Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

But the equivalent of that did not happen tonight. The WWE gave the crowd the card they advertised. The wrestlers went out there and worked hard.

Completely inaccurate comparison.

No it isn't. The card was the same but the quality of the final show was diminished. People still boo films at Cannes when they get exactly what was advertised.

No, I don't. And I don't understand those "fans" who do either.

People do it to express that they want changes made from the owner ala Cardiff to Vincent Tan. Exact same premise tonight.
Hey if you want to be a sheep and cheer and boo who you want go ahead.
Don't be a fucktard. Having respect for pro wrestling is not the same thing as being a sheep. Calling someone a sheep for understanding proper etiquette for a wrestling show just makes you look stupid.

But the WWE encourages you to cheer and boo who you want.
No they don't. They encourage you to cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys. Seriously, do you know anything about pro wrestling?

There are strict rules against making noise in a movie theater or orchestra so neither of those comparisons make sense.

WHY are those rules there? So dumbasses can't ruin the show for others? Right? Are you really this dense?

A better comparison would be a sporting event where.....wait...for... it....people boo and cheer. Go figure.
Sports is not a good comparison because sport is a competition between two opposing forces. Pro wrestling is not sport, it's performance.
No it isn't. The card was the same but the quality of the final show was diminished.
That's stupid. Using that theory, any wrestling card that doesn't include a dream card and the Rock wrestling in every match is diminished quality. That's not how pro wrestling works.

People do it to express that they want changes made to the owner ala Cardiff to Vincent Tan. Exact same premise tonight.
People do it because they are assholes. With few exceptions, those pro athletes (and pro wrestlers) are giving the best they have. Booing the guys who are working their asses off is disrespectful.
What else would he say?

Exactly. Because he's there to serve the paying customer, not vice versa.

That's just my point...what is and should not be acceptable.

And clearly it's acceptable to those who run WWE for fans to cheer, boo, or chant as they please.

Of course they do. They are out there busting their ass, working through numerous injuries, shortening their life spans for those fans and the fans tonight were completely ungrateful.

The fans showed their gratitude for the wrestlers by paying them to put on a show. If the fans didn't enjoy the show, then it's their right to let it be known.

It's a performance, just like an opera, concert, movie or ballet. It's about telling a story, just like an opera or concert or movie or ballet. It's about clearly drawn characters, characters designed to inspire sympathy or dread, motivation or disgust.

Except that wrestling isn't "just like" those things. There are certain accepted rules of decorum and behavior for those events that don't apply to wrestling events.

The crowd has a duty to respect the show. The way they acted tonight was completely disrespectful.

Oh, so the fans are there in service to the show and not the other way around. Oookay.

But the equivalent of that did not happen tonight. The WWE gave the crowd the card they advertised. The wrestlers went out there and worked hard.

And Alien vs. Predator gave audiences what was advertised, and the filmmakers and cast worked hard. That didn't stop moviegoers from panning it, though. Because it sucked.
As a wrestling fan, I was ashamed to see the complete lack of disrespect exhibited by the fans towards the wrestlers who were working their asses off to entertain those jackasses.

How is cheering for the guys you like disrespecting the wrestlers?

By the time it was obvious Daniel Bryan wasn't hitting the ring, they cheered for Roman Reigns and booed Batista. So what if they're cheering for the heel? He's a young upstart who just had a record-breaking performance. They wanted to see him win. There's nothing disrespectful about that. You're being silly.
That's stupid. Using that theory, any wrestling card that doesn't include a dream card and the Rock wrestling in every match is diminished quality. That's not how pro wrestling works.

That's not what I said. The card on paper was fine. It's execution outside of the opening match was abysmal.

People do it because they are assholes. With few exceptions, those pro athletes (and pro wrestlers) are giving the best they have. Booing the guys who are working their asses off is disrespectful.

There are so many professional football players around the world who clearly aren't giving it their all because they lazy and are content with getting their paycheques. And a lot of the time they're booing the owners or the managers for sticking with the same tactics and not changing things when it's clear that something isn't working. Like tonight. They were booing the product, that same old shit mentality that keeps getting pushed and pushed every week to the detriment of the shows' quality.

