Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble General Discussion & Aftermath thread

As everyone else seems to think its HBK...sadly I have to agree that HBK will probably win it. I wouldnt be against the idea of him winning it only I don't want to see Taker V HBK II...

Taker won fair and need to do a re hash of an amazing match..becuase everyone will be comparing the two and the second won't live up to the first!! Im excited with the whole Bret scenario.. as we don't know his role as of yet.. to me its all up in the air at the moment (at least I like to think its all up in the air lol).. I would love to see HBK winning the rumble as long as it doenst involve him and taker fighting at wrestlemania! However I would also like to see either..Edge, Jericho, Big Show or... Christian win the rumble- they all would be great and deserved winners!

I think for the first time in a long time WWE may have some exictment albeit PG excited brought back to the ring..
My picks to win the Rumble:

Edge: Would be a good set-up for a 'Mania match should Jericho win the world title in the Elimination Chamber or something. Seems like they're going with Jericho/Edge for WMXXVI and a world title thrown into the mix would only make things more exciting, not that they need to be with these two individuals.

Morrison, Kingston, MvP, Hardy: I'd love to see a midcarder such as one of these get their shot at main eventing the big show and what better way to do that then have them prove theirselves over twenty-nine superstars. Would be a fresh and surprising thing for WWE to do.

Ted DiBiase: Seeing as they haven't pushed him much yet I thought here's a good chance to do just that. I'd expect Orton to pick up the WWE title along the road to WrestleMania to make a nice DiBiase/Orton match at 'Mania.

Michaels: I chose Michaels because he has to 'earn' a match with 'Taker and whilst he's the world champ then why not have Michaels earn his match by winning his third Rumble match and challenging 'Taker at 'Mania (if Bret's not busy with Vince, he will have some part in this storyline).

Jericho: My last pick is Jericho as it would give him an accomplishment he hasn't had before and would lead to many good match-ups at 'Mania (i.e- Jericho/Undertaker, Jericho/Edge, Jericho/Morrison)
there are only 3 people that i want to win this year, i'd be happy with either of them
1. Chris Jericho - has never won the rumble and is great in any match
2. Ted DiBiase - could fight Cena at mania (cos its obvious cena is gonna retain sooner or later). and
3. The Big Show - he is always overlooked and he could have a great main event match at mania

Are you serious? How would that be good for the WWE? He's so bad that they had to change his finishing move to a punch... a punch. He also steps on people and sits on them. I'm pretty sure it's just fair to say, he's on the downside of his career (to say the very least).

When was the last good match w/ Big Show where he really shined? What would make him a good participant in the main event of WM26?
It is really down to 2 scenarios to me, and they are both the two obvious choices (1 deals with rumble the other doesnt)

1. Shawn Michaels wins the rumble/Undertaker retains WHC. Hence since Shawn is allowed to be on both rosters since he is an Undisputed Tag Champ he can challenge Taker without leaving the Raw Roster.

2. Shawn Michaels loses the Rumble but screws over the Undertaker to get his match at him at WM26.

Here is my other than Shawn Michaels selection: Chris Jericho

Chris has never won the Rumble as previously mentioned and he wants to be on the Raw roster. Also Jericho vs Cena would absolutely be pure gold and a can't miss main event at the biggest pay per view of them all.
Now I know there is no way in hell this will happen, but I can still dream. I think Shelton Benjamin should shock the world and win the Rumble. This would give him his looong overdue push and would give us some great matches depending on what title he would chose to pursue.
at the rumble i think that someone new will win the rumble, honestly having HBK win just seems like such a waste when there are so many more superstars who deserve to win, if he has to earn a spot why not make him have to beat Kane in an inferno match at No way out or some shit

1.undertaker vs Batista - is pretty much guaranteed id say

2.Sheamus vs Cena vs Ortan - sheamus pulls of the miracle win legacy distracts cena and sheamus gets a roll up on ortan

3. ECW scramble match with winners from the homecoming matchs so possibly Christian, Kane, Matt Hardy, Zach Ryder and Kozloff christian will retain though at least until wrestlemania cos i can see christian being drafted after mania

4. what ever other match they decide probably a tag match of some sort

5. The royal Rumble best outcome is if someone like JoMo, shelton, carlito or legacy wins just cos they all have pretty good potential or even someone like Jericho or Show who have never won before

Posted by Ben G
at the rumble i think that someone new will win the rumble, honestly having HBK win just seems like such a waste when there are so many more superstars who deserve to win, if he has to earn a spot why not make him have to beat Kane in an inferno match at No way out or some shit

I stopped reading your post after that, and just laughed after reading that. Why would HBK fight Kane in an inferno match to prove to face the Undertaker. That would be pointless and probably the worst facet the WWE could ever take.

