WWE 2012 Royal Rumble - 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Who will enter the 2012 Royal at #30?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mick Foley/Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Kharma

  • Vince McMahon

  • Other(Please Explain)

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I too agree that this Orton injury could be a work. I think they have turned a negative into a positive. He is legit injured, but the whole 6 months thing is nonsense, Orton has said the rumours are funny so I assume that is the time he is meant to be on the shelf.

I wouldnt be surprised to see Orton enter late on as a surprise entrant and win the damn thing. Its in his hometown after all. Next on the list is obviously Jericho. He will be in the final 2 regardless....he will probably claim he is 'the Raw winner' and deserves a title shot should a Smackdown superstar win the RR. I think Sheamus is the only other viable alternative to these 2.

Surprise entrants...Khali may turn up, still under contract. Booker T may leave the announce booth and enter the Rumble (in his suit lol). Taker could make his return.
Orton was running as my pick, so I've got to start over now. I'm thinking from the perspective that Cena will not be holding the title going into WrestleMania 28, so both Raw and SmackDown will need challengers. The question of just who is champion going into WrestleMania on both the red and blue brand affects who is going to win this. I envision Punk retaining through to Mania, but Bryan is a little more of a question mark. He seems like an excellent candidate to lose the title in the Elimination Chamber to facilitate a more establish name holding the title at Mania. However, the question is...who, really? Henry's hurt, Big Show doesn't really make sense, Rhodes and Barrett are as much a risk as Bryan is. Will Christian be healthy? Is Sheamus a safe bet, after being treated like a midcard attraction all year? They may have to go with a shock decision and move someone from Raw a la Edge's jump back in 2009. Is there anyone there? Jericho? Kane? Miz? HHH? I don't know that any of those are particularly attractive options. The WWE doesn't have many other attractive options other than to keep Bryan as WHC going into Mania, so I have to stick with that.

With the idea that Punk and Bryan are going to be champions going into WrestleMania, the safe bet on the Royal Rumble winner this year is a heel. I'm thinking likely candidates are Jericho, Christian, Ziggler, Rhodes, or Barrett. I'll break them down ahead.

Chris Jericho - Obviously, this is an up in the air choice, since no one has any real idea what the hell Jericho is up to right now. One feels he's turning heel sooner or later, so he fits that criteria. I can't help but feel he'll be a challenger for Punk at Mania via the more traditional method - calling him out, building a feud, traditional face/heel stuff, so on, so forth. Still, it's not worth ruling out a Royal Rumble victory for Jericho and challenging Punk that way - or surprising everyone and challenging Bryan for some reason. Which wouldn't be a horrible way to add star power to the SmackDown title match.

Christian - Christian is supposed to be back no later than February, and the WWE has a history of bringing guys back a few weeks ahead of schedule to make a Rumble return. This would set up a great SmackDown main event at Mania that's really logical. Christian is all about the world title, and a Rumble victory makes tons of sense for him. It doesn't require shuffling anyone across brands, and everyone in the WWE must recognize that Bryan and Christian can put together a great match.

Dolph Ziggler - The problem here is that Ziggler is already challenging CM Punk the same night. Now, this doesn't preclude him from participating in the Rumble - assuming he loses the title match, which isn't as foregone a conclusion as it may seem - but it does almost certainly precludes Punk vs Ziggler at Mania. A Ziggler Rumble victory would almost necessitate that he challenges Bryan at Mania, which is a decent idea. Ziggler's stock is rising fast and he makes an attractive challenger for the blue brand. They almost certainly need to restock SmackDown at some point, and shipping Ziggler over with a title victory gives them a chance to get started before the draft. I'm not sure it's the best choice, but it's an option.

Cody Rhodes - It seems like they're building in a different direction for Rhodes, and he's already wrestled Bryan an awful lot on TV, which makes this seem like a long shot. At the same time, Rhodes is pegged by many as a man likely to win a world championship in 2012. I don't think here is where he's likely to do it, but stranger things have happened.

Wade Barrett - A good chance here for Barrett. He's being built like a machine lately, tearing Orton apart and generally kicking ass left and right. He certainly seems like a guy being built up to win the Rumble. There's little doubt in most reasonable peoples' minds that Barrett is a likely candidate to win his first world title in 2012, and it sure seems like now is his time to do it, as he rapidly becomes the top heel on SmackDown.

