Your WZ Title Haul

Somethings haven't changed.
LOL, I can pull up several posts where it states that you think I am alright.... I am far from a noob, I am coming up on my two year anniversary...

jake liked me though, so it is ok...

Don't flatter yourself.
LOL, I can stir up drama....

All of which was made possible by yours truly.
lol, I was the VP since day one... And when I was VP I helped establish the club... That was my 100 post rule..

My tenure as VP > Yours as President

Not likely.
only time will tell... There are still a lot of Becker-aholics on this board....
I don't want to belittle CM's efforts, so my one accomplishment here has been winning the WZPC World Heavyweight Championship. Besides that, jackshit...I didn't even get nominated for Rookie of the Year...the man's trying to hold me down.

2008 Rookie of the Year (the proper one)
Former OCW Hardcore Champion
Reigning WZCW Mayhem Champion
Son of NorCal
Crown Jewel of the Evolutionary Horsemen
One of 3 Remaining ROH Marks
Undefeated in WZ tag tournaments thus far
Reigning champion with Shocky
Would have won with IC but for people sulking
General and Old School Mod
Sneaked Wrestling mod while Will was away and Sly got G-modded
Ex-mod now.
LOL, I can pull up several posts where it states that you think I am alright.... I am far from a noob, I am coming up on my two year anniversary....

And I can pull up several posts where it is clear that I drink and post a lot.

jake liked me though, so it is ok....

Jake LIKES Ellisman. Jake TOLERATED you.

LOL, I can stir up drama....

You want a cookie?

lol, I was the VP since day one... And when I was VP I helped establish the club... That was my 100 post rule....

Yeah, you were around. Sam and Wes were too. It was still my creation. Just check the first post.

My tenure as VP > Yours as President

And why is that? Because I relinquished the organization to up-and-comers, such as yourself, in hopes that being in a position of leadership would develop you more as a poster and as a person. I was the NWS Mod and eventually Admin - I didn't need to be SFAC President to justify myself. And when the membership voted me emergency powers after Wes's banning, I again laid down office for you with no argument.

only time will tell... There are still a lot of Becker-aholics on this board....

Didn't know you had that many alts...
you were left without an argument because I was left without internet access for the time being. I am sure I could have spewed something that would have gotten a reaction... Do you remember Shockys best of threads?

Why did you think of all those bar room rules? was it when I was saying all that stuff that could have been true in the prison?

How was the SFAC made possible? Because every single one of us took on some kind of role.

Becker, what I cunt. I like him. His team me votes for.
^^^ it was an attempt.
Uhhhhhhhhhh. Oh lordy I dunno. Oh yeah, I was a mod once, but that was about stressfull *shudder*, but I think it counts for something. I think lol.

Flames Out
I have nothing... So I'll start stretching.

I achieved 100 posts with no spam.


WZ's strangest poster
President of Boulder Society
Norcal's Right Hand Man (for when he gets carpal tunnel)
OCW Founder and Writer
OCW Champion
First poster to 6000 posts
First poster to 7000 posts
First poster to 8000 posts
First poster to 9000 posts
Only poster that is more stubborn than Sly
2009 NCAA Bracket Prediction Champion
Becca's Husband
Norm!!!!!! Award
Golden Spool Award
Mentor of Rusty and M_F
And most importantly-the hottest man in a dress this site has ever seen.

Just leave me off the list why dontcha...
General, Independent, Backyard and MMA Mod
Entrance Ramp mod
Feedback Mod
Non Wrestling Section Mod
Live Discussion and Spam Mod
Wrestler of the Week.
The First Old School Mod (the Section was made for me)
Wrestlng Mod

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