Unforgiven: Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho

im really looking forward to this match. i agree with everyone who has said that they're just going to beat the living daylights out of each other and no one will go for the pin. the storyline moved way too fast on this one, but i still think its going to be an awesome match.
as HBK said, an eye for an eye. (plus im a jericho hater, so i really want HBK to come out victorious on the other side of the match).
bring it on. looking forward to this one!
This should be a great match between these two superstars. However, I don't think the feud has been that great as many people say it is. It has been a good long feud and I must admit, but since the Great American Bash the feud has picked up big time. Before the GAB, I wasn't totally interested in it, in all honesty. Their pay per view matches have been great, especially their match at Judgment Day. I expect this match to be brutal and hardcore. And I'm looking forward to it very much. It isn't too gimmicky and this match should end the feud, so both can go their separate ways.

Hopefully Shawn Michaels is back to wrestling on a weekly basis more as he hasn't wrestled on Raw for months. I've really missed his matches. This feud has been too promo based for my liking as I think both superstars haven't done enough wrestling during the fued. This match could easily steal the show. These two have proven they can put on an excellent match and I'm positive they will do it again come Unforgiven.

As for the result itself, I'm predicting a Chris Jericho win. Shawn Michaels doesn't need the win and Y2J didn't exactly get a clean win at the Bash as he didn't pin HBK. Shawn will use many weapons to his aid, but Jericho should win so he can look strong going in to his title match against Punk, assuming the WWE wants to take that route. A Michaels win is too predictable here in my opinion. Plus, the guy doesn't need the win as he will always be over with the fans and will always be a top contender on Raw. Speaking of that, HBK hasn't had a World Title run for quite a while and I would be pleased with either of these two winning the title in the near future, before the end of the year preferably.
Maybe I'm nitpicking...but it feels weird that an "unsanctioned match" is an official part of the card....and that HBK says that everything is legal in the ring....despite how its an unsanctioned match, so none of it would be legal, as its basically just like saying two audience members jumped into the ring and went at it....

Anyway. If they decide to go with a ref and a pinfall/dq/submission/countout type of situation, then HBK wins.

If they decide to go with just a brawl of some sorts with no pins, then I think we'll have a no-contest. That would help stall it and allow HBK to feud with Jericho in a gimmick match at No Mercy to help out the card.
I was hoping that these 2 would have a different kind of gimmick match then they have but I guess it could still be good. Jericho and HBk no matter how you feel about the feud i personally like it, They will always put on a great match and that's what I'm expecting them too do. Jericho getting the win here owuld make things more interesting but I have a feeling HBK will take it.
This fued has been amaing. From start to finish it's been exceptional, because it's kept me wanting to see the latest part in the storyline every week. Starting off from the smallest of interactions to Jericho punching Rebecca. Both Jericho and HBK have been brilliant during this fued, and it's kept me entertained throughout.

One question for anyone reading.. has anyone been cheering for Jericho through this, or is it only me?

But yeah, for this match, i'm hoping for a Jericho win. Basically because it'll keep Jericho as a major heel for the future. The guy who wrecked HBK's year, wife whatever. A lot of people expect HBK to win here, and if he did it would just be too obvious. Having Jericho win could easily keep this fued open to renew at any time, as Michaels could be like "I didn't get my revenge" or something like that. Lead to a WrestleMania match.
There was a lot of talk backstage at RAW last night how Shawn Michaels’ injury will be changing the RAW booking and storylines if he has to take some time off. There was a bit of chaos after the tapings with people hanging around and wondering what the deal with Michaels was. There was some concern last night over how well Shawn will be able to perform in an Unsanctioned match this Sunday, which is essentially a brawl.

There is still no confirmation on the injury but belief backstage last night was that Shawn tore his triceps. WWE probably won’t acknowledge the injury, if they do at all, until after RAW tonight because in their minds RAW is still live to the fans.

Typically an injury like this can keep you out of action for 4-6 months. The worse case scenario would see Shawn Michaels out until around WrestleMania time next year and the best case, he will be back in about a month.

