Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble General Discussion & Aftermath thread

1) John Cena
Cena makes the most sense as of now. He's the biggest face draw, and he just lost the WWE Title a month ago. He's currently pushing to get a rematch for the title; however, i see him targeting Undertaker's World Title. Either the Rumble or an Elimination Chamber will be Cena's ticket to a Wrestlemania Title Shot, and that is why I view him as the #1 most likely winner.

2) Edge
The "returning from injury" shocker pick. Edge will be healthy enough to compete at Wrestlemania, and its possible he surprise the audience by entering the Rumble and earning a title bid @ WM26.

3) Triple H
While I don't think WWE is going in this direction, its possible Triple H could notch his 2nd Rumble victory to go on to Wrestlemania to challenge Sheamus. As its well documented, Triple H is Sheamus' work out partner and the current rumored WWE Title Match pits those men against each other

4) Ted DiBiase
It makes sense based on the current product of the WWE. DiBiase was rumored to turn face near The Marine 2's release and distance himself from Legacy. The seeds have been planted already. Plus, with Ted & Cody aiding Orton in earning a Rumble Title shot, its possible that Legacy rules this PPV with an Orton Title win and a DiBiase Rumble win.

5) Kofi Kingston
As people have mentioned, he is the #1 rising under carder-main eventer that WWE has known to go to if they want to push someone from the Rumble. While I think Kingston or Morrison will win the MITB, he makes sense as a potential candidate for a Wrestlemania title shot.
For the undercard, I see MVP vs. Miz (who cares). Jackson and Christian are set, hopefully they don't make Christian job to Jackson, but it would be nice if he moved to Smackdown or Raw. Taker/Mysterio/Batista in some fashion will happen for the world heavyweight championship, with who knows winning that one (not Mysterio). Orton and Sheamus is set, with Sheamus most likely winning in some fashion, probably clean. The women will have some kind of match too, I suppose.

But as for the big one, the Rumble Match itself. I honestly see the old guard pulling it off, so to speak. If I were a betting man, I would put money on Triple H. He hasn't won it since 2002, and it would only be his second Rumble win, and we all know Hunter just HAS to be involved in the title picture come mania. I really don't see anyone surprising winning it this year. If not Hunter, I would have to go with Jericho, seeing he has never won a Rumble match and they probably want him involved in the title picture come Mania time this year.
I love the Royal Rumble, but I hate its predictability at times and its redundancy. Granted, WWE threw a very nice curve into the '08 Rumble with a very surprising return of John Cena, but that being said, this event that has 30 superstars can be boiled down to just the top dogs as usual.

If you look at Raw, you've got Cena, HHH, HBK, and possibly Kofi Kingston as a dark horse, maybe Ted DiBiase to set up a feud against Orton. Of the entire brand, you can immediately eliminate all but FIVE possibilities. Cena and HHH are still most likely because, well, they're Cena and HHH. HBK could possibly win so that he can officially challenge the Undertaker again. There are other ways that this rematch can come about, but this remains a possibility. Kofi is on the verge of main event level right now and could be a Cinderella story. Ted DiBiase, well, if he wins I imagine that this would be built up very similarly to the way the Evolution split was with HHH and Batista.

On Smackdown! you'll have Chris Jericho and maybe Batista. You can pretty much rule out everyone else on the brand, except maybe a dark horse in Morrison.

And ECW... yeah, exactly.

So, of 30, you can narrow it down to 7 or 8. They might as well have an 8 man Royal Rumble. I miss the days when there were at least 12-15 guys who could realistically win and be a threat. Half the Rumble participants seemed to be threats. Lately, it's the same 5 guys or so every year.
I'd love to see Kofi win it, but I actually think it will be Chris Jericho. We have all of this HBK vs Taker talk, but I think that is just what the WWE wants us to think will happen.

