WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Who will enter the 2012 Royal at #30?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mick Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kharma

  • Vince McMahon

  • Other(Please Explain)

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ray mysterio might return he did some work during tribute to the troops.

Stone Cold might have a quick go in the rumble

Ron simmons maybe because there talk of him going into the HALL this year.

scott Hall he seems to be doing OK and there talk of him going into the HALL OF FAME

disco inferno just flash in the pan one night only

undertaker is due to return the monday after the rumble so he could show in HHH has a match vs NASH or random HHH going after kane to get undertaker back

KARMA yes she had her baby she can return anytime now maybe rumble

last new age outlaws I see sometime this year a full DX return for a short time last run - porn star china maybe get beth phinox to play the china part.
Cody Rhodes enters at number 1, Goldust enters at number 2, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes enters at number 3 in the polker dots. Cody to survive until the final 6.

I also think number 30 might be the Rock, imagine the pop.. They'd works some high paced double elimination with he and Cena. They can't just have Cena get dumped over by just anyone.

What's Bobby Lashley up to these days?, I think I'd heard he recently returned to the ring in Japan?.. And could be so lucky to see Brock Lesner eliminating The Undertaker, only fuel possible mania speculation?.. This is the 25th Anniversary of the Royal Rumble.. Expect it to be memorable
Cody Rhodes enters at number 1, Goldust enters at number 2, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes enters at number 3 in the polker dots. Cody to survive until the final 6.

I also think number 30 might be the Rock, imagine the pop.. They'd works some high paced double elimination with he and Cena. They can't just have Cena get dumped over by just anyone.

What's Bobby Lashley up to these days?, I think I'd heard he recently returned to the ring in Japan?.. And could be so lucky to see Brock Lesner eliminating The Undertaker, only fuel possible mania speculation?.. This is the 25th Anniversary of the Royal Rumble.. Expect it to be memorable

Rock and Cena in the actual Roy Rumble makes no sense whatsoever. Yes, this is WWE and they do stupid stuff but why would either be in the Rumble when their match at WM28 is set?
With Bryan's heel turn only a matter of time, I think I am going to change my pick here. I already said I believe it'll be Wade Barrett, but unless Bryan drops the belt (still a possibility), there's no sense in a heel winning. I'm still picking Smackdown! though since I still feel Jericho does NOT need a RR win to challenge Punk.

That being said, it leaves me with either Sheamus or Randy Orton. Orton winning in his hometown on a "big return" is very likely. However, why would they work an injury saying he'd be out 6 months to have him return in 1? How fake would that look? It's one thing if they said he'd be out 6 weeks, but 6 months to return in 1? Kinda overkill and unbelievable if you ask me. Also, Sheamus' program as of late has been pretty lackluster, but a RR win would give him something to do. And IF Orton is out, he's the best choice as the face of Smackdown!

So I'm now saying Sheamus, unless Orton returns.
Its going to be either Orton or Barrett. I think after last year they go with the established star and give it to Orton. Especially considering that the current champ is not completely over yet. Vince is going to want more star power in the smackdown main event at WM.

Barrett will win the Smackdown Elimination Chamber making it a triple threat match at wrestlemania.

I think Jericho will eventually just attack Punk to start their feud.
My original pick is that either Sheamus or Wade Barrett win the Royal Rumble this year, however there is alot of buzz that Orton was supposed to win and now they're considering Jericho doing it. As much as I would love to see Y2J add that to his list of accolades I think it'd be pointless for him to win it when Sheamus or Barrett are the ones who could really use the boost to go on and face Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania. So I understand that theres a very good chance Jericho wins but my pick remains with Sheamus.
It's Jericho. It's always been Jericho. The WWE has been throwing out red herrings for months to wrestling sites such as this one to throw people off. A SD star being rumored to win it has been out there since like October. Sheamus is obviously the hot choice, and now Orton emerges considering the Rumble is in his hometown.

I'm not saying Sheamus or Orton are bad choices. They are options #2 and #3. But ALL signs point to Jericho, and have since it leaked he was in talks to return for a program with Punk.
I am really looking forward to this Rumble because of the hype already surrounding Wrestlemania 28. I think there are alot of questions to be answered and everyone has their own opinion on who could win it.

