Royal Rumble 2010

I would like to see MVP win or maybe even kofi johnson oh i mean kingston hes been getting a really nice push lately and it would be really nice for him to actually win something huge
Ted DiBiase or Jack Swagger may also be thought with the pushes they seem to be getting. Although MVP and Kofi stand a better chance, I just hope it's a younger guy and someone that would be new to the main event scene.
I think the most likely choice is Chris Jericho.

Reason being, at this time, I cannot see anyone else being ready to Main Event Wrestlemania at this time. It's too early for some of the young roster and a WWE Title push won't benefit them, it's why the likes of Morrison and Christian are holding their own in ECW and the IC League, they're still building up for the Main Event but needing to get the IT factor that will only be rushed come the Royal Rumble. Ted Dibiase's feud with Orton is not out of the tracks yet and there's no purpose to feud over the WWE Title between them two, remember what happened with Orton and Evolution? Not going to make the same mistake twice!

While I read that Jack Swagger got a title shot at a house show, I can see a possible feud develop with Cena outside of the Rumble Match itself, again I don't think Swagger would be the guy people would pay their Wrestlemania tickets and order on PPV to watch Swagger main event. Jericho has been a solid performer and naturally who's the one person he has never faced one on one? The Undertaker. While it would be the case of title and streak on the line, this would be a Main Event Match I would Mark Out and demand the whole of this forum to order WM26 for.

So in terms of how I could physically see Wrestlemania ending, I think Jericho's time to rise at the Rumble will occur unless a big suprise happens.
Honestly, I dont see a mid-card guy winning the Rumble. The Rumble usually goes to guys that are main eventers. Money in the Bank at Mania is the match used to elevate mid-card guys now.

At this stage, I would pick Orton or Edge. Leaning more towards Edge. Jericho could be a viable candidate to win as well.

Swagger, Morrisson, Ziggler will have to wait for Money in the Bank. No chance in hell any of those three win the Rumble.

As for Dibiase or even Ziggler winning the Rumble, I dont get it. These guys are potential champions at some point 3 to 5 years from now, but the Rumble now?? It's not going to happen. Everyone on this site has their favorite guy, but time for reality check here. Does anyone really think Dibiase or Ziggler or even Swagger could beat out HHH, HBK, Jericho, Edge or Orton at the Rumble?? Seriously be realistic. None of them are ready to main event Mania. COME ON PEOPLE!
If Vince has any balls about him at all he will use this to give us a new star. We need the number 30 to surprise the hell out of us with a return i.e. Cena two years ago. This return needs to be Edge. We also need to have a huge upset early one, and they could use this to have someone like the Miz get an elimination against Big Show or Batista...something no fan would think of. Finally, we need it to come down to a huge star like Orton, a big heel, to face off with a couple rising stars at the end and lose.

Personally, I want John Morrison to win. He is only inches from the main event and the RR is his golden ticket. I want the main event at mania to be Jericho v. Morrison for the strap. Ok, it'll probably co-main event because Morrison is still on the rise and I'll bet my left testicle that Cena will be in the main event to everyone's dismay.

I would like to see some suprising results from people like Kofi, The Miz, Swagger, Ziggler, and Tyson Kidd. If the Vinny Mac is smart enough he will use the Rumble to raise superstars even if they can't win. Give a couple of em a great showing, but eventually get worn into going over the top.

To close, this will be WWE's biggest chance to get some new main event level stars until at least mania, which is another 4 months after that. If Vince wants to make money off mania he will throw a wild card in the main event with the RR title shot guarantee.
I have a hard time believing it will be Ted Dibiase jr. He has potential and the name, but he hasn't been in a program as a singles guy and hasn't had much exposure as a credible singles competitor. He also hasn't held a singles mid-card title. He's been tag champ so technically he has had some gold. When Austin won the Royal Rumble in 1997 he won King of the Ring the previous year, was being pushed as a powerful star, and had some nice matches on PPV as a singles star. He also got plenty of promo and mic time.
Sometimes I think a vet might win it but also since there's been all this talk within the WWE about making new stars maybe it will be a young up-and-comer. Punk won Money in the Band 2x in a row so I don't think it will be him. I think Shawn will be with the final four if he's not involved in a serious feud by then. If Swaggar starts getting some quality exposure between now and then maybe him. Morrison also comes to mind. He's had quality matches, proved himself as a singles wrestler, held the IC belt, tag belts, and ECW belt.
My picks for the Royal Rumble are (in no order):
Jack Swagger
Ted Dibiase
John Morrison
The Miz
Kofi Kingston
Zack Ryder