I see the final three in the Rumble being HHH, HBK, and Jericho. Then HBK eliminates Triple H while his back is turned. With HBK and Jericho in the final 2 it will look like Michaels will win and use his title shot to go up against Taker, instead HBK's long time rival Jericho is able to win it. That sets up HBK vs Triple H and Jericho vs Taker at Wrestlemania.
Ok I will start with the Main titles as to who I think will win:

1) ECW, I think Big Zeke is going to win this one as Christian has been champ for a while and I can see him going to raw / smackdown, and it would give zeke a big amount of momentum

2)WHC, I can somehow see Batista / Rey winning this one , whoever wins this Friday which I won't say due to spoilers. I think if they do plan HBK vs Taker then he will have to drop it here.

3)WWE, I see Sheamus defending it when Ted DiBiase interferes with the match costing Randy the championship thus setting up the long awaited fued of Randy vs Ted

And finally... The Rumble

This year I think we are going to have a change in the cards and not have a big name win it this year. With all that's been going and Kofi now out of a fued I think it is time for Kofi to win it. He would be given a title shot against Sheamus (unless he dropped at Elimination Chamber) and I think it would be great. Especially seeing an up and comer win the rumble. Something I've waited a while to see
As the Rumble draws near, I’ve compiled a short list of the men who have the best chance of winning this year. We are two weeks from the Rumble, so there is the chance that one or both of the World Title matches may be altered. DX may be put into a match defending their tag titles, and may not get to compete. Those types of changes will alter these guesses.

This short list shows the individuals with the best chance of winning the Rumble match. I am guessing that the winner will more than likely be of these eight. The names in bold are the favorites going into the match, regarding that no further changes are made to any of the major title matches.

John Cena
Kofi Kingston
Shawn Michaels
Chris Jericho
CM Punk


Having just barely missed the opportunity to face the Undertaker at the Rumble for the Heavyweight Championship, one would assume that Batista isn’t done chasing after that missed chance. If Batista wins the Rumble, he could go on to rightfully challenge for the title shot that narrowly slipped his grasp the month before. If Mysterio does manage to win the title at the Rumble, and the bad blood would make for an exciting encounter between the two.

Kofi Kingston

Like Batista, Kingston just barely missed the opportunity to challenge Sheamus at the Rumble for the WWE championship. The man that beat him and won the right to challenge the champion is Randy Orton, his main rival over the past several months. If Kingston wins the Rumble it’ll put him in the same boat as Batista. And if Orton does manage to become the champion at the Rumble, the potential encounter between these two foe’s would be exciting indeed.

Chris Jericho

Over the last few months, Jericho has had his problems with DX. After being forced off of RAW, one could see Jericho winning the Rumble and challenging for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemaina. Winning the title would allow him to stay on Raw as he’d like too, this move would also allow him the opportunity to get revenge on DX for his humiliation.

CM Punk

If CM Punk has a solid entry for the Rumble, one can also assume that Luke Gallows will be a participant as well. Allies are a valuable commodity in a match such as the Rumble, especially allies that would willingly sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the team leader. If Punk wins the Rumble, he could challenge the winner of the Undertaker/ Mysterio match at Wrestlemania. If Punk goes on to win the title at Mania, one would assume that his plan to utopianize Friday nights would come full circle.
I think the rumble will come down to either of the following - HBK or Jericho.

As mentioned earlier, HBK winning would make sense considering he's looking to challenge the Undertaker to a rematch - and what better way to get another shot at ending the streak.

Jericho winning would also make sense as he's never won it, and could also potentially end his storyline of looking for a way to get back on Raw. Plus I think with the impending return of Edge back on Smackdown, the WWE wouldn't be looking to throw two heels on the same show around the same time.

I just can't see an up-and-comer winning the Rumble. There's no way the WWE will have someone who's not a top level guy headlining the MV at WM26.

