WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Who will enter the 2012 Royal at #30?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mick Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kharma

  • Vince McMahon

  • Other(Please Explain)

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Well if it is Jericho returning or anyone else for that matter Undertaker, Brock Lesnar etc. it looks as if they are going to be feuding with CM Punk for the WWE Title up until Wrestlemania, which means that the winner of the Royal Rumble is going to be a Smackdown guy, because they wouldn't have Jericho feud with Punk all the way up to Roya l Rumble and not have him facing Punk at the Rumble because it would make no sense, so I would think that this match will happen at Rumble also, then.. the winner of the Rumble could possibly be either Barrett or Sheamus doesn't really matter, it looks as if the two will be feuding now thanks to the absence of Randy Orton, so just a thought maybe one of them wins the Rumble and they kinda temporarily end the feud for the time being, the other guy in the feud who didn't win the Rumble wins the Smackdown World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber, feud back on until Wrestlemania and the match is Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship..
i dont think it should be the undertaker cause he doesnt need the title, he doesnt need his last match like that, i would like it to be sheamus or the miz, for the simple reason that these guys are going to get the big title back again eventually one of them is face and one heel, would be great for these to be the last 2. If not them, then im going for CHRIS JERICHOOOO!
I see your point, but I have to disagree, at the moment Wade hasn't got much to connect his name with and in my opinion the Royal Rumble is perfect for him. I don't want him to ever be King of the Ring, because you know they're just gonna make be over the top with it, whereas the Royal Rumble fits him nicely.

I see what you mean being King of the Ring is one of the reasons I feel Shemus does not need it he was also a multi time WWE champ etc. but your right I only saw the push Barret doesn't have anything but an IC title rain so him winning the rumble could be good for him and the way his heel char is I'm sure he'd do a good job of rubbing the rumble win and the inevitable WrestleMania match in everyones face which I wouldn't mind seeing if I was to pick just based off who I like currently Barret or Ziggler if Cody drops that title soon which for some reason I feel he wont then maybe even him but all 3 would def hype their win and get some good heat for it I like Drew Mac but if he won that would be the future shock of the century I would hope but it doesn't seem likely
i don't like the thought process of using the Rumble to get someone over. I feel like the Rumble is more for like the established-over to stars to shine. I mean Stone Cold won it-what-like three times?
having that said, I want Orton to win. but who knows if he'll be back in time. My second pick is Sheamus and in my defense, Sheamus is already some what over. The Rumble would just sorta be a staple for him.
Im sticking with Orton for my pick. Why?

Every now and again...WWE do this little thing. They post up on their website someone has been injured for MUCH longer than is right then gives them a few months off RIGHT BEFORE the Rumble then bam. they come back and win it.

SD needs a winner this year and Orton will be at mania. Check twitter, he's confirmed himself that the injury isn't legit and the ending of SD was so fake it was horrible to watch. Orton is coming back for the Rumble and he's winning.
i don't like the thought process of using the Rumble to get someone over. I feel like the Rumble is more for like the established-over to stars to shine. I mean Stone Cold won it-what-like three times?
having that said, I want Orton to win. but who knows if he'll be back in time. My second pick is Sheamus and in my defense, Sheamus is already some what over. The Rumble would just sorta be a staple for him.

Thats what the Rumble used to be. Guys like Yoko, Michaels, Austin, Benoit, Batista, Mysterio, all used the rumble to win their FIRST WWE title. Hell even Flair won his first WWE title through the rumble. Now the Rumble has become more of a thank you for all the great years so you get a Rumble win. With Rock vs. Cena, and prob Taker vs. HHH and Punk vs. Jericho they need to push a younger talent and give him a shot in the spotlight. That's why I like Wade Barrett this year, I like Rhodes but right now I think Barrett has been working his ass off and should get the push he deserves. If Barrett doesnt win the Rumble I hope they give him a shot at Undertaker so fans can take him more seriously.
SD needs a winner this year and Orton will be at mania. Check twitter, he's confirmed himself that the injury isn't legit and the ending of SD was so fake it was horrible to watch. Orton is coming back for the Rumble and he's winning.

