WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Who will enter the 2012 Royal at #30?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mick Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kharma

  • Vince McMahon

  • Other(Please Explain)

Results are only viewable after voting.
My question isnt bout the theme but something I noticed on Raw tonight. The idiot Cole asked if anyone has ever drew #1 in the royal rumble and won it? Pay attention to history that was HBK's first real crowning moment. But Lawler answered yes, 2 people have done it. They didnt say who but Im thinking maybe their testing the waters here. Benoit & HBK did it. They didnt mention the names but at least acknowledging he won it indirectly. What are your thoughts on this?
I have ahd a look around the section....just wondering if the names have been released on who is participating in the Royal Rumble? Thanks in advance.
They arent releasing the names, keeping it secret this time and keep pushing 'anyone can enter'.

Ryback, Nash, Booker, Christian will probably be the surprises. Not sure on Del Rio, Rey and Sin Cara - maybe 1 of them. Jericho, Foley are nice additions though.
Before I post my idea of an interesting scenario, please note that in no way I think this will happen, but I want to get your thoughts on what you would think if it did happen and who you would want it to happen too.. Here it is:

Just like Bret/Luger a while ago, they both eliminate each other at the exact same time. However, unlike back then when they were the last two people left, entrant #30 has yet to be announced. So, they both eliminate each other, and the ring is empty for about a minute before the countdown starts for number 30.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BUZZZZZZZ.. and the number 30 entrant, who has just been gift wrapped a championship match is.....

so my question is this: Would you like this kind of ending, and if so, who would be #30?

Bash away..
For a lot of us the Royal Rumble match is one of our favorites of the year, a time where feuds for Wrestlemania are furthered or created, surprise entrants make a return and who will walk out the winner. Something my friends and I do every year is a "Big Board" of potential winners, making things interesting if you do any Lethal Lottery style drawings or have people with a passing interest in wrestling watching.

Every year there's about 4-6 realistic winners you can see for a number of reasons, and it's always intersting to see how it plays out in the ring. These are my picks for the Rumble:

1. Randy Orton

As much as I'd hate to see Orton win another Rumble he's definitely the most likely to walk out of St. Louis (his hometown) as the winner. Orton may be the only face on Smackdown that doesn't need the Royal Rumble to get back in the title picture before Wrestlemania. He'll have the crowd support and be storyline driven to win, but I think when the Rumble comes down to the final two, Orton will be left my #2...

2. Wade Barrett

If anybody could benefit from winning the Rumble and has finally gotten back his long lost heat, it's Wade Barrett. We've all been waiting for the return of the bare-knuckle brawler to the main event for quite some time and there's none better than letting him walk out with a golden ticket to Wrestlemania. What better way for it to happen then eliminating Orton in front of his friends and family and set up a WHC match with Orton (as champ) at Mania? My only worry is that last year we also had a young (in terms of being in the WWE) heel from Smackdown win and I don't know if they'd be willing to do it two years in a row. But what about a face...

3. Sheamus

No one's been stuck in WWE Purgatory longer than Sheamus in the past few months. Despite a feud with Christian that never really took off and the weekly Jinder Mahal Match of the Week, Sheamus still has a ton of crowd support and hasn't lost any momentum in that respect. The Great White is in desperate need of a storyline and what better way than winning the Rumble? Hell, turn him heel if you have to but Sheamus is way too talented to keep doing nothing. But what about a swerve...

4. The Miz

Speaking of purgatory, what's happened to the Miz? Ever since the Rockbacle at Survivor Series the Miz has lost most of his heat and has started slipping down into that weird spot in between the midcard and the 10:30 timeslot on Raw. His mic work is too good to continue slinging feces with K-Kwik every week, so what about having him go the distance and joining the #1 Winner's club? Give him something to brag about, bring back the Mr. Wrestlemania talk, and most importantly, send him to Smackdown where he can start making an impact again. However, there is a wild card in the mix...

5. Chris Jericho

To me there's no one who could guess what will happen with Chris Jericho at the Rumble. If he's an actual competitor he's the most logical choice given the feud everyone's been waiting for with CM Punk, not to mention adding a caveat to the "Best in the World" debate. But what if his mission isn't Punk, but rather The Streak? A great swerve that many wouldn't see coming and bring us the Jericho/Taker matchup everyone would also love to see. Or he could punch the fans in the gut again and walk in and eliminate himself, continuing his trend since he's returned. There's so many ways this could go and I'm looking forward to how it pays out with Y2J.