So how would you book this Rumble to be one of the most memorable out there?

Numbers 1 & 2

1 - Wade Barrett. I would have Wade Barrett go all the way to the very end. Would really help his push seeing him beat 28 other guys but not ready to win it yet.
2 - Sheamus. These 2 have a rivalry and be a fitting way to start off The Rumble. Sheamus here for a long time aswell but not quite as far as Barrett.

Surprise Entrants

The Great Khali - He hasn't being seen around in a while and this is his type of match. Always good to see the big guy come down, destroy a few then get eliminated by a fan favourite.
Alberto Del Rio - He is injured and rumoured to be back for Elimination Chamber in February. If he can work The Rumble it would be great to see him try and defend his crown.
Booker T - I want to see Bookers music hit around the late 20s and he leaves the commentary booth and joins The Rumble match!!!
Skip Sheffield - Over a year since we saw this guy on TV. Would be nice to see him back in the ring and dominate a few heels in the Rumble. Would give him a bit of momentum when he returns full time to TV.
Randy Orton - Read on.

Number 30
Randy Orton - Alot of you guys will call this predictable and uncreative but number 30 has to be Randy Orton. Casual WWE fans who don't use the internet think Orton is gone for 6 months, as will alot of the live crowd. Orton is the hometown boy and if his music hits, the crowd hit the biggest pop of the night. We all remember Cena and Edge's return to this day. The were awesome and this would be no different. Theres alot of hate brewing for Orton on here at the moment but returning here is good for business.

Last 4

Randy Orton, Sheamus, Wade Barrett and Chris Jericho. Sheamus leaves first and Barrett and Jericho team up from ther NXT days on Orton. Orton looks like he is finished but he eliminates Barrett. Then Jericho and Orton then go over at the same time..........


Co winners in Orton and Jericho. Orton wins in front of his hometown and Jericho wins in his return. Orton gets a title shot and Jericho gets a shot at Punks WWE Title.

Other Spots

  • Dustin Rhodes eliminating Cody Rhodes setting up their Title vs Retirement match at Wrestlemania 28.
  • Staredown and fight between Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield.
  • The end where Orton/Jericho go over together. At the same time.
That is a great finish, the predictability of orton going over at #30 is balanced by the simultaneous victory of jericho, as long as punk keeps the title this woul definitely work

Everything else is pretty sound as well, I would just hate to see khali come back but that is probably what will happen
You could book Kane to be number 30, have his music hit, everyone turns towards entrance but he comes up through ring. Alternately you could have Cena come in, eliminate everyone, Kane comes in number 20, Cena looks to entrance but Kane comes out from under ring, eliminates Cena then eliminates himself.
the undertaker will return (well he better, watching the w has been boring withoit him) and he may not win it (i hope he does) but will probably play a big part in the choice for his challenger at wm. but can u imagine - no.30... 3...2...1...GONG!!!!
I think the safe bet is Jericho. He's definitely going to face Punk at WM and it would kinda ruin his return if he didn't win it. The SD World Title match on the other hand, well nobody knows what's gonna happen there, not even the WWE writers know. They've been changing plans for that constantly over the past few months. So just have Jericho win the Rumble and the writers will have plenty of time left up until Elimination Chamber to finally decide on their SD World Title match for WM.
**I think this is an original thread.**

I was just watching Smackdown last night and watching Jinder Mahal v Sheamus when something sprung into my mind; could Jinder Mahal win the Royal Rumble?
He was alright on the microphone but could use work I guess; he is built bigger than half the stars on the Smackdown roster: EG Daniel Bryan or Hunico.
He looked talented in the ring but could use work and needs a bigger move-set. I know people are expecting Sheamus or Randy orton etc.. to win the Royal Rumble, (my pick is Wade Barrett) but is there the slightest bit of chance? I mean Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble in his first year as a WWE Superstar. Your thoughts on this matter?
**I think this is an original thread.**

I was just watching Smackdown last night and watching Jinder Mahal v Sheamus when something sprung into my mind; could Jinder Mahal win the Royal Rumble?
He was alright on the microphone but could use work I guess; he is built bigger than half the stars on the Smackdown roster: EG Daniel Bryan or Hunico.
He looked talented in the ring but could use work and needs a bigger move-set. I know people are expecting Sheamus or Randy orton etc.. to win the Royal Rumble, (my pick is Wade Barrett) but is there the slightest bit of chance? I mean Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble in his first year as a WWE Superstar. Your thoughts on this matter?

