Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

I'm looking forward to tonight's RR, I'm thinking it might actually be a good one. My predictions:

The New Age Outlaws win the straps, setting up Cody and GD breaking up.

Lesnar wins in a boring match, not much they can really do besides throw each other around. But Lesnar def needs to win cleanly here, he's been acting afraid of Big Show all month long and it's getting old. The WWE expects us not to remember Brock tearing Show apart earlier in his career.

Wyatt wins but not cleanly, interference will take place somehow. No way they're gonna risk burying one of the best heels the WWE has right now.

Orton wins cleanly in hopefully a great match.

On to the Rumble, It's a tough call but I'm gonna go with Daniel Bryan on this one. He'll get his revenge on Wyatt here by eliminating him from the Rumble. Then at the elimination chamber match they can pull the old "Put your title shot up against me" match with DB winning that.

As for surprise returns, I'll bet that RVD, Jericho and Christian make returns. Sheamus will almost 100% make an appearance, that's just a given.

On a side note, I really hope that Roman Reigns eliminates a bunch of people. Possibly even the rest of the shield. Let's hope this is a good Rumble guys.
Happy Rumble Day! WrestleMania can go fudge itself as the Royal Rumble truly is the best event of the WWE calendar year.

We’ve so many “set in stone” scenarios surround the Rumble and WM it should be interesting to see exactly how this thing plays out.

RBV’s Rumble Picks

Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show –I look for a back and forth brawl but unfortunately in the end Show will be leaving Pittsburg a broken man. Brock continues his dominance and looks forward to the WWE WHC.

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt – Wyatt can’t really stand a clean loss here. I say Bryan by DQ or a No Contest.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton – Orton retails with assistance from Sheamus.

Rumble Match – Punk wins the Rumble but later drops his spot at WM to Batista furthering the heat between himself and Triple H.
Well they're doing everything in their power to keep Daniel Bryan down. The crowds not having it though.
I think Daniel Bryan should be a surprise entrant to the Rumble but I'm also pretty sure it will be Punk or Batista who wins it so Bryan being in the Rumble would only be to feed the fans a little.

But WWE did the right thing in the Wyatt vs Bryan match having Wyatt win. If Wyatt didn't win he'd be on the fast track to being Ryback - A beast of a guy who never wins the big ones!

Many other reasons why Wyatt needed to win here including the fact that after Bryan's turn on Wyatt on Raw, if Wyatt didn't win then HE would be the one being buried. Bryan didn't need the win tonight against Bray. HE is the underdog super-face. If he wins nothing changes, if he loses nothing changes. Fans still chant YES like mad. But if Bray Wyatt wins, he gets more heat from the crowd and looks more dominant ... which is what you need if you EVER want to see a top heel who isn't named Orton or Sheamus or Del Really Boring.
So... that happened. You guys notice how they kept his music running for 3 minutes and kept hitting fireworks to drown out Batista getting booed out of the building?
...I honestly have to admit, I no longer have a clue about what could or could not happen the rest of the way. At this point the WWE is literally Troll Fuel, if the crowd noise is any indication.

I got started with the present storyline at SummerSlam, and now that's been torn to shreds and... well, I imagine most would say I should buckle up and enjoy the ride, but I sure as shit won't.

But seriously, this was a time for the story to take a turn and it took the wrong one.
Three hours of my time completely wasted... what a poor PPV... and Batista winning? WTF?
The only thing I liked was the boos from the crowd... very disappointing Rumble match :p
That was a disaster on the level of Lesnar/Goldberg. Tomorrow night on RAW, the WWE needs to go into damage control mode or this year's WrestleMania is going to be a catastrophe as well. Daniel Bryan is so over, the fact that he isn't being pushed is ruining the show. Daniel Bryan is the top guy. The fans have spoken, it's time to listen.
Well Batista winning comes as no surprise at all. Very sad that WWE is having a guy who hasn't wrestled in 4 years headline Wrestlemania, and Wrestlemania 30 nonetheless. I guess WWE thinks it is cool to have a guy who is not a regular in the business be the main event, as that is the growing trend for years now. I feel bad for all the guys that bust their asses every night.
While I wanted Reigns to win, I am not disappointed with the result. Roman Reigns snapped the record and took over this event. Alexander Rusev now has recognition and can probably be fit into TV programming asap. He also could be used as the driving force to get people interested in NXT on the WWE Network. And most importantly, CM Punk didn't lose credibility tonight.

As for the whining little girls that are butt hurt about Batista winning and no Daniel Bryan...

the fact that he isn't being pushed is ruining the show.

I agree. It is no longer a case of "we can just ignore him until they don't care anymore" like they did with Ryder. The fans are turning their back on the product.

Ryder was different because no one really expected him to be the TOP guy. They weren't booing the #1 contender because he was stealing Ryder's spotlight.

