Well, I guess i'll throw my two cents in.
ECW Title Match
If you'd asked me before watching that match, if i would actually want to, i'd say 'yeah, just for Christian i'd watch,' thinking to myself that Zeke is just this decade's Ahmed Johnson, but last night, Big Zeke made a believer out of me. After originally being paired with Kendrick, and then being lumped with Kozlov, i thought his career was pretty much going nowhere from the starting line. Now i can see the potential for this guy to put on some good matches, especially if he's working THAT well with a guy with the level of talent as Christian. TBH, i thought this was the best match of the night. It was the only one that i said to myself 'That was a good match' whenit was all said and done. I'd expect Zeke to be moved back to the main roster later this year, and hope they don't make him 2010's Umaga or Vladimir Kozlov, as in rise him to the highest level and then abruptly push him off of it.
US Title
Ooooo, a bonus match, probably a rush decision to make up for how horrendous the preceeding segment had been up until Miz walked in. This was about as good as you would expect it to be, but to be honest i thought Miz might actually lose the title and end up lasting until the final four or something. Considering that the poll on WWE's webiste showed him as the fans #1 choice to win, i thought the 'E' might have considered pushing him a little further up. Now i'd never believe he'd actually win the Rumble, but by lasting long in the Rumble, the fans would be more receptive to the idea of him hanging with the Big Dogs in the ME tier, instead of liking him purely because he's the only guy on Raw who can cut a promo without seeming lame or childish for their age.
I also didn't get why fans boo'ed MVP attacking Miz afterward. Granted there were Miz fans there, but last night it seemed like everyone was booing MVP after that spot.
Women's Title
I don't watch WWE tv unless it's a quick recap show or i look up certain matches online, so thankfully i've missed all this Piggie James garbage they've had on SD these past 2 months. Sadly though, the 2 minute video package was enough to have me cringing in pain at this angle. What made it worse, was that the match was a damn squash. I know a LOT of people think Michelle McCool is shit, and i get where your coming from. I personally think she's good in the ring even if not on the mic, and obviously Mickie knows what she's doing, even if she has been getting sloppy lately, so as surprising as it is to type it, i was actually looking forward to this match (if only slightly). Squash matches for titles are always a bad idea in my book.
WWE Title
Well what did you expect? Did you expect the Viper to suddenly start delivering flashy offense and working up the crowd? He's supposed to be Raw's top heel. Just because everyone hates Sheamus more, doesn't mean Orton's suddenly going to turn face for this one match. I watched to see Sheamus try and prove himself in the ME tier, and unfortunately, this match didn't prove anything to me. Having the DQ ending to set up the end of Legacy was ok, but when you then realise that we've got to put up with Sheamus as the champ for another 3 weeks until EC, then you really wish they'd gone a different way, at least, i know i do. Both these guys work similar styles. Slow and methodical. When you put guys like that together, you don't usually get great results, and this match was a great example of that imo.
World Heavyweight Title
I'm shocked that Batista didn't interfere in this. I would have thought that Rey and Dave's fued would have lasted at least until WM.
Also, why did Matt Striker think it was a good idea to downplay the mystique of the Undertaker? I was sat there thinking 'shut up you idiot, just stop talking.' I know we're not stupid enough to believe the undead gimmick, but that's like stepping on Superman's cape isn't it? Anyway, this match was exactly what it should have been. Rey Mysterio getting flattened in a short amount of time. Yes, this was done just to make sure Taker isn't hurt before Mania. Yes it's a cop out if you think about it, but at the same time, every Rumble has lackluster title matches, and has done for the last 7 or 8 years, but kudos for giving us something different in the SD ME scene. Plus regardless of title matches, injuries, etc this match would only ever make sense if:
a) Taker got jumped and busted open before the match began. Well that wouldn't happen, everyone who's said they want the WHC has surpisingly wanted Taker to remain the champion until their shot, plus PG shit would mean no savage beatings on TV anymore so, no blood, and you wouldn't believe Taker was THAT hurt without it.
b) Someone ran in and tried to stop Mysterio from winning, only to accidentally end up helping him win. Again, why would anyone think that Rey could beat the Undertaker on his own?