Those are my picks, as I see them being the most deserving. Now of course, these are only my assumptions of who will win, and are not in any way correct. But I would really love to see Morrison win the Rumble, or win the Money In The Bank.
Jack Swagger - This guy has been gold since bragging rights, if he keeps up the pace, I could see him winning a World Title @ WM.
John Morrison - He deserves it now, can't remember the last time he put up a bad match. He's on a roll.
Ted Dibiase - Him winning the Rumble would fit perfectly with his face turn & having a feud with Randy Orton. Let's see how he does as a singles competitor.
Kofi Kingston - He's been on a role as of late also. I like the accent change & since then he's been getting more time on the mic. I could see him winning @ WM.
The Miz - After bouncing back after being buried by Cena a while back, he deserves to be a candidate to win the Rumble also. He's shown improvement & the U.S. Title doesn't look bad on him.
Shelton Benjamin - Nuff said, he deserved to win the Rumble or MITB a long time ago.

Those are the guys I could picture winning the Rumble.
Ted Dibiase Jr. needs to win this Rumble match....a fued with RKO would be fantastic! It just has so much potential. Im ready to see Dibiase as a singles star..he has ample talent and good mic skills...he's ready for a push i.m.o
With the way the WWE loves to throw HHH into the main event scene every year around WM time, it really makes me want to lean towards HHH winning the RR. Though I'd really like to see Punk get a cheap win and take the Rumble to put him over as a heel. That way it also gives WWE a chance to book someone different for MITB.
i heard that booker t might be coming back to wwe and it would be awesome if he did at royAL rumble and won and at wm26 he would vs someone like HBK, HHH, cena, undertaker, jericho, or some1 like that
I have a hard time believing it will be Ted Dibiase jr. He has potential and the name, but he hasn't been in a program as a singles guy and hasn't had much exposure as a credible singles competitor. He also hasn't held a singles mid-card title. He's been tag champ so technically he has had some gold. When Austin won the Royal Rumble in 1997 he won King of the Ring the previous year, was being pushed as a powerful star, and had some nice matches on PPV as a singles star. He also got plenty of promo and mic time.

Here I have to disagree with you. Dibiase may not have had the exposure in his stint in WWE but you must remember that he did work the scene for a while before debuting. Now you reference Dibiase to Austin and I ask you how can you do this?

Yes Austin won the King Of The Ring but at that point of time in the WWF(E), KOTR was a stepping stone to elevate stars and Austin was picked by VKM to help carry the WWF(E) into the new year and next era of the company. The reason Austin got plenty of mic and promo time was because Vince saw something that he could do to try and put a stop to the machine that was known as WCW at the time.

Austin is completely different to Dibiase and the 97 era is completely different to the current era. WWE have changed over time and are now looking at building new stars instead of focusing on the talent that is already established and set to retire within the next few years.

So in closing while I respect what you said in your statement I must disagree because honestly Dibiase does have the potential to be a very big star and major name in the company.
If they are as serious with the current push for Kofi Kingston as I'd like to think they are then he is my candidate to win the Royal Rumble.

Losing the accent has been like a godsend to him as he has had more mic time and he has shown promising skills.

His in ring work has greatly improved as well. If they play their cards right, management can make Kofi look stronger than ever
Here I have to disagree with you. Dibiase may not have had the exposure in his stint in WWE but you must remember that he did work the scene for a while before debuting. Now you reference Dibiase to Austin and I ask you how can you do this?

Yes Austin won the King Of The Ring but at that point of time in the WWF(E), KOTR was a stepping stone to elevate stars and Austin was picked by VKM to help carry the WWF(E) into the new year and next era of the company. The reason Austin got plenty of mic and promo time was because Vince saw something that he could do to try and put a stop to the machine that was known as WCW at the time.