Working through this, it seems to me that Christian and Wade Barrett are the best shots this year to win the Rumble. I give Ziggler middling odds, with Rhodes and Jericho as outside shots.

I'm probably entirely wrong and it will be someone absurd like R-Truth, but what can you do?
I only see 3 possible winners here

Chris Jericho
To me he is the most logical winner because a Rumble victory is the only thing he doesn't have in his HOF career and seeing him win (face or heel) would be a prize for any fan who has been watching for more then a few years! He wins here and takes on Punk in what im sure will be match of the year

Randy Orton
My favorite wrestler! The rumble is in his home town! And come on we all know he isnt out for 6 months! The WWE has used this formula twice! They say someone is gonna be out for longer then they actually will be, they return at the rumble, and fucking win it! Cena and Edge will tell you that im right!

Wade Barret
Probably the least logical of the 3 but still a possibility! The "Barret Barrage" is in full swing and the man is looking like a complete badass! And he is great on the mic as well! He could win and challenge Bryan for the world title with Orton somehow being put in the match to make it a Triple Threat!

Those are my predictions!
I've been a fan of wrestling since '93 and been coming to WZ for over 12 years now; reading articles, forum posts, etc. I felt like finally signing up and making my first post in this thread.

I was actually considering making a YouTube video about the Royal Rumble, but this will work just as well. In any event, I have a few major gripes with the Rumble and would like to see some changes come the end of this month. Highly doubt any of them will happen, but I can dream.

The whole premise behind these changes is that the Rumble has been traditionally billed as every man for themselves and anybody can win. Yeah....right.... So I'm really supposed to believe that the WWE is going to let Hornswoggle win the Rumble, go on to 'Mania and win the World title? *sigh*

  1. Don't limit the winner to just main eventers. Even though the rumble may have 30+ participants, everyone and their mother knows that only 3-4 people maximum have a true chance to win the event. Why is that? Because of the stipulation that the winner gets a world title shot at Wrestlemania. I think the only way this will ever change is if they do away with the "winner gets a world title shot" stipulation. If the WWE won't do this, then they should consider the following solution...
  2. Do away with the gimmick/legend appearances. As much of a shock factor as these old timers and hall of famers have on the event, once again everyone and their mother knows that these guys are not going to win the event. They are just in it for a cheap pop. Unless the world title stipulation goes away though, I doubt this will ever happen.

On a subject unrelated to making the rumble open to everyone...

Require the wrestler to enter the ring immediately upon coming out. This one really gets on my nerves. Maybe it's because I'm a purist of the rules, but I hate it when people don't even get into the ring and do stuff like hide underneath, sit at the announce table, or go backstage. Keep the action in the ring, dammit.

Alright, I've aired my grievances with the Rumble. Over and out.
During the 2011 Royal Rumble two ex-superstars returned... Booker T and Kevin Nash!!! Now my question to you is who do you think it will be this year... Personally I think it will be RVD and Goldust... Your thoughts and comments please!!!
During the 2011 Royal Rumble two ex-superstars returned... Booker T and Kevin Nash!!! Now my question to you is who do you think it will be this year... Personally I think it will be RVD and Goldust... Your thoughts and comments please!!!

I can see goldust definitly returning but RVD cannot because he in under contract with TNA until 2012 and they will be in London during the RR
dont think it will be goldust think he will have a match with his brother would like to see foley get in there but that wont happen (boo lol)
dont think there will be any legends in there as its back to 30 wrestlers not 40 like last year and there are too many good wrestlers that should be used
hang on sorry not should need to be used or risk losing them
I would see Goldust returning to do something w/ Cody. Maybe Batista but that could be a stretch. Other than that. The potential for legends returning just is not that large for this Rumble. Hate to say it. But there is no one who comes to mind that is on good terms with WWE that could return in ring.
Guys, Dustin Rhodes (aka Goldust) returned on WWE TV one week ago on Smackdown.
Now to the question:
I'd love to see someone like to see Mick Foley returning in the Rumble. I think it would be great.
What about Jericho, he just came back, and i think he would be in the RR, and I think goldust will do something with eliminating Cody from the rumble
Well, Chris Jericho, I think, will not only be in this years Rumble match but he will also win it and go on to face Punk at Mania for the WWEC. Besides Chris Jericho, maybe Goldust? I think we will see the return of Brodus Clay, finally and Skip Shefield, too. Possibly, The Undertaker might show up, and The Rock may be a surprise entrant as well.
Well It's A stretch, But SCSA (He could deliver a few stunners, and light up the crowd and everyone watching.) He has said he'd like to wrestle one more match, so it would be ridiculous.