Rey has beaten giants bigger than him before as we all know, but this one wasn't a 500lb idiot, or a burnt psycho with mask issues, or a stupidly strong but strongly stupid Animal. This was the Dead Man. A 20 plus year vet who's got ungodly endurance and power and can intimidate and psyche out just about anyone, after 20 years of destroying people smaller, equal and larger than him, why would anyone believe that he'd lose clean to a man half his size and weight? This match, quite simply put, made sense. The live audience knew Rey'd get squashed, and so should everyone else.
The Rumble
I've never laughed so much during the first 10 minutes of a Rumble. I laughed when they showed the close up of Ziggler and Bourne shouting that the WM spot was 'theirs' at each other. I laughed when Punk came out, eliminated them both, and then started preaching, i laughed when Kahli came out, looked like he was going to sign up and then chopped Punk down, paused in shock when Beth Phoenix came out, laughed as she eliminated Kahli, laughed a lot harder when she took the GTS, and then nearly collapsed with laughter when Punk smacked Ryders head in mid-sentence. CM Punk made the first 1/4 of the Rumble, really fun to watch, and then it slipped back into typical Rumble mode, with the ME guys in for ages and the other talent just appearing for a cup of coffee.
The problem for me, is that no one except HBK was made to look like they were a dark horse, or an outside chance that they could get the 'W' when the curtain went down. Usually someone from the first 5 or 6 entrants ends up being one of the final 6 eliminated, making you think throughout the match that they could win. This year, no one from the first 15 entrant lasted longer that 30 minutes. I thought that with everything they've been doing with Kofi and Morrison lately, that one of them would have hung in there for a quite a while, and if they weren't going to push someone, then Jericho would have been an obvious choice. I completely agree with Will when he said Jericho should have been in for ages, looking like he'd go out but hanging on until Edge appeared to eliminate him. It would have been remiscent of the Foley/Orton fued where Orton entered the Rumble at #2 and Foley came in at 21 and eliminated him. Instead they came out one after the other, making the order of entrance seem that little bit less random than they like to make out in the build up. I was shocked that HBK didn't win. Since he had all the focus from the moment he entered, i assumed my prediction would ring true and we'd have Taker v HBK II for the WHC. Well unless Edge is challenging for the WWE title or is going to lose his WM title shot all together, then i guess that's not going to happen.
Am i glad Edge won? Well, yes and no. No, because i'm sick of seeing the guy just turn up and win things. Like Sid said, that gimmick is way too old and has done so much damage to the ME scene that it needs to end. The days of long built up fueds and classic battles for significant titles has been shat on repeatedly ever since the very first MITB cash in 5 years ago.
And yes, because if Edge is now a face, then i imagine the 'Ultimate Opportunist' gimmick will now take a back seat to the Rated R gimmick, or it'll change somewhat. Edge will now win his matches by capitalising on mistakes made by his opponents during matches, instead of taking other people's title shots or defeating battered champions in 30 second matches, and i've been waiting to see just how well Edge does as a ME face, because he's never done it before.
Other thoughts
Everyone assumes it's going to be Orton v Ted at WM. Sure it won't be Orton v Cody?
I took JRs comments of 'it's hard for a 3 man announce team, especially when they don't work together that often' to mean 'yes the commentary was poor last night, and i blame Striker mainly'. They spent more time during the US title match banging on about MVPs rap sheet and what celebrities find him attractive than they were talking about what was going on in the ring, and this sort of shit happens far too often.
Sorry, i felt the need.
The King's memory never fails to amaze me. Not because he remembers so much, but because he remembers so little. Last night he said Stephanie McMahon got punted by Orton when she was RKO'd and DDT'd, and that angle wasn't even a year ago. Wrong again Jerry, but still, you're nowhere near as bad as Striker is.
'Blood is blue', what an idiot.
I marked out twice during this PPV. First when Taker caught Rey and hit the Last Ride, and second when HBK kicked HHH out of the Rumble. 'Go on, go on, kick his ass out!' where my exact words if i recall.
Why does Carlito keep having sporadic bursts of trying to prove he's a valuable talent and then giving up? A flash of dominance from Kane, a flash of dominance by HHH, a flash of dominance by.... Carlito? WTF?