If HBK is out till wresltmania i see him and jericho having there final showdown there in an epic 2 out three falls match..as much as i would love for that too happen i hope HBK is back before that and is back as quick as possible.
Man, this sucks about the injury.

Now, the way I think this might go is that they'll shorten the length of the match, have both Jericho and HBK look injured during it to help sell it, and end it with a "no-contest". Both get knocked out or something.

Then, if HBK is really that injured that he'll need time off, he can come out on Raw the next night and say to the audience that he's still pretty banged up, and he knows his responsibilities, but he knows that he still has wrestling in his blood. He says that he'll have to take some time off to heal, but he promises to be back 100% in a few months.
I'm betting hard money that this match was meant to go a good 30 minutes, and now it'll likely top out at 10.. counting entrances. I think if nothing more, the best possible solution here is to have Shawn Michaels be announced as being injured, and having the match cancel all together.. but instead bring in someone else.

Kofi Kingston, Big Show, possibly a returning Mr. Kennedy? Obviously this is a major blow and huge disappointment.. but how much worse would it kill this storyline, to have an injured Shawn Michaels compete and risk either injurying himself worse, or having the whole thing just look awkward and bad.

This storyline could actually benefit from this, as Chris Jericho can still proclaim he's ended Shawn's career (again) and it'll be drug out with Jericho going in another direction, but always holding onto something that makes us remember him "ending" H.B.K.'s career. (similar to his W.C.W. days of carrying around Rey Mysterio's knee brace on a fake leg)

It's a shame this happened because an "unsanctioned" match between these two had the ability to be the best match yet for them, especially since anything would've been open to them to use. Now, I just hope if H.B.K. is badly hurt, they don't have him go through with it.. otherwise it'll come off similar to Edge/Mysterio from No Way Out.. and just be awkward to watch.
Will are you SERIOUS. HELL the fuck NO they shouldnt announce this as an injury. You have HBK go down to a worked injury right off the bat, and then merciless destruction By Jericho for the next 5 or 6 minutes. I mean just utter erattication, pure hatred. HBK doesnt look weak (not that it matters if he does) becuase, he is hurt, y'know. And this is unsanctioned, so he is "at jerichos mercy" after the injury happens. SO Jerichio just utterly whipes the floor with him, earning him the last bit of epic heel heat to be the top heel challenger for the belt til HBK comes back...for their WM rematch. Easy. this is TOO easy now. As easy to book as it gets. It sets up everything so well. And it would be a huge epic waste to just announce Shawn being hurt and discontinue it. If someone punched YOUR wife in the face, would you let it stop you?? No. Its an unsanctioned match. So they cant "stop" him from fighting due to injury. its fricken unsanctioned. Talk about an utter and complete abolishment and destruction of kayfabe. Thats about the epitome of it. Calling it off sue to HBK injury is absolutely out of the question, and would ruin all the good that can be done, even if it WAS remotely close to a viable option. which it isnt.
Will are you SERIOUS. HELL the fuck NO they shouldnt announce this as an injury. You have HBK go down to a worked injury right off the bat, and then merciless destruction By Jericho for the next 5 or 6 minutes. I mean just utter erattication, pure hatred. HBK doesnt look weak (not that it matters if he does) becuase, he is hurt, y'know. And this is unsanctioned, so he is "at jerichos mercy" after the injury happens. SO Jerichio just utterly whipes the floor with him, earning him the last bit of epic heel heat to be the top heel challenger for the belt til HBK comes back...for their WM rematch.

So apparently you didn't see the Chris Jericho "squash" match that he and Shawn Michaels put on at the Great American Bash, to play off the "fake" eye injury.

Why on earth would it be anything "different" to have them once again, twice in a row no less, allow Jericho to completely squash H.B.K.?? Not to mention, that'll hurt H.B.K. in a ways making him look defenseless and too weak to defend the honor of his Wife.

Having the injury announced could thrive Jericho into a riot because he still is without the opportunity to "end" the career of H.B.K. himself. If anything, this is playing in the hands of making this storyline even greater.. with Jericho's insanity slipping away even more.

