Unforgiven: Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho

Ladies and gentleman im going to explain how booking a fued in pro wrestling is supposed to work.

1. the enitre point of this feud is Jericho's jealousy of HBK. HBK is better, HE knows it, and deep down, Jericho knows it. jericho NEEDS to dominate this feud, becuase if Shawn proves himself the better man, well, then its killed. Done. Shut the fuck up Jericho. Totally undoes all his heat, and momentum. He truly cant loose after being dominated this afternoon. Its just entirely unacceptable. Jericho needs to win, to dominate, unfairly, and in dastardly fashion, against the brave injured man fighting for the honor of his wife.

2. Nothing is gained if HBK wins. What does it give HIM?? Nothing. Add to that he is injured, and is going to be out of action. So what then, does it matter?? He wil be gone, Jericho wont be gone. Jericho has gone over him CLEANLY at no time during this fued. HBK marks cry out "But NorCal!!! Great American Bash!!!"...no. that was an injury angle. He didnt go over clean. HBK was hurt, and Jericho took advantage. On the other hand, HBk diiiid go over Jericho clean, at Judgement day. So, HBK can win clean, Jericho cant, is what we have so far. And that should continue. How can Jericho seem a legit contender to the WHC if he looses this match?? How is he a legit contender for ANYTHING?? Orton is still two months AT LEAST from returning. They are using up all their contenders in this one match. They will need a new one. Jericho should be that guy. Nothing is gained from HBK going over. The whole world is gained from Jericho going over

3. Continuation of the feud, continuity overall. Hey, well lets see here. HBK wins, in decisive fashion this evening, shut your mouth Jericho, feud over. You cant continue this feud if HBK wins decisevly, becuase the entire crux of it is Jericho trying to prove he is as good, or better. if he gets straight up BEAT, its over. It was fine to do in the infancy stages of the feud, its not ok now. Now say Jericho kills HBK here, and takes the WHC at saaayyy Survivor Series, or Armageddon. HBK returns and wins the Rumble, or EC, and has oooonne last shot at Jericho at Wresltemania, in Texas no less. Doesnt even necessarily need to be over the title. He could return our of nowere and cost Jericho the belt, at Royal Rumble, or No Way Out, depending on were Jericho takes the title. Then the final, at the grandest stage of them all. fuck it, give them a 30 minute ironman, or a best 2 of 3 falls. THAT is were he scores his decisive, clean win.

THAT is how you book a feud like this. anything else is a total waste. and HBK going over tonight, would be a total waste. Jericho FTW
I completely agree with NorCal. It would best for HBK, Jericho, AND WWE to let Jericho get a win in this one.

HBK- he is injured. Not terribly, but still injured. And it would be best for him to lose tonight, as the brave injured man who fought for his wife's honor. Keep him on the shelf for a little bit, and then have him return in time to re-build the fued for MANIA.

Jericho- He wins here, and puts HBK out "for good", and he'll be the No. 1 contender to the WHC. Maybe not for long, but at least until Orton returns.

WWE- not only is Jericho capable enough to get a good fued and a couple matches out of Punk, and he'll help further build Punk as a credible champion. AND it gives Jericho something to do while HBK recovers.

In this match, I do think Jericho will win. Maybe not cleanly, but he'll win. Either that, or HBK will win and get one vicious beat-down afterward.

This fued NEEDS to end in Houston.
This will be the best match on the card, and rightfully so. HBK and Jericho have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are the best in the WWE, period... The feud should NOT end here. This could easily go until WrestleMania 25. If I were booking this match, here is how I would do it. Since Michaels needs some time off to heal up, I would have him win. I would have Cade get involved at the end of the match. Since it will probably be no DQ, then Cade and Jericho could double team HBK. Cade could grab a chair to try and hit HBK, but HBK ducks, Cade hits Jericho, HBK hits "Sweet Chin Music" on Cade, then a "from the top" elbow by HBK on Jericho for the win. As Michaels celebrates with his wife in the ring, Cade and Jericho attack HBK. Cade holds Rebecca down, while Jericho destroys Michaels in front of her. A "Code-Breaker" followed by a "Lion-Tamer/Walls of Jericho". Jericho holds the "Walls of Jericho" for what seems to be an eternity, while Rebecca cries and struggles to reach HBK. Michaels passes out from the pain. Jericho tells HBK he is finished and this feud is over. HBK is stretchered out of the arena. The next night on RAW, Jericho celebrates his destrution of Michaels with a funeral for HBK's career, while Cole and King say HBK is still the hospital and needs surgery. Eventually, HBK returns and thing continue until WrestleMania 25. WM25, HBK vs Jericho, HELL IN A CELL. HBK wins at WM25 and feud is over. That would be EPIC and maybe the best feud in WWE history.
Well, this wasn't the match i expected. It was a good match but no great at all. Good spot by HBK with the Flying elbow on Jericho and Cade over the announce table. I hate Marty Elias (was it him?) I mean: it was a fucking UNSANCTIONED match for fuck sake!!! this was below B-Rated, nowhere near the bloody mess of their first match. both HBK and Jericho sold their moves well. Was Cade really necessary? I think he stole some precious minutes of the match, but maybe I can see it as a big "rubbing" for him.

