Backlash: Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

Batista should go back to his old routes. Eg: Goldberg's bounty how he came in and absolutely destroyed goldberg. His face turn was rather good in 2005. Then when he returned from injury he just hasn't been the same ever since. IMO take him out of the Main Event's and put him in the mid-card.
We'll just have to see how much Bastista has improved. The last match I remember watching between the two, Batista was way off with his timing. HBK had to scream to remind him about certain spots. I just hope it's better this time, and of course, that HBK comes out on top.

On a side note, Flair's retirement should've been left alone. He went out the traditional way and that was by losing. His match was also not the main event because nothing should be more important than the titles according to him. Leave it be.
This match will probably be ok, HBK will carry Batista's improving yet still shit wrestling, and make the match look 3 or 4 stars. Batista should win, as HBK still has the gloss of of retiring Flair so its not like he needs a mega push unless they are thinking of making him no. contender for the next PPV. Logically this match will almost certainly have a doddy finish, Jericho is the ref, and it looks like they are turning him heel. So it will probably result in him screwing HBK to set up a nice little feud on raw, at least I hope thats what they do. I suppose they could also have Jericho lay both of them out at the end of the matchd walk off or something an to set up a triple threat feud down the line. Either way if they don't make Jericho a heel now I don't have much hope for him further down the line, however since there is a lack of heels on Raw a good heel turn and some IC defences would probably make him the number 1 heel on Raw.
On a side note. How skinny will HBK look compared the Big Dave. That might be a problem when suspending your belief.

Why? HBK may be alot leaner than he used to be and Batista is a beast but does that really matter. Jeff Hardy, who has next to no muscle definition has cleanly deafeted Umaga (who I feel gives Batista a run for his money in the intimidation scale) and HHH and HBK himself has defeated guys like HHH, 'Taker and Vader (all big guys)etc in the past.

The size difference would matter if it was someone like The Miz or Cody Rhodes, a lower mid-carder for example but with someone as talented as HBK (who I see as miles better than Flair ever was) any difference in strength and size is more than made up for in 'wrestling' skill.

When you take Batistas strength and HBK's skill/experience it gives you a competitive matchup and while I dislike the storyline i'm not going to let it get in the way of my enjoying this match, which I think will be a strong 3* matchup which is more than you get on an average Raw/Smackdown.

Anyway, ever since his rivalry with HHH i'm still impressed with Roidtista and though I know he isn't the best in-ring performer ever (I know hes pretty bad) he does put on good matches and I enjoy watching him. Plus, this PPV is free on Sky Sports in the UK...
So now that, apparently, HBK cost Batista his title match on Smackdown (I shut it off before that. Didn't feel like sitting through the exact same match I've seen like 10 times by now), I think the match only has two ways of going down:

1. Batista is almost disqualified by Jericho. This pisses Batista off. Then, while they're yelling at each other, either HBK hits the superkick and gets the pinfall, or while they're arguing, Batista pushes Jericho, making Jericho do something to him (Codebreaker?), which leaves HBK open for the superkick, and Jericho counts the 3.

2. Batista beats the crap out of HBK long after Jericho counts the 3. He also wails on Jericho, who tries to stop him. Thusly, Batista turns heel.

Or, if you think about it, there could be a combination of that.

I don't think we'll be seeing HBK get a clean win or Batista get a clean FACE win.

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