Austin is completely different to Dibiase and the 97 era is completely different to the current era. WWE have changed over time and are now looking at building new stars instead of focusing on the talent that is already established and set to retire within the next few years.

So in closing while I respect what you said in your statement I must disagree because honestly Dibiase does have the potential to be a very big star and major name in the company.

I never said Dibiase didn't have potential. I think he has great aspects for the future. I just feel at this point in time in 2009 there might be a few other guys slightly ahead of him. Yes Austin was a piece in Vince's puzzle to fight the battle WCW, but now the WWE is in a situation where they are battling themselves with stars who stay in the main event and being in a stalemated with getting younger guys elevated. Morrison is a strong candidate, Punk has been built up well, as well as others. Dibiase will have his time. I also respect what you had to say and we are just at a difference of opinion.
My gut thinks CM Punk will weezle a win at the Rumble, but I'd like to see Dibiase win, turn face and go at it with Orton.
Then again, I'm probably wrong on both counts
I really think many of you are ahead of yourselves w/ Dibiase as well, at this moment he is still basically just Cody Rhodes' tag team partner. It's probably too early to consider Kingston for this either; I think it would upset the locker room to have guys winning the rumble that haven't even been on t.v. a year yet. I don't even think Swagger has much of a chance. At this point I think it will be Orton or Mysterio, but a lot depends on what happens between now and then.
The way i see it, it wouldn't be a surprise if Ted Dibiasie Jr. win the Rumble this year. Let's face it, the way he's been protrayed on tv lately makes me think that the are going with the same type of build-up for the Dibiasie/Orton feud that they use for Batista when he became a huge star.

The likely scenario would be to see all three members of legacy being their near the end and Orton get eliminate by Dibiasie by mistake. Then after that he would win by throwing Rhodes out of the ring.
Christian...... He has finally served his 2 year sentance on ECW(Found guilty of jumping ship to TNA) He wins the RR and jumps to SD! .... Where he loses at Mania..... But continues to fight for the title!

You may have not noticed that we are talking about the 2010 rumble which means christan has not even been in ecw for 1 year at that time he debut 1 week before no way out 09

anyway i can see Orton winning it to go up against taker for the title at mania and maybe winning that would be if someone from the raw brand

from the smackdown brand vince has always said now is the time to build up feuds for mania i saw smackdown and i think it is almost a sure thing it will be Jericho vs taker at mania

Mentions included Kofi if feud with orton done right and CM Punk

wild card - The Miz

Choice - Jericho
i would for jericho to win the rumble and face the undertaker in the main event while earlier in the night morrison or kofi wins the mitb and cahes it in on the undertaker's win and capture the title a surprise no one would see comin
It honestly surprises me Jericho hasn't won the rumble before. So I'd place my bets on him. Otherwise the only others that might have a shot is Big Show, Punk or maybe Batista again.
With all the buzz about Vince wanting Cena v Batista at WrestleMania, I think it's safe to say one of them will win. They've finished turning Batista heel, so they match up well, and it would probably be the final match of the night at WM26.

I'd like it to be Jericho, playing off being the best at what he does, but I'm holding out for hope they have other plans for him, including a match against Undertaker at WrestleMania, resulting in a face turn after finding a new respect for his peers.
with punk battling a ref, i think its safe to say, that he wont be winning. chris jericho is

almost 40, and although that would be the best thing ever! i dont see it happening. with

edge being MIA, and no signs of him returning, i dont see him winning either :/. with ted

dibiase still a part of legacy and kofi kingston just making it to ME status. there is a slim

chance they will let either one win. with MVP teaming with mark henry, there is no way

he will reach main event status and recover from this blow in time of the rumble. which

leads me to HHH, Cena, Orton, Taker, & Batista. hhh could easily turn heel in time

for the rumble and win it :disappointed:. john cena could very easily win again. randy

orton i can see win it as well. when was the last time we saw back to back wins? 1997-

1998. so that is always an easy choice. taker could win it to gain momentum with his WM

Streak. and seeing batista turn heel recently there is NO doubt, that is a sign of a

second Rumble win for the animal :banghead::banghead::banghead:. as sad as that

sounds i am

expecting one of those to win the rumble this year..... i was hoping for someone who

would suceed from it like jericho or punk, but that is not going to happen oh

well. :suspic:

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