On a quick side note... I hope Bret Hart is involved in the PPV somewhere.... it would add a little spice to an already sensational PPV.
Why is everyone saying Cena will get the strap back @ RR? Sheamus will more than likely go over Orton, If they didn't believe in him, they woulda had him lose the belt to Cena on raw a couple o weeks ago. As for the rumble match itself I don't have a clue. This is the first year I've been like WTF? But I'll probably go with the obvious, HHH. If they're talking bout Sheamus v HHH at WM He's pretty much a shoe in cuz i aint heard no Smackdown main event's being set up. And if you think Sheamus isn't ready to Be main event at mania, He doesn't have to be, cuz he'll be in the ring with one of the best, even tho i can't stand HHH, And he'll carry Sheamus just like he did with Batista. I would like to see Edge come back as # 30 final four would be show, jericho, HBK, and Edge. Hbk eliminates Show, Edge eliminates Y2J, THen a staredown between HBK and Edge, then just start beatin tha piss outta each other like in their awesome street fights, THen edge wins, Jericho wins the belt nxt month from TAKER, and defends @ WM v Edge. But that is a longshot by far... But since all the WM matches seem to be just rumours right now, I will not go with obvious winner for the rumble(HHH) , But my official winner for the rumble, drumroll please....Chris Jericho... He's just too damn good.
i think HHH will win even thou i dont want him too but there have been talks of Sheamus vs HHH at mania some my guess is him, but i would like to see Jericho win and challenge Taker because these two could put on an amazing match and i think Jericho deserves to have a rumble win on his already impressive resume.
Here's who I think the options are the WWE is considering, trust me Kingston, Morrison and Christian have a cat in hells chance so stop posting about it, plus I think Jericho and Edge are likely to go 1 on 1 at wrestlemania, and wwe dont know if Edge will have recovered by then, so they wouldn't put all their faith into it:

John Cena
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Ted Dibase
Cody Rhodes
CM Punk

Here is the reasons:

Cena/ Batista
If the early predictions for WM are to be believed Cena & Batista are gonna be going 1 on 1. I don't think a title match is out of the question because unlike the likes of Taker and HBK a title match helps sell PPV matches involving these 2, whereas Taker/HBK matches at WM always sell themselves. If 1 of these 2 win it expect to see the other win 1 of the titles in the chamber.

Triple H
Allegedy wrestling Sheamus for the WWE title at WM26, so therefore has a chance but could to win his 456 elimination chamber match the earn a shot.

Going for Takers title is likely, if he still holds it. Perhaps WWE want Taker and Shawn to close the show out this year.

Dibase/ Rhodes
With Orton facing Sheamus, if Orton wins (maybe WWE have realised Sheamus is a waste of space as champ) these 2 are in with a shot because at WM I expect Orton to face either Dibase, or Rhodes and Ted in a 3 way.

There is talk of Punk vs Rey at WM in a hair vs mask. If rey wins the title at the rumble then dont rule at Punk

Shawn Michaels and Triple H go over the top at the same time
I have a feeling it'll be Jack Swagger to win this year. You have all these guys saying they will win the Rumble and stuff and then you have Jack Swagger who says he will win it then issues an over the top rope all american american challenge. He lost to santino and now mark henry and I have a feeling that in the weeks to follow he'll probably lose to some other mid card guys then come royal rumble he wins it.
I think CM Punk is a decent bet. He is a main event guy, he is a heel (The champ on Smackdown is a Face) and he doesn't really have a fued going at the moment.

I can't really see the benefit in holding Taker/HBK 2 at Mania, if Taker wins again it makes Michaels look too weak and I don't see how HBK ending the streak benefits anyone, Michaels doesn't need it.

There is a good article on the Royal Rumble here
It's a difficult year to judge this year. There are quite a few superstars who look like they could be contenders, however I feel that the winner is one of these:

John Cena
CM Punk
Chris Jericho

John Cena
I just can't see WWE leaving Cena out of a title match at Wrestlemania. I know that there are other ways that he could get put into the Main Event at Wrestlemania, and they're probably more likely, but I don't think it's possible to rule Cena out of this.