This crowd didn't boo EVERYBODY. It largely booed Cena/Orton and Batista. While it might not have been etiquette to boo the two former as I'm sure they do care about the fans, I've never seen anything from Batista's twitter rants to indicate that he respects fans, so why should they respect him back?
Exactly. Because he's there to serve the paying customer, not vice versa.
No, you missed my point. Of course he's going to say that, it's what his character would say. It's what the company would say. That doesn't mean it's right, it just means he's saying the right thing which doesn't offend fans.

And clearly it's acceptable to those who run WWE for fans to cheer, boo, or chant as they please.
You don't seem to be getting it. Just because they allow you the opportunity to be a jackass, that doesn't mean you SHOULD be a jackass.

I COULD go to a restaurant and never tip a server. But I'd still be a jackass for doing so.

The fans showed their gratitude for the wrestlers by paying them to put on a show. If the fans didn't enjoy the show, then it's their right to let it be known.
Read that again and see if you can spot the incoherency.

Except that wrestling isn't "just like" those things. There are certain accepted rules of decorum and behavior for those events that don't apply to wrestling events.
Of course pro wrestling isn't "just like" those things, but it's very much akin to them. It seems to me the biggest difference between pro wrestling and those attend those performances is that those others have far more respect for the performance they are attending. I suppose I should say they are much better fans than pro wrestling fans are.

Oh, so the fans are there in service to the show and not the other way around. Oookay.
I said no such thing. If you are unclear on what I said, ask for a clarification. Making your own deductions is clearly not your best trait.

And Alien vs. Predator gave audiences what was advertised, and the filmmakers and cast worked hard. That didn't stop moviegoers from panning it, though. Because it sucked.
But I bet they didn't stand up in the movie theater and start chanting "We want Natalie Portman", now did they? No, they likely watched it quietly and then complained about it after. I am absolutely okay with wrestling fans doing that.
How is cheering for the guys you like disrespecting the wrestlers?
That's not what happened tonight and you know it.
That's not what I said. The card on paper was fine. It's execution outside of the opening match was abysmal.
Okay, then you're going to have to explain. How was the quality of the show diminished, if there was nothing wrong with the card? Maybe the problem you had with the show is not the one I expect.
Bad job at trolling.
I suggest you go research what trolling is, fucktard. If I was trolling, you'd never know it. No, this is not trolling, this is attempting to address a cancerous attitude which is currently running rampant throughout the IWC and is negatively affecting pro wrestling, a performance medium I've been watching for 25 years.

But just so I don't get some bullshit warning from you for spamming, the RR audience had the right to cheer and boo who they like.
1) Only stupid people say that. Intelligent wrestling fans understand the difference between booing and not cheering.
2) Since you didn't explain WHY you feel that way, your post is still Spamming. Feel fortunate I'm just deleting it.
That's not what I said. The card on paper was fine. It's execution outside of the opening match was abysmal.

"Abysmal"? Really? That's your opinion, but I couldn't disagree more. Was the ending of the Rumble a let down? Obviously it was to many, but that shouldn't taint what was a thoroughly entertaining event. Tremendous opener. Short, brutal big man match. A high quality title bout that overcame a ridiculous amount of hate and got fans invested despite themselves. And the Rumble was chock full of great spots and fun moments, and I was invested throughout.

Like I said, it's your opinion, but I just can't see anything remotely "abysmal" about this year's Royal Rumble PPV.

And as fun as it is watching you squirm and insult your way out of a ridiculous standpoint, Sly, I'll spare you and just say that you're wrong. The only thing cancerous among today's wrestling fans is the fact that some try to outsmart the room rather than just enjoy. I thought the Rumble was great, fans and all. If you didn't, too bad for you.
Wrestling is ALL ABOUT playing to the crowd. "Faces", "Heels", "storylines", and "ring psychology" are all designed on getting the crowd to eat off their hands. They obviously failed at that here. This isn't the crowd's fault, it's the WWE's. They didn't give them what they wanted, and they shat all over the alternative.

That's not what happened tonight and you know it.

Then enlighten me. What happened?

