WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Who will enter the 2012 Royal at #30?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mick Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kharma

  • Vince McMahon

  • Other(Please Explain)

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Well with this new stipulation every superstar is eligible to enter the Royal Rumble Match it's going to be hard to pick who's going to be in the Rumble tonight, as far as the winner goes I am going to say Chris Jericho not because I am a fan of his it's what he said on the highlight reel '' At the Royal Rumble it will be the end of the world as you know it ''. So my guess is he is going to win the Rumble and face another favorite wrestler that I like CM Punk. '' The Best In The World VS The Best In The World '' .
With the "anyone can enter Rumble" so evidently broadcasted over the past few weeks, it looks like an unscheduled appearance by a top draw at the Rumble is a given.

I think it might just be The Rock. Enters - wins the damn thing and then challenges Cena to put money where his mouth is by somehow winning the belt prior to WM. Afterall Cena did arrogantly proclaim that their match at WM would be for the title - with the Rock doing his bit at the RR this will give Cena a storyline path till WM nears.
A hard guess for me on who will win this year. I do however know my final 4 and the possibilities of them winning. 2 sd stars and 2 raw stars.

Chris Jericho. An awesome choice, I hope he does win it because I would really like to see Punk vs Jericho for the title as well. He may be the obvious though.

Randy Orton. Hometown hero, face of smackdown coming back from an injury would be another possibility. Daniel Bryan vs Orton would be cool. Would rather see another star who hasn't won the rumble yet win it.

Sheamus. A lot of signs point that it could be him. A Smackdown star who has been on a role gives him momentum going into the match with D bry on the big stage.

The Miz. Vince loves him, and I've heard they have big plans for him. Having him pull a Shawn Michaels going in at number 1 is likely. I see him winning it as I believe is feud with Rtruth is now over.
Can someone give me an updated list on who's officially already been stated as being in the Rumble?

I know the Miz is the #1 entrant

I know that R-Truth, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, Shaemus are all in it but can someone give me the full updated list of who has already been officially announced as being in it?
Orton and Jericho are the favorites. Barrett and Sheamus are two that have a good shot at winning it. I think the winner will be one of those 4.
i havnt read the whole thread so forgive me if its been mentioned

according to wwe.com kane is 3 behind hbk in all time eliminations, he has also has been in the last 11 consecutive rumble matches, i can see him using the anybody can enter stipulation to extend one record and beat the other
So as we're talking about how Ryback's in the Rumble, Lesnar could possibly appear at the Rumble, Mick Foley is sure as hell gonna be in it, but who ever thought about the entrant nnobody will know till the last minute?

My guess is Joey Mercury. Joey Mercury was part of the SES in 2010 and hasn't been in a WWE ring since. He has been a quite successful trainer in FCW. WWE probably said "You know what, we couldn't really make Mercury into the big star he wanted to be the first 2 times. 3 times the charm. PUT EM IN THE RUMBLE!!!!" I would really love to see Joey Mercury return to the Rumble.
After thinking about it this is the perfect scenario to set up a WM fued.......

Kane enters the rumble around 12-15th and dominates everybody in the match
Number 30 is about to enter, Kane is still dominating the entire match as we hear the famous last words from Cole..."who can stop Kane?"

3...2...1...GONG entrant number 30....The Undertaker! Unlikely you say but think about it this way.... Taker has been out for 9 months now (enough time to heal his major injuries he was carrying) He needs a program for his big 20-0 at mania, he won't win the Rumble but he will be the one who will take Kane out (Kane then gets on the apron grabs taker and eliminates him) this fued can rise to heights that any fued between the two has never reached before!

1. Taker needs ring time
2. He needs a major WM opponent for his 20-0 to be even more special
3. Kane needs a major WM opponent to make his Monster return bigger
4. Taker doesn't need to pull anymore than 10-15 minutes in this match, just enter clean house, take Kane out and get eliminated then fight to the back and not be seen for a few weeks and not fight again until Mania.
5. It shows the WWE Universe that he is still around
6. It shows that there is somebody who could potentially stop Kane's dominating run
7. If WM28 will be Takers last, then who better to have his last match against than his "brother" and the one person who he has had so much history with.


It won't be taker but i'd like for this to happen purely because I'm a massive Taker fan and to see him return tonight would have me marking out like crazy!
The point of surprise entrants mainly are for nostalgia purposes.....Mr Perfect 2002, Diesel 2011, Hacksaw Jim Duggen (countless times) and RVD 2009 to name a few....They are all people who had successful careers in WWE and are names that most fans would recognise, Jeoy Mercury isn't a name that the majority of the fans would recognise from 2 years ago. We are told that Ryback (Skip Sheffield) will be in the match, but he has been making appearances recently in dark matches so some people would recognise the name.
He's not really a big enough name to "waste" the spot on... JoMo would be far more likely than Mercury. If they are using agents etc, then Road Dogg is pretty much a lock for a spot. Nick Dinsmore has dropped hints he might be there, so Eugene is a possibility... but overall the only "surprises" that I think are guaranteed are Christian and Hacksaw (makes sense as he won the first one).
I think Hacksaw, Christian , Ryback and Animal are locks. Also I wouldn't be surprised to see Road Dogg in the rumble. As far as nostalgia purposes go I'd love to see the Headbangers enter as surprise entrants
I'd say Christian, Jim Duggan, Ryback and Road Dogg are locks

If Road Dogg is in the Rumble, and Billy Gunn isn't in TNA, would be cool to see Gunn come in as the entrant after Road Dogg, OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW twice in a row would have me marking out all night
It wouldnt be a big enough moment to waste a spot on him. Think about it, who were last year's mystery entrants? Booker T and Kevin Nash. Now I dont expect anyone THAT big to be featured in tonight's rumble match but its probably not going to be a former tag champion who was relevant from 2005 to 2006.
What i want to see is HHH taking part, and Nash coming in and being the Nash we remember from the 90s (yes i know, not likely...) Though Nash comnig in and being dominant, that would be great to see.

If Road Dogg is there like sources say, it would be awesome too!

But my two bets are either Jericho (Been a fan since his man of a 1001 holds days) and Ziggler (Not really a fan, but impressed with how his career is going.)
Nick Dinsmore has dropped hints he might be there, so Eugene is a possibility...

Well there's some good news.

Every now and then we get something that is way off the handle or extremely low brow. After hearing Natalya shit her pants on Smackdown, I honestly wouldn't doubt Eugene charging down the ramp. I'm not going to say I like it, but I'm not counting it out.

What tune was Natalya playing? Sounded like Beethoven's 5th in E Minor.

Mercury would be a surprise. Not good or bad, just a surprise. If he does come back, he's going to get an F-5 through a postal bag of letter bombs. Seriously, I called up Steph.
. "You bringing back Lesnar Stephy?"

"You betcha, Sleepy darlin'!"

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