in a week.

I've watched each episode of each season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel.

I don't care if you flame me.

I don't think I could..

You can't upset me.

Not sure I'd wanna try.

I don't get all soppy over girls *cough* Will *cough*.

Chics dig a guy who cries.

You post because of me.

I am now, anyways.

Everything good about this forum is Jake related.

I doubt you're related to Becca, but it'd explain a lot more if you were.

I can ban you any time I want.

Yeah, kinda sucks I couldn't do it to myself.

I only stay on as admin so Luther doesn't get the job.

Thank you!

I think Chris Cash is a waste of space.

**This comment has been deleted at the behest of Chris Cash**

I would slep with Wills 16 year old.

So would half the board. Thankfully she's in love with me. Wait, it doesn't require you to love someone to sleep.. shit!

If I ever met you I would probably pick on you.

I wouldn't expect anything less.

You wouldn't like me if you met me. I wouldn't care.

I wouldn't care that you didn't care either.

This forum was a dump until I injected a bit of Jake into it.

Please tell me you didn't jackoff into the mainframe.

Talking in the third person only works if you are as cool as Jake.

Big Will understands.. thats why he refers to himself as "The One."

Jake doesn't give a shit if he can't spell. I don't read my posts. Therefore it's your problem.

Sadly this is true.. b@$+@rd.

Jake is watching Location, Location, Location.

Will's curious why?

This forum would die without Jake.

Unfortunately, that may become tested..

Jake thinks Koalamania is as cute as a button.

I've seen some pretty fucked up looking buttons.

Jake hates posters who don't talk wrestling.

You just said Cola was cute though.

Jake has a book of wrestling thread ideas. It contains over 500 ideas.

Oddly enough, he hasn't used even one.

Jake is bored of writing now.


I can't believe I was bored enough to do that. I'm gonna try finding another one though.

EDIT: I tell people to read the rules. Yet I've never read them myself.

I've skimmed through them, never fully read all of them. Thats why half the people I give infractions to complain. Keeps you on your feet.
Oh we are, I never said I was GOING to tag your e-wife, I just said "who wouldn't?" I then went on to explain my position of significantly less guilt in case it every did happen.

I'm glad to know if you ever did decide to attempt sleeping with Becca, you wouldn't feel guilty about it then. Because that makes a world of difference. :lmao:

MY MY someone's a little possessive all of a sudden. That's a sure sign of an abusive relationship.

Meh, she likes it rough. :p

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