Here is my expectation of Shawn and Undertaker that I posted earlier:
Posted by Me
It is really down to 2 scenarios to me, and they are both the two obvious choices (1 deals with rumble the other doesnt)

1. Shawn Michaels wins the rumble/Undertaker retains WHC. Hence since Shawn is allowed to be on both rosters since he is an Undisputed Tag Champ he can challenge Taker without leaving the Raw Roster.

2. Shawn Michaels loses the Rumble but screws over the Undertaker to get his match at him at WM26.

This makes perfect sense in which ever facet they take because we know we are getting the rematch at WM26, there is no way in hell the WWE would give us that kind of tease. And as they said the Road to Wrestlemania begins at the Royal Rumble, and that is going to be the main event so Shawn is going to do something to start the feud at Royal Rumble
here is who i want to win the Rumble-

Jericho- Simply because he's won just about everything else, wouldn't this be great for him to add to his abattoir. 1st undisputed champion, 9 time IC and Royal rumble winner. plus he could have a great match at Mania with anyone. (Edge, Taker, Mysterio)

Morrison or Kingston- these two guys are basically on the same level on each show. they are borderline main eventers and all they need is that one push to elevate them up. and what better push then the royal rumble.

those are who i want to win it. not who i THINK will win it. Because i think that HBK is gonna end up winning it in the end to 'prove' himself to vince and vs taker at Mania.
Every year during the Rumble there have been surprise enterants. Of which have no chance of winning, but are still fun to enjoy, like Drew Carey, Jimmy Snuka, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, Rob Van Dam. Anyway, this thread is a for people who wanna give their opinion on who should be the surprise enterants this year.

I'm gonna start and pick the one that most people will want to pick: Jeff Hardy.

Everyone who is a Jeff Hardy mark will cream their pants if he comes in during the Rumble, plus it might be a better way for him to still make a couple of appearences rather then having his last time in the WWE being jumped by CM Punk...

Anywho, give your ideas and explain why they should do it.
In my opinion I would have to say this could be the opportunity for Edge to come back and perhaps build up a story with Jericho on the way to Wrestlemania. Think about it, Edge comes in about 5 entrants after Jericho does and get him to believe that he's gonna align with him and helps to eliminate a few people. Jericho then gets one on his own and turns his back to Edge for a second and then Edge eliminates Jericho. This could be a great way to continue from Jericho's promo at the Slammy's where he said about Edge being cowardly by getting injured as well stating that he was forgotten. From there you could start to imagine how their roads to Wrestlemania would turn out from there.
I think its hard to pick who will win the rumble since there's still a few weeks left but here are some of my predictions :

Shawn Michaels - Since he needs to "earn" a match against the Undertaker (unless the undertaker isn't champ anymore)

Edge - it would be a great time to comeback and feud with jericho ( only if his injuries are fine by then)

Chris Jericho - I think it would be great to have Jericho win the rumble since he has never won it before it would be a great opportunity for him.

Kofi Kingston - unlikely but it would be a chance for Kofi to prove that he's ready for the main event (even though I think he already proved that he's ready with the feud against Randy Orton)

Jeff Hardy - I know its impossible but it would be interesting if he wins the rumble (like I said before I doubt it will happen)
right here are my rumble predictions:

- I think sheamus will keep his title through RR but the question remains whether it will go all the way to WM, I'm a bit doubtful of it, although it would be great if he does, great character over that time.

- Batista will most likely beat mysterio friday and then we will see batista vs taker at RR and I reckon Batista will win. Mostly because they need heel champs for WM to make it more exciting to follow.