Batista's been on quite a roll since his heel turn, and his character is more interesting than it's been for a while. I can possibly see WM as the blow off for Batista/Mysterio, and this could be a way to set it up. I think Batista could really get his character over with a powerful showing at the Rumble even he doesn't win, but he's definitely one of the most likely.

CM Punk
Punk's character has kind of slowed down and cooled off since he lost the title to Taker, and this could be an AMAZING way to thrust him back to the top. He definitely deserves to be there, and again I could see him facing Mysterio for the title at Wrestlemania. Punk is the person who I want to win, but I don't think WWE will count on him to draw for a WM Main Event, as big a shame as it is.

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho is easily one of the most talented superstars in WWE at the moment, but he too has cooled off recently. He bought Big Show up to one of the high points of his career, but now has returned to the midcard on Smackdown. This would be a good way to religitimize him as a competitor. He could do with a boost, especially after being involved with Hornswaggle so much. However, if the rumoured Jericho/Edge match takes place as expected, then I don't see how they could make it a title match, and therefore I don't see Jericho winning, even though he's a higher possibility than most in the match.

I'm really struggling to call it this year, but if I had to make a decision I'd have Batista as the winner, even though this year I can see WWE going for some kind of uncertain finish, with two superstars both claiming to have won. I doubt it'll happen, but I think it'd be a good idea, because then maybe John Morrison or Kofi Kingston could be one of the two.

Regardless of who will win, I can see this year being an amazing Royal Rumble.

His injury was serious, very serious. But so was John Cena's a couple of years ago when he surprised all of us, even in this internet rumour age when keeping a secret is nealry impossible.

Who better to enter a number 30 and sneak a win and challenge Orton for the title at Wrestlemania???
even though this year I can see WWE going for some kind of uncertain finish, with two superstars both claiming to have won. I doubt it'll happen, but I think it'd be a good idea, because then maybe John Morrison or Kofi Kingston could be one of the two.

This seems more on target. I don't think it would be a good idea to have a repeat RR winner this year, but it doesn't feel like a "let put over a new star" this year either. So I could picture a split Batista/JoMo or HHH/HBK finish. This year has alot better talent than last year, so I at least expect a entertaining RR match.
Based on the teasing it would seem either HHH or HBK will win this match. HBK wants to face UT and end his streak, and HHH has been mentioned to be SHeamus opponent at WM. I am thinking possibly it comes down to DX and they both get eliminated at the exact same time and it ends in a draw. Then they run an angle on Raw where they either have a match or something to determine who gets first pick at which title they will go for. This would get both title matches made. Another interesting idea would be to have the #30 buzzer go off and nobody comes out, DX gets eliminated and out comes hornswoggle from under the ring to win the RUmble!!! I personally would like to see somebody new win the rumble but doubt that will happen. I also think Edge will return as #30 but wont win it and that will have something to do with Jericho to set that match up. Remember Cena was not expected back from his injury or so we were told.
all great predictions guys
but atm the royal rumble has 28 enterants with two mystery participants (IMO most likely to be edge who throws out jericho and sets up for their math at mania and rvd or booker t from the rumours going around). My PREDICTION is that hbk, hhh,cena and batista will be the final four left in the match due to batista cutting a promo on them this week and like many others i think its a safe bet saying that either hbk or hhh will win the rumble because of the taker situation and hhh vs sheamus rumours.
hoping hbk wins it all n breaks the streak!!!!
At some point I see HHH and HBK being the only two in the ring. Just to tease the crowd like Hogan and Warrior did back in the day. I see HBK pulling out the win this year but he will probably enter later than 22.

