Report: Officlals Still Undecided?


The question is pretty self explanatory. For what it's worth, reports that WWE is reconsidering certain matches for WrestleMania XXX. The report doesn't specify which of these "certain matches" we're talking about, but the obvious assumption involves the top matches for the show. Over the next few weeks, according to the report, WWE officials will be gauging business and crowd reactions before making any major, final decisions.

Over the years, there've been various reports stating that Vince often goes back & forth on decisions regarding WrestleMania. Some reports allege that it's, hands down, the most stressful time of the year for WWE creative, due in large part to Vince going back & forth on what will happen, micromanaging everything to the smallest detail, his notorious mood swings, etc. I haven't read any reports like that this time around, so far, but the happenings of the past couple of weeks must have been tough. Fans hijacked Cena vs. Orton at the Royal Rumble, they essentially booed Batista out of the building after winning the Rumble, Batista goes off on fans & has reportedly had heat on him in the locker room due to comments he's made on Twitter, fans also raged against WWE for Daniel Bryan not even being in the Royal Rumble match, CM Punk "walks out" of WWE half an hour or so before Raw aired last week, fans seem to have very little interest in the notion of Orton vs. Batista for the title at WrestleMania XXX and they overwhelmingly want Bryan in that match.

As is usually the case, this report might be accurate, but who really knows? Personally, it sounds sensible and realistic because I honestly don't believe that WWE officials expected such a generally negative reaction upon Batista's return and placement into the WWE WHC match at WrestleMania. I think they'd have to be beyond foolish to not be seriously reconsidering changing whatever plans they may have had prior to the events that've gone on since the
Royal Rumble.

The site also reports that there's talk of doing a triple threat match at WrestleMania XXX featuring Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns. Allegedly, according to the report, this match will likely happen unless officials decide to add Daniel Bryan into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match with Orton & Batista. WWE officials don't want two triple threat matches on the show.
I've said this countless times...scrap everything and go a different direction...nobody wants to see Lesnar/Taker, Orton/Batista and Cena/Wyatt at WrestleMania...

give us 3 matches that fans can be interested in:

CENA/TAKER - Streak vs. Pride
HHH/BRYAN - culmination of everything the authority has done to Bryan since SummerSlam
ORTON/BATISTA/LESNAR - Triple Threat for the WWE World Title and build it up as The Viper vs. The Animal vs The Beast or just BATISTA/LESNAR for the title
I really hope they don't do a triple threat for the title. It feels like such a cop out and slap in the face to the guys competing. Either your worthy of a heads up, mano a mano match for the title at Mania or your not as popular or important enough to be competing for the title at WM.

On the other hand I would enjoy seeing a Shield triple threat. I expect all three guys would put on a good show. But on my third hand I have no desire to see The Shield break up if this is what it means. Their six man tags are consistently entertaining. I like their promos. There's nothing wrong with having individual success in a group if the group works. The Horsemen, Evolution, and NWO didn't need to break up just cause one guy was getting hot. There's nothing stale about The Shield. They are doing a great job as is.
I really hope they don't do a triple threat for the title. It feels like such a cop out and slap in the face to the guys competing. Either your worthy of a heads up, mano a mano match for the title at Mania or your not as popular or important enough to be competing for the title at WM.

On the other hand I would enjoy seeing a Shield triple threat. I expect all three guys would put on a good show. But on my third hand I have no desire to see The Shield break up if this is what it means. Their six man tags are consistently entertaining. I like their promos. There's nothing wrong with having individual success in a group if the group works. The Horsemen, Evolution, and NWO didn't need to break up just cause one guy was getting hot. There's nothing stale about The Shield. They are doing a great job as is.
I personally think that this is very bad on part of the WWE that we are less than 2 months away from WM 30, the 30th anniversary! And yet we have not even ONE match in place yet?

What is going on WWE...?

Just so i can answer the topic on hand, I would like to see

Bryan v Batista v Orton

and a CM Punk return vs HHH

Lesnar vs Taker is something i'm very interested in but not at all for Cena vs Wyatt
Some reports allege that it's, hands down, the most stressful time of the year for WWE creative, due in large part to Vince going back & forth on what will happen, micromanaging everything to the smallest detail, his notorious mood swings, etc. I haven't read any reports like that this time around, so far, but the happenings of the past couple of weeks must have been tough. Fans hijacked Cena vs. Orton at the Royal Rumble, they essentially booed Batista out of the building after winning the Rumble, Batista goes off on fans & has reportedly had heat on him in the locker room due to comments he's made on Twitter, fans also raged against WWE for Daniel Bryan not even being in the Royal Rumble match, CM Punk "walks out" of WWE half an hour or so before Raw aired last week, fans seem to have very little interest in the notion of Orton vs. Batista for the title at WrestleMania XXX and they overwhelmingly want Bryan in that match.

Well, if all that's true, it's tough to say McMahon & his team don't care about what the fans want, right? We've been reading that from folks on this forum for a long time, but it seems that even if management views the fans only as marks who cough up dollars, they at least understand that if the marks don't respond favorably to certain match-ups, they won't buy the PPV......or even if they do, there may be negative ramifications in the future as concerns PPV buys.......such as those created by the Royal Rumble.