Here with Bryan, they WANT him in their main events. They want him to be their Bruno. And they're booing whatever else is put in its place. If WWE doesn't smarten up, the fans will stop giving a shit. I'm one of them. I spent WM24 watching Michael Clayton on DVD because of the stupid Cena/Triple H/Orton retread. I would gladly do it again. This time I'll have new episodes of Game of Thrones and Mad Men.
...well, I suppose it wasn't as bad as the '99 Rumble, but at least THAT had an immediate payoff the next night.

One hopes the RAW crowd dials the displeasure up to 11 and actually gets vile with the chants.
LOL...what did they expect? They keep holding down the guy the majority want to see. I mean Batista vs Orton? That is a horrible title match. Both of those guys can have a decent match if carried but neither one is able to carry someone.

Glad the fans were booing.
One hopes the RAW crowd dials the displeasure up to 11 and actually gets vile with the chants.
There was a moment in the match that you noticed they turned off the mics somewhere in the crowd. The booing was intense and it was suddenly much softer. They either turned down the volume in a specific section or they shut it off altogether.
I will say that Bryan v. Wyatt was one of the best matches in the past 3 years. That match was unbelievable. Hats off to those guys. And to be honest I had Wyatt as one of the worst wrestlers of all time before that match. All his prior in ring work has been awful. I guess tonight showed why WWE was so high on him. I hope he continues to work as well as he did tonight.
Need I say more? The Royal Rumble PPV was a total disappointment....Thank God I stream it on a site instead of paying the $50 whatever for it.

Let's break it down by match:

Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt:

This was the best match of the night bar none. Both guys told a great story and Bray Wyatt winning makes sense and the crowd was hot for this match. So with that fantastic start we think we're in for an amazing evening, right?

Who was I kidding?

Big Show vs Brock Lesnar:

WTF? A 4 minute match? You hyped this match up for only a 4 minute match? I get the whole Brock Lesnar beast thing but goddamn put some effort into it.

Randy Orton vs John Cena:

Same old boring shit! This is a prime example of WWE brASS not listening to us fans!! We don't give a shit about Cena and Orton...The crowd wanted Daniel Bryan....LISTEN TO US! WE KNOW WHAT WE WANT!! QUIT TELLING US WHAT YOU THINK WE WANT!!

The Royal Rumble Match:

Batista wins.....Once again does anyone give a damn about Batista because I sure as hell don't. I would much rather have seen El Torito win the damn thing. The crowd once again was HOT for Daniel Bryan and toward the end for Roman Reigns.

Everyone in that arena knew that Batista was going to win. Why else would you bring him back before the RR. Too fucking predictable!!

Make no mistake about it: Roman Reigns IS the shield and will be a future champion. WWE better start listening to the fans because they are alienating a lot of people from this company.

One last note: I wish WWE would make a rule change that if a RR participant that has been eliminated already comes back out and eliminates or causes someone still in the RR to be eliminated then that elimination should not count!! I feel bad for CM Punk right now.

So what does everyone thing about these points I made? Agree? Disagree? Have more points you would like to add?

I'd like to know everyone's thoughts.
There was a moment in the match that you noticed they turned off the mics somewhere in the crowd. The booing was intense and it was suddenly much softer. They either turned down the volume in a specific section or they shut it off altogether.

Hope it's a three-hour long battle against the crowd tomorrow and not just three minutes.
I had almost everything right for the night... I'm thoroughly pleased with the outcomes. Batista get the title shot so he and Boreton are out of the issue. Hopefully they put Lesnar in there and make it a Triple Threat.

I am so glad that WWE did the right thing and kept Bryan out of the Rumble. Putting him in the Rumble would have buried Bray for a zero payoff.
Thoughts: The WWE is trolling all ya'll and Wrestlemania will without a doubt end with 70k chanting "Yes!"

I'm as upset that Dave Fuck face Bautista walks into the league and wins the Rumble and gets a huge spot. Fact is...this will put him over as the most effective heel since....well since Orton a decade ago.

Bryan will win the belt at Elimination Chamber and make that stupid pig that can't even execute a spear right tap out in the middle of the ring at the Superdome and it will be SUPER DUPER over with everyone who is watching.
I am so glad that WWE did the right thing and kept Bryan out of the Rumble. Putting him in the Rumble would have buried Bray for a zero payoff.

If they really didn't want Batista to get booed out of the building, they should've had Bryan come in at #29, and for Shield to attack him. Batista tries to help, but Roman eliminates Bryan. Roman gets all the heat, and at the end, Batista eliminates Roman.

Not that hard to use someone's popularity to build someone else you know. Cena has made a career out of doing that.
I am so glad I didn't shell out money for this. I been a wrestling fan for over 35 years and this ppv was just pathetic
Bryan is supposed to be effed up by Bray. They want Bray to be a monster. They are using Bryan to build up Bray who needs the help, not Batista, who is already established. There was non good choice to win the Rumble this year. Batista was just the least stinky turd.

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