Jericho is hell bent on being known for ending H.B.K.'s career. So if H.B.K. suddenly can't go due to an injury Jericho didn't give him, it'll send him into a frenzy.

And Frenzy > Second Jericho Squash match over H.B.K.

Easy. this is TOO easy now. As easy to book as it gets. It sets up everything so well. And it would be a huge epic waste to just announce Shawn being hurt and discontinue it.

See above.

If someone punched YOUR wife in the face, would you let it stop you?? No. Its an unsanctioned match. So they cant "stop" him from fighting due to injury. its fricken unsanctioned. Talk about an utter and complete abolishment and destruction of kayfabe.

Again.. you say it like people believe this is REAL. If someone punched my Wife, I'd go after them until I likely couldn't breathe.. but it likely wouldn't be scripted for someone to have punched my Wife, either.

I get the feel for ruining the WHOLE storyline based off an unfortunate event, I do. But I'd rather not see H.B.K. risk even more serious damage in trying to play off storyline.

If H.B.K. goes into this match hurt, and gets hurt worse.. what happens if he really WOULD suffer a career-ending injury? Then your storyline is shot to shit completely. (save for Jericho parading around with what he wanted to do all along. :lmao:)

Thats about the epitome of it. Calling it off sue to HBK injury is absolutely out of the question, and would ruin all the good that can be done, even if it WAS remotely close to a viable option. which it isnt.

If you really wanna go through with it, then since it's "Unsanctioned" have Lance Cade AND Chris Jericho double team Shawn Michaels from the off-set, before the match ever begins. 5-10 minutes later, H.B.K. is laid out completely. And there is YOUR idea.

OR.. remember that little rumor about Sid Vicious returning? Oh yeah.. perfect set-up situation.

Sid returns as a "friend" of Shawn Michaels, and replaces him. Jericho can still play off Shawn being too scared to face him because of Shawn's "eye" injury.. and Sid can be brought back in a decent feud, in a great way.
Totally hating the idea of him competing in this now. Eugh. He's injured, and this match is undactioned. It causes me pain thinking about it.

Reet, well. So I originally thought HBK was going to be the one who battered Jericho to his death almost. But with this injury I'm not so sure. Will they not mention his injury and make it look like he picked it up/made it worse in this match? If so it's definitely not the end of this feud. Which I suppose is a good thing.

The match shouldn't be called off. Probably the worst thing that could happen with the storyline. And it's unsactioned. So that just makes it even more unlikely. And besides, it will be a good match. Apart from me stressing and stuff.
But will, the entire angle is based on REALISM. Thats why its the best feud we have seen in years. its SUPPOSED to be REAL. Er, isnt that what wrestling is about?? ESPECIALLY this very storyline. Fuck that. He punched the mans wife. FUCK A TORN TRICEP. It would blow EVERYTHING if they just folded it due to injury.

And yes, a Jericho squash is entirely the best option. It wouldnt be different. Just shorter, and the best option. HBK doooes not look weak. If your hurt, and its 2 on 1, well fuck, what are you supposed to do. It is what it is. and it makes people hate Jericho even WORSE that hs so thoroughly and hatefully destroyed the man defending his wifes honor, in an unfair manner nontheless. Also further paints HBK into the Sympathy corner all the better. he takes the time off to "heal" form kayfabe (and of course, in relaity, real) injuries, and we can even get this feud CONTINUING which is what the purists want. It goes both ways. It gets Jericho even more over, and allows him into the main event, along with the continuation of this epic feud.

or we could just totally waste everything. which is YOUR idea.
But will, the entire angle is based on REALISM. Thats why its the best feud we have seen in years. its SUPPOSED to be REAL. Er, isnt that what wrestling is about?? ESPECIALLY this very storyline. Fuck that. He punched the mans wife. FUCK A TORN TRICEP. It would blow EVERYTHING if they just folded it due to injury.