Yeah the ending to Smackdown did look fake. But I've read somewhere he was working through the injury , he was injured the week before on Smackdown.
Ive heard that someone from Smackdown is going to win it this year so i think that Wade Barrett will win it aslong as its a face champ coming out of Elimanition Chamber
SD needs a winner this year and Orton will be at mania. Check twitter, he's confirmed himself that the injury isn't legit and the ending of SD was so fake it was horrible to watch. Orton is coming back for the Rumble and he's winning.

Yeah the ending to Smackdown did look fake. But I've read somewhere he was working through the injury , he was injured the week before on Smackdown.

updates say orton wil be back up and running for the end of january. Im still convinced theyve just set orton up to win.
If Jericho returns tonight then I'm picking him to win and face Punk at Mania for the WWEC.
However, If WWE thinks this is too obvious then they may have a SD guy win such as Sheamus or Wade Barrett to face Daniel Bryan for the WHC. at Mania 28. I see Kane facing Cena in a match, Punk facing the Game or Ziggler, Daniel Bryan facing Big Show or Mark Henry and Layla returning to face Beth Phoenix. These would be my predictions for what matches will be on the card for the 2012 Royal Rumble.
The Rock is gonna pop in to win the rumble before he goes to WM, they have to feed his ego with something because he'll be doing the job for cena at the big one
I want Jericoh to do it. I hate when people win it the way CeNa did in 08 & edge in 2010, but since most believe Jericho will be back tonight,he hAs some time to be relevant before the rumble. He has did so much in wrestling, but he has never won it, It would be A FEEL GOOD MOMENT. Wade,Sheamus,Cody,Dolph,RKO & Kane will be the big boys in thew matcxh.Plus HHH will be final 4 if he is in it, just because he is the step son.

All that being said, i want Jericho to win...But i think they give it to Wade or Sheamus.
Lots of possibilities this year, it'll make for one hell of an interesting Royal Rumble. There are so many directions the WWE can choose to go, so many guys that can be built up, it's all very exciting. For the match itself, I'm glad it's back down to 30 men. I thought 40 dragged on a little bit and there were just some guys in the match who had no business being in it. Maybe it's just because I'm so used to it, but 30 is perfect. I'm expecting there to be a surprise appearance or two -- there always is at least one -- and maybe even a crazy spot here or there (Morrison's Spider Man-esque jump last year was stellar). This should be a very fun match.

Now, onto my picks, I feel like there are 3 guys that make sense here (ranked in order of likelihood): Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, and Wade Barrett. All three of them can make "the jump" if they win the Royal Rumble and they're all ready for it. A few months ago, I would have been dead set on Cody Rhodes winning this thing, but at this point, I think these three have all surpassed him and make more sense to win it. With this year's WrestleMania being headlined by The Rock and John Cena, which will undoubtedly carry the card, they can afford to take a risk, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if they really went outside the box. Then again, those three aren't the kind of guys you'd be seeing in WrestleMania title matches anyway (not at this point), so that might be all the risk they need.
1. Jericho makes sense if they want jericho, punk at mania
2. Sheamus needs a fued at the moment and this could help him
3. Barrett i think even if barrett doesnt work rumble i think he will be in the whc match at mania
Outsiders: Christian, Cena, Rhodes, Miz
Orton will win the rumble...

Daniel Bryan will drop the title at Elimination Chamber to Wade Barrett, the next night on RAW Orton will announce he's facing Wade Barrett for the title at WM28.

Meanwhile I am really hoping we get Punk Vs. Jericho at Mania, it's the match I personally would love to see, I mean just the chemistry alone between the two in the ring would be awesome.

Now we'll have to wait and see.
CM Punk, but only if Jericho returns tonight. I could see him returning during the Punk/Ziggler match and costing Punk the title. No idea why, I just have a feeling that Dolph is going to win tonight. I can then see Dolph holding the title until Elimination Chamber where he loses to Jericho. Who then faces Punk at 'Mania. I am aware that this is really far-fetched.

If not I can see Barrett winning, him and Bryan have chemistry in the ring and I can see them steeling the show.
Originally I was picking Cody to win and go onto challenge Orton. If this 6 months for Orton's injury is fake, then that could still hold true. Surprise entrant Orton runs through everybody, Cody could get him from behind when he's eliminating the 2nd to last guy, Orton wins title at EC.

