Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

as much as i hate to admit, you are right. bryan will end the night with 70 thousand yes chants. and yes, i know the wwe is punking me. that's why i keep watching.
Tonight's Royal Rumble is a 100%, five star, grade A example of why I, along with thousands of others, haven't purchased a WWE PPV in years.

I'm also convinced of something else. WWE isn't as ignorant and clueless as some think. Not only do they fully know what the fans want, but they deliberately ignore it, and choose to give us the same old shit. You can't tell me WWE management sits there, listens to arenas chant "Yes!" in unison week after week, and not realize he's the fan's choice for the next face of the company, and will continue to be for the forseeable future. The #1 guy, with CM Punk directly behind him at #2.

I've never been a fan of either man, but I'm going to tell it like it is: this year's Royal Rumble winner should've been Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. End of story. They should be main-eventing WrestleMania and should both be hovering around the WWE Championship picture. It's their time now. Not Dave Batista. Not Randy Orton. Not John Cena. Not Brock Lesnar.

P.S. - This talk of WWE just trolling us? Don't bet on it.
Only way Vince can save himself is to add Daniel Bryan and make it a Triple Threat at WM. In the meantime have Batista turn heel and make it kind of like a Bryan vs the Authority/Evolution type vibe... And in the end with odds against him have Kane somehow help him..... Bryan and Kane celebrating in the middle of the ring would be a fitting ending for WM30.... But I'm beginning to think the greatest moment of the year has already happened on Raw when DB turned on the Wyatts.... If only Vince would realise that if a 2 week storyline could lead to a moment like that imagine the reaction of Bryan winning the title after a 2 month build up to WM30.... Does VKM even watch the show??? Can't wait to get the WWE Network so I dont have to pay for shit like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never understand why, when the crowd are shitting all over your Heavyweight Championship match and chanting 'boring', that your immediate reaction is to go to a chinlock.

There were a few positives in that Rumble. The Shield dissension coming to a head, Reigns putting on a good show and Punk staying strong, but largely a forgettable match. Good to see Ziggler getting a good pop too.

I don't understand why they don't just give the audience what they clearly want. Make the top faces guys that we actually want to cheer for.

I seriously think that should the Bryan chant continue during the next couple of weeks, unless they're planning on going with Taker/Bryan, that they'll make the switch and put him in a triple-threat match with Orton/Batista or have Orton drop the belt to Bryan in the EC, turn Batista heel and have Bryan go over Batista at WM.
Honestly I generally think WWE does know what they're doing most of the time. This was a huge fuck up. Huge. Someone on twitter said it would be like number 30 comes up in 1998, and instead of Stone Cold, Essa Rios runs out. Huge fuck up.

There is no defending that.

I understand the frustration with Bryan not winning. He is ridiculously over as well as being great in the ring. It seems a pretty obvious choice but they will have a plan.

Bryan beat Cena clean at Summerslam. He was in four consecutive WWE Title matches on PPV. He has opened and closed many Raws - perhaps the majority- since the initial title shot. That means they either 1) rate him highly or 2) just want to milk this phase. I honestly think it's 1. They will have a plan for Bryan and I'm sure of that.

Maybe not winning the Rumble is a good thing. Maybe he wins the title at the Elimination Chamber. Maybe they wait for the lull after Mania and put the belt on Bryan then.

Just because this crowd boo'd doesn't mean every wrestling fan in the world feels that way. The majority of those people will be sheep anyway, it's a live event. I'm guessing that there will be little children all over the world nearly in tears after seeing what happened to Big Show, Cena and then Rey.

Not everyone has the same taste and Vince McMahon knows what he is doing. He isn't stupid enough to overlook Daniel Bryan.
One last note: I wish WWE would make a rule change that if a RR participant that has been eliminated already comes back out and eliminates or causes someone still in the RR to be eliminated then that elimination should not count!! I feel bad for CM Punk right now.

So what does everyone thing about these points I made? Agree? Disagree? Have more points you would like to add?

I'd like to know everyone's thoughts.

I completely agree with you about an eliminated participant returning to eliminate a competitor. It happens every year and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. In order to be eliminated from the Rumble, you should have to go over the top rope and have both feet hit the floor, but it has to happen at the hands of a guy who is still currently involved in the match. Someone who returns after being eliminated, or someone not even in the match in the first place, should not be able to eliminate a guy, right in front of the referee's eyes, it's simply assinine.

Having said that, you would have the right to be pissed off about it, had you paid to see the PPV in the first place. But if you streamed it, you really have no grounds to complain. It's not like you got ripped off or it cost you any money.
My overall opinion of the show was that up until the Orton/Cena match everything was fantastic and well worth the money spent.