I'd love to see what others have to think on what may happen, but my final thought is this:

Who Should Win: Wade Barrett
Who Will Win: Randy Orton


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Here is how I see the 30 man challenge going down.

I think that at this Royal Rumble event Punk vs Ziggs will be right before the 30 man battle royal. The event will go back and forth, and eventually Punk will be about to win the match, but JL will screw him out of it. This will cause Punk to go beserk, maybe GTS JL and then head to the lockeroom with the crowd thinking he is done for the night.

You would think that the WWE is wanting an unpredictable winner. What better way to do this than have someone people already saw wrestle that night come out and get his revenge. Have Jericho come out at 29 and eliminate everyone, in the ring. Then Punk's music hits and we have The Best in the World vs The Best in the world at what he does for a chance to headline wrestlemania. Not only would this be an exciting conclusion, it would give a potential preview for wrestlemania.

My pick for winner of the RR: CM PUNK ( I really dislike the guy but think this would be an unpredictable swerve)

You heard it here first.
Here is how I see the 30 man challenge going down.

I think that at this Royal Rumble event Punk vs Ziggs will be right before the 30 man battle royal. The event will go back and forth, and eventually Punk will be about to win the match, but JL will screw him out of it. This will cause Punk to go beserk, maybe GTS JL and then head to the lockeroom with the crowd thinking he is done for the night.

You would think that the WWE is wanting an unpredictable winner. What better way to do this than have someone people already saw wrestle that night come out and get his revenge. Have Jericho come out at 29 and eliminate everyone, in the ring. Then Punk's music hits and we have The Best in the World vs The Best in the world at what he does for a chance to headline wrestlemania. Not only would this be an exciting conclusion, it would give a potential preview for wrestlemania.

My pick for winner of the RR: CM PUNK ( I really dislike the guy but think this would be an unpredictable swerve)

You heard it here first.

Good idea but here's a little variation: JL and/or Jericho screws CM Punk out of the title. JL immediately awards a title match to Jericho against DZ in which Jericho wins to become the new WWE Champion. Then Punk enters the Royal Rumble as #30 and wins. Setting up Jericho (c) vs. Punk at Wrestlemania.
Looks like it has been said, but I am entirely sure CM Punk is winning this.

Ziggler likely take the title in a fractured finish, Punk returns later to win the Rumble, and Laurnitas is fired the followed monday night on RAW.

This may lead to a few outcomes, one of them being Jericho winning the title in the EC, leading to a triple threat, or Ziggler holding onto the belt til Mania for a rematch. I think it depends on how well Zigglers reign goes between the Rumble and EC wether he is involved or not.

CM Punk is winning this. Calling it right now.
man I was beaten to the punch... I don't necessarily think it will happen but I thought it was a good option to have Punk get screwed for the belt beforehand then win the big match. they beat us over the head about EVERYONE being eligible, and in addition, Punk's contributions to the Rumble itself have been the most entertaining in years! like when he was tossing guys and getting mic time in between, a few years back
this is what i want to see from the royal rumble if they arent planning on jericho vs punk at WM..

IF...IF they are planning for jericho to face the undertaker i want the rumble to go on normal like usual number 29 comes in and is randy orton the place pops because it is in st.louis he cleans house eliminates everyone else and then just waits..when the countdown begins..its a different countdown its the millennium countdown..the buzzer hits. the lights go out jericho comes in does his pose comes to the ring..gets in looks at randy, smirks and then eliminates himself.. randy wins. the next night jericho cuts a promo saying that he doesnt have to prove himself by winning a title again he has done everything.."i was the first undisputed champion dammit" then he says," the only thing i need is to end the streak, it is the end of the world as you know it" BOOM! mark out moment!
sry if somebody already thought of this i, i thought of it and didnt want to read all the posts. what do you guys think?

or jericho is #2 since miz is already the 1st entrant then and lasts to be the final one before #30 comes out the countdown hits #30 is orton, orton hits the ring and jericho and orton just look at eachother then jericho eliminates himself..after being in the rumble for 60+ minutes

in both cases jericho eliminates himself, orton wins orton should face DB
CM Punk is winning this. Calling it right now.

