Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble General Discussion & Aftermath thread

My Thoughts on the Royal Rumble 2010

I thought this was a very good Rumble. Probably my favourite since 2004.

Christian vs Ezekial Jackson

This match was pretty good. Better than I expected. Christian made Zeke look great. Like an actual monster which is good. One thing that was bad is that it showed that Zeke is limited in the ring but he'll hopefully get better. I loved the ending to the match. The counter into the Killswitch was awesome looking. A good opener so I give this match a 7 out of 10

The Miz vs MVP

It was nice to see an added match, it made it feel like I got more for my money in my opinion. This was a solid match. It was exciting and I wasn't sure who was going to win and I was glad that Miz got the clean win and it looks like MVP may be starting to turn heel again which he was always better as. I give this match 7 out of 10

Randy Orton vs Sheamus

This match wasn't very good to be honest. They are both slow so it wound up being like that. It wasn't too bad though. It was a nice touch that Orton worked on the leg as it would harder for Sheamus to hit the Crucifix Power Bomb and the Bicycle Kick. I knew that Sheamus wouldn't get a clean win so I guess the DQ was acceptable. I enjoyed the Legacy break up even though it was obvious it was going to happen. Randy Orton should turn face I think. I give this match a 6 out of 10

Mickie James vs Michelle McCool

Well I can't really comment on this match as there really wasn't much in it with it being about 20 seconds long. I thought Mickie was the rightful winner though and it was a nice way to end this feud, well at least for now.

The Undertaker vs Rey Mysterio

For what it was, this match was pretty entertaining. Rey took some nasty bumps and Rey brought the fight to Taker' so it looked like Rey had a chance to win. There were some cool spots and this match never bored me so was good. The Last Ride at the end was awesome. A good match for the time it had I give this 6.5 out of 10

The Royal Rumble Match

This match was fantastic. There were so many cool an exciting things in the match. CM Punk His part of the rumble was fantastic. It was a great way of pushing him without him actually letting him win. He had a cool showdown with Triple H. He have a GTS to Beth Pheonix for crying out loud. That is just plain awesome. Beth Pheonix This was just fucking cool. I got so excited when she went to the ring. She came in a good place unlike Chyna who came in at number 30, thats why I hate her. I wish I was Khali for getting to kiss that gorgeous specimen. HBK He was very good throughout the match, I was so shocked when he got eliminated, I thought they fucked it up. All in all a great Rumble one of the best I have seen. I give this match a 9 out of 10

The PPV Overall

I think it was a very fun pay per view and I was entertained throughout it. The undercard is nothing special but the Royal Rumble is great. This was a good way to start the year with an epic Royal Rumble which sets up Wrestlemania to be good.I give the event a 7 out of 10
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Royal Rumble Review or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the WWE​


I've always said I was fickle and with this very post I intend to prove it. I finally got round to watching the Royal Rumble. Not the entirety of the pay-per-view, mind you - I cherish the ability to fast forward through things I think I'm not going to enjoy. I watched the two title matches - yes, the two that I've seen roundly denounced by a fair few - and the Rumble itself. Somewhere in there a thought pops into my head: "Man, TNA is really shit compared to this."

The first match I watched, chronologically speaking, was Randy Orton vs. Sheamus. I'm not going to lie - it didn't blow me away. However, it wasn't nearly as bad (nor nearly as short) as I'd previously been led to believe. I've missed most of the build to this match, so I was slightly confused when they didn't go for the whole cold calculating heel vs. monster heel angle. Striker was the only announcer that attempted to sell it as such, pointing out to King (who is shit these days, by the way) that pulling tights is more of a Randy Orton tactic than a Sheamus one.

The crowd reaction was kind of fascinating to watch. Despite King being oblivious to it, Orton was very much the fan favourite in this match. He and Sheamus had some interesting exchanges and I thought the ending was more intriguing than frustrating. Orton got to further his imminent feud with, I assume, DiBiase and Sheamus got to remind everyone that he's the WWE Champion, not a doormat.

Speaking of Sheamus, I've been absent from his rise to the top. I wasn't unimpressed. He looks the part; I'll give him that much. Pale motherfucker.

So yeah, solid match. Underrated, one might say.


Another match that wasn't as bad or as short as I was told. The big man/little man mechanic was done really well and both men came away looking pretty good. Intentional or not, Mysterio bloodying the Undertaker's nose somehow lends him credibility.

The end was well done and seemed fitting. I was left feeling satisfied by the match. A thirty minute blowout between the two would be nice but, firstly, I don't think either of them have the stamina any more and, secondly, I don't think such a match belongs on the heavily scripted Road to WrestleMania.

Good match.

The Royal Rumble​

Perhaps overrated by some, but a very, very good Rumble all the same. Early on, Punk stole the show. He was awesome - no other way of saying it. The audacity of eliminating people and then fucking monologuing about it was genius. The best bit came with Zack Ryder:

"You have potential! You have potential! How would you like to become a member of the Straight Edge So--"SMACK! Genuinely cracked a smile. He should have won the whole thing, goddammit!

I felt the middle was a little underwhelming but that's true of most Royal Rumble matches. The biggest stars tend to come in near the beginning and end, leading to lots of very-fake-punching monotony in the bits between set pieces.

The ending may well have kept me on the edge of my seat if I hadn't already known that Edge won. If I have one criticism it's that the final exchange between Edge and Cena wasn't long enough. I know that they're trying to leave some ambiguity about Edge, but I prefer my final encounters long and drawn out. You know, like Taker/Michaels from two (?) years ago.

I know you all like your scores and grades so fuck it, I'll play along. Erm, 8/10. Very good.
I was a bit skeptic before downloading this event, but given the results I had to

Big props to my fav band: Skillet for supplying the theme song: Hero, from Awake (amazing album by the way.. solid Christians in the band)

Christian vs Big Zeke: Not that good of a match, but Christian made Zeke look good. Nice finish 6.5/10

Womens title: better left on Raw, would of prefrerred a IC title match or tag team match. 0/10

Taker vs Mysterio: Actually a great match. The Last Ride counters... and then the final delivery were very captivating. 8/10

Sheamus vs Orton: 3/10... I hate DQ finishes.

Miz vs MVP: great to see a surpirse match, even better a title match. I really feel that MVP is no longer US title material, the guy's already had the belt twice. Freshen up the title contention. Great match though 7/10.

Royal Rumble Match: Captivating, surpirsing and some humor. I never thought Beth Phoenix would enter and her shocking elimination of Khali was spectacluar. CM Punk's performance was great, but should of lasted longer to strengthen his straight-edge heel image. I did not like the quick eliminations of Ryder and Tatsu, wished their image would of been improved with this match, give their push a good kick. HBK had his best performance since 1995, really wished he would of won. If I did not already know Edge won, the ending would of kept me on the edge of my seat (pardon the pun).

overal ppv: 8/10. Worth the watch

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