If Mahal won the Rumble I would be even more pissed than last year when Del Rio won... not saying Del Rio is any better (bcuz he's not in my opinion) but because I'll be there live and I dont want to see that at all.! But I really want to be surprised and not have orton win.! I'll cheer him if he participate but I'll boo him if he wins. But the crowd will definetly eat up Randy winning. But I dont want to see it. If jericho or sheamus or anybody I believe could be a GOOD contender for the title (Meaning no Alberto Del Rio like superstars winning) I'll be happy. If kane won I'll be extremely happy.! He has so many records in the rumble, I think it's time for him to win.
All signs point to Randy Orton for me.

Home town, a tweening Daniel Bryan, a potential fatal four way with Barrett and Sheamus (believe it)... An injury with no background, no actual time frame for being out.

It all leads to Randy Orton "returning" in front of his home town to "do the impossible" and win the Royal Rumble.

Jericho is obviously a chance, but I highly doubt Chris Jericho will win the Royal Rumble. Especially given his nature of coming and going within the WWE.

Punk vs Jericho is easy to build up without Jericho winning the rumble.

Winner with 99.99% confidence is Orton. Nobody else has a chance IMO...
It looks like RVD could be done with TNA, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him make an appearance in the Royal Rumble.

I would like to see Goldust make a return. Maybe he could just come to ringside distracting Cody, causing him to be eliminated, and setting up a match between the two at Elimination Chamber.

Just for pure fun and nostalgia, I would like to see Hacksaw Jim Duggan in the Rumble. He could come down give a few Hoooooooo's, get the crowd to chant USA! then get tossed out. That would be great enough for me.
Diamond Dallas Page: He's currently under a Legends contract with WWE so it's a definite possibility and would come as a shocker to everyone.

Lesner and Batista could... but neither of those guys are nearly as jacked up as they were when they had their respective WWE runs, so they wouldn't be as much of a force in the ring.

Bobby Lashley He's a possibility and could diffidently make an impact in the match, he's still in great shape and although he's been doing MMA and such I don't think he's under a contract that says he can't.

Others: Nash, Taker, Foley

Not putting Jericho or Booker T because there's a high chance there in it and it wouldn't surprise anyone.
I wonder what the reaction would be if the wwe did something unpredictable. Like instead of the top five Punk, Cena, Orton, Henry, or big show Didn't win the royal rumble. What if a nobody won it, like a Hawkins, Reks, JTG, tatsu or an uso won the Royal Rumble.

Maybe then it would bring back a shock factor, I have yet to see a WWE program in the last month where I was truly like oh wow. Well maybe a little when I saw the new re-used gimmick of Funka-barney-saurs. to be honest I can't remember who Cm Punk is feuding with since Cena is locked up with Kane, outside of feuding with Johnny ace, adding a few different not worth competition to the mix. I actually found myself skipping Raw last week and watching smackdown.

Something new and shocking would be great, what would you like to see?
I agree with u 95%, i dont want a tatsu to win it, but i want somebody like tatsu but someone who can acctually bring something to the table. Maybe tyson kidd, kofi kingston, Seth rollings (lol). WWE needs to bring back the ''anything can happen'' factor.
I wanna see Drew Mcyntire Win it. He's been losing, and is in danger of gettin fired and then boom somehow he wins the rumble In dirty fashion! Like have him enter and leave the ring through the bottom rope and he dissappears. Orton is the last man in it and he's all celebrating but wait a minute! Drew comes back out and tosses him over to become the official winner. Something like that...Saves his career.
Been there, done that. Last year's Royal Rumble winner was Del Rio. How many folks really expected Del Rio to win it last year with folks like Cena, Orton, Punk and others in there. Or how about the first Royal Rumble and the winner being Jim Duggan. Now there were no "big" stars in that rumble at that time, although the Ultimate Warrior did go on to become one of the biggest WWF stars of that time period. Then you had Big John Studd win the following year with folks like Hulk Hogan, Andrea the Giant, Randy Savage just being a few of the big stars in that battle royal.
A "nobody" (Hawkins, JTG, anyone only on NXT/Superstars) doesn't have a chance in hell of winning it. I would love someone who isn't currently in the main event but on their way up win the Rumble. Ie Cody Rhodes has come a long way over the last year and winning the Rumble would be a huge deal for him plus he would finally be in the title picture. But I don't see that happening. It seems like that the only people who have a chance of winning the Rumble are top stars like Randy Orton or Jericho. I don't think anyone wants to see Orton win, wayyy too predictable.
Call me crazy but I think CM Punk will win this