I agree, and it's more because of what Dolph isn't than what Punk is. Ziggler has definitely been more impressive in recent months, adding some personality on the mic to his already considerable wrestling skills. Still, he's an upper mid-carder going after the biggest prize in pro wrestling at a major PPV......and I just can't see him beating C.M. Punk...... at least not cleanly.

The converse is also true: Punk hasn't had the title that long and hasn't had the opportunity to defend at a major event. After the happenings of last Summer, a lot of folks thought he was going to be the champion for a long time, but he lost it as fast as he got it and waited a long time before winning it again. Just for the sake of continuity, I would think he'll retain at the Rumble.

Of course, there are a million ways Dolph can win by foul means. If that's what they intend to happen, it would develop into a program that would presumably see Punk end up with the belt again, perhaps at WM.

And, of course, if Dolph wins, it surely means he's made a full-time ascension to the main event.

Still, I'm picking Punk. By the time he's ripe to lose the belt, it should be to someone more accomplished than Dolph.
wow you fuckin ******s think punk is going to win wow you guys must watch lots of tna
wow you guys are dumb..

few possible guys could win... y2j, orton, shamous, barret...

punk ya right ******s!

OBVIOUSLY if you predict anyone else you get a spam warning -

I said Goldust should win and challange his brother for the intercontinental belt at Mania and got a spam warning for it by the power hungry mods who think they are gods gift to wrestling
I can see Jericho entering at #30 and eliminating himself straight away just to help build his heel turn. If someone else was to enter at 30 then I don't see them winning Rumble. That should be reserved for massive returns and there won't be one at the Royal Rumble.
I believe it's going to be Chris Jericho. I see the WWE going with that "I win without doing anything" style of his. The ring is empty, as everyone has been eliminated. and then Break The Walls Down plays and we see Jericho coming to the ring and celebrating for winning the Rumble. It gives us something fresh and unique and it is certainly marked as a special Rumble moment. Have the clock for #30 not starting the countdown as planned but make it start later. This will make things look like a set up. It will add some mystery and create controversy.
Randy Orton.

The last spot is quite often a surprise entrant or a return. However in this case I see it being Orton purely as it is in his hometown. The last spot is the one that typically gets the biggest pop from the crowd. Orton is going to get a huge pop whatever place he enters at, why risk #30 being overshadowed by Orton's pop? Play it safe, bring Randy in last.
I picked Orton.

Now, if WWE actually built up his return, they could've had a lot of success with it, which obviously they didn't. Now, I think, from the sources on WZ that Orton is on SD! this week.

But, how exciting would it be for St. Louis if Orton entered last? The tension would be so high, everyone would be waiting during the whole rumble match for him to enter and him entering would be a great entrant IMO.

Of course it would've been better if he did not come back until RR, but we all know how dumb WWE is starting to get with their booking...
I voted for Jericho. There is a high possibility that this year Jericho will win the royal rumble if he is going to face CM Punk at Wrestlemania. So, I believe Jericho will enter at last. Maybe the scenario can be made like this: No. 28 and No.29 somehow manage to eliminate each other only for Jericho to be the automatic winner. After that he can troll and build more on his heel turn. If it's not Jericho, I'd say Randy or a surprise entrant.
wow you fuckin ******s think punk is going to win wow you guys must watch lots of tna
wow you guys are dumb..

few possible guys could win... y2j, orton, shamous, barret...

punk ya right ******s!

It's perfectly possible Punk could lose his title then still win the Royal Rumble afterwards. Whats ******ed about that? Everyone thinks it's Jericho or Orton so it would be a good swerve.

You need to get a gimmick for when you get put in prison. You haven't got the personality of Bill Lesnar, Ryan86 and Jenks. This is some vanilla flavoured trolling. If your gonna go for your name in red on the way to the line crossing through it you have to be original nowadays :rolleyes:

OBVIOUSLY if you predict anyone else you get a spam warning -

I said Goldust should win and challange his brother for the intercontinental belt at Mania and got a spam warning for it by the power hungry mods who think they are gods gift to wrestling

Simple solution boys, do one to another wrestling forum if you don't like it
As much sense as it makes for Jericho to enter at #30, I get the growing sense that it'd be too easy to do that as this point.