If Orton can't go, I think the obvious choice is Sheamus. He's been humming along kicking arse for months now without a sniff of a title shot. It is easily possible to believe he'll just dominate the Rumble. I think this would set up Barrett vs. Sheamus at Mania.

Then there's still the possibility Jericho goes onto win it, I'd guess if it is Jericho, Laurinitis cheats the rules somehow to make this happen.
Always consider last year when making these predictions. Alberto Del Rio won it last year, and he was a brand new face in the WWE. That means WWE is due for an established name to take the Rumble win and headline WrestleMania. WWE needs positive buzz for this year's show and big stars on the card will do that, so you can forget about the Swaggers and McIntyres winning it.

Chris Jericho is the obvious pick to me. His last run in WWE was tremendous and the company has been bland since he left. The cool promo videos have me excited for a Y2J return (if they're actually his) and I could see him capturing either of the main event championships.

If Randy Orton's injury somehow becomes irrelevant before the Rumble, I'd prefer to see him win the Rumble over anyone. Orton is the best in the business if you ask me and deserves a headline spot at 'Mania. If Orton can't make it, then maybe his biggest rival Wade Barrett should capitalize and face his NXT rival Daniel Bryan for the WHC.
If Jericho is the one returning tonight, and I think it probably will be, I could see him being the one to win the Royal Rumble. Jericho has been gone for a while, he's still a big star but he's geen gone, so having him win the Rumble would be a legit way of putting him in the WWE Championship scene. While I don't think many would complain if Jericho came back and he was quickly just named #1 contender, him winning the Rumble just looks better in my view.

If the plan isn't to go with Jericho winning the Rumble, I could see Sheamus, Barrett or Ziggler winning. Sheamus doesn't really need the Rumble and, to be honest, I think they need to give Sheamus a nice, good solid feud with someone rather than winning the Rumble. For the past several weeks, probably closer to 2 months now, they've had Sheamus basically coming out and wrestling random matches just to keep him on television.
Chris Jericho has my vote. He is the only attitude star who hasn't won a rumble besides Kurt Angle and after this accolade he can truly say that he has done it all in this business. Punk vs Jericho for the title has classic written all over it and the promos/build for that matchup would be memorable and riveting, so I'm hoping that WWE is smart enough to realize that and to put Y2J front and center at the Rumble and subsequently at WM28.
My guess is Ziggler. I doubt they will give him the strap tonight but its a good start to his push into title contention and I could see him winning the Rumble

If Punk loses the strap tonight I could see them letting him win

I could see Barret getting it just to further his push

I don't think Sheamus has sniffed the WWE or World title since his face turn so he seems a solid bet

Now for the one I hope doesn't happen

I hear Nash is supposed to be in the Rumble again, maybe just for shigs they give it to him if they plan on making Triple H the champ again and keep that feud going :(
I can't decide between Jericho and Shaemus for the rumble, you know if jericho wins it will be Jericho vs punk for the championship at mania. If Sheamus wins i see him facing Barrett at Mania not Bryan.
Kane will go close to winning but I can see Taker returning and spoiling it, as much as people don't want to see it I can see a final Kane vs Taker match at mania.
Man I really can't remember being less excited about a Rumble match. I'm sure it will be plenty entertaining, it always is. But the options for a winner this year are just lackluster.

Ziggler? God no. I know everybody gets wet tips whenever he's around, but I'm just as flaccid as ever. I don't see anything about him that screams main eventer, surely not enough to give him a Rumble victory. It would be like Del Rio all over again.

Rhodes? How about we wait until someone is at least over before we give them a Rumble victory and a guaranteed spot at Mania? He's good, I suppose. But he's not ready for the big time.

Sheamus? Meh. I like Sheamus a lot, have for quite a while. But this ho-hum booking ass of late has started to wear thin. Seriously, when's the last time he's been involved in a real feud? You have to have some kind of build up for a Rumble win, maybe they can turn it around if indeed they're planning on giving him the nod.

Jericho? Certainly wouldn't be disappointed, but I have to see them build more on his return before I can truly see this being a solid idea.

I have a feeling that Orton is going to come back unexpectedly, ala Cena in... whatever year that was when he was injured, and have him win it in his hometown. Not a bad choice, but I couldn't care less.

I just don't know, man. I ususally love this time of year but I ust can't be bothered this time around.

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