And yes, a Jericho squash is entirely the best option. It wouldnt be different. Just shorter, and the best option. HBK doooes not look weak. If your hurt, and its 2 on 1, well fuck, what are you supposed to do. It is what it is. and it makes people hate Jericho even WORSE that hs so thoroughly and hatefully destroyed the man defending his wifes honor, in an unfair manner nontheless. Also further paints HBK into the Sympathy corner all the better. he takes the time off to "heal" form kayfabe (and of course, in relaity, real) injuries, and we can even get this feud CONTINUING which is what the purists want. It goes both ways. It gets Jericho even more over, and allows him into the main event, along with the continuation of this epic feud.

or we could just totally waste everything. which is YOUR idea.

Oye.. I do agree that H.B.K. getting his butt handed to him in a 2 on 1 match, in which they could play off the "eye injury" making Shawn Michaels look unstoppable in the sympathy corner, while Jericho will be the next in line heel of the decade.

However, I don't see how my idea of Shawn Michaels coming out, only to be attacked and Sid mother fucking Vicious coming out to make the save, followed by Adamle announcing Sid Vicious v. Jericho will now take place, since Cade and Jericho fucked H.B.K. up instantly.. is a bad thing.

Shawn wouldn't get hurt worse if he was beat down INSTANTLY in a very short period of time. And the Pay per view wouldn't have to rely on fill-in matches to replace the length of what this would've been.. if Sid Vicious returns and gets thrown into the match as well.
Oye.. I do agree that H.B.K. getting his butt handed to him in a 2 on 1 match, in which they could play off the "eye injury" making Shawn Michaels look unstoppable in the sympathy corner, while Jericho will be the next in line heel of the decade.

However, I don't see how my idea of Shawn Michaels coming out, only to be attacked and Sid mother fucking Vicious coming out to make the save, followed by Adamle announcing Sid Vicious v. Jericho will now take place, since Cade and Jericho fucked H.B.K. up instantly.. is a bad thing.

Shawn wouldn't get hurt worse if he was beat down INSTANTLY in a very short period of time. And the Pay per view wouldn't have to rely on fill-in matches to replace the length of what this would've been.. if Sid Vicious returns and gets thrown into the match as well.

*checks WZ.com so he doesnt put his foot in his mouth*

as far as I can see, absolutely


has been confirmed as far as Sif coming back. So I dont even see how you can be looking into that as a viable option LOL. It makes absolutely ZERO sense from any kind of booking perspecitve, given the situation, to book this in any other fashion than what ive said. Its so logical. I mean its even an unsacntioned fight for fucks sake. using the injury angle "doc wont clear him" shit is absolutely out of the question. becuase its an unsanctioned fight silly. LOL. It wouldnt make sense if they DIDNT jump him. Its not even a sanctioned match!!!. HBK comes out, playing the "I dont give a shit that im hurt, im defending my wife" card, and then gets totally smeared by two guys, in an unfair attack. if Sid returns with the save, so be it, but im going to go ahead and exist in the realm of reality and circumstance we actually HAVE right now.
The only negative I see from this HBK injury is that he can't put over Cade. Which is where I'm guessing it was supposed to go. But the injury couldn't have been avoided, from what I saw it was all HBK. Just one of those things.

I was hoping for a Jericho vs. Punk feud, but I'm guessing that's not the case after Orton showed his face. So I really have no idea what they'll do with Jericho next. It's a shame because it's HBK who's benefited from being with him, not the other way round.
if Sid returns with the save, so be it, but im going to go ahead and exist in the realm of reality and circumstance we actually HAVE right now.

I love how you claim to be living in the realm of reality, when this is regarding the W.W.E. you know, the same company who doesn't need to feel any explanation for showing reasons why they do certain things.

For all we know, Adamle could call off the match for the "betterment" of Shawn's health, and H.B.K. would have ZERO fucking say in the matter. So what if they signed a contract for an unsanctioned match.. that's an oxymoron to begin with.

If it was unsanctioned, wouldn't it be considered "real" which means it'd be man-slaughter? :rolleyes: I can take it far into the realm of stupid reality too. LOL

All in all, I get what you're saying. I'm just saying don't be dumb-founded and completely shocked when Shawn Michaels is replaced by someone as random as.. Kofi Kingston. Or even Charlie Haas dressed up as Haas B. K.

