WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Who will enter the 2012 Royal at #30?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mick Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kharma

  • Vince McMahon

  • Other(Please Explain)

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I think Drew is heading towards a slow face turn but I can't see him winning the rumble. Maybe a good performance in the rumble is at least what Teddy Long maybe expects
With Jericho's character not talking on his return, not wrestling in his first match, I thought of an idea which would make the WWE Universe go nuts (by nuts I mean lots of heat/boos).

What if Jericho were to win the Rumble by entering at #30, while all other entrants have been eliminated?

A Quick Example:
- In ring are Sheamus, Ziggler, Barrett.
- #29 comes out, it's McIntyre.
- Sheamus eliminates Ziggler, then McIntyre, leaving only himself and Barrett.
- Sheamus tries to clothesline Barrett over the top, Barrett grabs him and they both go over, leaving no one left in the ring.
- 3, 2, 1..... Break the Walls Down - #30 Jericho comes out, enters the ring, celebrates his victory.

I'd be pissed but man.. would that not generate the biggest freakin heat? It adds to the current Jericho character with him not wrestling or talking. Then he would go on maybe speaking on Raw how he is the best in the world at what he does and the fued starts with him and Punk.
Barrett grabs him and they both go over, leaving no one left in the ring.- 3, 2, 1..... Break the Walls Down - #30 Jericho comes out, enters the ring, celebrates his victory. would that not generate the biggest freakin heat?

How would that Generate heat? having it end like that makes no sense. Why would you blame Jericho when Jericho wasn't to blame. It's not like he paid them to take a dive or anything. or sat at the entrance waiting for something like that to happen and then enter the ring and leave without celebrating.

I do like the idea of that happening, but not with Jericho. Imagine nobody being left in the ring as 28, 29 eliminated themselves and having to wait two minutes waiting to see who would come out number 30 and be the winner? Only to Have Santino's music hit, making it look like he won but then have five or so more entrances. or Not knowing who it would be that long wait and then bam, a returning face... That would be awesome.

Onto the topic at hand,

Still not 100% Sure, who I think will win, and I enjoy it better when It's not a clear cut answer but I think it will be Jericho. Does no wrestling moves, trips the final person out of the ring and instead of celebrating just ups and leaves straight away. Either way, I'm pumped for this match and I can't wait.
With Jericho's character not talking on his return, not wrestling in his first match, I thought of an idea which would make the WWE Universe go nuts (by nuts I mean lots of heat/boos).

What if Jericho were to win the Rumble by entering at #30, while all other entrants have been eliminated?

A Quick Example:
- In ring are Sheamus, Ziggler, Barrett.
- #29 comes out, it's McIntyre.
- Sheamus eliminates Ziggler, then McIntyre, leaving only himself and Barrett.
- Sheamus tries to clothesline Barrett over the top, Barrett grabs him and they both go over, leaving no one left in the ring.
- 3, 2, 1..... Break the Walls Down - #30 Jericho comes out, enters the ring, celebrates his victory.

I'd be pissed but man.. would that not generate the biggest freakin heat? It adds to the current Jericho character with him not wrestling or talking. Then he would go on maybe speaking on Raw how he is the best in the world at what he does and the fued starts with him and Punk.

I've thought about this sort of finish to a rumble for years now and think it would be amazing. I think I got the idea from Wrestlemania 2000 or No Mercy on the Nintendo 64 where this was possible.

I always pictured it happening with a top face that was feuding with an authority figure like Austin or these days CM Punk.

The last two men would eliminate each other before #30 entered and then it counts down and Punk's music hits. He tries to make his way to the ring but Big Johnny sends some henchmen to try and stop Punk entering the ring. Punk battles through say 5 men and finally claws his way into the ring and goes on to Wrestlemania.

Obviously this couldn't happen this year as Punk is Champion but I just think it would be a different and interesting end to the rumble.
This is on the Wrestlezone home page.


If Rey is really going to participate in the 30 Man Royal Rumble Match, would you be interested in seeing that?

I for one am glad to see Rey make his return. There is 0% chance that he will win, but it will be good to see him participate.

Would you like to see Rey return at the Rumble? Give your reason.

After the Rumble, who do you see Rey feuding with?

I would not mind seeing Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio make a tag team (that seems pretty interesting to see) and another Mysterio/Swagger feud wouldn't be too bad either.