My pick went to Mick Foley, honestly because I think the WWE wants to give the crowd a reason to cheer the last entrant, and people will be looking forward to which character he will be coming out as (if any.)

My big shocker: Don't be surprised if Jericho comes out at #2. While it seems completely against his current character's agenda, the impact it could make to run through the Rumble from a starting position would greatly benefit his overall character and if a feud with Punk is the next step adds fuel to that fire.
My big shocker: Don't be surprised if Jericho comes out at #2. While it seems completely against his current character's agenda, the impact it could make to run through the Rumble from a starting position would greatly benefit his overall character and if a feud with Punk is the next step adds fuel to that fire.

I could see something like that happening. Then Jericho could come into the ring, run around, then go through the ropes and back to the locker room, only re-emerge at the end. Say Punk lost the belt to DZ and Punk enters at #30, Jericho could then come back into the ring from the locker room and eliminate Punk to win the Royal Rumble.
For the poll: My #30 pick is Dolph Ziggler. Only because I feel that WWE will want to leave in between numbers as "surprise entrants". I don't think he'll win, but that's his number.

As for who wins... You know, this is going to be very unpopular, but I can't help but think that there's only one man that's "right" to win the rumble. He's a man who's been cheated out of every World title reign that he's ever had, and in my opinion, one of the biggest draws in WWE. Sure, some people call him "stale" because he "reuses" the same storylines, but really what else is he to do? Job out Hornswoggle?

Anyway, my pick to win the Royal Rumble is...


That's right, a returning Rey Mysterio is my pick for the rumble. And here are reasons why this is so.

1. WWE needs something fresh for Mania. Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio is fresh and sounds like an interesting match to me. I'd pay to see it.

1a. I also don't think that CM Punk vs. Mysterio for the WWE championship at Mania sounds bad either.

2. It would be a great story book moment if Rey could come back from an injury and capture the WWE or WHC title at Mania. WWE loves these stories.

3. WWE needs more shifters who can go between mid-card and main event. Rey Mysterio is that guy.

4. WWE has done these kind of returns before.
I say Jericho will be the number 30 entrant. But i think it would be funny if say it was Orton left in the ring. The countdown for #30 is going then the arena goes blank and takers music plays.

Orton moves closer to the ropes and behind him all you see is Jericho's jacket glowing. He quickly throws Orton over the top rope and starts doing his jumping around and stuff. This would mean hes trolled the crowd again and could possibly build a feud with taker.
This Royal Rumble match is very interesting to me this year, everyone in it has some kind of potential to win it, and with the recent upcoming of the new young bloods I feel that from a general audience point of view, anyone can win it.
Unfortunately there have only been 5 names that are running through my head lately as to who is actually walking out this Sunday the winner.

The Miz
Chris Jericho
Wade Barrett
Randy Orton

There was a report awhile back that WWE had already decided that a Smackdown star was going to win this year, as always plans change on the drop of a dime.

Barrett and Sheamus have been monsters lately and have been constantly mentioned on TV that they could be potential winners, even if they don't win i expect to see them in the final 4.

The Miz: Just recently feuding with R-Truth and not exactly having an actual desire on screen other then his feud with R- Truth, after he was announced the Number 1 entrant for the Rumble i see him going to the end to win or being the last eliminated, therefore giving him bragging rights and a certain spot in the Elimination Chamber for the WWE title the following month

Jericho: Obvious reasons that everyone has stated and no real payoff to his return yet after the "Promo's", I think that the "End of the World" quote is going to play into the Rumble match itself and not the WWE Title Match.

Randy Orton: Although he is my favorite superstar in WWE today this to me is another dead giveaway on who may win, someone posted after Edge won the Royal Rumble 2 years ago that a returning superstar near the Royal Rumble always wins, and it is true, after hearing that Orton was going to miss the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania I figured this years Rumble would really be a surprise to who wins, then its announced that he will return this Sunday and I am a little bit disappointed. Hopefully something happens with Barrett and they continue their feud leaving the winner to someone else.

In conclusion I am more excited for this PPV then I have been in a very long time, usually it doesn't deliver but I really have high hopes and a good feeling something big is going down at the 2012 Royal Rumble

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