Royal Rumble: JBL vs. Chris Jericho


SmackDown! is MY Show

Singles Match
JBL vs. Chris Jericho

On the surface, Chris Jericho and John “Bradshaw” Layfield are polar opposites. One is a beloved champion of the people who wants to “save us” from those who hold WWE hostage with their tyrannical rule; the other is a self-proclaimed “wrestling god” who demands that our fans and everyone else in WWE worship him. But these two are history-making champions who want the same thing – to be atop the mountain in WWE again – and that’s just one reason their mutual hatred will boil over when they meet for the first time ever at Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble marks the in-ring return of JBL, who was forced to retire in 2006 following a loss to Rey Mysterio. The arrogant, self-made millionaire, whose 10-month WWE Championship reign between 2004 and 2005 was the longest in 10 years at the time, seems more intense than ever and hell-bent on proving a point at Y2J’s expense. But has the former WWE Champion picked on the wrong man to make his statement?

Like JBL, Jericho knows something about being forced to leave the sport he loves – in 2005, he was fired after losing to John Cena in a You’re Fired Match. During his two years away, Y2J pursued other interests in Hollywood, toured with his band Fozzy, hosted his own radio show and wrote a best-selling autobiography, A Lion’s Tale: Around the World in Spandex. But most of all, the first-ever Undisputed WWE Champion rested, and watched and waited for the right time to return. And when he returned in November, he was determined not to dwell on his past, but make history again by saving us from WWE Champion Randy Orton’s title reign.

But JBL ruined Y2J’s championship mission at Armageddon with one sudden swift kick to the head. The then-SmackDown commentator, miffed by a seemingly innocuous shove by Jericho when the heat of the battle spilled onto the broadcast area, may have caused Orton to lose by disqualification, but he snuffed out Y2J’s championship dreams. When Jericho suggested in a subsequent confrontation that the wrestling god was becoming a “wrestling afterthought” in sports-entertainment history, JBL’s ego couldn’t take it any more. He announced he was leaving SmackDown and returning to the ring on Raw.

And why is JBL coming back, and why has he targeted Jericho? His own words suggest that it is more than about the shove at Armageddon. JBL’s admitted frustration at having to call the matches of “guys who couldn’t even lace my boots” underlines the venom that seems to have bubbled in his belly since being forced into retirement. In recent months on SmackDown, he talked about how much he wanted one more chance “at the biggest dance of them all” at WrestleMania when the lights were brightest. And controversy seemed to follow JBL behind the broadcast table, as he found himself physically involved in confrontations with Batista, Undertaker and Mysterio. What did he think when he saw Jericho make his grand return in November?

Like Jericho, JBL is also a media maven. He has written a best-selling book on financial planning, Have More Money Now. He hosts a syndicated radio show and is a regular commentator for Fox News Channel. And JBL also knows how to make grand entrances – his longhorn-laden limo rides to the ring and balloon-filled celebrations are trademarks.

Maybe that’s why Y2J and JBL can’t seem to keep their fists off each other. From Tribute to the Troops in Iraq to Jericho’s crashing Layfield’s Raw debut, the rivalry has become white-hot. Y2J and JBL always seem to be walking around each other’s territory. Both are writing the second chapters in their respective in-ring WWE careers and want to make new history. The only problem is that they are standing in each other’s way.

Will Jericho get revenge on JBL for costing him the WWE Title and save us from the wrestling god’s comeback? Or will JBL show that Jericho cannot even save himself from the divine wrath? The only way to find out is to catch Royal Rumble when it airs live on pay-per-view from New York City’s historic Madison Square Garden on Jan. 27.
Has this been confirmed? Oh well. This is a great Rumble match. It's in now way worthy of Mania. But for and undercard Rumble match it's great. Only problem is that the match will suck. The basis for the feud would be all the mic work. But if they are having the match at the Rumble then that doesn't really give them much time to roll off each other.
Just a god awful match for Chris Jericho. You bring him back for what, to be lumped with a big steamy heap of crap that couldn't wrestle a good match if his life depended on it?