Sounds promising! I think we should get a Cara / Mysterio storyline at some point this year. Really want to see them in a match together, need to keep them both faces though and have it be a kind of pride / change of the guard / retirement angle maybe.

Mysterio keeps getting injured and I hope he doesn't get put on the shelf for good before we get a chance to him and Cara put on a display of high flying and insanely quick wrestling.
I would welcome Rey Mysterio back with pleasure. Mysterio's been one of WWE's cornerstones in helping establish some of their midcarders, and with last year's 'Mania match proving how well he works when putting over talent, his return is nothing but constructive for the WWE. However, with Sin Cara absent, who exactly is there for Mysterio to put over? If he has a Wrestlemania match with someone, sure but if WWE creative has nothing for him to do at the grandest stage of them all, then why bother? Let him relax and unwind at home and heal up those nagging injuries until after Wrestlemania where he'll have something to do.
I hope they hold him out long enough to get him into a program with Sin Cara. Sin Cara has been botchy at times but when Rey first started to fight more guys who used an American style as opposed to the lucha style he botched a lot too. Rey is a guy who can help him adapt and even put on some good matches.

If he comes back at the Rumble I'm not opposed to the idea with Kofi and I love Kofi. I also Like him feuding with a guy around Swagger's status. An upper midcard guy who Rey to give some solid matches too and help push
Rey returning at th Rumble would be good as long as he tosses a good few wrestlers out of the ring! after the rumble i would like to see a Mexican feud between Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Alberto Del Rio and Hunico (maybe) ???? which eventually leads to a match at WM!
YAWN. The human lawn dart returns, with his same 5 moves and total lack of excitement. He is over used, over pushed, and his gimmicks that he could ever be a main eventer as they have played him are totally un realistic.
I don't care if he comes back at the Rumble. He won't win, so big woop if he's there. But as far who he could feud with, well I'd love to see a Rey - Bryan feud heading into Mania. The feud itself won't be great but a match at Mania between the two would be good. I love the technical vs. highflyer matches, the two styles mix well in a match, just go watch Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio in WCW, that's what Bryan vs. Rey will remind me of. But I'd also like to see Orton vs. Bryan at Mania for the World Title, so maybe Daniel can just defend the World Title against Mysterio at Elimination Chamber instead then he defends it against Orton at Mania. Yeah, that probably might be better actually.
I hope they hold him out long enough to get him into a program with Sin Cara. Sin Cara has been botchy at times but when Rey first started to fight more guys who used an American style as opposed to the lucha style he botched a lot too. Rey is a guy who can help him adapt and even put on some good matches.

I'm not exactly an authority on the subject of cruiserweight wrestling, or Mexican wrestling, or - as many would argue - wrestling, but the first time Rey Mysterio got significant exposure it was against Dean Malenko at The Great American Bash in a match which is held up as an all-time classic, and is often referenced as the match that broke the glass ceiling for smaller wrestlers in North America. The first time Sin Cara got significant exposure, he barely managed to pull off his entrance correctly. Am I the only one noticing a disparity here?

OK, yes, Rey had been through ECW. Mind you, he was also only twenty-two years old at the time of his WCW debut. That a more experienced Sin Cara can't get adjusted to, I dunno, how bouncy the ropes are, or get over his surprise that not everybody has a mask and a colourful gimmick after months doesn't fill me with optimism about his future. Maybe I'm being cynical - in fact, I'm definitely being cynical - but if it's the case that Sin Cara needs to be adjusted, please don't put his training period - complete with woeful and unintentionally hilarious shortcomings - on television. Right now, all he and Rey Mysterio have in common is that they're Mexican and wear masks. That's not a successor; just like I'm not William Regal's successor because I'm also English and I also like to walk around in figure-hugging briefs.

If Sin Cara wants to prove he's even worthy of polishing Mysterio's boots, he's going to have to step his game up dramatically. Step one: Stop fucking botching all the time.