Honestly, I enjoyed more the scrambles, but good match overall.
Well, this wasn't the match i expected. It was a good match but no great at all. Good spot by HBK with the Flying elbow on Jericho and Cade over the announce table. I hate Marty Elias (was it him?) I mean: it was a fucking UNSANCTIONED match for fuck sake!!! this was below B-Rated, nowhere near the bloody mess of their first match. both HBK and Jericho sold their moves well. Was Cade really necessary? I think he stole some precious minutes of the match, but maybe I can see it as a big "rubbing" for him.

Cade's interference was obviously going to happen, that is literally all he's done since becoming part of this fued. I don't know what he's doing at House Shows but the guy is currently a wasted paycheck imo

Otherwise, i totally agree, this match was nowhere near as good as i expected either. And Shawn's promo was pretty stupid as well.

"Oh, i've been pushed to the edge and now i'm more psychotic and willing to hurt people blah blah blah, but for now i'm gonna go home and go to bed"

Well that didn't come across at all Shawn. An elbow through a table and punches with a belt fail to compare with the beating he gave Vinnie Mac at WM imo. What's good however, is with Jericho the champ, this should fuel HBK to go absolutely ballistic!

Best spots had to be the elbow i guess, but it wasn't anything new, however i completely forgot that a chair was positioned between the ropes, so when Jericho countered the crossface i was pretty impressed with that spot (shame Michael Cole 'forgot' the name of the move despite calling countless Benoit matches on Smackdown).

Also, if there are any WWE officials who read this, pass this point on for me.....


Jeez! I was glad he got Superkicked. I know it's not up to Elias how the match ends, but now he'll be branded 'the match stopper'

Final thought: God knows where this fued is going to go now, i assume the creative team think the same which is why they've randomly decided to make Jericho the champ.
I liked the match and idea of HBK getting the win via ref stoppage. As this allowed HBK to get revenge for what happened at Summerslam but also will give Jericho more ammunation in that HBK is not the good guy he claims to be. With Jericho taking the title later in the night I hope this doesn't bring an end to this feud as I feel that there is still some more milage left in it.
I expected a brawl and my expectations went up as soon as Shawn came out dressed for a street fight. But while this was my second favorite match last night and it was given good time (close to 30 minutes), this one just wasn’t as good as it could/should have been. Maybe it’s because Shawn’s arm was heavily wrapped and I couldn’t push the thought from my mind he was going to do serious damage to himself.

While Michaels needed to give Jericho a beating, this was entirely too one-sided for my liking. Jericho had little offense and it even came across like he needed Cade’s help during the match. The level of weapons involvement and blood just didn’t live up to the brutality each promised in their go-home promos.

I was plenty annoyed with the ref too. At one point early in the match, he was counting to five to break a foot to the throat in the corner. And stopping the match discredits the agreed upon terms of the match.

Great facial expressions by Shawn toward the end and superkicking the ref drove home how emotional and out of control he was. I didn’t have a problem with Shawn’s post-match promo. He’s going home to heal up for now, but promised the feud is far from over. HBK’s emotional coming undone and the internal conflict between his actions and morals may likely be his eventual downfall.
I liked the match and idea of HBK getting the win via ref stoppage. As this allowed HBK to get revenge for what happened at Summerslam but also will give Jericho more ammunation in that HBK is not the good guy he claims to be. With Jericho taking the title later in the night I hope this doesn't bring an end to this feud as I feel that there is still some more milage left in it.

Don't forget why Shawn did this in the first place. In honor of slag, seeings as Jericho punched her on Raw. With this in mind, I don't think people have the thought that Shawn isn't the 'Good guy', as any good guy would do that for his wife.

I don't think the feud will end just yet. But it depends on what happens with Shawns injury. I think he'll leave for a few weeks, maybe a month, and come back challenging for the title. He won't win it *Cries* but it'll be great, with something good added to an already great feud.

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