-Tag titles - I reckon they will switch over at RR to someone, not sure who but this would then free up HBk and HHH for singles action at WM

- ECW title - I think we will see C M Punk win the tournament and then beat Christian at the RR, giving him something to brag about.

- finally the RR match, I doubt Kingston or Morrison would win the match, as said before they will most likely go on to money in the bank instead. However I reckon Christian (assuming he loses his title at RR) would have a good chance of winning, which would move him onto the big shows of smackdown or raw.
I think this years Royal Rumble only has really 3 options as to who is going to win.

1) John Cena - this is of course if he does not get a rematch with Sheamus at the Royal Rumble. He has said he vows he will not lose till he regains his title and we know that he is already on his road to WrestleMania. So if Cena is in the Rumble i cant see him losing no matter who else is involved in the match. If he is iin the Rumble i hope he enters at an early number and last the rest of the way. I am far more a fan of that then a guy entering late in the 20's and winning the Rumble.

2) Randy Orton - He is obsessed with the WWE Championship and having him versus Sheamus is not going to happen. So the only chance Orton has at gettuing a title match is to win the Rumble. Like i said though, if Cena is in the rumble then Orton's chances of winning i believe are 0%. If Cena is not in the Rumble, i believe Orton is one of the 2 men to win the Rumble. I know there was rumors of a DiBiase vs. Orton feud at WM and if Orton does get eliminated in the Rumble i think it should be at the hands of DiBiase to plant the feud. BUT if Cena wins the title back at Rumble i think Orton becomes a logical choice to win the Rumble and have him challenge Cena at WM. Its Orton saying this is his chance at a rematch and theee feud of this generation will continue on the biggest stage of them all.

3) Shawn Michaels - We all know he wants the Undertaker at WM. If Taker is still champ going into that then this is his only real shot of getting Taker in a rematch.

I think heading into the Rumble match itself at the ppv we will ahve a decent idea as to who is going to win it based on who wins the 2 title matches on the card.
k heres what i think will most likely happen for the rumble this year

John Cena vs Sheamus(c) wwe championship

I expect Cena to win here because i dont think they would go into mania with Sheamus the champ

Taker(c) vs Batista vs Mysterio WHC

I expect taker to retain here, for some reason i see him losing the strap at EC

Morrison vs Mcyntire(c) (or however the hell he spells is)IC title

I expect Drew to retain here

prolly some womens match that i dont give 2 shits about

Now the rumble match is what has me stumped, i have no idea who will win this year, which is something very new to me, but very exciting! when is the last time any of us can say that we had no idea who would win? Last year a ******ed monkey would have known Orton was going to win. Hell the year before the only reason i didnt expect Cena to win is because he was supposed to be injured, him entering at 30 and winning didnt suprise me at all.

But this year im going to have to just take a shot out of the dark for this one. Im going to go with Jericho, what i would love to see happen is Jericho wins the rumble, and at EC Edge is a Surprise entrant into the EC match for the WHC and he wins the title! (without exerting much energy of course because at the time he will prolly still be healing) and heading up to mania Jericho and edge will have great promo after great promo, and at the "grandest stage of them all" they have one of the greatest mania matches of all time to main event the show!:lol::worship: Now how in their right mind wouldnt want to see that?
Royal Rumble Predictions:

Some wrestlers that should win are: John Morrison, Kane, Miz, Swagger, Jericho, Edge, Benjamin, Ziggler, and Undertaker.

I predict Kane to win this one, because he's been a rumble favorite for the last 10-12 years. He was the runner-up once, but he really deserves the win this year, as he doesn't have more than 3 or 4 years left in him.

I predict:
Sheamus(c) v. John Cena
Cena should win this match, because Sheamus can't be in the main event of a Wrestlemania, and losing it at the Elimination Chamber doesn't make sense to me.

'Taker(c) v. Mysterio v. Batista

This is almost guaranteed to happen, since the Beat the Clock challenge didn't work, and last week's Smackdown! didn't work. I see Batista winning it, then losing it to Mysterio sometime during Feb., being traded to RAW, and the person holding the WWE title being trded to Smackdown!, who the Undertaker should challenge at 'Mania.

ECW title:
Christian v. (Probably) Evan Bourne

No matter who it is, Christian will retain.