I heard a crowd chant "Daniel Bryan" hoping for him to come out. Once Rey came out, they booed because it was clear their favorite wasn't showing up. And when the rest were eliminated, they cheered for their favorite who was left, Roman Reigns. And once the guy they cheered for got eliminated, they booed the guy who eliminated him.

I think the crowd showed plenty of respect towards the end, when they said "Fuck it" and decided to cheer for whoever was left in the ring. Once he was eliminated, they had no choice but to boo the winner. They didn't want to see him win. They never cheered for him the whole match. It's analogous to watching a rival sports team pummel it's way to victory. It's not what you want to see, so you boo it. Happens all the time.
Wrestling is ALL ABOUT playing to the crowd. "Faces", "Heels", "storylines", and "ring psychology" are all designed on getting the crowd to eat off their hands. They obviously failed at that here. This isn't the crowd's fault, it's the WWE's. They didn't give them what they wanted, and they shat all over the alternative.
Completely false. This was a crowd who was stuck up their own ass and didn't WANT to participate in the pro wrestling show. That's my point.

There was a moment when Randy Orton climbed the second rope and did his pose. The crowd booed, but when Cena came up from behind and dropped Orton, the crowd didn't cheer. And why? Because in the smarky world they live in, they can't cheer for John Cena. Nevermind the fact the guy they had just been booing (and it was a great move by Orton) just got what he deserved, they were bound and determined to be above the show, not part of it.

It was definitely the crowd's fault.

Then enlighten me. What happened?
What happened tonight was many in the crowd throwing a childish tantrum. That's what happened tonight. Here's EXACTLY what they were saying:

"I'm going to boo wrestlers with no control over booking decisions because a guy I already saw wrestle tonight didn't wrestle later that night in a match he was never advertised for nor even suggested he'd be in."

It was a childish tantrum. It was absurd and it made me ashamed as a wrestling fan.
Hate to say it fellas, but if you thought the Rumble stunk, Wrestlemania 30 is shaping up to be Much, Much worse.

There are a few things a majority of the fans (Myself not necessarily included in all of them)
1. Daniel Bryan MUST have a prominent match. Not my favorite, but definitely the most entertaining in ring performer they have right now.

2. Don't waste CM Punk on a stupid Triple H match. Pay the money to give us a Punk vs SCSA match or at least give us one where the outcome isn't a lock and the result, either way, is entertaining.

3. Batista and Brock belong EARLY in the card, if at all. Not opposed to "Legends" returning, but there isn't a whole lot you can do with these two to get a GREAT match, short of pairing them with #1/#2

4. People want Goldberg. Why? I have no idea. Throw Punk with Brock and let Goldberg get his squash against Ryback and then let him disappear again.

5. Sting. Not sure what a Taker match would do for Mania....We KNOW the outcome. Why not at least give Reigns, Wyatt or even Ziggler the rub of working with him?

6. By putting Cena with Bray Wyatt (Especially after his effort tonight) for Mania, you are guaranteeing to have your chosen "FACE" be booed out of the building.....Again. They both belong on the card, but this shouldn't be one of those matches that fans are see-sawing with their cheers. Fix it.

This is WM30! They (WWE) have more "options" this year than any in recent memory. I have been a Wrestling fan since 1982 and honestly, I have not been this unimpressed by a Potential Mania matches EVER. Hope I am wrong. I get that they want the product to be largely unpredictable, they are not achieving this.
Completely false. This was a crowd who was stuck up their own ass and didn't WANT to participate in the pro wrestling show. That's my point.

That's your opinion. You have a right to voice your opinion and I have a right to consider it completely wrong.

There was a moment when Randy Orton climbed the second rope and did his pose. The crowd booed, but when Cena came up from behind and dropped Orton, the crowd didn't cheer. And why?

Because they don't like either of them? In the Rumble, there were plenty of heels attacking other heels and you don't see the crowd cheering them. I for one only cheer the guys I like. Why would I waste any energy on the guys I don't? The correct thing for them to do would have been to sit on their asses and watch Orton and Cena handle total silence. But instead they decided to voice their displeasure with the current performance. The match was definitely shit.

It's also not their fault that they had to put up a REGULAR MATCH after their TLC. I'm pretty sure that if it had been a LMS match, it would have been met with much better crowd response.

