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As first revealed to WWE Mobile on AT&T subscribers in an exclusive mobile video, Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho will face Shawn Michaels at Judgment Day in a one-on-one contest.
Tensions have been building between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho over the past few weeks, as HBK has had to defend his Backlash victory over Batista to a suspicious Y2J – who was the referee in that match. At Judgment Day, Michaels will have a chance to prove himself even further when he battles the Highlight Reel host in the ring.
Jericho claims that Michaels never injured his knee at Backlash – and that he played possum to get the win – but HBK continues to stand by his claims of legitimate pain. Jericho has gone so far as handing out the “Best Acting Award” to Michaels on an episode of the Highlight Reel.
Michaels has been the recipient of harsh criticism since he retired Ric Flair at WrestleMania XXIV, but no critic has been more outspoken than Jericho. At Judgment Day, the two will look to settle their dispute in the ring – and whether he is 100 percent or not, Michaels will undoubtedly give it his all to show the type of competitor he is. Y2J, however, is out to prove that HBK is faking his injuries, and the Intercontinental Champion always has a few tricks up his sleeve as well.
Is HBK legitimately injured heading into this encounter with the Intercontinental Champion, or has Chris Jericho been right all along about Michaels feigning the pain? Either way, each man will have the opportunity to prove themselves at Judgment Day.
Personal Opinion: Honestly, if this match were regular and not under the current storyline of Shawn Michaels being "injured" then it'd be amazing and great to see these two go at it again. However, the only thing this match is going to be is a joke.
Its gonna end up just like a year ago, with similar results as Orton v. H.B.K., in which this time Chris Jericho will make short work out of Shawn Michaels, due to the fact that the injury will be played off as being 100% real. (work real, not real real) Furthermore, this I believe 100% is going to be what turns Chris Jericho heel.
I think if anything, they could tie in their Wrestlemania XIX feud and claim that Jericho never truly lived it down that he lost on the biggest stage of them all. I think after this is over, Shawn Michaels will once again randomly take off for a month or two, until roughly Summerslam, while Jericho will more or less enter into a feud with either C.M. Punk (doubtful) or Mr. Kennedy. (most likely)
Again, I wish this were being contested with both guys at their best. But the current storyline calls for Shawn Michaels to play injured and Jericho to bait him into a match, trying to claim he "knows" H.B.K. is faking, only for in the end Jericho to know the injury was real.. but he just wanted Shawn out of the way for a while.