After HBK wins he will go after The Undertaker's title but I see Taker dropping it by EC.
With his title shoot still guaranteed at Wrestlemania he will now go after the WWE Championship,and I see HHH getting that at the EC PPV. That will lead up to HHH vs HBK for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.
There are a ton of different ways this match could go, and that's what makes the Rumble so great. We have two unannounced participants and I see one of them being a WWE legend or a joke entry, and the other being Edge. I think WWE wants Edge's return to be a big surprise, and I think they have been keeping quiet. If Edge returns in the Rumble he'll basically instantly turn face, as im sure he'll get a big pop due to the fans being in shock, similar to the return of HHH in 2002.
I for one am really excited and anxious for this Rumble match. There are a handful of guys who could possible win this thing. It is a pretty star studded Rumble. We have Trips, HBK, Show, Cena, Batista, Jericho, Punk, etc.. all in the Rumble match. I could see anyone of those guys possibly winning. Lets not forget our usual Rumble vet Kane. Then we have the up and comers in Miz, Kofi, JoMo, McIntyre, Ziggler, Ryder, etc... The undercard isn't great, but they usually have weak matches at the Rumble, as the Rumble itself needs to be the focus.

Sheamus/Orton....Unique match up, nice match to lead up to the Rumble
Taker/Rey...Should be the first world title match (not counting ECW), as this will probably be the 2nd best match of the night.
Christian/Big Zeke...Good opening match, as Zeke has been booked as a machine and Christian is the longing reigning champ in the E.

I'd expect to see one more match get added on. Probably a divas match. Whether that be the finals to the Divas Title tournament or a triple threat between Mickie, Beth, and McCool. That match would follow the first World title match, just to give a break in the action.

Rumble of course main events the show. Can't wait!
This is a pretty hard Rumble to predict. There are a ton of big stars in this one, Jericho, Big Show, Batista, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Cena, and the list goes on. I'm not going to make a prediction but I just hope Triple H doesn't win. I hope Raw and SmackDown superstars interfere in both shows to build momentum into the Rumble.
Rey should win the World Title again since Taker is being cocky about being the Champion at WrestleMania and Rey is the "Ultimate Underdog" and this can elevate his status.
No doubt in my mind that Sheamus will win this one. I've read somewhere that Sheamus will face Triple H at WrestleMania so it's a good possibility that Trips will take it at WrestleMania from him. :'( Fuck Triple H and his power in the WWE.
I want Christian to win the ECW Title match but then again, I want him to leave ECW. So I want Big Zeke to take it off him.

Also, check out my Royal Rumble matches thinger.. :)

I see sheamus winning to set up triple h vs. sheamus at WM 26. Some where in between 20 and 30 Ted Jr. eliminates orton then rhodes. orton is furious and has to be forced back by refs and rhodes. The final five is Ted Jr., HBK, HHH, Y2J, and Kofi. Ted and kofi duel it out. DX gangs up on Y2J. DX eliminates Y2J and ted eliminates kofi after a missed trouble in paradise. Ted and Dx stare down then orton comes in and RKO's ted. HBK eliminates Ted the HHH quickly eliminates HBK for the win.
No solid predictions, only hopes. there are said 2b only 28 confirmed superstars in the rumble and a whole lotta speculation as to who the other 2 would b. alotta names pop up, booker, edge, danielson etc. but i for 1 am hoping that christian drop the strap to zeke and enters at #29 and im hoping that bret hart would enter last just to spice things up. i also hope that kane somehow wins the rumble seeing that it would b his 11th and needs antha world title run. as for HHH, he would probably win the #1 contenders elimination chamber match (which they had a few years back) at said ppv.
I could see the Undertaker losing his title and then HBK winning the Royal Rumble.

I think it would add an interesting twist to the storyline between the two wrestlers. The Undertaker could envoke his rematch clause, and lose the match as HBK botches an attempt to help him win the title back.

This would lead to the Undertaker wanting HBK at Wrestle Mania. HBK would then have to decide if he wanted to face UT or if he wanted a chance at the world title. In the end, he'd give up his world title shot for a shot at beating the UT's streak. This would enhance HBK's apparent obsession at beating the UT while also building the idea that breaking UT's streak is as big as winning a world title.

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