Because in the smarky world they live in, they can't cheer for John Cena. Nevermind the fact the guy they had just been booing (and it was a great move by Orton) just got what he deserved, they were bound and determined to be above the show, not part of it.

Had they sat on their hands like I would have done, I would understand you construing that like "determined to be above the show". But when they reacted to what was going on in the ring, they were definitely participating.

Rock headed into WMX8 as the face, and got booed against Hogan. What did he do? He played up to the crowd response and switched it up. That's what wrestling is all about. If what you're doing isn't working, you change it up. Orton and Cena are notorious for ignoring that simple fact that helped guys like Rock, Austin and Sting become stars.

It was definitely the crowd's fault.

This sentence felt random in the middle of your post. What exactly is the crowd's fault?

What happened tonight was many in the crowd throwing a childish tantrum. That's what happened tonight. Here's EXACTLY what they were saying:

"I'm going to boo wrestlers with no control over booking decisions because a guy I already saw wrestle tonight didn't wrestle later that night in a match he was never advertised for nor even suggested he'd be in."

It was a childish tantrum. It was absurd and it made me ashamed as a wrestling fan.

They weren't saying "I'm going to boo wrestlers with no control over booking decisions", they were saying "I'm going to boo wrestlers I don't like".

That's what wrestling is all about. Booing who you don't like and cheering the guys you do. The idea is that the wrestlers themselves can control that and manipulate the audience into responding how they want. But that doesn't mean the wrestlers will always be successful in doing that. Tonight, they weren't. Cena didn't do anything for the crowd to want to get cheered. And Orton didn't do anything for the crowd to want to see him get killed.
My post is going to be filled with just some observations:

1- It's bad when WWE gets booed out of venue in Pittsburgh. Vince Sr. made Pittsburgh part of that "Triangle thing" people talk about from the old days and tonight killed that relationship

2- It's bad when even J.R. is ripping the WWE on twitter

3- Those who say DB shouldn't have won the RR after losing to Bray. I have 3 words for you...Bret...WrestleMania...MSG.

4- I don't think the crowd would've been as mad, except that Bryan wasn't even in the match. How are the people supposed to be happy when the 2 biggest fan favorites are not part of a match that can put you the main event at WrestleMania?

5- Tonight proved Vince is still in full control because he has used this same formula many times. He even did it with Triple H himself one year.

6- Isn't it WrestleMania booking 101 that the World Title match can't be Heel vs. Heel because there's no hope of the crowd going home happy? I don't need the face to win all the time, but certainly we need to have someone for the crowd to cheer for. Batista vs. Randy Orton doesn't give us someone to cheer for. There isn't even a hometown boy element for people to get behind. WWE will have to fix that or the Streak match will have to end WrestleMania.

7- It's strange how when WWE the most interactive with its fans they don't give us what we want but yet back in the day when there was no contact between the two they gave people what they wanted? Shouldn't it be the other way around.

8- I kind of hope that we get Bryan vs. Taker now because people will just about buy any time Bryan does something.

9- To the guy who asked when the Bryan chants become a, you saw "when" tonight.

10- Tonight showed us the future of PPVs, I think. We'll be paying $10 for a PPV so we're going to be getting a $10 PPV. It doesn't help either that the only competition to the WWE can't get out of its own way right now.

11- To Slyfox696, when people pay money to go to the show, pay for their kids to go to the show, pay to watch the show, or even if they take the time out of their day to watch it illegally, they are allowed to react and express their opinion anyway they want because they feel the WWE disrespects them by giving them a less than satisfactory product in their own opinion.
Hate to say it fellas, but if you thought the Rumble stunk, Wrestlemania 30 is shaping up to be Much, Much worse.

There are a few things a majority of the fans (Myself not necessarily included in all of them)
1. Daniel Bryan MUST have a prominent match. Not my favorite, but definitely the most entertaining in ring performer they have right now.

2. Don't waste CM Punk on a stupid Triple H match. Pay the money to give us a Punk vs SCSA match or at least give us one where the outcome isn't a lock and the result, either way, is entertaining.