Diva's Title:

Maryse v. Gail Kim v. Alicia Fox v. Kelly Kelly

Maryse HAS to win this.

Women's Title:

Beth Phoenix v. Mickie James v. Michelle McCool (c)- I really don't know how this match will end. All 3 of these can end up with the title.

No IC or US title matches.

Unified Tag Titles:

DX v. Hart Dynasty

I would have guessed DX v. Jeri-Show, but I saw that on the P25 this week, they were separated, so the only other tag teams are Cryme Tyme(who suck), Baretta and Croft (too new), and Hart Dynasty. Either way, I think DX will win, and refuse to push them.
Hey all this is my first post.

So I'm not a big Sheamus fan. I do believe he received the title way to early. With that being said I am shocked that the WWE allowed Randy Orton to become the number one contender. Two heels facing off for the title at one of the bigger pay per views. I am an Orton fan and I feel a little bad for him. I think it is very obvious he will not win the title at the Rumble. Here is why, What better way to legitimize Sheamus than by having him beat the top face on Raw and the top heel. I don't like Sheamus as the champ right now. Maybe in the future when he has "earned his stripes" but right now I don't think he is ready. I think the Rumble match is easy to call.....Sheamus retains over the top heel on Raw Orton.
I was talking to my friend last week about who would win the Royal Rumble, and I said I think Morrison is going to take it, to which he replied "But there hasn't been any build up." Now that is true...but thats also the best way to do it. I am so sick of going into the Royal Rumble and pretty much knowing who is going to walk out the winner...I want to be surprised! Lets hope WWE can do that for us this year

My predictions for the Royal Rumble match alone are this

John Morrison: Not sure why, I just really feel like he could take it this year. He is one of the bigger superstars on Smackdown!, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him get the push

Ted DiBiase: Orton vs Sheamus could lead to a win for Orton and Orton vs DiBiase for the WWE Title at WM26, and everyone who has called for a DiBiase push can be happy

Chris Jericho: It would be about time that he finally wins a Rumble. Jericho is one of the best WWE has right now, and I would love to see him take it and main event Wrestlemania

Kane: It won't happen....but the poor guys deserves it lol. He's been with us for so long, held the WWE Title once..and it was for 24 hours....
I am excited to see Orton vs Sheamus at the Rumble. When do we ever see Heel vs Heel in a major title match? Personally, I would like to see Sheamus walk out champ, but, I see Orton winning it and facing Ted DiBiase at Wrestlemania 26 for the WWE Title thus giving Ted the push that everyone wants him to get
For the actual Rumble Match I'm gonna say Cena or Michaels, unless Edge makes random return which is extremely doubtful.

Cena has just lost his rematch with Sheamus who'll go against Orton at the Rumble for the title. Unless of course they make it a triple threat which is reasonably possible. Cena has won before though and I'd love someone new to win it. Jericho would be awesome but again, doubtful.

Michaels for the obvious reason of taking on Taker at WM26 for the WHC. I just don't see Michaels and Taker a 2nd time without Michaels winning. And I don't see Taker losing at WM until his retirement (if he's going to lose at all). So, Michaels could be a possibility but my money's on Cena.
After watching RAW, I'm starting to see some things brewing & the possible rumored Mania matches being changed??

First they got Randy Orton now the #1 Contender against Sheamus. You even heard Mike & Lawler mention - "what a battle this is gonna be". I do agree & happy about it. This could be a chance to get the belt off Sheamus & now hopefully John Cena could stay out of that picture or should I say title picture & move on to something else that will lead him to Mania.

We are not even through the Royal Rumble yet & already HBK is wanting the answer from the Undertaker next week. Now lets look at this. You got the Undertaker who does not back down from a challenge so of course most likely he will acepet the challenge. What Now?? What are they gonna do till they get all the way up to Mania? Taker still has to defend his world title at the rumble. What's for Shawn to do in the next couple of months time. Shawn & Trips would have to defend the tag titles at the Rumble instead of being in the Rumble Match cause why would Shawn be in the Rumble? He's already got his Mania match set. I'm so now praying for this whole thing to be saved by JOHN CENA. I hope before Taker makes an appearance that if he does - Cena comes out tells Shawn that he's lost his chance of going for the title but then he would want a shot at ending Takers WM Streak.