Back to the topic at hand, I am very much looking forward to seeing - and expect to see - Rey Mysterio return at the Royal Rumble. Because I'm a big Rey Mysterio fan. Because Rey Mysterio is a very good wrestler. Because I like very good wrestlers. I'm also looking forward to Orton and Christian returning. They're very good wrestlers too. The end.
Rey Mysterio to return at the Rumble would be okay.. as long as he didn't win the thing, fair enough he won it once but to win it twice just insults superstars like Wade Barrett, Chris Jericho, Sheamus, The Miz, these guys should be able to toss Mysterio over the rope with ease so if he was to eliminate one or two of these guys and then win it when lets face it, he's past it, would be unbelievably wrong..
Great White Sam, that is one of the best sigs I have ever seen. Hilarious!

To the topic, I'd be fine with Rey Rey being at the Royal Rumble as long as there are at least another couple surprise entrants. I certainly respect Mysterio, but at this stage of his career he isn't someone I get particularly excited to see. He's been one of the best for over a decade now, but he's definitely slowing down.

As far as potential feuds for Rey, I like the idea of putting him against Daniel Bryan for a PPV or so. That would be a fun match. Teaming him with Kofi Kingston isn't a bad idea, either. Wrestling in a tag team would give Mysterio more mileage and it would give Kofi a nice rub to be teaming with someone of Rey's prominence.

Another Alberto Del Rio feud? No. A Miz feud? Maybe, as long as the Miz is up to it. That remains to be seen.
Personally, I'd welcome Rey back but with reserves, Like him or not the guy is pretty banged up, I agree with Hamily Guy, Rey returning at the Rumble would be nice but then what? I'd rather he did sit out for a little while until he heals up because he really doesn't have much in the way of fresh competition at the moment and I for one would love to see a Rey and Sin Cara storyline with perhaps them forming a tag team and challenging for the tag titles.
I think that is why Primo and Epico won the belts rather than anyone else... they can hold them till Mania and a Rey/Sin Cara team challenging for the title would help WWE with their mask world record attempt. The rumble is a bit soon and a bit risky, too many people in the ring, and the elimination requires a bump over the top... might be safer to save it...
With Jericho's character not talking on his return, not wrestling in his first match, I thought of an idea which would make the WWE Universe go nuts (by nuts I mean lots of heat/boos).

What if Jericho were to win the Rumble by entering at #30, while all other entrants have been eliminated?

A Quick Example:
- In ring are Sheamus, Ziggler, Barrett.
- #29 comes out, it's McIntyre.
- Sheamus eliminates Ziggler, then McIntyre, leaving only himself and Barrett.
- Sheamus tries to clothesline Barrett over the top, Barrett grabs him and they both go over, leaving no one left in the ring.
- 3, 2, 1..... Break the Walls Down - #30 Jericho comes out, enters the ring, celebrates his victory.

I'd be pissed but man.. would that not generate the biggest freakin heat? It adds to the current Jericho character with him not wrestling or talking. Then he would go on maybe speaking on Raw how he is the best in the world at what he does and the fued starts with him and Punk.

I could definitely see this happening, its the anniversary of the rumble so I think they might try something new and exciting, and who better then Jericho fits right into what he's been doing as of late. That or they could jus swerve that crap out of everyone and The Rock comes out or something lol.
With Jericho's character not talking on his return, not wrestling in his first match, I thought of an idea which would make the WWE Universe go nuts (by nuts I mean lots of heat/boos).

What if Jericho were to win the Rumble by entering at #30, while all other entrants have been eliminated?

A Quick Example:
- In ring are Sheamus, Ziggler, Barrett.
- #29 comes out, it's McIntyre.
- Sheamus eliminates Ziggler, then McIntyre, leaving only himself and Barrett.
- Sheamus tries to clothesline Barrett over the top, Barrett grabs him and they both go over, leaving no one left in the ring.
- 3, 2, 1..... Break the Walls Down - #30 Jericho comes out, enters the ring, celebrates his victory.

I'd be pissed but man.. would that not generate the biggest freakin heat? It adds to the current Jericho character with him not wrestling or talking. Then he would go on maybe speaking on Raw how he is the best in the world at what he does and the fued starts with him and Punk.

Great idea but the only problem I have with it is that if the Rumble ends as soon as it get to 30... wouldn't that be sort of a short rumble, I mean the rumbles length has been under 60 minutes over the years and even though the rumble last year was over 60 minutes it is due to the fact that it had 10 extra people and I kinda want a lengthy rumble that's atleast over 60 minutes with the 30 man like a few of the best rumble matches have been.
I've been thinking about this when putting together a rough WM 28 card.