3. Batista and Brock belong EARLY in the card, if at all. Not opposed to "Legends" returning, but there isn't a whole lot you can do with these two to get a GREAT match, short of pairing them with #1/#2

4. People want Goldberg. Why? I have no idea. Throw Punk with Brock and let Goldberg get his squash against Ryback and then let him disappear again.

5. Sting. Not sure what a Taker match would do for Mania....We KNOW the outcome. Why not at least give Reigns, Wyatt or even Ziggler the rub of working with him?

6. By putting Cena with Bray Wyatt (Especially after his effort tonight) for Mania, you are guaranteeing to have your chosen "FACE" be booed out of the building.....Again. They both belong on the card, but this shouldn't be one of those matches that fans are see-sawing with their cheers. Fix it.

This is WM30! They (WWE) have more "options" this year than any in recent memory. I have been a Wrestling fan since 1982 and honestly, I have not been this unimpressed by a Potential Mania matches EVER. Hope I am wrong. I get that they want the product to be largely unpredictable, they are not achieving this.

The true issue is the WWE lacks any viable competition. Back in the day during the Monday night wars the company was forced to produce a superior product if they didn't they would loose viewership to WCW. Back in the day I watched both and loved both. But now WWE sees itself as the the only game in town. Truth be told TNA is a train wreck and WWE sees that. And that is why WWE has a sub par product as of late. Until there is serious competition making them step up their game things will stay the way they are.
I forgot another point:

12- tonight proved if you weren't in the Kliq, DX, Evolution or NXT you will not be pushed to the to main event
That's your opinion. You have a right to voice your opinion and I have a right to consider it completely wrong.
You can, but you'd be wrong.

Because they don't like either of them?
You obviously aren't getting it.

Randy Orton made a great heel move. The crowd booed. When the heel was taken down, the crowd should have cheered, in appreciation of the heel (the one they had JUST booed) being taken down. But they didn't. And why? Because they were too far stuck up their own ass and hated the idea John Cena was the guy to do what they wanted done. It's absurd.

It's also not their fault that they had to put up a REGULAR MATCH after their TLC. I'm pretty sure that if it had been a LMS match, it would have been met with much better crowd response.
...I'm flabbergasted at the idea you just said it's okay for fans to act like jackasses because they had a more traditional match.

Had they sat on their hands like I would have done, I would understand you construing that like "determined to be above the show". But when they reacted to what was going on in the ring, they were definitely participating.
Not at all and this just demonstrates you don't understand.

If they had sat on their hands, I wouldn't have had a problem at all with that. Sitting on their hands would not have been a sign they thought they were better than the show and it wouldn't have actively ruined the show for everyone else. What they did, however, was the equivalent of producing your own fiddle at an orchestra concert because you think the music is too slow.

Rock headed into WMX8 as the face, and got booed against Hogan. What did he do? He played up to the crowd response and switched it up.
Completely different situations, especially since the WWE had booked a face turn for Hogan anyways.

You can't just simply change booking in the middle of the match. That's now how pro wrestling works.

This sentence felt random in the middle of your post. What exactly is the crowd's fault?
It was my brief summation in reply to your comment that it wasn't the crowd's fault, but the WWE. It helps if you can remember your posts.

They weren't saying "I'm going to boo wrestlers with no control over booking decisions", they were saying "I'm going to boo wrestlers I don't like".
But they didn't. They were going to boo everyone who wasn't Daniel Bryan. Rey Mysterio did nothing to deserve his boos. If he had come into the match at #9, the crowd would likely have cheered him.

They didn't boo who they didn't like, they threw a tantrum. It's as simple as that.

That's what wrestling is all about. Booing who you don't like and cheering the guys you do.
No, it's not. That's NOT what wrestling is all about. Only people who know very little about wrestling think wrestling is about booing and cheering.

Pro wrestling is about telling a story. It's about the struggle between good and evil and it's about the appreciation for the athleticism demonstrated by the pro wrestlers, an aspect unique to most other performance based shows. Pro wrestling is an art and what the crowd did tonight was completely out of line.