In that segment with the Miz he kept saying the word ANIMAL. He's told that he's kinda become one himself & he's beatin alot of animals, something like that. After all that the next word that came to my mind was BATISTA. Now theres something new I would like to see for Wrestlemania. MVP's Biggest Push to the top.

As for Orton/Legacy & the Mania plans for them. The way things are going right now I think thats all out the door. I think Kofi Kingston will also get his Biggest Push to the top at Wrestlemania & challenge Orton for the gold.
My prediction for the Rumble winner is John Morrison. He has great ability, could put a good draw for WM and he is the top babyface right now.

My card for Royal Rumble

1. ECW Championship: Fatal 4 Way
Christian(c) vs Evan Bourne vs Chris Jericho and Big Show
Bourne won the Homecoming tournament and at the Rumble Jerishow come out and say they had great conributions for this ppv.

2. Diva's Championship: Maryse vs Gail Kim
They won the tournament

3. WWE Championship: Triple Threat
Sheamus(c) vs Cena vs Orton

4. World Heavyweight Championship: No Holds Barred
Undertaker(c) vs Batista
Batista beat Mysterio in the contendership Cage match

5. Royal Rumble
entering number 1 John Morrison won by last eliminating HBK
WWE should have someone young win the rumble though i think HHH will win and face sheamus at WM.Sheamus won't be champion the whole time he will lose at the rumble to Orton and the regain the title at no way out in the elimnation chamber.But the only way for him to get enough suppot to be able to main event WM is to wrestle every week.Maybe even a slight face turn by saving cena or kofi from legacy if they end up staying together.Then this leaves Orton free for a Orton DiBiase fued the ends at wrestlemania and then winner gets a shot at backash for the wwe championship.Which will be held by Evan Bourne after he wins and then cashes in the money in the bank and beats Sheamus the this gives a young guy a title reign and builds up for the future because in a few years time.HHH,HBK,the undertaker, and MAYBE Jericho will be gone.And cena fuckin sucks so it really leaves Orton and batista to run both shows.WWE needs to give Morrison,Bourne,Kofi,Rhodes,Ziggler,DiBiase,The MIZ and the Hart Dynasty a push.A way to give the Hart Dynasty a push would be to use Bret Hart in the mix somewhere.
Ted DiBiase will most likely win the rumble because if you do order the pay per view if Orton wins the WWE title it will most likely be confirmed for ted to win the rumble to create his face turn storyline with Orton and face him at Wrestlemania
Without a shadow of a doubt,It must be one among Cena & Jericho.At Raw,you have Randy not participating 30-man match,HHH & HBK are not good deals since they are old and can't provide something new,Cody & Ted are too young to be in the title screen,Kofi needs improvement,The Miz has a lot to do with U.S Title,and we all know Big show is never gonna achieve that, so the only remaining is Cena.He has the potential of winning Rumble more Once.But i don't Really look for him winning cuz i think he must WIN a non-title main event this year.e.g. defeating Batista.

So Let's take a look at SD.Batista is out of Question.Nobody wants another Taker vs. Batista at WM.JoMo is still in the IC page,CM Punk could be a good choice but his involvement with this straight edge thing and seeing Gallows as his partner makes me believe he won't headline Grand daddy of them the only logic choice is Chris Jericho.IMO,he must be the one who emerges victorious.He hasn't done it before,he has been far from Main Event of WM since 2002,He can use this victory to stay at Raw.

How is he using RR win?
I think it is time for another Elimination Fatal-4-Way WWE Championship @ WM after 10 years.Just let Jericho use his RR victory at EC and lose,similar to the thing that happened to Cena at 2008.Then Add Sheamus,as the champ,HHH ,Y2J and a young guy like Kofi or someBig show to the Match.
I've said it before and I'm more confident now than ever. The Royal Rumble winner 2010 will be Kofi Kingston. Think of it, he's an upper mid carder who needs that final boost, he's been feuding with Randy and getting a nice rub putting on high end matches. Logically he makes the most sense if you think a non established ME will win (and going by WWEs latest direction it is likely).

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