In my opinion, there are two matches for Rey Mysterio this year. An opening US Title match against Jack Swagger, with Swagger winning. Or if WWE instead places Kofi against Swagger (which would be a lack of originality), they can put Mysterio in the MITB. Though in my opinion, Mysterio and Swagger seems like a better opener with Swagger going over and Kofi can be his creative self in the MITB match.

However an earlier poster came up with a decent idea. The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio. I had always thought it was going to be Miz-Triple H at Mania 28 until the recent pick-up of Triple H-Undertaker. I have nothing for Del Rio and Miz at Mania, so I left Del Rio off Mania altogether and placed Miz in Money in the Bank. Miz vs. Rey allows a good match, plus a spare spot in the Money in the Bank for Del Rio. Cool.
First off, yes I would like to see Mysterio return to the Rumble. He is one of the biggest faces in the company and can really excite everyone with his high flying manuvers. It is always interesting to see what top tier guys do in the Rumble when you know they aren't going to win. I would really love to see Rey work with Christian at mania though because Christian really knows how to work in the ring and both would work tremendous with eachother. Could really work for a fued as well with Christian saying something along the lines that Rey gets everything handed to him and everybody looks up to him and nobody cares about Christian. You know, the usual.
rey mysterio returning to the rumble would be a good move...bringing back sin cara on the same platform will also be great...let them make their first move in royal rumble so that they can take it further and finish it at Wrestlemania...
why is everyone high on sin cara? put a live camera on him and he cant even do a cartwheel....Rey comming back is way too soon, and pointless....the guy is hurt...and sin cara was supposed to replace him but sucks right now (i have seen his mexican stuff...he is sooo much better then what we've seen)
rey just needs to chill out at home with the family recover, and wait til something relevant comes along. right now theres alot riding on rey passing the torch to sin cara rey needs to be in top shape for that, dont waste him at the rumble
^^ I agree about Sin Cara he has not proven anything yet and still needs a lot of work before he can even be considered part of the WM card.

For WM, I would prefer a real blow off maych with Alberto Del Rio. I know we have seen them fight countless times but I noticed that never went one on one on a PPV yet, why now at WM? But if he's still injured I would probably go for The Miz or Christian.
This topic has two questions. We all know that Kane holds the record of eliminating the most superstars in a single Royal Rumble match. He is also just a hand full of eliminations short of Breaking Shawn Michaels' record of eliminating the most superstars overall. My question to you is: Will Kane get to break that record and be inducted into the hall of fame as the best competitor in the Royal Rumble history?! Last year, He entered as number 40, so he wouldn't break the record already. This year, it looks like he won't even compete. Will he?

Here's a scenario I had in mind, and I know it's unlikely, but I find it very interesting.

After winning his match with John Cena, Kane humiliates him, but still leaves him ok, so he could watch him. Cena is under pressure with hate chants. Then, Kane enters the Rumble at cca. number 15. He eliminates the only person in the ring and then calls out Cena. Come out some other superstars who don't get eliminated. When Cena comes out, Kane throws all of the superstars out, showing cena how to embrace the hate again. He breaks the record and then goes out of the ring in his signature way, pyro hits and he is gone, leaving Cena scared on the ramp.

This is just one scenario, now you tell me.

* Is this Kane's last Royal Rumble
* Will he enter the Royal Rumble match?
* Will he ever break Shawn's record?
* How would you book his match with Cena and/or his Rumble entry?
Kane is already going down in history as one of, if the the best man to ever enter a Rumble (dispite never winning) As you said, he holds the record for most eliminations in a single rumble, and is currently the holder for most Rumbles in a row (I believe last year was #12) and with a stipulation already in place this year stating people in other matchs can compete in the Rumble, I'm sure we'll see Kane in it this year.

As for beating Michaels record, I'd love to see it, but I doubt we will. The past few years, Kanes appearences at the event have led to 1-2 eliminations. They're snailing around with him, and I have to assume it's because they don't WANT him to beat HBKs record. However, with enough performances at the event, he likely will eventually surpase the record. And as for final rumble? My guess is he'll keep competing in this match till retirement, and at least once more even after that.

Mark my words though, when Kane goes into the HoF, he will be going in with the distinction of being one of the best rumbles ever.

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