If it's Jericho squashing H.B.K., then they have to factor in a couple more matches to even out the card. If not, then they need a reason and a replacement. The reason is as simple as Adamle NOT allowing it, regardless what either H.B.K. or Jericho care, because it's a W.W.E. program.. unsanctioned or not.

And the replacement is either going to be the surprise of Sid Vicious, or the lack of talent being used with Kofi Kingston.
Have we not forgot about who the hell your talking about. This is
SHAWN MICHEALS we are talking about. A man who had three jacked up disc in his back and still managed to walk down the aisle at Wrestlemania 14 and once again stole the show and put Austin over.

I love this angle as its the best thing creative have come up with a lllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg time. Plus its been going on since April/May. Thats 5 months ago. Plus its personal know. I have waited for this match ever since The Great American Bash. Knowing Shawn he will suck it up and him and Y2J Chris Jericho will get in that ring and for atleast 30:00 tear the fucking house down, and without a doubt in my mind $100 says this match will close the show.
One question for anyone reading.. has anyone been cheering for Jericho through this, or is it only me?

Oh hell yeah i'm cheering for Jericho! Not because i'm from Winnipeg or anything.

According to wrestlezone Michaels only suffered a minor triceps tear and will wrestle at unforgiven. I hope that this injury doesn't alter HBK's performance in any way because i'm hoping for a classic between these 2.

After this unsanctioned match I think Jericho might take a couple months off due to the injuries he sustains at the hands of Michaels. HBK did say he would do stuff to Jericho that would get him thrown in jail. They might give the fans with a short attention span a break for a couple of months. Then later they can resume the fued of the year.

I think this match could go either way though. HBK could win and go on to announce his retirement again on Raw the next night, only to be interrupted by former student Lance Cade. These two could have a student vs teacher fued for a while while Jericho's injured. Maybe Jericho could be the mouthpiece for cade.
OR Jericho could win the match. Michaels could be beating the crap out of a motionless Jericho when Cade attacks Michaels from behind and puts the motionless Jericho over HBK for the 3 count(if they do have pins). Either way I smell a HBK, Cade fued after unforgiven, which will elevate Cade a bit.

Goona be a awesome match though. Looking forward to it.
If undertaker can compete in a match at Backlash with a busted up Elbow, and then have a steel cage match with Batista, then certainly HBK can go out there for a little bit with Jericho and put on a decent match.

Expect this match to be brutal, and completely one side ala the Great American Bash. Hopefully the right thing will happen in this match, and that's Jericho actually getting a decisive pinfall victory over Michaels.

I fully expect for Jericho to isolate that eye once again, and the elbow, and play to the injury as much as possible. Certainly this match isn't going to be as good as it could have been due to the injury, but it sure should be a good match.
This match should go to Jericho with Shawn taking some time off to heal his injury, they will more than likely continue their feud when Shawn returns anyway. I would like for this match to end by pinfall or submission this time, or it will end up the exact same way it did at the Great American Bash. Michaels will put up a fight, but I see Jericho winning with the Walls of Jericho so that they can say Y2J never did pin HBK yet, prolonging their feud until Shawn gets the final victory.

After this, I am expecting a CM Punk/Jericho feud for the World title, Jericho has all the reasons: He beat Punk, he "ended" Shawn's career, and he is a former World Champion. This would be a good program for No Mercy, since many will believe that Punk vs Jericho isn't big enough for Survivor Series.
Exactly what you said Skullz. Jericho will get HBK with the Walls of Jericho and make him tap out, prolonging the feud. The other option is that they both beat each other so badly neither can get up, and they'll say Shawn was further injured and he has to take time off.

This should be a great match, regardless of Shawn's injury, with both men beating the holy shit out of each other. I seriously hope this isn't one sided, because both men should get their fair share of offense in. Expect Cade to interfere in this match somehow, and he might accidentally hit Jericho, and then get the SCM from Michaels.
Going by W.W.E. logic, I'm starting to think Shawn Michaels is going to win this match then leave due to the injury. I think that because before the injury, I believe it was widely rumored that H.B.K. would win anyways.

