The Official Sully Appreciation Thread

I was focousing on girl names, but even for a boy I don't think I'd name them Ben. I would never, ever name a kid John either. John...such a bland name. No offense to anyone with the name John. Another one is Joe...Joe is...Joe and Jimmy. J's are a big no no.

Kinda funny about the whole Ben thing though, when I was real young I always liked the name Ben, Ben was my alternate persona. My new alternate persona is a black guy from Paterson, NJ named Tyrone Johnson. Tyrone has 38 friends so far, made him a few days ago. Everybody excepts any request I make.

This is his profile
I don't think it's cool, and I'm really not THAT racist. I'm just having some fun under an anonymous name...which is friends with my real facebook profile.

I honestly hate racism though, like..the hurtful type of racism. Murdering someone because their black, or lighting their house on fire? There's a huge difference between ******s and Black people in my eyes, but nobody should be treated any differently. I just put people into groups, I put white people into groups too. After I saw the movie American History X, I completely changed the way I think of people of another race.

But Asians though....I hate Asians....that was a joke by the way.
Any type of racism is hurtful. I think most of us go through that stage where we think it is funny to say stupid things on the internet. I am just pointing out that soon enough you will learn that consistently doing so isn't cool or fun or whatever in the least and if you are not careful elsewhere you may will end up like that kid at the end of the movie you watched.
I don't have the balls to say anything like I do here to the face of any black guy. I'd be fucked plain and simple, and I agree that it's just a stage people go through.

Personally, the way my sense of humor is. I make fun of things, that could never happen to me. I could never be black, I could never be mentally challenged, but I would never make fun of someone in a wheel chair...because Karma's a bitch and I love my legs.
Eventually, the smart ones grow out of childish racism and into an adult understanding that racist feelings are justifiable but you have to harbor them quietly to maintain your standing in society. Just like grandpa used to say.
Porch Monkey 4 Life


"It's ok, I'm taking it back"

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