We all know that the loser of their respective title matches will have a chance to compete at The Royal Rumble. I think somewhere in the WWE Title match John Laurinaitis will screw Punk out of the title either stripping him of the title or Ziggler winning it. This leads to Punk GTS'ing John Laurinaitis after the match.

This will make Punk a Royal Rumble entrant and winning it at the end. However John Laurinaitis wanted to suspend Punk but was unconcious during the Rumble Match. Leading to a match between the two at Elimination Chamber, if Punk wins he keeps his title shot but if John Laurinaitis wins Punk drops the title shot and Punk is suspended.

Then at Elimination Chamber Jericho wins the WWE Title. Leading to a match between Punk vs. Jericho.
Since it is the 25th anniversary of the Royal Rumble match I really feel like the WWE is going to do something unique and interesting with this match. Here is how and what I want to see happen at the ppv:

Match #1: Kane vs. John Cena: Winner: John Cena (Kane gets disqualified after brutalizing John Cena to the point where Cena is taken to the hospital and unable to compete in the Rumble match).

Match #2: Tag Team Championship: Air Boom vs. Epico and Primo: Winners: Epico and Primo.

Match #3: Divas Championship: Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres: Winner: Beth Phoenix.

Match #4: World Heavyweight Championship: Mark Henry vs. daniel Bryan vs. Big Show: Winner: Daniel Bryan.

Match #5: WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler (ref. John Laurinaitis) Winner: CM Punk ( John is knocked out and Punk counts the 3 count with John's hand).

Match #6: 30-Man Royal Rumble Match: Participants and rough entry order:
1. Cody Rhodes.
2. Goldust.
3. Dusty Rhodes.
4. Dolph Ziggler.
5. Zach Ryder.
6. Jack Swagger.
7. Jinder Mahal.
8. Mason Ryan
9. Ted Dibiase
10. Mark Henry
11. Big Show
12. Mick Foley
13. The Miz
14. Santino Marella
15. R Truth
16. Sycho Sid
17. Brodus Clay
18. Drew Mccintyre
19. Ezekiel Jackson
20. Christian
21. Wade Barrett
22. Randy Orton
23. Chris Jericho
24. Sheamus
25. Kane
26. Hunico
27.John Cena
28.Alex Riley
29. Triple H
30. The Undertaker

FINAL 4: Orton / Jericho / The Miz / Wade Barrett
-Orton eliminates Barrett.
-Sycho Sid comes back out and attacks Orton and Jericho and powerbombs both of them and shakes hands with the Miz.
-The Miz clotheslines Jericho and Orton at the same time but they take Miz over with them and all three of their feet hit the floor at the same time.

FINISH: Triple RR co-winners: Jericho/Miz/Orton (Sycho Sid is the new bodyguard Miz has been looking for).

WHC: Orton vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry (Championship Scramble Match)

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. The Miz vs. Jericho.
I hope Jericho wins, winning the rumble is really the only thing Jericho hasn't done in his career so that would be awesome. Would also create hype with his no talking thing which is interesting. Plus Y2J Vs Punk going into Mania would be amazing. If not Jericho then I really don't know, I pray that Orton doesn't win it, he already has before and just has no need to win it tbh. Drew would be really suprising, would be good too but thats not happening, also if Dolph loses to Punk then wins the Rumble that'd be cool he's one of the rising stars and the WWE is showing they wanna push him with the title match and everything.

Definitely ordering the show anyway, always exciting watching the Rumble Match.

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