Of course, Orton/Cena was the shit fest I expected it to be, so while I can't exactly say I was disappointed (because that would imply I was ever looking forward to it in the first place) it delivered as being a garbage match between 2 guys who've worked each other a hundred times in the last 10 years and despite that, still have virtually no chemistry.

As for the Rumble match itself, a pretty solid albeit predictable match. 3 unexpected entrants with Russev, Nash, and Sheamus. Ultimately though, I'm 100% with the crowd about Batista winning. It is infuriating as a fan to see guys that the crowd desperately wants and WWE simply refusing to the give them what they want. It's even worse though when it's always Hunter's boys. Orton/Batista for WM30 is about the worst main event scenario I could possibly dream up (seriously).

It's just dumbfounding to me, you've got Bryan who is white hot right now, I'm talking Stone Cold 1998 level pops, and they simply refuse to give the fans what they want. It's STUPID logic. Do they not want the money? If I ran WWE, even if I hated Bryan (or guys like him) and they were getting that kind of reaction there is no way I don't put them over for as long as the reactions hold up. It's just good business.

They've backed themselves in to a corner now with Batista taking up the WM title shot, because now even if Bryan (or anyone for that matter) some how takes the belt off Orton at Elimination Chamber they're still gonna have to work Batista at Mania, which I pretty much think I speak for everyone when I say that no body wants to see Batista in the Mania main event, well except Batista himself, and HHH obviously.

I understand the frustration with Bryan not winning. He is ridiculously over as well as being great in the ring. It seems a pretty obvious choice but they will have a plan.

Bryan beat Cena clean at Summerslam. He was in four consecutive WWE Title matches on PPV. He has opened and closed many Raws - perhaps the majority- since the initial title shot. That means they either 1) rate him highly or 2) just want to milk this phase. I honestly think it's 1. They will have a plan for Bryan and I'm sure of that.

Maybe not winning the Rumble is a good thing. Maybe he wins the title at the Elimination Chamber. Maybe they wait for the lull after Mania and put the belt on Bryan then.

Just because this crowd boo'd doesn't mean every wrestling fan in the world feels that way. The majority of those people will be sheep anyway, it's a live event. I'm guessing that there will be little children all over the world nearly in tears after seeing what happened to Big Show, Cena and then Rey.

Not everyone has the same taste and Vince McMahon knows what he is doing. He isn't stupid enough to overlook Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan should've won the Royal Rumble. It's as simple as that.

He is currently the most over guy in the company.
He's BEEN the most over guy in the company for God knows how long.
The majority of the fans want him as the next face of the company.
The majority of the fans made it clear the ENTIRE 3 hours of the PPV they wanted him to win the Rumble and headline WrestleMania 30.

Vince McMahon just willingly OBLITERATED what would've been the most memorable Royal Rumble match win in a decade. There is no arguing it.
3 unexpected entrants with Russev, Nash, and Sheamus.

How was Sheamus unexpected? Everyone knew he was in the Rumble. No one was questioning it. Nash and Rusev were both rumored, but no one was SURE they were coming in, but Sheamus was a lock. As much of a lock as, say, Rey Mysterio.

Now the true unexpected entrant was JBL. I didn't see that one coming.
I would agree the Rumble was pretty disappointing. Bray vs Bryan was solid. While I enjoyed watching Lesner beat down Show, I also couldn't believe how short it was. It was just another Cena vs Orton match.

The Rumble match: I expected more surprises, or at least better ones, and was especially disappointed that Jake Roberts wasn't in the match. The guy deserves it! They couldn't have given JBL's spot to him? Yeah he was on Old School Raw a few weeks back, but the guy has been saying for nearly a year he wanted to be in the Rumble. I can't believe they wouldn't do him that favor.
When they stop acting like "knowledgeless" idiots? The crowd tonight acted like a bunch of babies. As a wrestling fan, I was ashamed to see the complete lack of disrespect exhibited by the fans towards the wrestlers who were working their asses off to entertain those jackasses.

Need I say more? The Royal Rumble PPV was a total disappointment....Thank God I stream it on a site instead of paying the $50 whatever for it.
No, you need not say more. You come on a forum to complain about how a show you stole didn't meet up to your personal expectations. Your opening post answers your thread title.
As long as Vince and Toucan Sam run the WWE it is going to be like this. They are so out of touch with what people want.
When they stop acting like "knowledgeless" idiots? The crowd tonight acted like a bunch of babies. As a wrestling fan, I was ashamed to see the complete lack of disrespect exhibited by the fans towards the wrestlers who were working their asses off to entertain those jackasses.