The idea is that the wrestlers themselves can control that and manipulate the audience into responding how they want.
But only if the crowd is holding up their end and is willing to participate. They weren't. They just wanted to make themselves the show, to hear themselves chant, to pat themselves on the back for their clever chants. Those fans weren't there for pro wrestling, they went into business for themselves.
They'll do something with Bryan eventually, at least that's what I'd like to think. I'm no business major, but the WWE essentially is selling a product to the fans. If the fans aren't happy with what your doing, business is bad. If they don't pull the trigger on Bryan and actually go with a Batista/Orton WrestleMania main event they're going to have the entire Superdome shitting on the main event. That's 90 thousand people chanting yes, this is boring, we want divas and Daniel Bryan during the WWE's biggest moment of the year and that alone could ruin the whole show.

I still don't think Orton will drop the belt before Mania, he'll ride it all the way to the end. The only way the WWE could save face with the fans is by making it a triple threat and having Bryan win the whole thing Benoit style. The pop he would get would make for one of the best WrestleMania moments of all time.
Randy Orton made a great heel move. The crowd booed. When the heel was taken down, the crowd should have cheered, in appreciation of the heel (the one they had JUST booed) being taken down. But they didn't. And why? Because they were too far stuck up their own ass and hated the idea John Cena was the guy to do what they wanted done. It's absurd.

"Appreciation" is the key word there. The thing is, Randy didn't do anything for the fans to hate him and Cena didn't do anything for the crowd to love him. Instead, they're both riding on the idea that their characters are already over and the crowd would react as such. It backfired on them. There was nothing to appreciate. Are you saying the "respectful" thing to do is to feign interest? Now THAT'S absurd.

...I'm flabbergasted at the idea you just said it's okay for fans to act like jackasses because they had a more traditional match.

Fans should vocalize when they are bored. Cena and Orton were following a brutal hardcore match-up at TLC with a regular outing. Fans were obviously not interested in seeing a match that is designed to be inferior to the last one. Again, I think that's WWE's fault. You first do the regular match and you follow it up with the hardcore one. They did backwards booking here.

What they did, however, was the equivalent of producing your own fiddle at an orchestra concert because you think the music is too slow.

Your analogy doesn't make any sense. At a WWE event, The wrestlers are supposed to manipulate the crowd. It's what wrestling is all about, getting a reaction. The crowd IS the fiddle. The wrestlers, the bookers, the writers, the performers... They're the ones who play it. And someone fucked up last night.

Now the argument we're having here is that you think the fiddle was faulty. The crowd's noise was going to suck regardless because they're total assholes. I disagree. I think there are plenty of scenarios where that fiddle would have made beautiful music. But like I said, WWE fucked up.

Completely different situations, especially since the WWE had booked a face turn for Hogan anyways. You can't just simply change booking in the middle of the match. That's now how pro wrestling works.

I didn't say "change the booking", I said play to the crowd. They obviously decided to ignore what the crowd was chanting and reacting to.

No, it's not. That's NOT what wrestling is all about. Only people who know very little about wrestling think wrestling is about booing and cheering.

Pro wrestling is about telling a story. It's about the struggle between good and evil and it's about the appreciation for the athleticism demonstrated by the pro wrestlers, an aspect unique to most other performance based shows. Pro wrestling is an art and what the crowd did tonight was completely out of line.

You're confused. You're using one truth and making believe it backs up another false claim. Yeah, wrestling is about storytelling, but the crowd is DEFINITELY a big part of that. The story only works if the crowd reacts to it. You could put on the most intricately and expertly written story out there and if the crowd doesn't eat it up, it's back to the drawing board. It's ALL about how to get this audience to come back, and the way they do that is by gaining the audience's investment in these stories.

But only if the crowd is holding up their end and is willing to participate. They weren't. They just wanted to make themselves the show, to hear themselves chant, to pat themselves on the back for their clever chants. Those fans weren't there for pro wrestling, they went into business for themselves.

Fans will and should continue to keep cheering for what they want to see and booing what they don't. If you think they should give WWE the reactions they want when they don't think it's deserved, then that's your opinion. I, along with a lot of other people, believe they're right with getting their voices heard. Mick Foley compared WWE's booking with hatred for their audience. There's a reason for that. If you think you know more about wrestling than Mick fucking Foley, then you're obviously just nuts.
"I'm going to boo wrestlers with no control over booking decisions because a guy I already saw wrestle tonight didn't wrestle later that night in a match he was never advertised for nor even suggested he'd be in."