JBL is terrible, and to put a talent like Jericho in a feud with this guy is just ridiculous. At least the good thing is, this match won't be at Wrestlemania, the bad thing, that long rumored JBL HBK feud may indeed happen.
This will end up being one of the worst matches on the card. I don't think this feud is ready for a PPV match just yet. Like Jake said they should've included more promos so that the feud could be a tad better. Overall for this match I expect nothing big. This won't be interesting, in fact it'll be the piss break match (depends on ECW title, and women's title match). And God forbid a JBL/HBK feud.
This is a waste of space.I mean theres plenty of undercard talent that desvere a place on that card.I mean why not put a tag title match there?Something that has a Point!

JBL vs Y2J.I mean whats the point of this feud?To get JBL Over?To get Y2J over?There is no point.
I'm happy that this match is getting its chance to shine on the Royal Rumble p.p.v. I've been really tired of seeing a weak undercard on the Royal Rumble p.p.v.. just because the over the top battle royale is the headliner.

One match may sell the p.p.v., but it doesn't make it worth it. I suppose I'd buy it, if the undercard was diva matches.. but I'd hate wasting time until the actual Rumble. (anyways, side tracking from the topic)

Jericho v. J.B.L. is a solid undercard/opening match for the p.p.v. I think it was pushed to the Rumble, instead of Wrestlemania, because its a way to get J.B.L. back into action, & gear him & Jericho both up for Wrestlemania agianst possibly bigger matches.

None the less, I completely see this feud continuing beyond the Rumble. How far, I don't know.. but it just seems too short to have it end here. I think J.B.L. will pick up a cheap win, then they'll both be in the Rumble, where he'll eliminate Jericho, or get eliminated, then come back in to eliminate Jericho.

Then again, Jericho hasn't had a decent victory since returning. So he could pick up the clean victory over J.B.L., only to have J.B.L. get even with him in the Rumble. I'd be more believed in this angle, than the other.
Ok thanks for clearing that up Will...

This match is so stupid for the Rumble. Its been a 2 week fued, that has no build up but 2 promos. There is no need for a match with JBL/Jericho right now. Now that its being done here, what will they do at 'Mania? I think that JBL and Y2J should be in the rumble, and JBL screws Jericho out of winning it.(After JBL is eliminated he comes and attacks Jericho). Then the next night on RAW, the fued continues. This match should still be alright, but it won't be anything great just yet, it needs more time to build up into a nice fued, not just a little mic talk.
Before I comment this match, has it even been confirmed?

Yes, it has been confirmed. It was confirmed on Smackdown last night, & its on When you "comment" on this match, be sure to edit your original post.. otherwise, you'll be getting an infraction.
This match would be good with proper build but they just haven't done that yet. And has JBL even wrestled yet on his "comeback" because I expect a whole lot of ring rust to have built up while he was sitting next to Michael Cole weekly.
I sure wasn't expecting this just yet. I was thinking that this match would be at Mania, but I am happy that it'll be at the Rumble instead. I don't think Y2J vs JBL is really a WM quality event espically with both guys surley having some ring rust. The match itself has potential to be a decent match if booked correctly. I just wish that this feud would continue until No Way Out since I really think that JBL and Y2J could really tear eachother apart on the mic. With the Rumbe being realitivly close I don't see much in the way of buildup for the match, which leads me to think that it won't bethe last time we see these guys against eachother.
im almost certain that the match wont be very entertaining, but at least the build up is nice.

I just got done watching Raw and JBL's attack was done nicely, adding some extreme heat to the situation.

I do think though that if they are gonna bother with the match at all, it should have had longer to build seeing that its the only thing it really has going for it since the match itself will suck.

Oh well at least it will give Jericho a better option for WM or at least i hope so. but im confident we are gonna see Jericho vs Boogeyman match so i think we are in the clear.
The rivalry is very young but interesting in the promos, segments and brawling. JBL and Y2J are in the process of working off years of ring-rust. Their match at the Rumble, I believe, will be a fair, Back-and-Forth Match JBL comes out the winner of and a continuing in the rivalry build all the way to a Cage or Last Man Standing Match perhaps, at No Way Out, where Jericho will win.