The only other two would be Goldust Or Mick Foley.
I'm liking the look of the rumble this year, so many potential options. Last year, I couldn't have seen it being anyone other than Cena or Del Rio, but there's so many possible options this year, and I think a lot of it depends who WWE want to head into wrestlemania as the WHC

Chris Jericho - Maybe a bit too obvious? I see him winning the elimination chamber a more likely option. However, an extra month or so to build a Punk vs. Jericho feud would certainly be a good thing. I'm just thinking it might be a bit of an anti-climax if he wins cause I reckon most people will expect him to.

Wade Barrett - My personal choice to win. He's on unstoppable form at the moment, and I think he'll definitely be one of the stars of 2012. Could face either Bryan, Sheamus or Orton for the title, depending on who wins the Smackdown elimination chamber

Randy Orton - Is his injury legit? I get the feeling it could be a work. Wouldn't put it past the WWE to do something like this again. If Orton were to win, I think Barrett would have to win the title at elimination chamber.

There's various other combinations that could work as well, all based around the WHC. Sheamus could win and face Barrett. Christian could win and face Bryan. Even The Miz could win and switch brands to feud with Bryan (unless his feud with R-Truth is gonna drag out till Mania). Even Ziggler could win the rumble if he loses the match with Punk, and jump brands. So many options!!!
I think Goldust will make his in ring return at the rumble. Also I think Mick Foley will return.
Every year there is always one or two suprises, maybe Roddy Pipper, JBL or the New Age Outlaws Road Dogg , X Pac and Billy Gunn.
I would like to see Shawn Michaels once more but I cant see him ever wrestling again.
How about X-Pac/Sean Waltman, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn or any combination of them? Goldust is a likely candidate as well. Also, Perry Saturn recently returned to the world of professional wrestling. Why not bring in Perry Saturn and Moppy to face off with Santino at the Royal Rumble. It would be a good comedic moment. I love the idea of Vader being a surprise entrant as well. Unfortunately, I bet we'll get the Great Khali as one of the 10-20 entrants.
Well, Chris Jericho, I think, will not only be in this years Rumble match but he will also win it and go on to face Punk at Mania for the WWEC

I don't think Jericho is going to be in the Rumble and if he is he's not going to win it. They don't need Jericho to win the Rumble to start a feud with Punk. There's already a feud there that practically writes itself.

I think Goldust will be in the Rumble and I think he'll eliminate Cody. I also think Piper will make a surprise appearance. I want to say POSSIBLY the Undertaker but I think that's a stretch. I can't really think of anybody else that really stands a chance of making an appearance besides random unknowns (IRS, Gillberg, you get the idea)

Edit: I forgot about Road Dogg Jesse James. He might just make an appearance as well.
Goldust already returned guys. He was on SD tonight.
Khali is done too isn't he? I doubt you'll see him at the Rumble.
There probably won't be any huge returns or anything, although the Road Dogg would be pretty sweet. Best intro ever.

Expect at least one of the New Age Outlaws to make an appearance, Road Dogg is getting a lot of praise back stage and I'm not possitive of Billy Gunns status with the WWE but they definitely see how big of a shocker at least one of these two showing up in the ring would be.