It was a childish tantrum. It was absurd and it made me ashamed as a wrestling fan.

Here's the thing, as fans we never get an opportunity to boo the bookers. Never does WWE (or anyone else for that matter) trot out the creative team so that you can let them know how you feel.

I doubt anyone was booing the individual performances of Randy Orton or John Cena, they were booing a match they had no interest in seeing, despite WWE programming constantly telling us otherwise on a weekly basis. Orton and Cena tried their best, but they were casualties of a company refusing to acknowledge it's consumers.

Unfortunately, we live in an era where WWE owns a monopoly on nationally televised pro wrestling. This isn't the 90's, where you can just saw "F*** WWE, I'm watching Nitro instead." The only thing, we as an audience who refuses to stop watching wrestling can do, is to verbally let the company know we don't like the direction they're going in.

Whether you like it or not, that vocal fanbase is the lifeblood of The WWE. It has the power to make and break stars and it can be the difference between a mediocre show and a great one. We not only have the right to cheer and boo whoever we want, as consumers, WE ARE right when we do so. I know you disagree, but you're wrong.

Even wrestlers themselves are supporting the actions of the crowd... Hell, Daniel Bryan just told us all to keep it up and Mick Foley has been voicing his dis-pleasures as well.

If you want silent golf-clapping fan reactions, watch Japanese wrestling. It's absolutely fine to disagree with an audience, but you have no right to tell them how to react to something they paid for.
I thought that with the exception of the Wyatt v Bryan match the PPV was boring. That match was brilliant, I didn't expect Wyatt to win cleanly. The Sister Abigail on the barrier looked brutal.

The Big Show v Lesnar match was a waste of time and didn't further any storyline.

I didn't really watch Orton v Cena, I ended up playing Candy Crush and occasionally paying attention to it. I thought the ending and aftermath was excellent. Bray Wyatt is one of the if not the most interesting characters in WWE at the moment.

The only shining light to come out of the Rumble match was Roman Reigns. I can see him leaving The Shield very soon, as the other 2 will become jealous of the reaction that he's getting from the crowd. Batista winning just shows how HHH works.

In the long run I'm going to stick my neck out and say that Reigns will be world champion within the next year.
I'm with you on the Lesnar vs Big Show match, that was far beyond a squash that was almost to the point of a career ending match. I'd like to know exactly how many chair shots Brock actually got in on Show, now if they actually progress that horrible story (which I hope they don't) their going to make Big Show look like an unstoppable monster. Coming back from all those shots and such.

Roman Reigns is def the future of the business, the guy can flat out work in the ring. Plus he has the look and all, my big question is when he actually leaves the shield is he gonna stick with that character? Or is he just gonna be himself with a small tweak added, like Orton or Cena. Hopefully he doesn't get stuck with a stupid ass gimmick.

One last thing, I don't see him leaving the Shield before Mania, I think it would happen on the RAW after. I hope I'm wrong, the faster he leaves them, the faster he can start doing bigger things.
I'm with you on the Lesnar vs Big Show match, that was far beyond a squash that was almost to the point of a career ending match. I'd like to know exactly how many chair shots Brock actually got in on Show, now if they actually progress that horrible story (which I hope they don't) their going to make Big Show look like an unstoppable monster. Coming back from all those shots and such.

Roman Reigns is def the future of the business, the guy can flat out work in the ring. Plus he has the look and all, my big question is when he actually leaves the shield is he gonna stick with that character? Or is he just gonna be himself with a small tweak added, like Orton or Cena. Hopefully he doesn't get stuck with a stupid ass gimmick.

One last thing, I don't see him leaving the Shield before Mania, I think it would happen on the RAW after. I hope I'm wrong, the faster he leaves them, the faster he can start doing bigger things.

I can see Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins at WrestleMania, just like Legacy had their match at WrestleMania 26.
I could see that going down even tho I'd rather see him face Taker. Him being in a triple threat with the Shield kinda seems like a waste to me, he's already over with the fans and they could just have him break out on RAW instead of wasting him in that match.