Jericho will hopefully re-enter the WWE Title Picture, and at WrestleMania, we'll get something like Triple H vs. Randy Orton(Who'll have beat Hardy at Rumble) vs. Chris Jericho. Seeing Triple H will get his WWE Championship Rematch Clause since he unfairly lost it to Orton after being booked in three matches at No Mercy and Jericho, he'll get his chance back at the title, JBL screwed him out of. Logic?
yea, I think I will have to agree with most everyone, this match will prolly be a train wreck. JBL wasnt good before he left, and will probably be terrible upon initial return, and Jericho, without showing a whole lot of ring rust, isnt ready to carry someone like he will have to here, not just yet. I see a double DQ ending, or probably JBL cheating to go over...he wont lose his first match back, I highly doubt that, and I kinda feel bad for Jericho that this is what he is reduced to already...
The way this match looks to me is that it will be an extremely physical match. It will be good because jericho can pull off good matches with just about anybody. I see jericho getting the win and moving on to feud with someone else after the rumble.
I think this will be a horrible match, and when I said months ago that the WWE would find a way to ruin Jericho's comeback everyone scoffed and now look at where Jericho is - getting dragged around and being used as a stepping stone for a JBL comeback.

The WWE has blow it.
Not really looking forward to this match, Jericho is good but i think hes so over-rated and personally I wasnt that excited when he came back and I think WWE did terrible job of bringing him back! JBL never been a fan off at all, he was kool when he was with Farooq in the APA but on his own cant stand him! But this rivalry will more than likely be on for a while so JBL will win this match cleanly more than likely. The Jericho will win the feud eventually. And agree with everyone else that he will re enter the title pic for WM which will be alright because adds a fresh face!
I really think this will be a brutal match between these two superstars.I see this match going to be about 10 minutes long and for those ten minutes there will be two men kicking the crap out of each other.I can picture Jericho starting off the match over JBL, then further into the match JBL having a turn over, and out of no where Y2J hitting the codebreaker and winning it.This match will either be a great match or a Y2J will just end up beating up JBL until a DQ.
Does anybody else feel like the buildup for this has been terrible? Think about it...

What sparked the feud? - Orton throwing Jericho into JBL, and Jericho lightly pushing Jericho out of the way. Then suddenly, JBL just kicks Chris in the head out of anger. Not enough of a reason to do it.

Then what?

Two times, we get JBL standing in the ring with pyro and balloons for 20 minutes....two times....We get one "brawl" confrontation that was sloppy and slow, a match that involved Snitsky and was extremely short, followed by JBL dragging Jericho is an unconvincing fashion and doing nothing more...then we get two solitary stick segments that the crowds are dead for.

Wow. I'm SOOOOOO thrilled for this match. Don't choke on the sarcasm just yet, lol.

Now, even though I'm a fan of Jericho, I don't think he should be the WWE champion, so I'm not just trying to play favorites here. However, why did they push him with such extreme force just to downplay him just as quickly? He had what...4 matches until he was demoted to the level of "upper midcard"?

And JBL....well, I wish I could say "I liked him better when he was just a commentator", but I hated when he was doing that, and really all he's done so far since his "return" is talk! Lol. He looks like a pudgy, out of shape, slow-witted guy who has no purpose in the ring anymore.

With the lack of build and the lack of talent in the ring due to JBL's involvement, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the worst match of the night - even worse than MVP/Flair, which is guaranteed to be garbage because Flair can't do a damn thing anymore aside from some chest chops and "woo"s.

Hopefully, this feud ends with just this one match or it seriously picks up steam in every aspect.
I think both men should be in the royal rumble, that would make the rumble more entertaining and have a tag team title match, rather then put both tag team champs in the rumble.
Chris Jericho is a really good wrestler, and i dont really get entertained watching JBL. He has great mic skills, which made him moving to the commentators desk was such a good move.
I am with you on this one No Fate ... none of this makes much sense to me. Jericho came back to feud with JBL? If they did not want him in the WWE title picture they should have never put him there ... this is a far stretch for a feud.
I disagree with your assessment of JBL. I am very glad to have him back in the ring. I actually think his in-ring work is pretty good and obviously he is very good on the stick ... as is Jericho ... which makes the lack of pop for this match even more disappointing. I don't think this will be a one match feud and that is a shame.
I am already starting to miss the Lionheart Jericho character (remember when he opened RAW with a title win over Trips ... those were the days) ... I just hope he can grab my interest back at that level at some point. I don't think a feud with JBL is doing the trick.

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