No, you need not say more. You come on a forum to complain about how a show you stole didn't meet up to your personal expectations. Your opening post answers your thread title.

Well when you pay good money(not talking about the OP) to see something you have the right to cheer or boo who you like. I am glad the crowd didn't fall in line like sheep do and expressed their displeasure. Good for them. Hope they keep it up tomorrow night on RAW.
I'm very happy with my purchase, this was one of the best PPVs I've seen in some time. The match of the night was the Bray/Bryan slobberknocker that started the show. That single match has made me a Bray Wyatt fan. MOTY no doubt.

The crowd for this show was also great, one of the best I've seen in sometime. Thank you Pittsburgh for making my PPV so damn entertaining.

Brock KILLING the Big Show doesn't shock me any, the only thing that shocks me is that Show actually walked away from that. I guess twelve guys carrying the big man out on a stretcher was out of the question.

Now to the Cena and Orton match, how much more does the WWE have to see and hear to understand that the fans are so over these two guys having matches? Randy Savage chants, we want diva chants, boring chants for god sakes. It wasn't a bad match, it wasn't a great one. Just a ton of big spots thrown together. The ending was interesting, setting up no doubt a Bray/Cena Mania match. Hopefully with Cena putting Bray Wyatt over.

The Royal Rumble part of the PPV was really amazing, great job all around from every wrestler in the ring. Roman Reigns is obviously gonna be doing big things in the future, the guy broke Kane's record and speared the hell out of almost everyone in the ring. Kofi as always was great too watch, that amazing jump was something else. I didn't expect him to make it.

The longer it went the more anxious I got and the more Daniel Bryan chants I heard, I was fearing the end if Bryan didn't come out. Just like I thought and I'm sure all of you thought, the fans instantly shut down when DB didn't come out at number 30. Throw in the fact that Batista wins against a guy the fans were obviously for and it equals out to a explosion of disappointment.

So in the end the WWE still refuses to see who the entire WWE universe is for and they show that they could give two shits what we think. So now we get to see Batista vs Randy Orton at Mania... wow. I'm still holding out for a triple threat or fatal fourway.

Side note, Batista heel turn tomorrow on RAW.
Well when you pay good money(not talking about the OP) to see something you have the right to cheer or boo who you like.
That's such a stupid saying and I long ago grew sick of hearing it.

No, you do not. You have the right to enjoy yourself or not enjoy yourself, but you don't have the right to disrespect those who are in the ring or to ruin the show for others. If I go to a movie theater and I find it boring, are you claiming I have the right to stand up and start chanting "Good Will Hunting"? If I go to an orchestra concert and the music doesn't move me, should I start booing?

Of course not. The idea paying your money entitles you to act in a manner which places you above the show is absurd.
well WWE have made their intentions clear now. The rumoured John Cena vs Bray Wyatt fued is happening, no other reason for tonights Wyatt involvement in costing Cena the belt.
Daniel Bryan must be being kept for Undertaker in case Sting doesnt sign yet again, Bryan should have won the Rumble based on how over he is, I understand the booking behind Wyatt winning clean, he nees to be viewed as a viable opponent for SuperCena.
Lesnar will win the belt in the Elimination Chamber, no way WWE does Batista vs Orton, so looking like we will get Lesnar vs Batista for the WWE title. CM Punk vs HHH will happen.
I have seen every Rumble and OMG 2014 was the worst ever. Even worse than 1999 .. Start with the horrible boring crowd. That crowd was so monotone and boring , most of the eliminations got no response. The eliminations were awful and looked choppy and emotionless. Guys like Del Rio and Kevin Nash and Kane were eliminated so easy and jobberish looking. They did the same comical stupid crap with JBL entering the same way they did with Lawler and Cole and Booker one year. JBL took a spot from a guy like Wade Barrett or Curtis Axel. The ending was horrible, the crowd was booing Batista.. They wanted Reighns to win. Batistas is like 45yrs old and old and been back for 1 damn week and he gets to win his 2nd Royal Rumble.. At the same damn #28 both times that's so weak. No Jakethe Snake, no Hogan , no Warrior , no Daniel Bryan..What a letdown. Even the Kofi stuff is old now. he did that stuff already and John Morrison is theone who started that stuff. Plus CM Punk gets eliminated by a guy who wasn't even legal.
That's such a stupid saying and I long ago grew sick of hearing it.

