No Mercy: World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: HBK Vs. Jericho

If this is th ematch to end the fued then Jericho has to win clean without Lance Cade getting involved and I can't see that happening. What I do see happening is Lance Cade cost's HBK the match. Jericho keeps the belt and goes onto have a series of matches with Batista before coming back to feuding with HBK.
In the interlude between the HBK/Jericho feud I see HBK feuding with Cade. The seeds for this feud were planted when Cade alligned himself with Jericho but started to be put into place with Cade getting the pin on HBK a couple weeks ago and then his promo on RAW.
I, BritishAmerican52, see this match going solidly in the direction of one of the greatest champions of all time, and the greatest ladder match warrior in history - SHAWN MICHAELS!

The match should be athletic and interesting, but it's got Michaels' name written all over it.

There is a reason people are intersparsed in remembering Jericho's ladder match history. It's because his ladder matches were extremely forgettable, whereas Shawn's were legendary. It's sorta like their title reigns - Jericho's first "Undisputed" Title Run (I dispute it...) was worthless, and he only held the belt until HHH was healthy. Michaels has had so many meaningful title reigns - and so many meaningful ladder matches.

This match ends with a beaten, bloody, battered Chris Jericho lying underneath the ladder, looking up at the man he'll never be. Shawn Michaels wins yet ANOTHER ladder match and yet ANOTHER World Heavyweight Championship!
I'm looking forward to this match-up. The HBK/Jericho feud is the best feud in wrestling right now. It's now even better with a title involved. I don't see HBK winning the title in this particular match, but I hope it's not their only championship encounter.
i hope to see hbk win becos hes my fave of all time but it prob wont happen but you never knw maybe the twist is hbk wins and so does hhh and then we have a title unification match that would be amazing but prob not on the cards hbk to win for me tho cant wait to see a big ass elbow drob from the top of the ladder
Easily, this will be the match of the night at No Mercy. Put simply, I find both these guys great as champs. Still, it's been years since Michaels had himself a world title reign. And the Jericho reign, the current one anyway, was, well, abrupt. I don't know where WWE is going with this one. If Jericho retains you have a boring Jericho/Batista or Jericho/JBL. Michaels retains, pretty much the same thing. WWE freakin' tied themselves up with the Number 1 Contenders Match, so it doesn't matter who wins the ladder match, we still get a lame feud after.

I guess though, thats just gonna be the price to pay for whats definitely gonna be an amazing match on Sunday. Here's to a hopeful Michaels win and amazing title reign.
Hmm. I think we can expect a great match out of the two no matter what the result. They're both tried and true in ladder matches and given the great performance in the Unsanctioned match at Unforgiven, it's clear they can make good use of the No DQ rules on each other as well. This should be a pretty exciting match by all accounts.

As for the winner, that is definitely hard to call, but, to be honest, I don't think it really matters who wins except for the fact that one man is champion and the other is not. Which I guess is a pretty big thing after all, but bear with me. I fully expect the Cyber Sunday match to be nothing at all and potentially end in a DQ or count out of some such, and for Jericho vs HBK to wrap up in a good old 5 on 5 Survivor Series match, where the title will be on the line in the fashion where, say, if Chris's team wins he gets the title and has to defend it at Armageddon against the other Survivors, and the same thing for HBK. That would neatly transition the feud out and move smoothly into a new one for both wrestlers.

Which just brings up the question of who, actually, is going to win? I say HBK just because at this particular point in time, he will probably be a big ratings draw. I'll give you that his past reigns may not have had extraordinary draw, but he seems like just about the most over face on Raw right now and he should probably do well for ratings. I just don't see it waiting all the way to Survivor Series because, believing as I do that the feud will cap off at Survivor Series, having HBK win the title and then have the feud end right there is just too abrupt. A win now and then capping off at Survivor Series is how I see it going down.
Even with Shawn Michaels in this, I'm not looking forward to this match. I'm looking for the first great match that these to have supposedly had with each other, that didn't take place five years ago in Seattle. This feud is over rated, this feud is stale, and this feud has simply dragged on way to long.

How can this be much of a feud when Chris Jericho has never beaten Shawn Michaels by pinfall? It's a joke. How can Shawn Michaels be the King of the Ladder Match when he was last in one 6 years ago, and last in an actual Ladder Match 13 years ago? Jericho should win, and win cleanly. The only great shame is that jericho won't be able to get his first pinfall victory over Michaels.
I agree with Shocky that this feud has gone on too long. Ending it at Unforgiven was as close to perfect as it could have gotten. Jericho lost, but wasn't pinned, saving him some credibility, Shawn got his revenge, everyone gets what they need. Why the ladder match? To me, this should have been Punk's rematch. The cage match on Raw was an absolute throw away match. As for what to expect, difficult to say. This could be epic, or dull. Shawn isn't going to win, plain and simple. Jericho will likely need Cade to help him finish off Michaels, which means one last match at Cyber Sunday to finally blow this thing off.
Well here it is. the 40$ match. Pretty much the sole reason I am buying this. these two fuckers better deliver.

and I am confident they will.

Gosh damn, if there ever was a time for it to happen, its now. How much better can you get?? Two of the best ladder match guys ever, one of the best feuds in years, the WHC. This has everything. And both of these guys have to be looking at this card and knowing its ALL on them. We finally have our oppurtunity for Jericho to go over decisevley. Or not. Lots of ways this can go. I see Jeritron going over, finally. gosh damn this is gonna be epic.

Expected Rating : 9.5

NorCal's Pick : Jeritron
Again same thing as the jeff hardy/hhh match, this was a great match but let face it, these 2 needs to move on, the feud is becoming stall and if they continue the way they are, nobody is going to cared about this feud even if they continued to give 5 stars match on every ppv. So i hope that this will be the last match between the 2 for a while, have jericho get in a feud with batista while HBK does something else and if you wanted a blow off match between the 2 wait for wrestlemania to come around. YOu don't need to have these fight each other at every ppv to continued the feud. HBK could still be involve indirectly with Jericho without actually wrestling him every ppv and it would probably make the blow off match in this feud even more special simply because it would feel fresh again.

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