Let's just say for the sake of conversation that Bryan somehow gets into the Main Event, Reigns Vs Taker is the next logical choice. That could be a great match, even tho I don't think he would touch the streak it would be the most believable match yet. Young guy, strong showing in the rumble, looks unstoppable ect...
My Review Please Give Feedback
The RR was the most embarrassing thing i have ever seen from WWE in my entire life, Ive been a fan for around 15 years now, from my perspective they should of made Daniel Bryan in the Royal Rumble, and should of made a bigger superstar from the past appear, i had a feeling Kevin Nash would show up which is a huge let down.

Reigns should of got the win. I predicted that obviously he would eliminate both members of the Shield, resulting in them breaking up, as news had already broke months ago via the Internet, or as some fans like to call it, the dirt sheets.

The WWE Unified Title match was so horrible, i knew that Orton would win and someone would interrupt it, it does not even make sense. Anyway i know for a fact it will be Cena vs Bray at Mania which is a bore fest to the max.

The Big Show and Brock Lesnar match was a huge let down, just using chairs and stupid moves all the time, the match was that slow i literally nearly fell asleep watching it, and it was like 1:30pm lol.

The Kick Off match i can say was the match i enjoyed, but the Bray match vs Daniel Bryan was also decent, i like the spot with the sister Abigail on the barricade.

In my honest opinion as a fan, and which ive said above is what i truly think and im not holding back, even if fans disagree. You have to agree that it was a slap to the face for us long time fans, who have put our money so much into the product, i can't believe that i do not wanna even be involved with WWE anymore, and that i can't stand to watch the product i might aswell stop all together.

It just shows that WWE is revolved around money, Batista is way past his prime, it's ridicolous he can't even wrestle anymore, he does not care about the fans or the WWE itself, he is just in it for the money so triple h can suck him off, and that Batista can be champion again just like Sheamus, cause HHH and Sheamus are actually best of friends, you wonder why Batista got the same treatment.

Off Topic TNA is going down the sinker on another note, last time i tuned in, Wrestling in general is dying. I hope that Jeff Jarrets new company picks up and makes Wrestling watchable again, but for now ive had enough.
I might be in the minority here, but for the most part I enjoyed the PPV.

Bryan vs. Wyatt was a pretty solid match, obviously the crowd were going to be hot for Bryan and they were. There were a couple of botched spots, well maybe not botched but quite awkward spots. Giving Wyatt the win here just means that there will be a rematch more likely at Elimination Chamber, it's even possible both will be in the Chamber judging by Wyatt's later involvement in the title match.

Lesnar vs. Show was never going to be a show stealer, but the reason it was on the card was to put Lesnar over with the fans again, remind everyone what he can and will do and it did that. Show did an excellent job of putting Lesnar over here.

The title match. I've got to admit I tuned out a little bit I started watching the match and had the opinion that Orton was going to win and that was that, but the second half of the match actually got my attention again, it wasn't a bad match if a little over done. The kicking out of each others finishers thing while a little cheap worked. The end of the match for me was a set-up for Elimination Chamber, giving Cena and Wyatt claim to the title, along with Lesnar and possibly Bryan.

The Rumble... I'm unhappy that Batista won, not because it wasn't Bryan but because I just don't really care about him and I think that was a lot of people's feelings when he came back on RAW. The rest of the match was good, Reigns was turned into a Star which was something I've been wanting for a while. For me the Rumble was the first thing I ever watched when it comes to wrestling so I always enjoy it.

Going back to the eventual winner, I'm going to speculate as to why I think the WWE didn't go with someone else, this is not based on fact just a feeling I have. The deal with Batista was obviously done quite a while ago. It's more than likely that the deal was pitched to him with him coming back, winning the Rumble and then going on to have what many might have considered a dream match with Orton at Wrestlemania. The WWE couldn't have known that Bryan was not only going to stay as over as he was in the summer but get even more popular, and it's not like they could turn around to Batista and change what he was doing at Wrestlemania if that's the reason he signed in the first place. I know that is highly speculative, but I have to believe that the writers are not so stupid that they couldn't see the potential of Bryan winning the Rumble, but that they had booked themselves into a corner when they hired Batista.

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