No, you do not. You have the right to enjoy yourself or not enjoy yourself, but you don't have the right to disrespect those who are in the ring or to ruin the show for others. If I go to a movie theater and I find it boring, are you claiming I have the right to stand up and start chanting "Good Will Hunting"? If I go to an orchestra concert and the music doesn't move me, should I start booing?

Of course not. The idea paying your money entitles you to act in a manner which places you above the show is absurd.

John Cena seems to embrace the idea that the fans can boo or cheer as they see fit. Plus, it's not at all acceptable to chant, speak, or make noise in a movie theater, whereas it's encouraged at a WWE event. The wrestlers don't care. They've already got the fans in the building and their money along with them. It's okay if you don't like it, but the fact of the matter is that yes, the paying customers can and do cheer, chant, and boo as they please. And that's as it should be. It's not an opera or ballet.
Amen I don't get what WWE don't get. They got the hottest wrestler since SCSA. And just keep trying to kill his popularity. At what point does Daniel Bryan chants become a real problem for the company?
I genuinely can't believe the WWE thinks so little of their fans as to run this nonsense. I would hope that I wont buy the Network and I would love if a sizeable chink of the Wrestlemania audience simply walked out on Batista vs Orton but I doubt any of that will happen

Was Vince always like this? Did he always not listen to the fans and just go with what he wants? Maybe, I guess. Can't express how disappointed I am with this tonight.
No, you do not. You have the right to enjoy yourself or not enjoy yourself, but you don't have the right to disrespect those who are in the ring or to ruin the show for others. If I go to a movie theater and I find it boring, are you claiming I have the right to stand up and start chanting "Good Will Hunting"? If I go to an orchestra concert and the music doesn't move me, should I start booing?

To play devil's advocate... you'd boo at a gig if the band came on blind drunk, stumbled their way through two songs then walked off. You'd boo at a sporting event if your team isn't up to par. People booed the Wolf of Wall Street when it was screened for the academy and films get routinely booed at Cannes. I don't see how that's any different from booing an insipid wrestling PPV.

As far as Wyatt goes, protecting him should be secondary when it comes to giving the crowd what would have been an amazing moment. He could easily have moved on to Cena anyway and after how good the match was, Bray would have lost absolutely nothing if Bryan had entered at 30. HHH beat the shit out of Austin in 01 but didn't lose anything from it when Austin went on to win.
John Cena seems to embrace the idea that the fans can boo or cheer as they see fit.
What else would he say?

Plus, it's not at all acceptable to chant, speak, or make noise in a movie theater, whereas it's encouraged at a WWE event.
That's just my point...what is and should not be acceptable.

The wrestlers don't care.
Of course they do. They are out there busting their ass, working through numerous injuries, shortening their life spans for those fans and the fans tonight were completely ungrateful.

It's okay if you don't like it, but the fact of the matter is that yes, the paying customers can and do cheer, chant, and boo as they please. And that's as it should be. It's not an opera or ballet.
It's a performance, just like an opera, concert, movie or ballet. It's about telling a story, just like an opera or concert or movie or ballet. It's about clearly drawn characters, characters designed to inspire sympathy or dread, motivation or disgust.

The crowd has a duty to respect the show. The way they acted tonight was completely disrespectful.
To play devil's advocate... you'd boo at a gig if the band came on blind drunk, stumbled their way through two songs then walked off.
But the equivalent of that did not happen tonight. The WWE gave the crowd the card they advertised. The wrestlers went out there and worked hard.

Completely inaccurate comparison.

You'd boo at a sporting event if your team isn't up to par.
No, I don't. And I don't understand those "fans" who do either.
That's such a stupid saying and I long ago grew sick of hearing it.

No, you do not. You have the right to enjoy yourself or not enjoy yourself, but you don't have the right to disrespect those who are in the ring or to ruin the show for others. If I go to a movie theater and I find it boring, are you claiming I have the right to stand up and start chanting "Good Will Hunting"? If I go to an orchestra concert and the music doesn't move me, should I start booing?

Of course not. The idea paying your money entitles you to act in a manner which places you above the show is absurd.

Hey if you want to be a sheep and cheer and boo who you want go ahead. But the WWE encourages you to cheer and boo who you want. So why shouldn't they?

There are strict rules against making noise in a movie theater or orchestra so neither of those comparisons make sense. A better comparison would be a sporting event where.....wait...for... it....people boo and cheer. Go figure.
Although Bryan wasn't in the Rumble, I am now crossing my fingers for a Bryan vs Taker match at Mania.

Why? Not a hope in hell Bryan beats Taker so it's just more disappointment for us and embarrassment for the WWE when the crowd shits on Taker

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