Other than that my other guess out side of any one already named like Golddust and Foley I'd like to boldly guess another DX member, X-Pac. The man is already signed as a trainer and did cancel his party the night of the pay per view(that may have been because of his legal troubles but who knows, a man can speculate).
I was going to say the outlaws, because that is the most obvious choice for me. Now, I have to rack my brain and say Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko (they are still agents aren't they?) Ok seriously though I would love to see The Headbangers as surprise entrants (I know I would mark out like it was 1998 all over again)
I see Undertaker,Kevin Nash,& Mick Foley as "Surprise" entrants if you can actually see them as real "Surprise" entrants but yeah those are the three that will be a real shock that is possible. We all know Triple H & Booker T will be in the Rumble,Triple H is always in the Rumble announced before & Booker T has been relevant lately,so I can also see him being in it announced beforehand.
I know it's been done before, but am I the only person who would like to see the '3 faces of Foley' in a Rumble match? I forget which Rumble it was, but I thought it was awesome when he entered the Rumble as Mankind, Dude Love and Cactus Jack......
Seen as this year has gone back to 30 participants, which I am pissed off about because I loved last years 40-Man version, but oh well, I feel two at maximum because otherwise you're only gonna have like 25 current day superstars fighting for the chance to wrestle for the title at Mania, not 35. Slight difference.

But, if I had to choose. I think Mick Foley is a possibility. Seen as he has returned to WWE, you may as well use him at the Rumble. The other one is Goldust. He has been on SmackDown for two weeks now and I feel this Cody Rhodes-Booker T feud is going to turn into a Cody Rhodes-Goldust feud. That, I would love to see. Get Goldust in there and eliminate Rhodes, leading to a Title vs Career Match for the IC Title at WrestleMania, that I would like to see.

Other possibilities: The Undertaker. Maybe, but I have no idea who he'll face at WrestleMania so, because of that, I can't fit him into the Rumble. Also, Jericho may be featured somewhere, but I think his only appearance that night will be in the WWE Championship Match.
Let's get the obvious ones outta the way:

Chris Jericho-

I eagerly await his return to the Rumble match. His return was brilliant at what he wanted accomplish, now I wait for more greatness.


Would be great. Seeing Taker participate in the Rumble match just makes it a bigger deal.

Now, some on my wishlist:

Kurt Angle-

I have no idea about his TNA contract, but him bashing WWE could be a swerve and if possible I'd love to see him in a WWE ring.


Five Star Frog Splash!
I am going to be realsitic this time around. As we know, the WWE roster is pretty stacked and given there are only 30 spaces available I think the returns will be people already on the roster. No major surprises.

Little Surprises

Chris Jericho - well he has returned to WWE so one would assume he will be in the Rumble. I predict he will be the last man standing from the Raw Brand - either win it, or come runner up to a Smackdown superstar.

Dustin Rhodes - Returned last week to Smackdown so I think he will be a surprise entrant and eliminate Cody furthering their storyline.

Booker T - Potentailly see his music hit and he leaves the commentary box. Could easily tie in with the above.


Randy Orton - The injury thing is a work, well at least the whole 6 months thing is. Rumble in his hometown so bet your bollocks to a barn dance he will be there is 'some capacity'. I wouldn't be surprised to see him win it. He could work the Rumble injured anyway if he comes in at number 30.

Great Khali - Rumble is his type of match, he's big and has presence and normally centres around a decent little angle mid rumble. I think he will get a cameo.

Skip Sheffield - Injured for over a year. Working dark matches. I think he will get a number in the Rumble.

Brodus Clay - Surely the Rumble is his 're-debut'?!

Thats 7 superstars there. Punk/Ziggler, Bryan/Show, Cena/Kane will probably be in 1 on 1s. That leaves 23 spaces for the rest of the roster. Del Rio, Rey, Sin Cara, Mark Henry, Christian all potentially injured means that there will only be a few that miss out and they will be folk that people care very little about like Yoshi, JTG and Heath Slater.

Don't see Taker returning at the Rumble if I am honest. Hope I am wrong but if Orton and a few others returning they will make his special to boost Raw ratings.
I would love to see only one guy return to the rumble arena, and that is Brock Lesnar.

I think taker will return in a non wrestling capacity, maybe if Cena and Kane have a match.

Trips, Nash, booker, D.Rhodes will be in it.

The rock will cost Cena either his match with Kane or the rumble match.

And I don't think Jericho will win, but my money is on Barrett to win and have him face Daniel Bryan for the title at mania, maybe with a face involved in that match to make it a triple threat as I see Bryan being a cheat to win kinda champion. Maybe someone like sheamus ( though I would love to see him and Lesnar go at it)

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