Also, the bad reaction to Cena-Orton and Batista at the Rumble pretty well illustrates why WWE feels it needs to bring in the part-timers that get a thumbs-down from many fans, doesn't it? If they don't like the matches set up with top contenders facing one another, what else can management do but go outside the company?
I think I'm about the only person that would look forward to a Cena vs Wyatt match. Oh well.
I think that the only way to keep Bryan fans happy would be to have him in the WWE WHC match or have him face (and possibly end) The Streak. Personally, I'd like to see him face Undertaker with Lesnar going into the WWE WHC match or doing something completely different. I don't think The Streak should end, unless Taker personally says so. Bryan is one of the prime candidates to end it.
Also, aren't they closing in on a contract with Hogan (and possibly Sting)? They'd have to be involved in some capacity.
Without him being inserted into the WWE WHC match to make it a triple threat match, I can't see where WWE are taking Lesnar. I'd have Orton/Batista/Lesnar for the WWE WHC, Bryan/Taker and Cena/Wyatt. The midcard is looking strong too with The Shield and the Brotherhood potentially splitting up. The only question is, where does Triple H fit in here? He won't be left off the card.
its WRESTLEMANIA FUCKING 30, WWE should be pulling out all stops to make this the greatest Wrestlemania card of all time. Mania 20 went for 5 hours, this should too. 12 matches I think is a great idea, and WWE can utilise the current main event roster, a few part timers and some legends with PROPER NAME VALUE to sell this card to the moon and back.
Batista vs Orton is a shitful idea, bringing a guy in who has been out near 4 years who is poor in the ring and sloppy against a guy who is solid, but isnt the main event guy that fans want to see, even if he is dropping the title.

Lesnar vs Undertaker, save this for Summerslam where Lesnar winning happens and they can have a match that makes sense. Nobody wants to see Lesnar go half assed on Taker, who is not a believable chance in hell of winning, except its Mani9a and Lesnar gets used again to look weak and piss stained(think last years Mania, where they all but destroyed his aura). Stick Brock Lesnar in the ring wioth somebody he can go hard on, lioke Batista, the fans would love nothing more than Lesnar beating the shit out of Batista.
Bryan in the WWE Title match, I dont mind if he is or isnt, he will hijak the show regardoless, him beating HHH clean with the tap out or knee to the face is the BEST FOR BUSINESS scenario, but I see WWE placing him where they want him
Cena vs Wyatt is a cosy match yes, but Id rathyer this be the after Mania feud for Cena
I'm not a fan of having a triple threat match main event Mania, but I am not sure how else they can do it at this point unless they somehow get the #1 contender spot off Batista.

I think WWE will probably stick with Batista vs Orton and just let it get shit on, they'll do Bryan vs Triple H and close the show with Taker vs Lesnar in hopes of ending on a positive note.
If I was Vince Id call up the Rock and start kissing his ass. Im talking like getting his lips permanently sewed to his ass.

Bring Rock in for Mania against Brock and main event the shit out of that show.

Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt or Batista would be great.

If that doesnt work, I still like my idea of a 4-man tourny that I posted earlier.
Honestly, this could all be an easy fix. Really it's not that difficult:

Orton vs. Batista vs. Lesnar vs. Bryan for WWEWHC. Let's face it, you NEED Bryan on the Main Event. Having him fight HHH at this point is a waste and no one gives a damn about the Authority storyline anymore. Just let Bryan win the Chamber, Orton cashes in his rematch clause to get in the match, Batista gets his Rumble profits and Lesnar uses his de facto #1 contender status he claimed. Everyone's happy.

Cena vs. Taker. I personally don't care to see Lesnar abuse the f*ck out of Taker, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Cena in there is much more interesting and a lot less predictable.

Shield vs. Wyatts in some gimmick match. You don't want 2 multi man matches? Fine. Re-do Shield vs. Wyatts with a gimmick and finish Reigns' defection. Although since the ME match is now a 4 way, maybe being the only Triple Threat is now an option...

Fill the rest of the card with the other guarantees or undercard matches (Goldust v. Cody, Big E v. Henry, NAO vs. Uso's), but for the love of God please bring back the Money in the Bank or some kind of battle royal or something. Too much of the upper midcard is left off the damn show when I guarantee you Kofi, Dolph, Truth, Sandow, Titus and the like could put on something that could easily get us through the night on its own if it had to.
I personally think that this is very bad on part of the WWE that we are less than 2 months away from WM 30, the 30th anniversary! And yet we have not even ONE match in place yet?

What is going on WWE...?

Just so i can answer the topic on hand, I would like to see

Bryan v Batista v Orton

and a CM Punk return vs HHH

Lesnar vs Taker is something i'm very interested in but not at all for Cena vs Wyatt

Matches for Mania are never made official until after Elimination Chamber? And they do have a planned match. It is Batista vs the WWE Champion? Sorry but what the hell are you on about?

As for Cena vs Wyatt, I am not totally sold yet but if they throw in Hogan as a Ref or Enforcer then it gives it a different angle.

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