So why change that, all because of another issue that's come into play? If the storyline was meant to end here, then having H.B.K. beat Jericho will do that. If it's meant to continue, but with H.B.K. winning still.. then I'm quite sure Jericho is good enough as a heel, to cut a promo and make sure even in a losing battle, he isn't hurt by it.

And again, H.B.K. IS leaving I'd assume after this match.. so win, lose or other, who's to say Jericho doesn't continue parading around claiming to be the guy who ended his career anyways. Win or lose, if H.B.K. leaves, then Jericho wins out in the end, ultimately anyways. I'm sure people are overlooking that though.. because everyone assumes Jericho MUST win, in order to save the value of this feud. Why is what I'm not understanding.

Shocky said something that was kinda important. When the Undertaker went down due to injury, he still managed to pull out a solid Cage match, and he technically still retained his Championship.. only to then drop it to Edge moments after. The point is, he didn't drop it to Batista, which could've been an option.

So to say Shawn Michaels doesn't have a chance in winning this match, is to blindly assume the W.W.E. knows exactly what they're doing. I'm betting hard money on the fact that if a 'known' winner wasn't decided upon before H.B.K.'s injury.. they likely won't come up with a sure-fire winner until right before they go out to have the match.

And another thing. I don't know how good or bad this match will be, but if H.B.K.'s arm is what's injured.. I just keep thinking back to the Rey Mysterio/Edge match from No Way Out.. 10 minutes of Mysterio looking horrible, and all I could do is cringle everytime I seen Edge do anything with his arm. I doubt the Showstopper is going to be capable of doing much more, but here's to holding out hope that he'll pull out another decent to great match.
Welp, what WAS the most anticipated match on the card, is now a huge question mark. For some strange reason, im getting the feeling that HBK comes out with his arm heavily wrapped, and gives us a hell of a show, on par with what we were all expecting in the first place. HBK is in the late stages, and fuck it, the arm is hurt either way. That, and for all that has been said, HBK has been a gamer since his return to the ring, some years ago.

I see Jericho going over here, as well he should. This is the creation of our main event over the next few months, with Jericho the top heel in the buisness. Let Shawn go heal up from the injury, and come back to finally reap revenge. Possibly during a WHC shot for Jericho. Wouldnt it be crazy to have Batista win the WHC, and have Jericho challenge him, since Batista wa sinvolved in the match that started ALL of this?? hmmm makes ya think :)

I see Jericho going over, probably in a very brutal, malicous fashion. It makes sense from every booking perspective you can think of. But this feud isnt, and wont, be over. Thanks goodness.
Well, even IF the rest of the card wasn't below my expectations, this match should have the potential to be not only the best match on the card, but an all-time classic. We all know what kind of magic these two can create, and what with all the fantastic build-up, this could solidify the HBK/Jericho feud as the feud of the year, without ANY contest.

This is gonna be brutal, and, I predict, pretty long, since they've gotta use their allotted time with only six matches! Or possibly one more, depending on how that Undertaker deal goes. If this shapes up to be anything like the "unsanctioned" match HBK had against Hunter at SummerSlam 2002, I am going to be a very happy man indeed. Psyched I be!
The way I see it this match isn’t about who scores the pinfall. Win, lose, or draw, it’s about Michaels beating the hell out of Jericho. It needs to go at least 30 minutes and we should see a lot of the action take place on the outside where the announce table, chairs, floor, steel steps, etc. are used as weapons. I expect a bloodbath.

That said, I just can’t see Jericho winning here considering he’s gotten the better of Michaels the entire feud. He injured Shawn’s eye when he drove his head into the Jeritron, further injured the eye and defeated him at the Bash, then punched his wife in the face at SummerSlam.

I see Michaels getting the win but only after injuring himself further in the process. The next night on Raw Adamle can announce that HBK will be out of action awhile. Chris can cut a promo where he rags on HBK for practically having to kill himself to beat Jericho (a la what Trish said to Lita).

The best option would be that both guys are so battered and bloodied neither can continue and the ref stops the match. Without a winner, the feud HAS to continue. HBK can go away for awhile to heal up then resume the feud when he returns.

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